Laughing cow cheese.....what to do with them?



  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I melt them into ANYTHING that's hot enough to melt them into.

    On a baked potato instead of butter or etc

    Melted into my brown rice

    Melted into gumbo, etc to give it a cream taste

    Spread on flatbread for my wrap

    The cinnamon flavor is good with graham crackers, or fruit, or just crackers.

    MIxed with sauteed onions, bell peppers, and a spoonful put in a wonton wrap and baked in the oven for a tasty wonton

    Mixed on pasta (oh, except I eat spaghetti squash now instead of pasta so I put it on my spaghetti squash while it's hot enough to melt it!!)
  • ketchup38
    ketchup38 Posts: 112 Member
  • joy31021
    joy31021 Posts: 216
  • enjoythesound
    enjoythesound Posts: 89 Member
    Eat them plain! or spread onto bread/crackers.
    In winter I put them in hot soups to make them creamier (it's delicious in zucchini soup!) or in mashed potatoes to add some cheesy taste =)
  • on toast with marmite :smile:
  • hortipuss
    hortipuss Posts: 1 Member
    I use them instead of butter on my breakfast toast with marmalade
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    Someone on here recommended putting one or two wedges of the plain laughing cow cheese through some cooked spinach. It was excellent. I cooked up about a cup of raw kale with a little garlic, and then tore up a wedge and distributed it through the hot kale. SOOOOO good!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    On some crackers, mixed with potatoes...I never thought of putting it with cooked spinach. Sounds divine. :heart:
  • Great question! Love all the ideas. Thanks!
  • cineshome
    cineshome Posts: 97 Member
    spread them on pink lady apples- yummy!
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
  • BeachyBecky
    BeachyBecky Posts: 74 Member
    bump! These sound delicious!
  • RedHatPatti
    RedHatPatti Posts: 71 Member
    WOW these all are so inventive and sound fabulous! Thanks for asking:laugh:
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    I use mine on wraps alot. My favorite is a whole wheat wrap with seasoned grilled chicken, the chipotle laughing cow cheese wedge, and a spoonful of salsa.

    I grill the chicken on a large griddle, so when the chicken is done I turn off the griddle but then I put my tortilla on it to warm up. It get the tortilla nice and soft and it picks up flavors from the seasoning off the chicken. Then I spread the cheese on the warm tortilla add the chicken and salsa... Sooo good!
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
  • I just have a wedge or two as a snack by itself :')
  • IH8W8
    IH8W8 Posts: 7 Member
    can't wait to try some of these, thanks
  • kenna44cat
    kenna44cat Posts: 105 Member
    Haha, that is such a funny response, and so true. I think anything processed is a bit suspect, but I like LC plain out of the wrapper. However, I've stopped buying anything resembling processed foods. The recipes here are great, though.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    They are yummy on most everything. I used to eat them all the time until i realized each little triangle was 300+ in sodium and then I stopped. But it was good while it lasted.
  • FTW7
    FTW7 Posts: 21
    How long in the microwave? I like the name too.