40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps, the reason I started Isagenix in the first place is because I am such a huge carb eater. I needed something that would give me some healthy protein. I was living pretty much on my own and I wasn't cooking right - would cook "quick" meals - pasta with veggies, etc.
    I started dropping inches and pounds immediately.
    So...am going to get serious again. Basically doing what you're doing, only using Isagenix cause I'm a lazy bones. :tongue:
    I'm still on my own, every other week. When my husband is home, we do have decent dinners together. When he's away, I try to eat a proper lunch and then do Isagenix for my dinner.

    AggieLu - we sure will make an exception - just jump right in. :happy:
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Beeps, the reason I started Isagenix in the first place is because I am such a huge carb eater. I needed something that would give me some healthy protein. I was living pretty much on my own and I wasn't cooking right - would cook "quick" meals - pasta with veggies, etc.
    I started dropping inches and pounds immediately.
    So...am going to get serious again. Basically doing what you're doing, only using Isagenix cause I'm a lazy bones. :tongue:
    I'm still on my own, every other week. When my husband is home, we do have decent dinners together. When he's away, I try to eat a proper lunch and then do Isagenix for my dinner.

    AggieLu - we sure will make an exception - just jump right in. :happy:

    I am joining you too. Tomorrow back on low-carb for me too. I was doing fine for two weeks and gave myself some flexibility and I snack all freaking day today!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Hi bikni! I'm going "low-carb" over the next couple of weeks, too. After that, I want to make sure that my carbs are normal macros (i.e. 35 for me), BUT that they are ONLY good carbs....NO BAD CARBS!

    Hi Cavinee - welcome! You are just about my age and I'm happy to support you in your fitness/nutrition goals!

    I am hoping to stay under 50 gms of carbs, starting tomorrow. Let's do it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Well, according to mfp, on Sunday, I had 82g carbs (out of an alotted 185) and on Monday, I had 67gcarbs (out of an alotted 179). So, I *am* low-carbing it this week!

    However, I've brought in some bananas to work, because they were going to go rotten, so I think my carb count, today, will be higher than it has been for the last 2 days.

    Still, it will be LOWER than my alotted carbs.

    I'm stuffing protein down like it's going out of style! I figure if I can keep this up for the next couple of weeks, I'll feel MUCH better and can then get back to more normal macros.

    Today I *do* have to step on the scale - my end-of-month measurements are due. So, I'm hoping for something that won't make me cry. And, my photos I'll take tomorrow morning, right after pee-ing and right before eating. Wish me luck!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Well, according to mfp, on Sunday, I had 82g carbs (out of an alotted 185) and on Monday, I had 67gcarbs (out of an alotted 179). So, I *am* low-carbing it this week!

    However, I've brought in some bananas to work, because they were going to go rotten, so I think my carb count, today, will be higher than it has been for the last 2 days.

    Still, it will be LOWER than my alotted carbs.

    I'm stuffing protein down like it's going out of style! I figure if I can keep this up for the next couple of weeks, I'll feel MUCH better and can then get back to more normal macros.

    Today I *do* have to step on the scale - my end-of-month measurements are due. So, I'm hoping for something that won't make me cry. And, my photos I'll take tomorrow morning, right after pee-ing and right before eating. Wish me luck!

    Best of luck to you girlie! I was freaking upset this morning with scale. 5 days ago, I hit 106 and this morning back to 109.6, this can not be REAL!!! Weight fluctuation certainly gets me so irratated. I am staying focus today. Glad to be back with this group!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    The scale news was very good, all things considered! From June 29th to July 31st, I am up 0.9 lbs. Yep, that's right - a 1 lb swing! Maybe it's a "fluctuation". Maybe it's a TRUE FAT GAIN. I'll NEVER know, because I am REFUSING to weigh myself more often than once-per-month!

    Whew. From about age 24 - age 39, I don't think I weighed myself EVER. (Well, once-per-year at the doctor's office....and I'm discounting pregnancies where, obviously, doctor's weigh you are RIDICULOUS amount of times!) And then, from age 39 to age 42, I was RELIGIOUSLY weighing once-per-day. And, boy, did it MESS with my MIND!

    When I turned 43, I thought that the "weighing every day" was a habit I just HAD to lose. I've been working on it, quite consistently. From Jan - June, 2012, I was down to about once-per-week permitting myself a weigh in.

    For July, 2012, I just went cold turkey. Decided NOT to weigh. It was tough at first, but got easier. And, now I'll just weigh in once-per-month, at the end-of-each-month when I take progress photos/measurements.


    I AM FREE!!!!!!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    The scale news was very good, all things considered! From June 29th to July 31st, I am up 0.9 lbs. Yep, that's right - a 1 lb swing! Maybe it's a "fluctuation". Maybe it's a TRUE FAT GAIN. I'll NEVER know, because I am REFUSING to weigh myself more often than once-per-month!

    Whew. From about age 24 - age 39, I don't think I weighed myself EVER. (Well, once-per-year at the doctor's office....and I'm discounting pregnancies where, obviously, doctor's weigh you are RIDICULOUS amount of times!) And then, from age 39 to age 42, I was RELIGIOUSLY weighing once-per-day. And, boy, did it MESS with my MIND!

    When I turned 43, I thought that the "weighing every day" was a habit I just HAD to lose. I've been working on it, quite consistently. From Jan - June, 2012, I was down to about once-per-week permitting myself a weigh in.

    For July, 2012, I just went cold turkey. Decided NOT to weigh. It was tough at first, but got easier. And, now I'll just weigh in once-per-month, at the end-of-each-month when I take progress photos/measurements.


    I AM FREE!!!!!!

    Glad to hear great news, Hooray to you! I weigh myself daily and you are absolutely right...It messes up with my mind every freaking time the scale reads more!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I did my month-end measurements and photos. I haven't done the "side-by-side" comparison, but, here's what I can remember:

    1. up 0.9 lb.
    2. bicep is down 1/2". Weird as this measurement NEVER changes. I expect hubby measured in a slightly different spot than before.
    3. natural waist and belly-button waist have stayed the same.
    4. hips are down 3/4". Weird, as this measurement SHOULDN'T have changed this month. Again, I expect hubby measured in a slightly different spot than before.
    5. My thighs (upper and mid-) were slightly down (1/4" each, maybe?)

    So, no big changes. No big surprises. With a better "in-check" diet this month, I'm hoping for a bit better end-of-August results.

    (PS - I left 50g of carbs on the table, yesterday! Woo hoo!!!)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Day 1 of the 90 day body transformation challenge and day 4 of eating right!

    Walked yesterday and was up early to do my workout this morning. didn't have a whole lot of get up and go, but I did get it done.
    Brought a bit more food to eat today (did not eat enough cals yesterday and was hungry going to bed, but I wanted to eat junk, so I didn't eat anything at all)

    Over in my protien & sugar yesterday, but under in carbs and everything else.

    Am supposed to run tonight as well, but we'll see how that goes.
    Beeps - great news on your 1 month check in.

    I am still at that one a day weigh in. I think I am going to try 1x week to start. I also took my measurements this morning and weight and it was not pretty - I was up in every area! So back at square 1!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    sdereski - congrats on 90-day transformation challenge - that sounds interesting! (More deets, please.)

    I weighed once-a-day for about 4 years. It drove me mental. Last summer, I just made the firm decision to find a way to QUIT that (bad) habit. So, by Oct., 2011, I limited myself to weighing only once-per-week. I usually weighed on Saturdays. And, sometimes I'm sure I slipped up and weighed twice a week (because Wed. weigh-ins always gave me a better number, lol!).

    I weighed in weekly until end of June, 2012. It has only been one month that I just told myself "STOP IT."

    In a firm, but kind voice, lol.

    Now I am committed to keeping it to once-per-month. And, with any luck, a few months from now I can cut it back to maybe every quarter - and eventually, to once-per-year, which is where I'd like it to be. With my doctor, once per year!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps - here is the link to the message that was generated. The OP then created a group and invited all of us to join.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Alright, I joined.
  • suej20
    suej20 Posts: 21 Member
    51 and lost 15lbs. Quite happy where I am now although would love to lose a couple of inches off the waist! Am cycling and doing Zumba now.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Hiya!! I'm 40 and proud of it. 19% body fat and feeling great. I'm on vacay now and have walked around the pool without my cover-up for the first time in YEARS!!! Just loving my life right now. :bigsmile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    19% body fat? I'm jealous!

    I would like to reduce to 20-21% by end of 2012, but I think that is getting more-and-more unlikely. Even 22-24% would be beneficial, I figure.
  • jbad9
    jbad9 Posts: 5
    I am 49, for 37 more days!!! I am working hard at trying to be Fitter when I turn Fifty!!! Will be celebrating the big 5-0 in NYC. I can't believe I will be 50!! I am way too cool to be this old!! :)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Day 3 of the body transformation challenge and my body is hurting! It's all good though.

    Welcome blonde & jbad! jbad, I too celebrated my 50th in NYC with my sisters....coming on 2 years ago now. I loved turning 50. :happy: I know, weird, but I did. I was in great shape and at a good place in my life. Lots of good things happed that year.I was constantly getting congratulated and I had to think..ok, what are they congratulating me for? I got a new job after being unemployed for almost 3 years; qualified for Boston, my eldest son got married, met my goal of running 5 marathons for 50. :happy:
  • Danardeener
    46 here, but can run circles around most 20 year olds. Just 3 lbs. away from my goal weight and 22% body fat. :)
  • jbad9
    jbad9 Posts: 5
    That is quite inspiring sdereski! I hope 50 is good for me too!!! I have set a short term goal of doing 50 work out by the time I turn 50. I started July 4th and did my 26th work out last night so I think i am going to make it!! :smile:
    Thats cool that you celebrated your 50th in NYC too! I am going with my husband, we are really looking forward to it!
  • Drawing_a_Blank
    Drawing_a_Blank Posts: 14 Member
    Hey, Everyone! I'm 48 in November, and for my birthday, I want to lose another 25 lbs. in addition to the 36 I've already taken off. I haven't really done any formal plan, just cut out the junk and most processed foods, and gotten my fat *kitten* moving a little more each day. I am starting Turbo Jam next week--just because I have mild OCD and cannot start a program in the middle of the week. I look forward to posting my progress, and feel free to friend me if you like!