Ladies at the gym...



  • that is creepy
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    YEAH!!! What other reason is there to go to the gym? To gain muscle??!! ...ppsssshhhhh Thats so 80's
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    stare at me and I will stare right back until you look away

    ^^^This^^^ Right here. Me too.
  • what's better is I have actually been barked at by men before. Like WOOF. I just thought, seriously? Am I supposed to enjoy that?

    I've been meowed at by men before...really!? Am I supposed to like that?
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    If you come into the weight lifting section of my gym to run on the very few cardio machines we have there, whilst wearing something tight, short, and revealing. You are going to get looked at, I mean seriously we have separate rooms for a reason. So ladies remember not to gawk at people who look at you when you show up in the most revealing thing you could find, it's Just common sense.

    Stop making sense!!
  • I never noticed stares but I also work out at the Y where there are a bunch of little kids and people who are at least 20+ years older than me.
  • if I just caught it once I would be really grossed out, even if the guy was good looking. if they kept doing it I would probably come after them. imo it's disrespectful and skeevy (especially if you are an older dude & you are oogling someone who looks like she could be your daughter OR GRANDDAUGHTER, which I see all the time at my local Y)

    When we were your age, the fashion trend didn't include tight shorts that don't even cover @ss cheeks. If we are not related, I am looking.

    Twenty years from now you won't be looking at the current day Zac Efron and think it is too skeevy.
  • mackie121
    mackie121 Posts: 32 Member
    It drives me nuts. Gonna be honest I don’t think it happens to me a lot (I tend to wear guys basketball shorts and oversized t-shirts to the gym, so basically there's nothing to stare at) but I see guys pick machines specifically because they are behind girls running and make no attempt to hide that they are staring at the girls’ *kitten*! I thought this was bad at my college gym but then I came home and started noticing it at my local gym, college guy ok expected, but old men! Come on! A lot of times the girls are wearing like regular athletic shorts and t-shirts so you can’t even say that they’re asking for it or something, which is sometimes the guys excuse if a girl is wearing spandex.
  • Do you ladies like to be stared at while working out at the gym or is that just creepy? I tend to stare for 5 seconds then stare again, especially at you ladies that wear those really short shorts! Is there a rule?

    Back to the original question.... I think the ladies that wear those really short shorts..want to be looked at! LOL

    As for me, in my workout pants, and baggy t-shirt (due to the amount of weight I've lost so far) don't see those glances comin', and if they did I would probably think it was for a negative reason, and it would make me un-comfortable (still got 50lbs to go)
  • mackie121
    mackie121 Posts: 32 Member
    Can I stare back? :devil:

    Love this response!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I'm the opposite I check out the hot male trainer so hard...and try to look nonchalant and look away quickly when he looks at me.

    In a gym full of old people with wrinkly skin and blue spider veins not much to look at besides the young trainer who wears Superman and Batman shirts!

    I really think it's human nature to check out others. It's proper social etiquette not to be obvious about it though!
  • If you're hot, stare all you want. If you're a dog, please don't.

    Yess, This!!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    ummm no not really? I wouldn't know if it was because I was hot or because I have toilet paper stuck to my butt or I am doing something wrong or what. If I can tell he's just plain checking me out I wouldn't really care.
  • Brooke_26
    Brooke_26 Posts: 204
    It doesn't bother me at all...If you wanna look at me, look....if I wanna look at you, I'm gonna look at you :tongue: :wink:
  • AGREED! lol
  • I think there is something to be said about healthy, flirtatious looking and being a freaking creep.

    For some reason, I attract the guys who follow me out to my car and make jokes about sexually assaulting me. This actually happened last week!
  • I think there is something to be said about healthy, flirtatious looking and being a freaking creep.

    For some reason, I attract the guys who follow me out to my car and make jokes about sexually assaulting me. This actually happened last week!

    Clearly that is wrong and I hope you reported the guy.

    I would imagine that most men just enjoy looking, regardless if they make quick glances are tend to stare a little too long.
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    I think there is something to be said about healthy, flirtatious looking and being a freaking creep.

    For some reason, I attract the guys who follow me out to my car and make jokes about sexually assaulting me. This actually happened last week!

    Clearly that is wrong and I hope you reported the guy.

    I would imagine that most men just enjoy looking, regardless if they make quick glances are tend to stare a little too long.

    Seriously, keep some Pepper Spray. I have seriously considered making my own with some ghost pepper sauce.

    But I agree, people naturally have a tendency to gravitate to beauty, and most of us try to rein it in, but sometimes our eyes wander. No harm in it unless it gets to where every time you look up they are staring at you.

    Sometimes you can't help it though too - I was on the elliptical the other day and there was a guy on the other side of the gym on his bike, nearly impossible not to look at him because he was in my line of sight. So, like I would look, he would look, we can't help it we are directly in front of each other albeit 500 yards away. Still it was funny...
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I just realized the other night at the gym that I totally look one of the guys up and down when he's there. Lol! I can't help it. He is so HOT! I use the mirrors and look when he's not paying attention. :blushing:
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    stare at me and I will stare right back until you look away

    90% of the time, it works every time too!!!

    I do the same.