Quickie weddings or long engagements?



  • DinaLKeil
    DinaLKeil Posts: 95 Member
    Met in February and got married that next October. No engagement really...and no official first date. Had a child about a year later. Been married for 14 years this October. :)
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    Engaged at 6 months, married at a year -1st child 9 months later!- still happily married 22 years gone May
  • crazylikefox
    I remember seeing the Muppet Movie, and I turned to my spouse and whispered in his hear of the human couple "They've been dating for 10 YEARS?? That is just weird". He looked at me and replied "THAT is what you find weird; not the spontaneous singing and dancing, or the fact that his brother is a muppet..."

    We dated for a year, were engaged for a year, and have been married 10+ years. But then again, we ain't born typical ;)
  • ali_b83
    ali_b83 Posts: 324 Member
    First marriage-engaged for almost two years
    current marriage- Met in November, engaged by January, married in February. Why wait, right?
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    I met my husband when I was 20 - in 1999, while studying abroad in Australia (he was on my flight from LAX to SYD) and the rest was history! We were engaged in late 2003, married in June 2005 and had our first child in 2008. I think it really depends on the couple and where are you in your lives. There is no wrong or right. COMMUNICATION IS KEY THROUGHOUT.
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    Meet my now husband in April 2009. Moved in together august 2009. Engaged June 2010. Married august 2011. Engaged for 14 moths only so we could pay for the wedding without loans or credit cards.
    I would have gotten married that same summer if not for money. :-) :-)
  • Lakeswoman
    Lakeswoman Posts: 37 Member
    Met in May. Then December saw us taking about marriage.. Married the following March, during my college spring break. That was over 32 years ago...and still going strong!
  • lobbyart
    lobbyart Posts: 24 Member
    Moved in at 3 months, engaged at 4 months, but we had a 14 month engagement... married 6 months and everything is just lovely!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Met in April. Married in June. Pregnant in December. 28 years and 4 kids later, he's still my best friend. When you know, you know.
  • lmeasterling
    lmeasterling Posts: 139 Member
    My husband and I dated for 6 months before getting engaged & got married 6 months after that. We've been very happily married since March, 2011, and are looking forward to spending the next 60 years together! IMO, 6 months was the perfect engagement length - long enough to get things planned, but not so long that it felt like I'd never get to the wedding day! lol. :)
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    we have been together 4 years, living together for 2, and engaged for 1. not really any rush on setting a date, i want to try and go back to get my masters as well and would rather not be working, in school and planning a wedding.

    it really is a shame that sometimes people's true colors come out, but for us it has just been getting better the longer we have been together. i see both ways, if you are going to be together forever, why not start together as soon as possible. at the same time though, if you have forever together, then what's the rush?
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year and a half now, and we talk about marriage, but he just got a "real"/career job and will be buying a house around October, so he wants to wait until he is settled down and can save up money to propose, and then we'll probably wait for a year or so to have time to properly plan the wedding. My brother and his fiancee were only together for 5 months before he proposed, but that was January 2011 and they're not getting married until May 2013, so they had plenty of time to figure things out.

    I like longer pre-marriage relationships because, as someone said earlier, you might not be one of the lucky ones, and some people don't show their true colors right away.
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    My husband and I had our first date on Dec. 19th, got engaged in January, got married on Valentine's day. Of course we were older at the time (both 38) and this wasn't either of our first rodeos. :laugh: This year was our 8th year together and I can't imagine my life without him.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    We have been friends for five year, dated for 3, got engaged in may, and got married in june. :)
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I will be with my boyfriend for seven years in November. I patiently wait for his proposal. I don't mind a short or long engagement, as long as I'm with him. However, it is my dream to get married the day of our current anniversary, so that may play a part in how long the engagement lasts, along with finance.
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    We got married 13 months to the day, that we started dating. We were talking marriage about a week into the relationship, were officially engaged after about 6 months. Everyone said we moved too quickly, and we wouldn't last but we will celebrate 8years married in October-so far so good!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    We met in college and got engaged about a year and a half after college.
    When we got married, we had known each other almost 7 years.

    I think she expected to be engaged immediately after college, with a short engagement, like many of her friends. I wanted to wait a bit, just so we could save up and pay for the whole thing ourselves(which we did have to do).

    Out of the eight or so couples we knew, only one got divorced and they were only married about 6 months.
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    My honey and I have been together for 13 yrs, 2 Girls 9 and 3 working on the 3rd this month. We've been engaged for 10 yrs. Trust me when I say its me not him.

    When ppl ask I say my relationship is like leasing a car with the option to buy I just renew with interest(kids)LOL.

    We are happy with the way things are but he is getting older and just wants to make an honest woman out of me. I think I am so scared of marriage and what it could do to our relationship . My philosphy is if it ain't broke why mess with it?
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    My best friend has been dating his fiancee since about 2006 or 2007; he proposed in 2009, and they're getting married next year. The delay comes mostly from the fact that they're both in college (as am I) - it's just easier to focus on one thing at a time, and giving themselves four years to save up and plan the wedding in their spare time while earning their bachelors' degrees has worked quite well for them. I know she would have been perfectly happy to swing by the nearest chapel the night he proposed, though, lol.
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    Within 5 minutes of meeting my husband I told him I was going to marry him (when you know you know to quote others haha). We waited until I was 18 to get married though. We've been together"" since about 15. We got married 6 months after I turned 18 (I wanted a courthouse wedding, but my mom had to have the big white dress, hordes of family kind of deal). Got pregnant on our honeymoon and we've been married for alittle over 5.5 years =). I have no doubt well make it another 50 haha.