3,500+ Calories Burned Challenge: Mon, 7/30 - Sun, 8/5



  • GFab
    GFab Posts: 75
    First time here, thanks for the invite =)

    Weekly Goal: 4500
    Mon: 1123: running, walking, cross ramp and weights
    Tues:1132 cross ramp, weight, running, walking
    Wed: 1299 cross ramp, stairs, weights, walking
    Thur: 1337 cross ramp, running, weights, eliptical
    Fri: 984 cross ramp, running, walking, weights, eliptical
    Sat: OFF
    Sun: OFF

    Total: 5875
    Left to go: -1375
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    Having a bussssy week and forgot to update my post!

    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 496 (30 mins, treadmill & 30 mins JMBR)
    Tues: 681 (1 hour walk & 30 mins JMBR)
    Wed: 496 (30 mins, treadmill & 30 mins aerobics)
    Thur: 386 (90 mins walking)
    Fri: 741 (30 mins, treadmill & 15 mins, elliptical & 30 mins JMBR)
    Sat: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun: calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2800
    Left to go: 700
  • Whew! Quite the challenge for me as I am new to this but lets do this!!

    Weekly Goal: 3500 calories burned

    Mon: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Tues: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Wed: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thur: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun: calories burned (how they were burned)

    Left to go:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • ncbill
    ncbill Posts: 76 Member
    Week 1

    Monday Bicycling, 14-16 mph, vigorous (cycling, biking, bike riding) 55min 773
    Tue Jogging 40min 506
    wed Bicycling 16mi about 100 min i didnt time it but 100 min at under 10mph was less calories than 10-12mph at 75min Unfortunately I didn't feel like I got a workout but it was nice to ride with friends
    thur movie with son -800 calories LOL
    fri bicycling 84 minutes 20miles 938 calories

    Total- 2773
  • Weekly Goal:3500
    Mon:392 Walking, Running, Crunches, Pushups, Etc.
    Tues:212 Walking, Crunches, Plank, Etc.
    Wed:(Big Day Out in the City was cancelled due to downpour) 493 Walking, Arms & Abs
    Thurs:843 Beach Day, Walking on the boardwalk, late night 2hr walk and run
    Fri:625 Walking, Abs, Arms Minor Leg Workout

    Left to go:935
  • nroisland
    nroisland Posts: 254 Member
    I'm back... well sort of.

    Weekly Goal: 3500 w/HRM

    Mon: 0 burned (how they were burned)
    Tues: 500 burned (elliptical)
    Wed: 500 burned (elliptical)
    Thur: 500 burned (elleptical) + 109 burned (strength training)
    Fri: 500 burned (elleptical)
    Sat: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun: calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2109
    Left to go: 1391
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: 594 calories burned (exerbeat and step-ups)
    Tues: 301 calories burned (exerbeat)
    Wed: 412 calories burned (walking, cali)
    Thur: 469 calories burned (walking, step-ups)
    Fri: 563 calories burned (walking, step-ups, cali)
    Sat: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun: calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2341
    Left to go: 1159
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    I did it! Ready for a day of rest now.

    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: calories burned -850 Strength training, Stationary bike, walking, elliptical trainer
    Tues: calories burned - 850 Strength training, Stationary bike, walking, elliptical trainer
    Wed: calories burned - 480 Strength trraining, Elliptical trainer
    Thur: calories burned - 760 Strength training, Stationary bike, walking,
    Fri: calories burned - 680 Strength training, Elliptical trainer
    Sat: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun: calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total 3620 calories
  • tarabatton
    tarabatton Posts: 47 Member

    Weekly Goal: 3500 calories to burn

    Mon: 518 calories burned (Treadmill 50 min Random program-LEVEL 11 )
    Tues: 558 calories burned (Treadmill 50min Random Program)
    Wed: 540 calories burned (Treadmill 50min Random Program-LEVEL 11 )
    Thur: 469 calories burned (Treadmill 50min Random Program-LEVEL 9)
    Fri: 493 calories burned (Treadmill 50 Random Program-Level 9)

    Total: 2578
    Left to go: 922
  • RunAlyndaRun
    RunAlyndaRun Posts: 162 Member
    Week One

    Weekly Goal: 3000+
    Mon: 557 calories burned (295 - walking, 111 - elliptical/bike, 151 - mommy stuff)
    Tue: 450 calories burned (311 - walking, 139 - mommy stuff)
    Wed: 702 calories burned (walking, circuit, elliptical, mommy stuff)
    Thu: 409 calories burned (walking, mommy stuff)
    Fri: 551 calories burned (walking, mommy stuff)

    Total Thus Far: 2707
    Left to go: 293
  • natalianogueira
    natalianogueira Posts: 76 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: 679 (walking/running)
    Tues: 721 (walking/running)
    Wed: 991 (walking/running+30DS)
    Thur: 957 (walking+30DS)
    Fri: 950 (walking+30DS)

    Total: 4298
    Left to go: -798

    oops! :drinker: :smile:
  • lyndall5311
    lyndall5311 Posts: 146 Member
    Im in for 3500cal, I havent dont one of these challenges yet, so here goes:

    Mon: 812 Spinning and weights
    Tues: 870 - Spinning and weights
    Wed: 452 - Gym Workout - cardio/weights
    Thur: Rest Day
    Fri: 1173 - Gym workout - running, rowing, bike and weights
    Boxercise - boxing, lunges, running, abs
    Sat: 818 - Spinning weights
    Sun: calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 4125
    Left to go: -625
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,863 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: calories burned 744 p90x kenpo x and jogging
    Tues: calories burned 245 cleaning, cooking, walking
    Wed: calories burned 1058 p90x and zumba
    Thur: calories burned 143, walking, attempted turbo fire, but BIL showed up 5 minutes into it
    Fri : calories burned 975, p90x legs and back, and ab ripper x, and a long walk with my son
    Sat: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun: calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3165
    Left to go: 345
    I cant believe im actually going to make it :noway:
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500 Calories
    Mon: 911 calories burned (walking/jogging for 96 minutes)
    Tues: 897 calories burned (walking/jogging for 95 minutes)
    Wed: 402 calories burned (walking for 42 minutes)
    Thur: 785 calories burned (walking/jogging for 83 minutes)
    Fri: 840 calories burned (walking/jogging for 100 minutes)
    Sat: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun: calories burned (how they were burned) This is my rest day...

    Total: 3835 calories
    Left to go: 0 calories
  • emtb319
    emtb319 Posts: 87
    I'm in
    Weekly Goal: 3500+

    Mon: 944 exercise bike
    Tues: 1306 aerobics dvd, twice
    Wed: 1038 bike, calisthenics and dvd
    Thur: painted most of the day with my sis, no clue how to count it
    Fri: 1161 calisthenics and dvd

    Total: 4449
    Left to go: as many as i can do :)
  • joy5877
    joy5877 Posts: 168 Member
    Monday - 600 burned - Walking and stationary bike. (Feel like a slacker compared to some of you!)

    Tuesday - 500 burned - Walking on treadmill

    Wednesday - 525 burned - Walking on treadmill

    Thursday - NONE (hopefully make them up this weekend!)

    Friday - 675 - Walking and stationary bike

    1200 remaining
  • first time, ill give it a go 3,000+!!

    Weekly Goal: 3,000+

    Mon: 489 - (elliptical trainer+walking the dog)
    Tues: 719 – (elliptical trainer + stationary bike + light swimming)
    Wed: 66 – (wii golf)
    Thur: 680 – (elliptical trainer + stair master)
    Fri: 381 (swimming and walking)

    Total: 2,335
    Left to go: 665
  • kyomoon
    kyomoon Posts: 30 Member
    Weekly Goal:
    Mon: 812 calories burned cycling 12.6 miles Total to date - 812
    Tues: 922 calories burned interval training on stationary bike & weight training Total to date - 1,734
    Wed: 773 calories burned cycling Total to date - 2,507
    Thur: 1507 calories burned 65 minutes rage cycling Total to date - 4014
    Fri: 607calories burned 35 min mod cycling & 10 minutes of weights Total to date - 4,621
    Sat: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun: calories burned (how they were burned)

    They really need something other than vigorous.... they really need a category for rage.

    Kind of a lazy day today... *kitten* bones are sore from yesterday's rage cycling. :laugh:
  • urbansmamma
    urbansmamma Posts: 202 Member
    Newbie here...
    Weekly Goal: 3500+
    Mon: 901 calories (running 7.02 miles and cool down)
    Tues: 385 calories (chasing son around the park and after dinner walk)
    Wed: 888 calories (5 mile run with hills - 12:28 pace)
    Thurs: Day Off
    Fri: 720 calories (5 miles and Cooldown - 9:20 mile pace)

    Total: 2894
    Left to go: 606
  • Weekly Goal:3500
    Mon: nothing
    Tues: 451 cal (playing tennis and walking)
    Wed: 593 (playing tennis and walking)
    Thur: 135(walking)
    Fri:1029 (playing tennis and walking)
    Sat: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun: calories burned (how they were burned)

    Left to go: 1292