I think I need to be told I am fat



  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Always wonder how small good sized/tiny girls have the balls to say they are morbidly obese -_- sorry but this has always pissed me off lol I weigh 269, and people 20 lbs overweight call themselves morbidly obese. Makes me want to punch something D:<
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Always wonder how small good sized/tiny girls have the balls to say they are morbidly obese -_- sorry but this has always pissed me off lol I weigh 269, and people 20 lbs overweight call themselves morbidly obese. Makes me want to punch something D:<

    Wow, chill out. She is classed as overweight at least if not obese because she is so short. Maybe you should channel your anger into your own workout.
    Yes, you do carry it well but your body still knows it's overweight, your organs aren't looking in a mirror, do your body a favour, you already know that anyway.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    you're 5'3 and weigh 190 and look like that? damn you carry your weight well!!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Always wonder how small good sized/tiny girls have the balls to say they are morbidly obese -_- sorry but this has always pissed me off lol I weigh 269, and people 20 lbs overweight call themselves morbidly obese. Makes me want to punch something D:<

    I'm pretty sure no one wants to call themselves Morbidly Obese. I sure as hell don't want to be classified as that, thankyouverymuch. But according to all the medical charts, my BMI puts me in that category. So if you're looking to punch someone, please find the "experts" that created these medical charts...

  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    You dress well for your weight. I don't think you're fat but honestly--overweight yes, and wow I feel like a jerk for saying that! But there are women out there smaller than you that dress in clothes too small for them and end up making themselves look fat.. whereas you don't look fat at all.

    On the contrary you're adorable and proportionate. I would have said you're maybe 140 lbs, NOT 190. I looked like a lumpy beast at 140lbs and I'm 5'3", so.. you're pretty lucky in how you carry your weight.
  • jennyrn82
    jennyrn82 Posts: 2 Member
    Keep up the great work!!!!
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    You dress yourself well. But honestly I definitely see a lot of excess weight. Mostly in your face/chin and arms, but also around your waist.

    But if you want an honest answer from yourself, take a picture in your underwear. Then you can't hide a bulging belly, or fatrolls, or perhaps you'll see there's none of that.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    5'3" 190lbs? You definitely hold it well. You do look like a muscular person at that height.

    I think you should look at your own picture and ask yourself if you would like to lose some fat. You do have some extra fat that could be lost, but only you can really decide if you want to do that.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    can relate to this. When i got down to 145 my ex boyfriend said I was tiny. Well I'm 5'2" and have a rather small frame but I'm over weight -_- so I look wide! When he told me I was tiny I felt skinny...I wasnt even toned...yeah i thought I was so good looking lol
    I got conceited.
    But it soon wore away, its just confidence dear :) its a good thing trust me. It shows in the picture your body language and stuff. well you could say to yourself for five minutes a day repeat it. "I just need to improve my body just a little more to have the best body I will ever have!" well thatts my mind set right now lolol

    I relate to this completely and, OP, I think understand where your coming from as well. If you can dress relatively flattering and if you have confidence then carrying some extra weight isn't noticed so much. And if you yourself feel that your shape isn't so bad (backed up by positive comments from others) then it can be almost impossible to find the motivation to watch your diet and exersize... You think 'oh it doesn't really matter because I'm fine the way I am anyway'. As another person said previously, my wake up call was also seeing a photo of me in a bikini - no flattering pose, no cover-up - just the bare facts... It wasn't pretty at all!! I used that as my before shot and 13kg later, I'm still unlikely to bare all in a bikini. I may have lost the weight but i'm not toned thats for sure!
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    It makes me so made to hear that anyone would say "your fat". I am losing weight to be healthy, screw what others think.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Your NOT morbidly obese. Are you serious? sigh

    I don't find it a problem that you perceive yourself skinnier then you are in your pictures. It shows you actually like yourself and have confidence. For so many people out there they have just the opposite though, they are super skinny and think they are bigger then they are, that can be dangerous. If you feel good about yourself from the start, you have already won half the battle. You CAN do this!!!
    I think everyone feels the same way as you honestly. I have to go through like 50 pictures before I like one of myself. Hate pics...haha
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    Some people think they are much bigger than they are,I think I have the opposite problem,I think/feel that I am smaller than I am.
    I wore this outfit the other night and felt so good,then I see the picture and am like ...not feeling so good.
    I weigh 190 and need to lose at least 40 lbs to be even close to a healthy BMI(more like 50+) ,but my motivation lately has been less than stellar,the working out,running ect is great I work out all the time,I just eat way too much :sad:
    So tell me do I look morbidly obese(I am only 5'3 so this is where I fall on the charts!)

    wow our body types/shape are just alike.
    i had taken this photo on vacation on about the 8th of july, i felt great in my tank n jeans and then i saw the pic and i was like UGH! i never bothered to lose weight because no one said i was fat so ya know there was no pressure; they kept saying i looked great. and when i told people i was going to lose 53 lbs, people looked at me, laughed and said something like why? or lose weight where? girl shutup! just like yesterday i talked to my dad, told him i was going to lose 50 lbs and he's like i look fine! i dont need to lose weight.

    so yea i know what u mean. u look in the mirror and dont see fat, neither do i. but when i did the MFP BMI thing, it said at the time i was obese. i am 5'7" and weighed 193 at the time and according to MFP's calculator, 191 is the starter line for obese and 159 is the starting point for overweight. i know MFP is jus an estimator but still i can relate to what you're talking about.
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    I totally feel the same way. I feel great UNTIL I see myself in pictures. (which is why I dont take pictures) Its horrible.

    But either way, you do not look 190 and you most def. do NOT look obese!

    i used to be a model when i was in my teens and had to deal with this. the camera will ALWAYS put 2-3 pounds on you thats one of the reasons why models try to be as skinny as possible. the camera is so cruel!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    I was just thinking this same thing the other day. I know I need to lose at least 30 more pounds, but everyone's compliments kinda hinders my motivation. I like the idea of taking a picture .. then I can have that visual proof that I am not done!

    You look good .. keep up the great work!
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    if i wasn't married to my soul mate, you look just like her, I would go out with you. you look great.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    I'm 5'3 and only 10lbs heavier than you and I don't look anywhere near that good. You definitely don't look morbidly obese but if you want an honest answer I would say you look a bit overweight. You've got the right attitude with the exercising and the better eating will come in time. But on the other hand I admire your confidence! I wish I had it! :-)
  • ghjklo9
    ghjklo9 Posts: 57
    You're not morbidly obese, you have a nice figure thats for sure. It would be good for you to lose some fat but you dont look disgusting or anything like that. You've got the hourglass thing going on. :)
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Hun, if I looked like you, I wouldn't be killing myself w/ all the dieting and excersing... I need to loose 60 more pounds to even be where you were in that picture. You look great.
  • dw4378
    dw4378 Posts: 35
    I think at the end of the day it has to be what feels right to you.. Many of us spend long periods of time focusing on what the charts say and what society says is acceptable. I have a fear of pictures, because I HATE the way that I look and many people tell me you look fine, but i don't feel fine. So now what I have done is FORCED, YES FORCED myself to take pictures of myself and have taken them so that I can look at my body and will go until I look at a pic and say ok I like the way that looks regardless of what others, charts or the scale may say. At the end of the day do what feels right to YOU!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    You do not look morbidly obese, but I think that you could lose 40 pounds and look very healthy looking. In saying that, you do carry your weight very evenly, which makes you look proportioned and not morbidly obese.

    Also, you said that you were 240 when you delivered your son, and you haven't been under 170 in 10 years. I would think that you are probably somewhat used to seeing yourself as a bit bigger, and can't even fathom being 140. Honestly, to me you look average, but average these days is not necessarily healthy. Good luck :)
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