Last 10 - kick-off



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Wow, great, Chrissy! I'm also down at 135lbs (actually even a bit less), which already makes me feel good :smile: .
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    nice work, Chrissy & Dewdrop - you're so close!!!

    my goal was 115 but I've just re-set it to 113, so now 4lbs to go!

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    4 mile run with 1 mile warmup/cool down walk - BEAUTIFUL day and my hubby ran with me - :heart: it!
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    I've become a motivation thread junkie..! Mind if I hop in here, too? I actually have 15 pounds to go, not 10... well sort of. I'll be very very happy to hit 130 (since 128 seemed to be the stabilized weight for me when calculating between 125-128), but figure if I keep that extra 5 pounds in there, it will keep me focused on not screwing up this time.

    SW:142, HW 148, CW: 140, GW: 125 lbs. Height: 5ft 4in

    I used to be really fit my last 2 years in the Air Force (group PT, working out on my own, and training in MMA 4-5 days a week, for usually at least 2 hours a session, sometimes longer). I've hit my fit/skinny weight at two times in my life. Once, fresh out of basic training and tech school - about 128ish, which was back in 1999. The second time was during those last two years I was active duty - about 2005-2007. Got out in January 2007, and started putting the fat pounds back on, and losing muscle.

    I've started and stopped several times, in trying to get back in shape... but this time I feel I'm going to stick with it (which is why I've become a motivation thread junkie - the more accountability I have, the more on my toes I'm going to be!)

    I started at this site originally in February - but quit.... I re-started last week at 142, and am down to 140. Calculating my calorie deficit + calories burned, I should be averaging about 1.5 pounds lost a week. (so long as I stay on track!)
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    casper: SW:270, HW 270, CW: 212, GW: 200 lbs. Height: 5ft 8in

    Down a pound, maybe, sorta. Done a week of 30 day shred now. Feels good, getting stronger. Wife is doing better than she realizes. All women are blind when they stand in front of a mirror.

    We treated ourselves to a very nice bicycle this weekend. We've had one decent bike and one crap bike, and it kind'a worked. Now we have one good bike and one decent bike and it works much better. Wife can now do the 12-15 milers I like to ride, so maybe we'll get out more. Still several nice-ish days before the weather goes nuts.

    We plan to get a roller trainer for the bike so she can exercise with it indoors - anybody aver used one?
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Chrissy, well done! Very very good!

    Selkie, be my guest :smile: but be aware that you'll need lots of determination to keep this thread going and lively :wink: . Please do share your tipps and tricks with us and keep calling us back when you see we went silent again :glasses: . And welcome back to MFP! :flowerforyou: :smile:

    Casper, nice job on getting a new bike. I love:love: love to bike - is the weather good enough to go on biking tours in winter? Have fun and keep us posted to what trips you're making. Keep encouraging your wife - even if she mumbles and answers "you just say so", she does get confident within and she does appreciate it :flowerforyou: . Good luck to both of you!
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    No tips or tricks yet... and as goofy as it is - I've been using the Wii My Fitness Coach for my workouts... usually burn 180-200+ calories per 30 minute session... it has diff categories of workouts, so its not all cardio - but also focuses on upper body, lower, flexibility, core, yoga, in addition to the cardio. Sometimes i swap out to the Wii Fit - and set it to the free step option, stack the balance board on an aerobics step (to turn it into stair climbing), and do that for 30 minutes while I have the tv channel swapped to watch dvds (very handy option for Wii Fit - just step in time to the clicking Wii remote, and you can make the pace faster or slower, with a push of the button) :-) The stair climbing free step will usually burn about 270 calories in 30 minutes...
    I know they aren't as intensive as a lot of other folks workouts on here.. but, it's a good pace for me, and keeps me from getting frustrated or burned out because I can't keep up.... plus, I like that every workout session with My Fitness Coach is a little different than the last (keeps the boredom at bay, since if I do the same thing over and over again, I tend to lose interest).
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    We want bikes - we don't have any BUT we are on the hunt for a PINK bike for me - nothing else will do! Just looking for cheapos to start with....maybe Christmas!

    Strength training class last night - short run tonight....
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Selkie - welcome!

    Still hovering at same weight but feel like I got past some sort of fitness plateau which is very exciting. Really strenuous spinning class didn't seem as punishing, and it was a different instructor with a very different style so not a comfort zone thing. Exciting, but also a little daunting - I guess that means I need to up my intensity or add more?

    Took Sunday/Monday off, so did a 5k run this morning and doing a strength class late this afternoon. I've been hanging out a little too much with Ben & Jerry lately, so I'm kicking my self back to a stricter diet this week. Has that happened to anyone else - you get this close to your goal or see some results and then get a little slack... maybe over confident? I am trying not to let myself do that!

    Chrissy - please post a picture when you get that pink bike. I love it!

    Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I've been hanging out a little too much with Ben & Jerry lately,

    :laugh: :laugh: I loved this comment - made me giggle!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I've been hanging out a little too much with Ben & Jerry lately,

    I don't have cravings usually, except when I hear people here talking about forbidden things which I wouldn't otherwise eat. For instance, I haven't had McD in months and then someone says "let's give up McD for the month of Sept" and I'm like "I can't give up what I don't have, but now I kinda feel like having some McD all of a sudden". :grumble:

    It got me thinking how many of our cravings are actually triggered by the comercials. How yummy this or that must be *waterring mouth*. I don't like coffee that much (used to hate its bitter taste and only had it as "medicine" against tiredness). But when I see the comercials with its aroma I associate that with I-don't-know-what (maybe cookies smell or smell of fresh cut grass or something idylic) and I feel like having a cup of coffee... :ohwell:

    So... psychological training is what we need. :smile:
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    Dewdrop, you're not kidding about the psychological training requirement. Especially with all this halloween candy around.
    How are you all managing with the sweets this time of year?

    Hanging in with the workouts, but only 4 days this week (so far) and 4 days last week. I've managed to stay mostly within calories though and I'm down 1lb, at 116. I'm very close to my original goal weight of 115 but am very curious to see what the scale says when I FEEL like I'm where I want to be.
    Fitness is good, I'm really pleased I've stuck with the regular exercise this long - I know I've done my body a world of good. I can see the shape of my legs changing, and my arms are looking better. I am definitely becoming a smaller person, but I do still have some jiggly fat layers I'm trying to work off and at this point that is my focus, not so much the number on the scale.
    So I don't really know what my goal weight is. I have no desire to be skinny - I much prefer the fit/healthy look - but I'd like to be able to wear a fitted top and not see the muffin top through it, or sit down and have a roll of belly over my jeans. I'm sure the pregnancy has contributed to that, but the twins are 2 in February and I am determined I will stick with this and feel bikini confident again one day soon! The good news - I am now 8lbs less than I was when I got pregnant, which feels awesome. I really tried to lose 10lbs (ish) before conceiving and didn't accomplish that, so this is a big win.

    How's the cycling going, Casper?
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    I'm down a stable pound (for a week) today, yeah!

    Hey, I found this web site, had a lot of good info there, thought i'd share if your interested!?
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Ripgirl, wonderful news! I am so very happy for you :flowerforyou: - to me it sounds like you not only have accomplished a lot (getting below pre-pregnancy weight is awesome!), but you also have healthier goals. Very good and very inspiring! Plus, do I sense more confidence there? :wink:

    mmnichol, 1 pound gone foreva, yeah! ::drinker: Keep up the good work and thanks a lot for the link :flowerforyou:

    I haven't used the scale in a week, but my ring's gotten looser. :drinker: That's a very good sign (the jeans seem to be a bit looser, too, but I have to wash them to make sure this is true, hehe). I think I'm doing pretty well, most important thing being that I am eating pretty much clean now. Deserts are really a treat and I cook more, I vary the veggies. I am really happy with this.

    Looking forward to news from the others - I think we're doing pretty well, aren't we? :wink: Suggestion: let's post tomorrow our weigh-ins, in the old format, to see how far we've come.
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    I'll post now...139. Originally 141.

    Somehow I lost my original username, i have no idea how, i contacted mike with no answer back so after a couple of day i logged back on under a different name and email?! :noway:

    So I lost my original ticker, so i didn't make a new one.

    Dewdrop...nothing like loose jeans!!!

    I read about a great recum bike routine the other day, so i got my bike out of the basement (i belong to a gym) and am going to start that. I have some back issues so some exercises exacerbate that.

    I'm also going lower carb, not atkins, just no bread or high glycemic foods.

    Good sunday everyone!!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I'm down 1 lbs too :drinker: .133.6 lbs :happy: .

    I don't think I'll be able to understand this internal mechanism that sometimes makes me be extremely strong-willed when it comes to eating and sometimes makes me the weakest person ever! There are times I can starve and not touch food (if I think it's not right for me) and then there are times when I just eat and eat even if I don't want to (specially if I start thinking of how this would impact the number on a scale and ruin my good results). :ohwell:

    Hope everyone's still trying. A little over a month to go until we put on nice clothes and visit family and friends. So let's work on the self confidence first and the rest will follow :flowerforyou: .
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Ripgirl said:
    How's the cycling going, Casper?

    It's great when we can get out. Very cold autumn here in Ohio, most mornings below freezing. Weather looks good for the weekend and I'm hoping we can get a couple of good rides in.

    I'm at 210 again, so down a little, maybe, sorta. Feeling great, looking decent, I'm pretty satisfied. Wife still strugging with health stuff bet better the last couple days.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Soo.. I haven't checked in on this thread in quite awhile, however, I am quite happy to say I've lost 8.6lbs since my original post, bringing me to 146.4, and I'm getting dangerously near that "last 10lbs mark"

    SO excited! :bigsmile:
  • ChaChaMommy
    Well........this is Jill......but I'm changing my user name to "ChaChaMommy". I've been "off" for a few months (....mmm......more than just a few) and trying to get motivated to get back now that the holidays are over. I actually reached my goal before I stopped signing in on My Fitness Pal......and stayed there for awhile, but with the holidays I'm afraid to get back on the scale. SOOOOO, one of by New Year's resolutions is to GET on that scale tomorrow morning, Monday, and weigh-in every Monday until I'm back on track (notice I'm not brave enough to get on today!):blushing: course I haven't seen any new posting from anyone else for the holidays, so maybe I'm not alone?????:laugh:
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    I'm right with ya!! I've been afraid to get on too, but I will tomorrow morning and face the facts.

    My goal is to get down to 135 by the end of March! I'm going to do this!!! :angry: