cardio indoors - why?



  • hmanley66
    I work out with the Insanity DVDs because I only have 40 min in the morning, which means I don't have time to drive to the nearest trail and I got tired of running up and down my road. I go to the gym when I have time after work, and I do Zumba all the time. I think having the DVDs is a quick way to workout when I am in a time crunch.
  • AllieBug25
    Because I live in Florida and it is hot as hell outside. I love to run outside, but I can't really do that in the summer without passing out. I can't wait for cooler weather!
  • lynda155
    lynda155 Posts: 112 Member
    I do a combination of both... I jog by the lake 3 days and on my treadmill 3 days... reason for treadmill, I catch up on my DVR shows and I figure if i am watchng TV then I can move while doing it!
  • cannibaldoll
    cannibaldoll Posts: 50 Member
    I live in the south west united states- its either FREAKING HOT outside (unless its early morning) or REALLY COLD. We have about 4 months of nice weather every year.
    I'd love to do out door things more, but that usually isn't the case.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    Well, it's definitely not beautiful here most days recently. Too dang hot. And I don't live in a very safe neighborhood at this point, either. So, inside for me. Not to mention I can work inside by myself without the nasty and snide comments from the peanut gallery.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    The gym has child care. My house has child care (me). Both are much easier options than finding a babysitter to get a run in (not to mention I can't run because of an injury). Oh, and we have triple-digit weather for most of the day and well into the evening.
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member

    Hey! I'm CURRENTLY in the Canadian north! Totally understand the 'social problems' that you are referring to. Lol.

    :drinker: Cheers, mate! Glad you got yourself out of there!

    Haha, I actually miss it sometimes! Lot more street cred for living in Yellowknife than for living in Saskatoon. ;) \
  • quietcoral
    quietcoral Posts: 64 Member
    Lately I have been doing cardio indoors rather than outdoors because I have an injured knee and the lower impact activities are much more forgiving than running, which is my passion. Sometimes I run on the treadmill because it doesn't hurt as much as outside though. Also, a nice thing is that you can get your whole workout in the gym including strength training, core and cardio. I do like to do workouts outside as well, but I do think it is nice to switch it up sometimes when I get sick of running outside, I go to the gym and do other stuff.
  • NatashaMcQueen
    For me, I'll allergic to grass trees and pollen... so as much as I would love to walk/jog/run around outside in the middle of summer where grass is being mowed everywhere and there's so much allergy meds actually help... And then add Asthma to the mix and being severely over weight... Not fun...

    So bring on the tredmills and the dvd and try to do as much activities outdoors as you can... After all, without all that vitamin D, you're just going to make yourself feel worst...
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I see all these posts about people doing various at home cardio DVDs (Jillian, insanity, whatever), or spending all this time on machines at the gym. I work at a gym and watch people line up for the cardio equipment on days when if FREAKING BEAUTIFUL outside.


    If you're one of those people, why would you rather be inside in front of a TV or on an eliptical rather than being outside, getting some sun and fresh air? Why would you rather be on a treadmill than out running? Why would you rather be on an eliptical or a stepper rather than hiking? Why would you rather be on an exercise bike rather than an actual bike?

    I'm not criticizing, just something I have never understood. I live in upstate NY where we have a pretty cold/snowy winter (yes, not as cold and snowy as some of you, but...) and I'd rather be outside running or biking in February than be inside on a treadmill or my trainer.

    hm... when it's 112 degrees outside... I'm gonna stick with working out indoors... thanks... but also, I travel a lot for work so most of my workouts are in hotels... I'm not about to get out and run in some place I don't know very well...

    Oh, and also... I love Insanity and p90x and listing weights so.... I'm gonna do them. I hate running....
  • KellyMirth
    KellyMirth Posts: 153
    Because it's already 93 degrees out by 9:00 am with a projected high of 108. Lots of people do exercise in the heat around here, I just didn't start doing anything until May when it was already hot so I didn't get a chance to acclimate to the high heat. I'm looking forward to the heat breaking this fall so I can start doing some hikes though, I do love getting outside when it's beautiful out.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Because I have specific allotted times for working out and its hot as balls in texas. 108 degrees outside and running... uhhhh I think I would die. I do run outside when its not so hot though... soooo, yeah.
  • isadorabull
    isadorabull Posts: 1 Member
    If it's not raining nothing will keep me indoors! I run about 30-40 miles per week and when I'm not running I walk miles, ride my bike, play tennis, rollerblade, anything that gets me out in the lovely fresh air!

    Gym is a last resort when it's raining! (I do live in the UK though...)
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    i live in flint, michigan. if you want to come and run outside here i will gladly follow you in my locked car.
  • JDUR19
    JDUR19 Posts: 60 Member
    I do my cardio indoors at home. This is for 2 reasons. 1. I don't have the money atm to be keeping up a gym membership. 2. I'm a little self-conscious.
  • Marquerite11
    Marquerite11 Posts: 20 Member
    I workout inside for one I have children and I get my girls to workout with me so not only am I working out I'm spending time with them and having fun doing it. It is hard to find time after work to try finding a gym then to see if they offer childcare??.... Too much All of the going outside and even trying to travel to a gym takes up too much time in my opinion feels like a wasted of money. I have been having much success with me working out in my livingroom than most that are going to the gym and doing things outside. I say all this to say everything doesn't work for everyone. We all have our ways of getting fit and being outside with allergies and humidity is not a GO for me lol Oh and I don't know how to ride a bike so maybe that is another reason why others are using the stationary bikes.
  • MegdKel
    MegdKel Posts: 96 Member
    Because it's not 'freaking beautiful' outside :) It's 107 and digusting!
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    At the moment it is because the humidity is so thick it feels like you are drinking the air not breathing it. Not to mention the issue of a safe place outside to do this. I'm hoping that fall and spring bring some good, get outside weather.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I HATE working out inside. The only reasons I ever do are if I can't go outside (weather) or because I can't life weights outside. So, I only do weights in the gym. Although I do the rowing machine for a few minutes after every weight-training session because it works my arms and back.
  • amielizabeth1
    amielizabeth1 Posts: 57 Member
    It's been over 100 degrees every day for over a week in Oklahoma. I'm staying inside.