Dear God, please give me a thigh gap.



  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    I want a space between my thighs soo baddd..I wear dresses most of the time because I cant stand when pants or shorts bunch up or rub. :( The bad thing about that is I have to feel my actual naked thighs rub. lol. Between a rock and a hard place

    a good tip is to take some sheer control tights and cut them into shorts and wear them under your dresses :) they arent hot at all and i've done that for a couple years. plus if the wind blows your underwear arent as visible lol!

    Spanx... they're a girl's best friend. If they're too spendy for you, they also make the ones sold at Target under the label Assets. Perfect under even short skirts!

    Ironic... Spanx website shows skinny skinny girls that dont need it lolllll
  • Dionysus35
    Depending on your stance and opinion on the level of sovereignty of God (whether you are an open theist), one could mkae the argument that God does indeed care about this. You never know. Of course if you are a firm believer in the teleological watchmaker arguement, well, then it's up to you to lose the weight to get rid of that gap.
  • trycer
    trycer Posts: 6 Member
    Even though $40 is a lot of money for a pair of jeans. $80 are usually made with a different material. I have had the same problems with a cheaper pair. More expensive ones, don't do it so quickly. It will take longer.
    Plus be careful what you wash them in. I don't use any toxic washing detergent, either. Detergent will tear the threads. Drying them too hot in the dryer also will cause a problem.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    I've never quite seen anything like that. My suggestion short term is to spend more than 40$ on jeans. Everyone else has great fitness ideas too!
  • AmberMahfouz
    I don't have holes, but I do get the fuzzy, thin, fabric. Unfortunately, even when I was thin my thighs were so muscular (from years of dance and gymnastics) that they still touched. Also, I have always had a large, ahem, bum and I find that the butt area of my pants are becoming worn the firmer my bum gets! :-P
  • hazyjel74
    Talking of thigh gaps, I think muscular and bigger legs are nicer, but with a small waist and thin everything else lol
  • Hou_LH
    Hou_LH Posts: 27 Member
    Haha. I was thinking the same thing this morning!!!
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Buy jeans that are of a thicker material. Jeans that are stretchy and more tight tend to have fabrics that are weaker because of the spandex or polyester in them. If you get heavy true cotton jeans you'll probably see that they'll last longer. They may loosen up a bit and they won't feel snug like the others but they will last longer.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I have this happen soooooooo much.
    I find it happens less with leggings and yoga pants and things like that ... so I wear them more when I can.
    And the shorts thing ... OMG ... I can totally relate. I can't wear super short shorts because of that (which is OK, I hate my legs anyway ... don't want to show off that much anyway). But yeah.
    And I hate how I can't wear skirts :(:( even though i look soooo much better in skirts / dresses.
    Maybe I should invest in better jeans. My $60 jeans would be ruined much quicker than the current jeans I buy which are only $20-$30 (woot!). These don't last forever but still ... longer. :p
  • TraeP
    TraeP Posts: 68 Member
    Yep, I have the same problem, I too thought it was only me with the shorts getting trapped in there (lol) all my jeans are worn out and fuzzy. Oh and I hate the sound my thighs make when I wear stocking!!!! (I only wear them for some meeting I have to dress for)

    "Lord, when you pass out the blessing of the small gap in thighs please,please, pleeeease come to my house and sprinkle a little slimming thigh dust on me!!!"
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    It's so nice to know I'm not the only one whose jeans wear out in the thigh area! I'm not bothered about having a thigh gap, but I'd be happy for that just not to happen! My inner thighs are getting slimmer so fingers crossed my new jeans last a bit longer! :smile:
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    Ive never had thigh space, even when I was thin. I would love to know the feeling of thighs not touching :)
    Never made a hole, but the shorts always ride up and pants get fuzzy in the thigh area.

    This is why I have skorts rather than shorts... no one can see the shorts riding up because of the skirt.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    I don't have anything useful to say... But I wanted to reply simply because I had NO idea this was such a common problem.

    I want a thigh gap too.
  • Blayzn10Tiffers
    I don't have anything useful to say... But I wanted to reply simply because I had NO idea this was such a common problem.

    I want a thigh gap too.

    This is the STUPIDEST thing EVER!! If "GOD" wanted you to have one, he would have given you one.. HOWEVER... YOU MY DEAR PANDA.. tuck and tape :) and vuuuuala...
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Kind of OT, but I have recently developed a crotch gap ^_^

    My thighs will probably always be big, though. I hope so.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    A few things:

    1. Better jeans. Anything with spandex is going to do that no matter what. I had a pair of Levis that lasted years before any significant wear occurred, where as any of the remotely stretchy ones go in months, if I wear them daily.

    2. Don't wear them daily. Or even weekly. Seriously, rotate.

    3. Don't wash them after every wearing, don't wash them in hot water, and dry them at a lower temp or air dry.

    4. THRIFT STORES. I buy my pants for about $6 a pair. Then you don't have to worry about care.

    A thigh gap isn't going to magically solve all your problems, nor is it actually healthy for everyone to have one. Some people get them naturally, but some people have to be severely underweight to develop one. And, really, clothes wear out. Maybe they'll wear a little slower in certain areas if your thighs don't rub together, but they're still going to wear out.
  • ashbee03
    ashbee03 Posts: 274 Member
    thanks for the tips/
    i am honestly broke, and ALL of my pants do this.
    especially my workout yoga pants !
    i hate it.
  • Humbugsftw
    Humbugsftw Posts: 202 Member
    I can't say I've ever had this problem...
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    The *kitten* of my jeans always wears out. No idea why. I mean, I sit on it, but not more than the average person.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I go to Ross and get awesome pairs of jeans for $15-20 a pair. Screw paying retail.

    And, as someone said, thrift stores. Have found some awesome, brand new jeans for significantly less than they should be.