Over 200 Club Fit For The Holidays (Open Group)



  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey everyone, just checking in..i know less frequently then I should be. Thanks momma for keeping me posted with the group. So as of late I have been doing absolutely nothing for my health. I tried the the couch5k and decided that i absolutely hate running ugh. I got the 30 day shred dvd for Christmas and set a goal to start it some time within the next week. The motivation is out there somewhere, hopefully I find it soon.

  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ok.. so, I have no idea why it says I have not logged in for a month.. In fact I was online 3 or 4 times today alone.. weird.. Must be some glitch in this new system.. Thanks for the uplifting notes though.. Its great to know you guys are out there!

    My step daughter is here today/tomorrow. She will be 17 on the 5th, man where does the time go? Those kids grow up so fast! So, we had a birthday dinner here tonight. She wanted homemade enchiladas with chips and guacamole. YUM.. It was nice to have everyone over and the homemade German chocolate cake was so worth the extra exercise and lower calories for the rest of the meals today! I am actually looking forward to working out tomorrow!

    check in for today

    Calories ... barley stayed within
    Water.. almost there.. still going
    Exercise.. 65 min and kicked up the intensity a bit
    Proud... I am setting a good example for my family and friends by making positive changes!

    I will check back in tomorrow.. TTYL
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1283
    Exercise: slow walk around the store -- it was so cold out today! It's very very rare for us to have a day where the high is in the 30s. My 100 year old house isn't so well insulated... brrrrrrrrrrr!
    Water: pitiful
    Proud: Hmmm... I did great with calories today.

    I didn't mention -- yesterday I got my bf to workout with me! :happy: He rode my stationary bike for about 10 minutes & then lifted weights while I rode for 30 minutes. I was proud of him. :smile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lildebbie: I remember many a day when my kids were little and I would just drag. Have you had blood work drawn recently for iron levels and thyroid? During my TOM I was toast. You have worked hard to get to where you are. You are going to make it through this bump in the road. I have never done the elliptical but I easily get bored with doing the same thing so I mix up what I do throughout the week. Hope you find a balance that you are happy with. GO GO GO GIRL!

    Last time i had bloodwork was probably last oct, most everything was okay, my chol a little high (that was like 25 lbs ago). I got for my yearly checkup on the 21st and I am assuming that they will do bw then. TOM is winding down so am thinking mabye that is why i am super tired...hopefully that will be done and I will feel better.

    i like doing the wii, for the most part it is pretty fun and stuff, some of it is a good workout for me, not sure how much cals i am burning and such,...hopefully i will get my hrm in a few weeks and i will know :) I have this thing in my head that I need to work out on equipment or i am not working out i know that is stupid...I wanted to join a gym but we dont have the $$$...guess all it matters is that I am moving and getting some type of exercise no matter what it is.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I am here, I am alive.....have not gained....and no loss either. I am exhausted.....ready for bed. Will check in more later :yawn:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Way to go, ladies, for getting your men involved! :flowerforyou: I think I talked one of my older brothers into beginning an exercise program when he gets back to Boston. I will be so happy if he does! He was very intrigued with my weight loss and how for the most part it has really fit well into my life and my schedule. I am praying that he starts something this week - that is if he can get back into Boston with the weather they're having! :ohwell:

    Is "Shimmy" a style of belly dancing? I think that was the name of the show I danced to in my living room from FitTV. I have always been drawn to belly dancing, ever since in my twenties I was hypnotized by a comedian in a comedy club and at the end of the show (so my friends tell me) he told all of us that were hypnotized that when we hear belly dance music we will start belly dancing! Supposedly he played the music at the end of the show and I tried to take my shirt off to show everyone my belly button! LOL Ever since then I have loved to belly dance!!! :laugh: No joke!!!

    check in:
    cals: pretty good but way over in protein and fats :frown:
    water: perfect
    exercise: 40 mins bike plus arm work
    proud: I only ate half of a piece of no sugar added blueberry pie tonight. Plus I think I inspired my brother Jim to begin working out!!! :bigsmile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    It's 3:22 am and I'm just now checking in! Ooops! :embarassed:

    I did GREAT on my calories because that crab cake and poached egg combo at 1:00 was PLENTY for the day :)
    Exercise - OK I know there are no excuses but it was 7 degrees in the garage today - too freaking COLD!:ohwell:
    Water - yep did good there!

    Proud - that I kicked back with my husband and just had another play day - I've been working 24/7 for months and it's been very different to take down time. REAL down time rather than crash for recovery time...

    If it's not warm in the garage tomorrow (today!) I'll pick some random thing in the basement and try to make it work - like the ski machine...:tongue:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Our challenge this week is at least 60 minutes of exercise and lets do it 5 times this week. I am new to making challenges so I hope this is okay.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    It's so cold in Northern Ohio today that we can turn our beagle lose in the back yard! Normally she can dig under the fence and be GONE HUNTING before you can catch her :grumble: - but now the ground is frozen solid so she trots the fence line looking for a weak point and then gives up and snuggles up with the mastiff and setter. In this weather they only get out for about 30 minutes at a time.

    I'm off to a respectable start on my day! Light yogurt with Fiber One cereal mixed in, and some tea to drink. :bigsmile: We're having a high calorie dinner tonight - a meat fondue where you cook meat in hot oil. At least we're using lean venison... I should be able to stay under my calories regardless :bigsmile:

    One thing we don't track on MFP that I was wondering if we might want to track here? :yawn: Sleep? :yawn: 7-9 hours should be our goal and I know many of us short ourselves and aside from other health issues - lack of sleep hurts weight loss. Just a thought :smile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Our challenge this week is at least 60 minutes of exercise and lets do it 5 times this week. I am new to making challenges so I hope this is okay.

    OK MomofTwo29 - it's day two on my elliptical machine - I did as you said and stayed on it for 40 minutes! Mine doesn't seem to go slower than about .7 mph so that's what I did for 40 minutes! Even though I was going in slow motion my heart rate was up at 85-90% of my max . I knew I was out of shape but I didn't realize how bad :sad:

    I was so ready to quit after 20 minutes, but I told myself that unless my REAL reason was something other than "I HATE THIS" I had to stick it out and I DID!:bigsmile:

    The garage was 15 degrees and I was sweating till I was drenched! Only the tips of my fingers were cold - I couldn't use gloves because I'm using the HRM on the machine. I get one with a chest strap next week so I'll be able to wear mittens! I was soooo hot working out that I kept picturing working out in a bikini and mittens :laugh:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks for our challenge, I like it.

    mstahl, good for you sticking to it until the end. Don't ya feel good now.

    Hope you all have a blessed Sunday afternoon.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Day is going okay for me. I reset my goals on MFP and my calories were taken all the way down to 1210! :sad:
    So that just means I HAVE to exercise every day or I'll go over my calories.

    I can't seem to get my butt in motion today. I'm so tired. :yawn: I took a 1.5 hour nap and I'm still tired.

    Also, this is tmi (as usual), but OMG I don't know what's gotten into me. My, um... "libido.." *ahem*.... has gone bonkers. :blushing: Maybe it's because because I used to get emotional satisfaction out of food & comfort eating & binging but now that I don't do that anymore, my id has to get it's jollies some other way. :huh: Am I alone here?
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Calories- under and not eating anymore today
    water- 64 oz so far but still drinking
    exercise- no, still have a lot of pelvic pain and lower back pain from TOM, it stinks
    proud- that I have done really good today and not messed up after messing up for the past 2 days.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Thanks for our challenge, I like it.

    mstahl, good for you sticking to it until the end. Don't ya feel good now.

    Hope you all have a blessed Sunday afternoon.

    Yw, now I have to get on the ball and get to exercising. I love this group
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Gals you are all doing an awesome job and thanks so much for the kind words.
    Momoftwo-I love the challenge because I have been trying to complete 2 hours everyday so if I don't meet the 2 and I juts get 1 hour done I did the challenge.
    Momma2four-I love fresh oranges and you can't find any that are good where I live.Keep up that walking with your hubby the end results will show in time.
    Mstahl-awesome job for pushing yourself.
    Jbl -I feel sexier when I start losng weight and my hubby gets the satisfaction from it lol.Thats awesome that you are no longer binging.When I want to binge I just exercise instead.I am sticking with this no matter what.
    Snowflake- thanks for the kind words I really am trying to focus and not use excuses
    Zora-Thanks so much for that awesome challenge this past week it has really opened my eyes that I can do this and I can make it happen just dn't make EXCUSES.Thanks again YOU ROCK!!!
    I am sticking with the challenge for last week and also doing this weeks.NO EXCUSES LADIES we can do this as long as we fix those excuses and make them work to our advantage.
    Water 128 ounces
    Exercise-YES 1 hour and burnt 902 calories
    Proud that I am not making excuses and I am doing this regardless because I want to look and feel GREAT this year.Stick with me gals we can do this and we will.Now any ideas on a new name for our group.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well here is the new link for our new name.Hope you gals like it
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Sorry my friends I haven't been checking in. New Year's Eve was the best first date of my life. it was perfect as I had a nice dress and felt attractive, he was attentive but not too attentive, he had friends there and I had friends there, he got along with my friends, he went to the dance part with me even though he is not a dancer, we had a few slow dances and kissed at midnight, we got our picture taken together and our picture taken with friends, we went to breakfast after and as he is on a diet too we shared portions of one meal, he would bring me water from time to time while I was dancing and he was sitting out the some of the dances (couldn't keep up with me), he was just perfect. And I had a great time. And he wanted to date again.

    Friday though I didn't eat in the a.m. because I slept in a lot, then it was time to jet to the Changing Hands book store sale. Well they have it every year 25% off everything in the store on Jan 1st and I never got to go before. it is a local somewhat well known independent bookstore.. well known nationally because it is good with events and attracts really good people to local events... but anyway I love that store and I never went to the Jan 1 book sale before. So I went with my BFF Raven and a couple of other friends met us there, ended up going to "lunch" at 4 p.m. after and I ate Chorizo and eggs because I was sooo hungry by then. Well it made me sick. I ended up with a mild case of food poisoning. My date called me for another date but I was having a a little date with the Pepto...

    I weighed in that day and the scale showed 10 pounds up. I am not sure about it, I woudln't have been too surprised by a few pounds up but the ten pounds seemed wrong. I decided to try not to overreact to it, but chill and hope that when my digestion starts up again maybe some of it will be gone....

    Saturday was still shakey in the a.m. got better as the day went on, nothing much got done but I ended up in the late afternoon going out to see Up in the Air with Raven and a friend of hers. Then we hung out and my guy texted me and we talked a bit and we ended up all going to coffee together. I found out what he reads and it is not too bad. He makes less money than I do which is not a problem for ME but I have found sometimes it is a problem in a relationshp, so we shall see. I really like him still though.

    Sunday I got some of my chores and errands done and my energy was still low. I ended up eating a lot and was afraid I went over calories and I did, but not by as much as I thought I had. The worst thing was I had some fairly natural but still sugary sorbet in my freezer and it looked very good and I ate it all. it hit the spot.

    i realize I am not taking my thyroid properly -- I don't even know where my script is right now so I must not have taken it all weekend. I am low on thyroid and so my energy won't get back until I find the bottle and start taking it. Was hoping it was in my purse or work bag, but now am having a feeling that Thursday I slipped it in my music bag. So it's at home and I'm not planning on going home after work but maybe I should....
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Sorry my friends I haven't been checking in. New Year's Eve was the best first date of my life. it was perfect as I had a nice dress and felt attractive, he was attentive but not too attentive, he had friends there and I had friends there, he got along with my friends, he went to the dance part with me even though he is not a dancer, we had a few slow dances and kissed at midnight, we got our picture taken together and our picture taken with friends, we went to breakfast after and as he is on a diet too we shared portions of one meal, he would bring me water from time to time while I was dancing and he was sitting out the some of the dances (couldn't keep up with me), he was just perfect. And I had a great time. And he wanted to date again.

    Friday though I didn't eat in the a.m. because I slept in a lot, then it was time to jet to the Changing Hands book store sale. Well they have it every year 25% off everything in the store on Jan 1st and I never got to go before. it is a local somewhat well known independent bookstore.. well known nationally because it is good with events and attracts really good people to local events... but anyway I love that store and I never went to the Jan 1 book sale before. So I went with my BFF Raven and a couple of other friends met us there, ended up going to "lunch" at 4 p.m. after and I ate Chorizo and eggs because I was sooo hungry by then. Well it made me sick. I ended up with a mild case of food poisoning. My date called me for another date but I was having a a little date with the Pepto...

    I weighed in that day and the scale showed 10 pounds up. I am not sure about it, I woudln't have been too surprised by a few pounds up but the ten pounds seemed wrong. I decided to try not to overreact to it, but chill and hope that when my digestion starts up again maybe some of it will be gone....

    Saturday was still shakey in the a.m. got better as the day went on, nothing much got done but I ended up in the late afternoon going out to see Up in the Air with Raven and a friend of hers. Then we hung out and my guy texted me and we talked a bit and we ended up all going to coffee together. I found out what he reads and it is not too bad. He makes less money than I do which is not a problem for ME but I have found sometimes it is a problem in a relationshp, so we shall see. I really like him still though.

    Sunday I got some of my chores and errands done and my energy was still low. I ended up eating a lot and was afraid I went over calories and I did, but not by as much as I thought I had. The worst thing was I had some fairly natural but still sugary sorbet in my freezer and it looked very good and I ate it all. it hit the spot.

    i realize I am not taking my thyroid properly -- I don't even know where my script is right now so I must not have taken it all weekend. I am low on thyroid and so my energy won't get back until I find the bottle and start taking it. Was hoping it was in my purse or work bag, but now am having a feeling that Thursday I slipped it in my music bag. So it's at home and I'm not planning on going home after work but maybe I should....

    Hey Rororosie, I was so glad to see your date went well. I was wondering how it all went. Thanks for sharing. Sorry about the upset tummy. Hope that is improving. Just wanted to let you know that we moved.

    here we are

  • kspear0120
    Hey all been a few days since I have checked in. Everything is going well and still staying very motivated! I have no way to weigh myself at the moment because I do not own a scale. I do know I have lost some though just dunno how much. I exercised every day except Saturday where the day just got away from me taking care of the baby and Sunday where I spend all day at church and I had to teach the teenage girls that morning. As of this week I started using my DVD again monday. Was much harder to get through after taking 2 days off. I still cannot get through all of the cardio part, so I got on the exercise bike instead to keep my heart rate up that way I didn't just 'skip' that part. Today I did the bike again for 6.5miles in 30 mins. My legs felt like jello after but still enjoyed it. My husband got the bike to start working again to so it can track my pulse calories etc. I am finding it hard to find a exercise routine since I never can tell what the baby will do that day but I am not giving up. Just definitely need to drink more water!!

    Other than that thanks for the warm welcome everyone and keep up the good work!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    kspear0120: Glad that you posted. Our thread has moved to the following:
    It will be staying this way from now on so you will easily be able to locate us in your topics. See you there.