Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi all :) Hope everyone is doing well today. I made it to the gym again!!! I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, and 30 minutes on the crosstrainer :)

    This makes it:

    3 days of exercise for me in January so far :)
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    WOW well done tlapdx72!!

    I did 30min of Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred work out. Its my first day getting back into exercise. It was HARD! but i am glad I did it!

    This is my greek yogurt dressing recipe that you wanted NewBeginning201

    Garlic, 2 clove
    Lemon Juice, 5 mL
    Salt, 0.5 tsp
    balsamic vinegar, 1 tablespoon
    Parsley, 1 tbsp
    Greek Yogurt, plain, low fat. 0.5 container (4 oz) - We have Cyclops low fat Greek in NZ, but any low fat greek yogurt should be ok

    approx 4 servings

    Nutrition Facts

    4 Servings - Amount Per Serving

    Calories 23.2
    Total Fat 0.5 g
    Saturated Fat 0.3 g
    Polyunsaturated Fat 0.0 g
    Monounsaturated Fat 0.1 g
    Cholesterol 1.7 mg
    Sodium 312.5 mg
    Potassium 79.0 mg
    Total Carbohydrate 3.2 g
    Dietary Fiber 0.1 g
    Sugars 2.5 g
    Protein 1.6 g
    Vitamin A 1.9 %
    Vitamin B-12 2.6 %
    Vitamin B-6 1.7 %
    Vitamin C 4.2 %
    Vitamin D 0.0 %
    Vitamin E 0.2 %
    Calcium 5.6 %
    Copper 0.5 %
    Folate 1.2 %
    Iron 0.6 %
    Magnesium 1.4 %
    Manganese 1.4 %
    Niacin 0.3 %
    Pantothenic Acid 1.8 %
    Phosphorus 4.4 %
    Riboflavin 3.7 %
    Selenium 1.6 %
    Thiamin 1.1 %
    Zinc 1.9 %
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    ok Day 5 and I have to share some good news! If I can do this so can you! First my oldest just turned 10 yesterday! OMG I am not old! lol Any way we always go out to dinner for birthdays. Her favorite is RED LOBSTER! OMG! But I looked it all up before i LEFT MADE healthy choices.. i am SO PROUD OF ME! I am also getting ready to go to the gym in 5 minutes! I also just cut up a bunch of fruit to take with me so I Can avoid the carb crave afterward that normally drives me to starbucks! I have all my foods planned for today. :) Ok good luck everyone I will write back later when I have more time!
  • cahndoit
    cahndoit Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in too. I was already overweight (175) when I got pregnant with my son, and that was 2 years ago. Now I am 200 lbs which was my highest pregnancy weight. I did lose the weight at first and get back to the 175, but stress, depression, career change, and medical issues with my son have interfered with my attempts to get back on track. I am trying to be realistic with my weight goal so instead of 120 lbs, my goal is to get to 140 (I am 5'4''). Thanks for the support! :)Ariel
  • emoodze
    emoodze Posts: 15 Member
    I'll do this too. I have a million excuses not to do this.... full-time job, grad school, family.... but I need to do this for me. Because all those other things will get increasingly harder if I don't. I've been on this rollercoaster before. I was 310 at my highest and got down to 150 for my wedding four years ago. I was doing really well then: eating right, working out 5 times a week.... I felt great! Now I'm back at 235 and it's eating me alive. Not to mention the guilt.

    On January first I started the 400 calorie fix found at, and so far, so good. I've worked out twice and eaten on target all week. The rest of the week will be a challenge because I've got a conference out of town, but hopefully with a little forethought and some determination I can do it and not feel cheated!

    So here's to a new year, a new me, new friends, and really good support!
  • I went to the gym today and did 34 minutes on the treadmill. I did this interval workout that I found on and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I just kept pushing myself.

    @ tlapdx72, nice job on the hour workout at the gym!!

    @ Myth, good idea planning ahead! I am the worst at Red Lobster. I've finally decided that I just can't go there anymore. I know drastic but those cheddar biscuits just kill me every time! ...And Happy Birthday to your oldest!!
  • I will join! I started diet on 3rd Jan 2010, I weigh 231! Eeek biggest I have ever been, I lost 42lbs a few years back and stayed relatively stable for a few years. Then this past year it all piled on and more!!! I am being very strict and eating about 1,000 cals a day to kick start and detox after the heavy drinking/eating holiday season. Also I cant exercise yet due to an injury, but hoping to get back to the gym next week! I will come off the VLCD either later this week or early next week as I know its not good for your metabilism and I dont want to screw that up anymore than it is!!! Its just so depressing to start a diet all over again and know that it will take weeks to lose what probably took days to gain!!!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Hi nicgetfit

    I was just telling my BF the other night how terrible it is. You work so long and hard to lose all this weight and in a matter of weeks or days you can put it all back on!!!

    Its been nice reading everybody's story. This is very encouraging knowing that there are many others also working hard to achieve a healthier weight and eating lifestyle. This is so tough so we all need the support!!

    I did the Jillian Michaels work out yesturday for the first time in months and it is killing me today,. I can't walk properly my body aches. I think I should try and do it again today ( I really should). But Im already starting to think of 101 excuses.

    NO NO I WILL EXERCISE TODAY... at least 30mins a day (that is my 2010 goal!)
  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    HI: I just started after Christmas this year. I set my mind to change my bad habits after Christmas was over, and I am really enthusiastic about it. I pay attention to what I am eating and already feel more energetic. Just take one day at a time. Learn as you go and apply it to you life. Many small changes make big changes over time.
    Best of luck.
    EAT LESS MOVE MORE:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • SNOWMAN101750
    SNOWMAN101750 Posts: 9 Member
    I have been a very muscular guy for several years and now when I reach retirement I scare myself at 277 and am going to drop 30-50 lbs by summer
  • SNOWMAN101750
    SNOWMAN101750 Posts: 9 Member
    once a week, you will flex that much in a week and it will throw you bonkers
  • Jaymie- you live in New Zealand? :) That's where my family's from, although I've spent most of my life in Canada. It's so pretty in NZ... I want desperately to go back there.
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    My starting weight is 190 and I need to lose 59lbs in the long term. My short-term goal is to lose 10lbs by March 15 - my class reunion! I'm looking forward to getting and giving support in this journey.

  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    :smile: Hey all great job everybody!!! I think we are all doing so great!! I love having people I can check in with. Today I went to the gym. I only did 31 minutes on the elliptical. I usually try to get an hour in at the gym, but I am going to school part-time now, and working full time. ( Oh, and I have two kids and a husband too):yawn: I have been nervous about how I could handle everything. I didn't want to go to the gym today, but I told myself that I should at least go and get 30 minutes in. I hope this will still get results I still plan on doing some hour long work outs, but on days that I am super busy I am going to try and get at least 30 minutes in.

    I now have 4 days of exercise for January:drinker:
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi everyone. Welcome to all of you that joined our group!!! everyone here is wonderful and so nice that you joined us.
    Well for those fo you who read my other posts its tom...i did really good all day yesterday except when it was time fore bed then the cravings started.
    Well I dont know how accurate it is but i was told sometimes if you feel your body needs it during that time of month you can add 200 to 400 calories and i think i added a few more than that with peanut butter...i ate it and to be honest i didnt feel guilty for once i think i fought so hard all day and when i finally gave in it was because my body needed it. So I excused myself as it was first day of tom and am doing wonderful today.

    Went to see a weight loss doctor today...she put me on medicine for appetite and tomorrow i go for blood work then start the meds to make sure its not something keeping me from losing weight. Hopefully everything will all go well. My sis has alot of problems with hormones being all crazy so im nervous!

    nicgetfit- Just a heads up it says on here not to eat under 1200 calories or your body goes into starvation mode then you wont lose what you should be which is fat...just thought youd like to research it!
  • Hi,

    Yeah I have done loads of research on diets as I made a programme about them. A 1,000 calories a day diet is do-able but definately not good for long term. Plus if you dont eat less carbs you are able to burn the fat rather than those first. I certainly wouldnt recomend it for any longer (although some people are put on these by doctors) the best way of losing is to eat little and ofetn because it speeds your metabilsm, or there is the one day off one day on diet I was looking into. This makes sense to me as on one day you feed your body and the next day you starve it, you are never depriving your body long enough of food to go into starvation mode nor over feeding it so your metabilism is forced to work at a faster rate.

    But I havent decided whether I am just doing it for the first few days to kick start my diet and give me the motivation to carry on going. I need to eat less so by being strict for the first few days will prove to myself I can do it. As soon as I can get back to the gym I will definately be upping my calories.
  • doshie1
    doshie1 Posts: 19
    I am with you!!!! We ALL can do this!
  • oops posted too soon as I was typing:

    But I havent decided whether I will use the one day on one day off model yet. I am more keen to fuel my body enough for exercise to do the majority of the work. Right now I am just doing the 1000 cal diet for the first few days to kick start my diet whilst I cant exercise and give me the motivation to carry on going. I need to eat less so by being strict for the first few days will prove to myself I can do it. But dont worru as soon as I can get back to the gym I will definately be upping my calories. I like food too much to live like this!!! I am also snowed in at my parents so cant get to my hula hoop which I could manage and is fantastic exercise, gutted!!!!

    Jaymie - Thanks for your message, do you know its the first time I have used a message board and I like it, It is good to know that you are not on your own and that other people have the same problems/thoughts/ideas as you!

    Keep me posted with how you are all going!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    ok right now I am craveing I think like bread/sugar other words BAD carbs. I have something to tide me over and not bad for me but man it is takeing everything i got to not eat something really really bad! AHHHHH! Ill let you know how it goes! lol
  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    Just a thought, my thought. I have been reading the message boards and really enjoy hearing others ideas. I find that a lot of people seem to be in a hurry to get the weight off, or set a 5 or 10 pound goal a week. I feel differently about this. I have about 30-40 pounds to take off but I really want to eat now the way that I should be eating for the rest of my life. I am not worried about getting to my goal in a quick manner. I feel if I watch what I eat and exercise 3 times a week I will get there and be able to maintain it for my life. I look at this time as a time to reteach myself. Thanks for everyones ideas.
    EAT LESS MOVE MORE:flowerforyou:
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