You CAN Spot Reduce



  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    what's a pook? \m/

    It's probably a term you only hear out in Newfoundland; their language is not for outsiders to understand. :laugh: (I kid, but seriously... my mother-in-law's best friend is from there, and sometimes, I have no idea what she's just said.)

    Reason number 1 why I love NL :heart:
  • bellavita0125
    bellavita0125 Posts: 116 Member

    ^^^ this!
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    I get what she is saying.

    Sure, you cannot focus on WHERE you lose fat from. But, if you are consistantly losing fat and toning the muscles in a particular area while losing fat, as the fat goes, THAT area is smaller, because you ARE increasing muscle, If you have a lower BF%, which you get with more muscle, less fat, then even though you are just toning that area, it improves faster than others may.

    It can be explained without being rude though. Not every one knows everything, so, when you get the chance to educate someone, why not do THAT instead of making that person feel like a fool for even suggesting the idea?

    they tried, it didn't take and she wasn't all peaches and rainbows about being incorrect

    I only saw a few people trying. Most people didn't even realize what she was saying. She was talking about a reduction in the measurement of a particular area. Everyone knows you can't pick which area to lose their fat. She wasn't talking about fat, she was talking about toning muscles. Some will say that's a "gain," and to be sure, that's correct, but it is also correct that a reduction in the number on the tape measure is still a reduction.

    Then she shouldn't have used the words "spot reduction", which commonly refers to the reduction of body fat by doing exercises that target that area. Like, I want tummy fat to go away, so I'll do crunches, and no cardio, and keep drinking soda.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member

    Now, did you lose inches on your gut alone, or did you lose inches all over? If you lost inches all over, it's not sport reducing.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I get what she is saying.

    Sure, you cannot focus on WHERE you lose fat from. But, if you are consistantly losing fat and toning the muscles in a particular area while losing fat, as the fat goes, THAT area is smaller, because you ARE increasing muscle, If you have a lower BF%, which you get with more muscle, less fat, then even though you are just toning that area, it improves faster than others may.

    It can be explained without being rude though. Not every one knows everything, so, when you get the chance to educate someone, why not do THAT instead of making that person feel like a fool for even suggesting the idea?

    they tried, it didn't take and she wasn't all peaches and rainbows about being incorrect

    I only saw a few people trying. Most people didn't even realize what she was saying. She was talking about a reduction in the measurement of a particular area. Everyone knows you can't pick which area to lose their fat. She wasn't talking about fat, she was talking about toning muscles. Some will say that's a "gain," and to be sure, that's correct, but it is also correct that a reduction in the number on the tape measure is still a reduction.

    I read every page I know how it went down. She refused to listen and understand what the definition really meant, she wanted to continue to use the word that already had another definition instead of saying oh I was wrong and this is what I really meant. Hence people got pissy downward spiral from there.
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    Successful troll is successful.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    A large part of me is hoping that OP is a lost troll from the Chit Chat pages and really not so ignorant as to claim to refute science.

    The rest of me hopes that the Unicorn Cream guy is for real :embarassed:
  • Becky3701
    Well I found my workout for the day. I'm going to go through this entire thread and do a squat for every time I see the word "spot".

    Here's some more for ya...
    Spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot...ha
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    Could any of you tell me why you think you cannot spot reduce? I have even had a trainer tell me "you can't spot reduce" is a myth.

    A lot of trainers don't know what they are talking about. For one in some gyms you don't even have to get certified to become a trainer, and they give misinformation.

    I do not think you can spot reduce, because I do sit up, crunches, oblique crunches and planks and everything and most of the weight I've lost come off of my arms legs face and back. My stomach is where I gain most of it but I work on my stomach the MOST and nothing. So... mine isn't scientific like people were saying about your but to each his own.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I may get a lot of crap for this, but I am so tired of people saying you cannot spot reduce.
    When someone asks, how can I lose inches off my stomach or asks for good arm exercises, please do not response "you cannot spot reduce".
    Weight training and programs like the 30 Day Shred really do help you "spot reduce", You can lose inches in particular spots by doing particular exercises. Otherwise, why to we kill ourselves with push ups and crunches? It is because they work.
    I have done 30 Day Shred several times and a lot of inches in places that were focuses on during the workouts.
    Another example, if I only weight train with my arms and not my legs, I will see a big difference in my arm "spots" lol, and not my legs.
    There is hope! You just have to work for it!


    Yea, you can totally spot reduce. That's why I have a 6-pack and the same size boobs I had when I was fat.


    ...for those who don't understand sarcasm...I don't really have a 6-pack :(
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    Well I found my workout for the day. I'm going to go through this entire thread and do a squat for every time I see the word "spot".

    Here's some more for ya...
    Spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot spot...ha

  • Life_Is_Good2_Me
    Life_Is_Good2_Me Posts: 36 Member
    Of course you can spot reduce. It's called liposuction.

    LOL I like that!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Everyone knows you can't pick which area to lose their fat.
    Unfortunately, not everybody knows this.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Spot reduce means several things to several people is the problem. Many people think "how do I spot reduce my pear shaped body to be a hour glass" or "how do I reduce fat on a certain spot". The first one is impossible. The second one I don't think anyone realizes what they're saying and I don't think that's what they ever mean. I think they just want to slim down a part, which can happen, and many of them won't care if it slims other parts.

    With respect, just because someone doesn't know what a term means doesn't mean it has many different meanings.

    ^^ This!! All day long and forever, this^. Terms are not relative to your life and your experience with them. This is what the concept of truth has come to....sad...
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I get what she is saying.

    Sure, you cannot focus on WHERE you lose fat from. But, if you are consistantly losing fat and toning the muscles in a particular area while losing fat, as the fat goes, THAT area is smaller, because you ARE increasing muscle, If you have a lower BF%, which you get with more muscle, less fat, then even though you are just toning that area, it improves faster than others may.

    It can be explained without being rude though. Not every one knows everything, so, when you get the chance to educate someone, why not do THAT instead of making that person feel like a fool for even suggesting the idea?

    they tried, it didn't take and she wasn't all peaches and rainbows about being incorrect

    I only saw a few people trying. Most people didn't even realize what she was saying. She was talking about a reduction in the measurement of a particular area. Everyone knows you can't pick which area to lose their fat. She wasn't talking about fat, she was talking about toning muscles. Some will say that's a "gain," and to be sure, that's correct, but it is also correct that a reduction in the number on the tape measure is still a reduction.

    I read every page I know how it went down. She refused to listen and understand what the definition really meant, she wanted to continue to use the word that already had another definition instead of saying oh I was wrong and this is what I really meant. Hence people got pissy downward spiral from there.

    I don't believe that any of "those people" actually read and absorbed what she actually meant. Instead they made assumptions and responded with snarky comments.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Of course you can spot reduce. It's called liposuction.

    HAHA!!!! Perfect answer! :drinker:
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    it normally goes first place fat last place thin! :sad:
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    You can tone areas up by building muscle in said areas. When people say "you can't spot reduce" they mean that doing crunches over and over WILL NOT burn the fat off your stomach (I mean unless you incorporate into a cardio routine- now we're talking) It will only build up muscle so that it may look like you are slimmer but to lose that fat you have to do cardio and eat clean.

    Of course you need to eat clean and burn fat with cardio, but you can build muscle in certain "spots" to improve the amount of muscle vs. fat in those spots.

    I just hear so many people so frustrated with certain spots on their bodies and people are not giving them helpful info regarding how they can improve those spots.

    I neither eat clean or do cardio, yet I am burning fat just fine. My body must be magic also....

    Rather than make observations and drawing conclusions (poorly) from those observations, educate yourself by reading studies and articles.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    OP, what you're talking about is not spot reducing. What's actually happening is you're really reducing fat overall with cardio, while training certain parts of your body with weights and body weight exercises so that you lose inches and appear thinner (I don't know if this is the correct technical explanation, but it's the closest I could come up with to what's actually going on)

    When people are talking about spot reducing, they're talking about losing weight in a certain part of their body, while keeping the rest of their body the same. For example, a woman trying to lose 20 lbs and get flat abs but she still wants to keep her butt the same, which is mostly fat. It's not going to happen, she can't *just* lose weight on her stomach, she's going to lose weight over her entire body. So in the end she's lost 20 lbs, but not necessarily where she wanted to lose it because now her butt is flat.

    Sure, she could do squats and lunges to help keep a rounded booty, but a butt with nice muscles does not look the same as a fat butt.

    You've done 30 Day Shred and have gotten nice results where you want them, yes? Well, what about the areas you didn't really care about/ didn't notice? I bet you've lost inches there, too. You just don't notice because those aren't the areas you're so focused on when you look in the mirror.

    In conclusion, when people talk about spot reducing, they are talking about losing fat in a specific area, which is not possible. They are not talking about picking up weights and building muscle, they are only refering to fat loss. What you're talking about is something completely different.
  • chrispol
    chrispol Posts: 21
    I walk, hike, bike and run (and do a leg workout once a week) and I still carry my body fat in my butt and thighs. I would say that there is proof that you cannot spot reduce