If you saw a ten year old girl with an iPhone....



  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    why are you asking the internet? you're going to get a million of useless responses. What choices you make regarding your child's cell phone use is not some kinda situation that warrants people's input.

    Those people who smack talked you in front of your daughter were in the wrong, plain and simple. The only time it would be appropriate for someone to do that was if you were abusing your kid (I have seen strangers yell at parents for hitting their kids in public and that is awesome sauce).

    End of discussion.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    So I'd put my blood, sweat and tears into a story, then put it up online. One person would pay for the download, then distribute it illegally making sure I never see another dime. Thanks a bunch, internet. :sick:
    It's evident to the content consumers that the age of charging for content is almost completely dead. Hardly anyone pays to own music anymore and owning movies is also a dying breed. Media content is going the way of a monthly access fee for all you can view,listen/read like Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Instant Video, Spotify, Pandora, etc.

    They don't call them "starving artists" for no reason...
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Oh boy, a plate. Now I can eat on R.A. Salvatore's signature plate. :/
    You are joking with this, right?

    Yes. Sorry, I forgot the joke font. :laugh:
    I used to write fantasy but my professors kinda beat that outta me (except for Sci fi lit prof, he loved it).

    Wait, what? Why on earth would a professor do something like that?

    Not physically beat it out of me. But pretty much turned their noses up at the genre and would fail most of the students who tried turning something in of that theme. Basically, fantasy isn't for real writers.

    LOL! I knew you didn't mean physically beat it out of you. :wink:

    See, I think that's just wrong that they would do something like that. I have not gone to school for writing, it's just something that I do in my spare time but if anyone told me that what I write isn't for "real" writers, I'd tell them where to go.

    Just clarifying. :wink:

    Yup, some profs would encourage students to switch majors if they thought the Twilight series were an example of good literature. Most of those students would flunk out on their own so that saved them the trouble. Sci fi lit was the ONLY class that had good things to say about fantasy.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    B*tching out a 10 year old for something her parents bought her. Yeah that sounds like the appropriate response to something a stranger is doing that doesn't affect your life in any way
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    I say forget 'em. If you as a parent feel your child is mature enough for a phone then so be it.

    I would suggest certain limits or restrictions though as friendly advice.

    Restricted calling times

    Restricted internet maybe

    Really depends how she handles the responsibility really.

    I do not believe in ever overstepping my boundaries on another person's children unless they are out of control or it is an emergency situation.

    This is not one of those times so I find it uncalled for.

  • RainRedfield
    RainRedfield Posts: 597 Member
    No judging here.

    My daughter has had a phone since she was 9 and now has a smart phone at 11.

    She lives with me for 2 months out of the year, but is on the other side of the country the rest of the time. By her having a phone (I provided) she has a 24 hour direct hotline to me when she needs or wants me.

    There is often valid reasoning behind absurd things.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    . The only time it would be appropriate for someone to do that was if you were abusing your kid (I have seen strangers yell at parents for hitting their kids in public and that is awesome sauce).

    Are you talking full out beating the kid in public or just a whack?

    If it's just a whack then I disagree with you. It is never appropriate to voice your opinion on what a parent is doing to their child regardless if it's a smack on the rear or their talking on a cell phone. You don't know what has happened during the day that drove the parent to finally whack the unruly child. There are too many people like you out there who find it necessary to tell a parent that they can't smack their own child and that is why we end up with kids who act out in public, swear at their parents, smack their parents in the face etc. etc. because people tell them it's wrong to hit their kids or show any sort of discipline be it in public or in the safety of their own home. Yes there are blatant cases of child abuse out there I know and yes when a child is constantly bruised and battered something should be done but a whack on the butt or where ever because the kid is being an unruly f*cker in public is none of your business.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    So I'd put my blood, sweat and tears into a story, then put it up online. One person would pay for the download, then distribute it illegally making sure I never see another dime. Thanks a bunch, internet. :sick:
    It's evident to the content consumers that the age of charging for content is almost completely dead. Hardly anyone pays to own music anymore and owning movies is also a dying breed. Media content is going the way of a monthly access fee for all you can view,listen/read like Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Instant Video, Spotify, Pandora, etc.

    They don't call them "starving artists" for no reason...

    Pretty much. Had I known this in third grade when I decided I wanted to write, I would have nurtured more profitable skills. Too bad I suck at math. Glad to know I got a bachelor's degree only to work in a warehouse and know that my dreams will never be realized. Thanks a lot technology. Making dreams for some, killing the dreams of others. As usual, it's the arts that suffer. :/
  • steveb516
    My daugher has an Iphone, she is 11. She had a blackberry when she was 10.

    I like my children to have phones so they can call me if they are at friends, parties or sleepovers wheras they are not dependent on someone else to "LET" them call home.

    Phones today are the walkie talkies and CB radios from when I was a kid. It may seem like a big deal because we didnt grow up with cellphones. Im ok with embracing what technology offers today.
    Why shouldnt they have a phone?
  • JustLena75
    JustLena75 Posts: 114
    My first thought...only people with jobs should own iPhones. No way in God's green earth I'd get my child such an expensive phone. Cell phone at 10, possibly, but definitely not an iPhone. A kid doesn't need that many bells and whistles to stay in communication. Of course I wouldn't say anything to the child, that is silly. But yep I'd be a Judgey McJudgerson in my head and think it was way too much for a kid. But then who knows? Hit me back in 4 years when my kid is 10...
  • xLydiaBx
    My 10 year old step son has a phone, he goes out with his friends (to the local park which is just across the road) and we know we can conact him or him us if needs be. I honestly don't see a problem with it,
    Whats the difference between an iphone and any other smart phone?
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    . The only time it would be appropriate for someone to do that was if you were abusing your kid (I have seen strangers yell at parents for hitting their kids in public and that is awesome sauce).

    Are you talking full out beating the kid in public or just a whack?

    If it's just a whack then I disagree with you. It is never appropriate to voice your opinion on what a parent is doing to their child regardless if it's a smack on the rear or their talking on a cell phone. You don't know what has happened during the day that drove the parent to finally whack the unruly child. There are too many people like you out there who find it necessary to tell a parent that they can't smack their own child and that is why we end up with kids who act out in public, swear at their parents, smack their parents in the face etc. etc. because people tell them it's wrong to hit their kids or show any sort of discipline be it in public or in the safety of their own home. Yes there are blatant cases of child abuse out there I know and yes when a child is constantly bruised and battered something should be done but a whack on the butt or where ever because the kid is being an unruly f*cker in public is none of your business.
    That's your opinion.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    My 10 year old step son has a phone, he goes out with his friends (to the local park which is just across the road) and we know we can conact him or him us if needs be. I honestly don't see a problem with it,
    Whats the difference between an iphone and any other smart phone?
    Um... I think the person's objection was to the smart phone, not the brand.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Oh boy, a plate. Now I can eat on R.A. Salvatore's signature plate. :/
    You are joking with this, right?

    Yes. Sorry, I forgot the joke font. :laugh:
    I used to write fantasy but my professors kinda beat that outta me (except for Sci fi lit prof, he loved it).

    Wait, what? Why on earth would a professor do something like that?

    Not physically beat it out of me. But pretty much turned their noses up at the genre and would fail most of the students who tried turning something in of that theme. Basically, fantasy isn't for real writers.

    LOL! I knew you didn't mean physically beat it out of you. :wink:

    See, I think that's just wrong that they would do something like that. I have not gone to school for writing, it's just something that I do in my spare time but if anyone told me that what I write isn't for "real" writers, I'd tell them where to go.

    Just clarifying. :wink:

    Yup, some profs would encourage students to switch majors if they thought the Twilight series were an example of good literature. Most of those students would flunk out on their own so that saved them the trouble. Sci fi lit was the ONLY class that had good things to say about fantasy.
    Well anyone who thinks the Twilight Series is an example of good literature needs a smack in the head!
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I would once again thank all the gods I've ever heard of that I don't have kids and walk away.
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    No reply to the child.. In my mind I would think must be nice I dont even have a data plan LOL.. But to each their own, you buy it pay for it I dont so none of my business. Just as I choose to not have a data plan you can choose to...
  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    yeah, not my business either-- but I may be jealous if it's a 5 and all I have is a 4 :happy:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    . The only time it would be appropriate for someone to do that was if you were abusing your kid (I have seen strangers yell at parents for hitting their kids in public and that is awesome sauce).

    Are you talking full out beating the kid in public or just a whack?

    If it's just a whack then I disagree with you. It is never appropriate to voice your opinion on what a parent is doing to their child regardless if it's a smack on the rear or their talking on a cell phone. You don't know what has happened during the day that drove the parent to finally whack the unruly child. There are too many people like you out there who find it necessary to tell a parent that they can't smack their own child and that is why we end up with kids who act out in public, swear at their parents, smack their parents in the face etc. etc. because people tell them it's wrong to hit their kids or show any sort of discipline be it in public or in the safety of their own home. Yes there are blatant cases of child abuse out there I know and yes when a child is constantly bruised and battered something should be done but a whack on the butt or where ever because the kid is being an unruly f*cker in public is none of your business.
    That's your opinion.

    Thank you for clarifying the fact that what I posted was my opinion. I thought that the fact that I said "I disagree" sort of stated it but now that you pointed it out everyone is clear.

    Perhaps I should have added "That's just MY opinion" at the end.

    Thanks again!:flowerforyou:
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    I think its unwise not to give a child a phone , they can contact you if they have a problem , you can contact them if you are worried about them. Its not like it used to be when I was 10, 39 years ago . I have always given my kids the best phone I could afford
    so they didn't get a hard time for using a crappy old nokia that was cool 15 years ago.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member

    I know tons of adults that don't have smart phones. I don't have a smart phone. I'm an adult with a full time job that is in another town. And a lot of the adults that HAVE smart phones (or even a cell phone for that matter) hate their phones and would NOT have a cell at all if they could avoid it. The only reason they have one is because they're farmers and are often in the middle of nowhere and need to be able to contact somebody if they break down in the middle of the field.

    i guess ive made some assumptions that are not true.. i guess it comes from the fact the people im talking about all work in offices and need those phones as part of their job and it just bleeds over into their life. but if you have a job, like the farmer you mentioned, that doesnt need the smart phone capabilities there would be reason for them to not have one at all.

    But there's also A LOT of people who DON'T work in offices. And even a lot of people who work in offices that don't have smartphones. I guess it also depends if you live in a VERY VERY urban area. Even in the city in my province there's still probably ton of people who don't have smartphones.


    On another note, the idea that your children have to learn technology to get by in life...that's stupid. Doesn't mean they need all that technology at the age of ten. I didn't. I have done PERFECTLY fine learning technology as I got older.

    And also about books....I HATE e-books and that crap. It would be nice to save all the space that I use for real books but I LOVE reading but only when it's a REAL paper book. I don't even like reading books online.