Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hi all! I'm feeling great! I'm spending more time on here then facebook. We weigh in every Friday correct? I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.:drinker:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I belong here:smile: I havent figured out what kind of plan im going this point i think i need a lifestyle change and diet which I can live with from this point forward. I need to lose 100+. Do I need to post how much I weight at the moment?:embarassed:
  • becca2010
    Hi tearose, welcome... I don't think there are any rules... I think we all just use the website and the message boards in whatever way will be of help to us, and share whatever thoughts or questions or recipes that we have. I'm posting my weight just because it helps me to be accountable, but if you don't feel like posting your weight, it's no big deal.

    Lifestyle change it a good idea, that's what I'm trying to do also. Tired of starting diets and want to just make it so I don't need to deal with the weight issue anymore.
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Hi tearose, welcome... I don't think there are any rules... I think we all just use the website and the message boards in whatever way will be of help to us, and share whatever thoughts or questions or recipes that we have. I'm posting my weight just because it helps me to be accountable, but if you don't feel like posting your weight, it's no big deal.

    Lifestyle change it a good idea, that's what I'm trying to do also. Tired of starting diets and want to just make it so I don't need to deal with the weight issue anymore.

    Thanks for the info becca, this time we're going to DO it!
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    im on day four of my diet....cancel hat i mean my life change! its going fine so far im feeling really positive this time round after a few failed attempts im going to make it work, so do we weigh in 2moro? this is gona sound silly but is ne1 finding they need to pee more? lol my mum said its me losing a bit of water, i luk forward to that part bein over i swear i was up half a dozen times last nite

    hope every1 does well x:smile:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    pink chick, the peeing never stops, LOL

    Especially if you're getting your daily 3-4 quarts in. You just pee... MORE.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Hi all! I'm feeling great! I'm spending more time on here then facebook. We weigh in every Friday correct? I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.:drinker:

    I spend more time on here than facebook too! I just made that observation to my husband last night! I really like this site! Tomorrow will be my first weigh in since I started. Can't wait to see if there's any difference yet!
  • Hopeful4757
    Hi everyone! Hope you are having a good day. It is day 4 of my new eating habits and I feel good. I have a positive thought I wanted to share. I was talking to a co-worker who I always talk to and she showed me a picture of her. I couldn't believe it! She was almost 300 lbs. and I never would have guessed it were her. She revamped and took control of her life and eating habits and now wears a size 4. I never would have known! She looks like she was born skinny. I asked her her secret and she said - change of lifestyle!!!! She started watching what she ate and working out a lot - I believe she started walking and graduated to a treadmill - but she is one inspiring chick!

    We can do this. We can be inspiring to others! What a neat concept. I want to be somebody's inspiration!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I'm not sure when we weigh in but that would be good to know. Today I start my home exercise program "Kettlenetics" Today has been good so far. I think I will be able to stay within my calorie count and I havent eaten any sugar today! Usually I can't go a day without it so 4 days without it is a milestone I havent accomplished in a very long time. I hope everyone is having a good strong day today and if youre not, tomorrow is ANOTHER day!:flowerforyou:
  • DavesGal
    Hi All - today was a good day... busy again but I was able to keep the eating under control. I am done for the night except some water which I am craving. Looking forward to the weigh in to see how I am doing. Isn't that a good thought?
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    The county I work for is doing a biggest loser contest. If you wanted to join you have to pay $10. But the one with the highest % lost wins. This the 3rd year that they have done it. Maybe this time I won't donated to some else cause. :bigsmile: and I will be the big winner.

    I still have some calorie to get in because I couldn't eat the portion sizes Ii weighed and put on my plate. I stopped when I was full and reweighed what was left and subtracted it. So now I get a little snack when the kids go to bed. I'm on glass 9 of water intake for the day.:drinker:

    Can't wait to weigh in tomorrow morning!
  • Hopeful4757
    Way to go ltlhmom! That is pretty cool. Here is to your big win. :drinker:
  • thicansxy
    I hope all of us will be someones inspiration, my little brother is mine. Today has just been a bad day for me in general. I feel hungry and nothing seems to do the trick. If I eat something it makes me hungrier. I also am on here more then facebook now. So my mom is starting to kick my butt on my games but thats ok this is more important.

    Today I had a talk with my husband and let him know that I felt like he wasnt supporting me like I thought he would. So I am hoping it worked. Just a few people know I started the year out on a mission to eat healthier. So I dont have much support so you girls are a big part of my support group.

    So tomorrow weigh in..... ? I am in Washington so it might be later then some of you.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    thicansxy, we are here for you!

    And you need to eat breakfast. You can totally get to 1200, easy, if you ate an actual breakfast instead of just coffee (if you drink an ensure, that will add almost 300 cals to your day, and get you up to 1,000). It really is the most important meal of the day!
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi all! I'm feeling great! I'm spending more time on here then facebook. We weigh in every Friday correct? I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.:drinker:

    I spend more time on here than facebook too! I just made that observation to my husband last night! I really like this site! Tomorrow will be my first weigh in since I started. Can't wait to see if there's any difference yet!

    ME TOO! I :heart: this site and all the info! I was spending so much time on facebook playing games and chatting with friends... I still like to do that, but I am glad to be spending time on here, it keeps me accountable. Thank you all for all your support!
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm spending more time on here than Facebook too! I've also been spending a lot of time looking at recipes so I can always have something healthy on hand.

    Ok...weigh in time, 243.5 this morning. Only down half a lb from last week.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Well here it goes.......this morning weight was...........247.3........drum roll please.......that is a 5.5 lb loss this week. Yeah me!

    I can't wait to see how well everyone else did! And if you went up we are here to help and if you maintain then you still did great!

    1..2..3.. Go TEAM! Hugs!!!
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    Great job ltlmom! You should be very proud of yourself!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm down 3.0 pounds from last week at 226.8.
  • marlemcdougal
    marlemcdougal Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Ok my weigh in today was 305.5 lbs. Down 5 lbs from last week. I'm very happy with that. that's really more than I would have managed in several months before. It just goes to show that logging your food really does make a difference.

    Yah!!! Lets kick some butt. Rather, let's lose some butt :wink: