I absolutely HATE dieting/exercise...



  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You aren't going to find much sympathy here on these forums that are FOR people interested in fitness, nutrition and health. Go do something.
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    There are plenty of workout videos on youtube that go anywhere from quick 10 minute workouts to full out 50 minutes or so. You can find zumba, pilates, yoga, circuit training, even things like Insanity and P90X can be found for free. As long as you have internet and a little space to work in :)
    As for dieting, that's my rough spot too. I actually love working out (I've always been active) but I love greasy fast food and everything else that isn't healthy. I try and plan my day around treats and if I'm really good during the week, I give myself leeway on the weekends. However, I don't have any weight that absolutely needs to be lost....
  • susjan
    susjan Posts: 105
    If you are THAT unhappy; you aren't doing it right. It isn't about what you "can't" have, but it's fitting in what you enjoy in your day. Looking at your diary, you're eating a lot of processed foods which may taste good but don't provide much 'fuel' for your body. You can't look at it as a 'diet' or that you're 'depriving' yourself, because then you will fail. Make sure you are ready and doing it for the right reasons... and then it won't see as work, but as a lifestyle change. I log everyday and support my peeps... so feel free to add me if you're looking for support.
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member
    I hate when people say at least you don't have walk/hunt for your food. REALLY?! Does that in any way relate to the ease of getting all the really bad for you things? Fast food the healthier the more expensive! Vending machines filled with chips (my biggest weakness-salty things).
    Sure at least it's not forever-ago-BC and I'm a hunter and gatherer, because being in my twenties in Midwest America I can really grasp that concept.
    By all means be blunt but be realistic!

    I do have Netflix. I do try to do the Yoga/Pilates stuff. But without someone there to watch my form, I'm afraid I'm not actually doing it right.

    I have Kettlebells & Jillian Michaels.

    I have the Zumba 8 CD pack with weights.

    I do not have a bike.

    I have bad hips so I am working on strengthening them so it doesn't pain me for days after a mile walk, and I hope to eventually build up enough strength to run again. But again, being realistic. I'm looking at November before I can start building up to running (pending my stick-to-it-ness).

    I have no one to do these things with. Which is depressing and UN motivating.
  • Try something different, I just go for a walk, very brisk pace. I walk every other evening once the kids are in bed and hubby there to look after them. It's free and easy - put on some headphones and happy walking. It isn't the biggest calorie burner but it's something I know i can do and most importantly will keep up. I didn't seen overnight results but few months into it can def feel my energy is up legs bit more toned (only slightly but it's a start.) I also have lengthened my route as I now go round my old route in less than an hour so need to walk longer distance. Also regarding dieting - if you want to be thinner there are things you have to give up if you love certain foods, have a small bit. It's so much 'easier' to have the foods you like but then you won't lose weight - so you have to decide if you want to stay big or change your habits to lose weight. Unfortunetly it's not an easy road to take - but if you do - sure you feel so much healthier.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hi sweetie...

    Who says you cannot have steak! Eat that steak... cheese balls maybe not... you can enjoy great food... just do some research! Find a exercise you love. I've recently got into running, hilt, spinning and lifting. Get some good music for work outs too. You could try biking, walking, running, (c25k) make an outdoor boot camp course. Get I inventive, try new things... and it DOES get easier when you see results. Also I often get up at 5am to exercise, its tough but by 6.30am your all done, feel more energetic through the day and you get to enjoy your evenings... just a thought.

    Good luck!
  • sarah6336
    sarah6336 Posts: 108 Member
    Try to cheer up! IT isn't so bad. I just came back from a five week vacation where I stayed on my diet, weighing a nd measuring when I came back. I honestly felt better reducing what I ate and walking instead of taking a city bus or cab where I was... I also learned that our food habits are radically different than other places in the world. It gave me fresh perspective on dieting.
    I'd suggest trying to find a few friends to maybe get together with to exercise & have a few pot lucks with for support. It sounds like you are overwhelmed, and that is never good. Try to focus on basics: watch what you eat & exercise. You don't have to go for radical changes in your lifestyle, just take it slow!
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    Can I be blunt?

    You just need to get over it or accept the fact that you won't ever have the body or athletic performance you desire. When the psychological need for you to be healthy outrides the need for you to comfort yourself with food or an easy life you'll find it a lot easier and find creative solutions to your predicament.

    It could be worse though.

    You could have to walk over 20 miles just to get access to clean water and only have the luxury of eating one small meal a day.

    That would truly suck.

    ^^ This

    What about working out in the morning? I hate getting up early, but I love getting it out of the way ...
  • clar3188
    clar3188 Posts: 2 Member

    I hate diet and excercise too. I am struggling to keep exercising everyday. Since I started, my scale says I gained a pound! What the heck! I am expecting to loose weight! I feel like I am always thinking about food (carbs, weight gain, calories). I feel like I am constantly depressed. Most of all I am afraid I will fail again.

    You can do it! We can do it! I know I'm not alone. You are successful. You will continue to succeed. These are the things I tell myself everyday, every minute I want to say to hell with it all.
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    Pretty much what everyone else has said are good or vaild points. If it feels like punishment, it is because you have already made your mind up that it IS punishment. No one is making you do this. Focus on the reasons you chose to do it. Do I love this every day? No. Because sometimes it is easier to pretend I don't care and quit than put in the hard work. I try to remember that I started this because I wasn't happy. Is losing weight going to fix everything that I was/am unhappy about? Also no. But it is a start..
  • Rage4lightning
    Rage4lightning Posts: 72 Member
    I hate dieting. Absolutely abhor it. Exercising wasn't much better for me.

    I haven't had a gym membership in several years, but when I did, I'd always hide in the crappy little women's only room. While I was there, I was constantly watching the clock. So, I stopped going and ended my contract with them. I'm a gamer and have both an Xbox 360 and a Playstation 3. I've invested in a small number of exercise games for both. Thankfully, I finally found one that I enjoy.

    EA Sports Active 2 gives me a workout that can be fun (I fully admit that I hate every exercise that contains the word "mountain" in this game). I've only been using this particular game for a week but I feel amazing and that makes it a lot less irritating.

    As for dieting, I don't really. I still eat the things I want just in smaller portions. Yesterday, I went to one of my favorite restaurants for lunch and had some of the worst foods on the menu...I just didn't finish them. I brought half of my sandwich home for later. Then, for dinner, I enjoyed a large bowl of my favorite fruits. I wasn't hungry in the least throughout the entire day.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    They offer a zumba class 30 minutes away (another small town) that I did enjoy and it's only $25 for 5 weeks/classes twice a week. I liked that. But she doesn't do the classes in the summer, which means I would have to wait until September to get back on track. Weight wise, I can't afford to do that. So I joined Curves. They are very nice. I understand the program. I believe it's working. Yes I do feel better. But I can't shake that feeling that it's just a thankless job. I count my calories all day. I try to aim for -500 a day. But at the end of my day I'm still hungry after my lean protein, serving of veggies, and either fruit/grains. I go to bed hungry. I wake up hungry. I repeat the process. I'm getting better at waking up earlier. So hopefully next week I can start getting up early enough to do my at home Zumba workout. But I'm far from thrilled.

    ok - firstly - read this and went running to your diary - the -500/day is built into the math of MFP when you put in your info. so don't stay 500 below that. hit that number.

    secondly, find something that will fill the trigger in a healthier way. i love moz sticks. but i've found that i can have a cheese stick then i'm ok. if that doesn't do it, dip it in skim, roll it in japanese bread crumbs and bake. i need chocolate in my life, so i have dark chocolate or one chocolate chip cookie. steak? i LOVE steak. i don't want to live in a world without it. so i get a leaner cut and eat w/ a giant salad or a mound of broccoli and squash.

    if you hate what you're doing, mix it up. find a way to feel like you're not "on a diet". if you really want something, find a way to fit it in your macros and go to.

    find a work out you like. you live in the boonies - i totally get that, i grew up in Amish country - but that also gives you an opportunity. you will have more hiking. your roads will be safer to bike. hell, grab your camera and go out on a walk for nature pics. get in the workout in a way you will like, and you will lose faster and be happier.
  • No one ever said this was going to be easy but you need to find the right foods that you enjoy eating and that are healthy for you. As for exercise, there are TONS of options that don't require a gym and that are actually fun (Zumba, 30DS, Kickboxing, Walking, Hiking, Biking)
  • I completely understand the way that you feel. I hated having to exercise and watch what I ate in moderation.

    Things only changed for me mentally when I realized that I hated being unhealthy and overweight more than actually exercising and eating well.

    I still have a long way to go but if it gives you any hope at all, trust me, things do get better. I wake up in the morning now rawring to get to the gym and get in a great workout. Ignoring the cupcakes and candy at the office is easy now, cooking at home or eating healthier instead of driving through a fast food chain is easy now.

    Keep at it.
  • Lmezz11
    Lmezz11 Posts: 619 Member
    I found the key is experimenting and finding foods that make it not feel like dieting. And change it up often, don't constantly eat the same things... that just gets old. Also, have you looked into different home workouts? I've heard that 30DS has helped a lot of people. I have not done it, but plan on starting next week hopefully. Mix things up until you find something that you actually enjoy. Check out the recipes thread too... might give you some ideas for filling meals that are low cal!
  • deedeetris
    deedeetris Posts: 207 Member
    I love the idea of Netflix--I have that and didn't even think of it!! I see you are in Illinois and I know the winters can get long and boring. Do you have a Wii or an XBox? Get some of those games they have on there and exercise with that instead of going to the gym. I love doing that and it is convenient. You can push yourself with them and do it along with your boyfriend. Another idea is dancing--I "clean dance" at home. I crank the tunes and act like an idiot while I clean my house. My kids are mortified by my moves, but it makes an ugly task much more fun!

    Personally, I hate strength training, but I love cardio. When I am in the gym, I dread it, so I decided to give that up and just do what I like. I might do weights some day, but right now I have to do what I like to keep going!! So, my advice is to find something that you love and just do it!! Good luck and keep us posted!! Dee
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member
    SaltWarrior - That's probably the most inspirational thing I've ever read. Thank you for posting. Truly.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    i think you're seeing it as glass half empty. Instead think about it as burning fat, getting healthier inside and out and just releasing the stress and toxins in your body

    this ^^ i used to be miserable when on a diet, i didnt work out or do much at all, at first when i changed my lifestyle i struggled but after a week or so i felt great, my skin was better, i was happier in life! and i love exersize now because ive seen the total difference in my body and lifestyle. Once you see results or find something you like its easy...Sticking with it at first is the hardest. Good Luck
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Find a new exercise you enjoy. I have the xBox 360 and kinect. I have both Zumba games, as well as a lot of the other dance games, and I'll use that as my cardio. It's a lot of fun, and certain games can REALLY get your heart rate up!!
  • misscrazO
    misscrazO Posts: 33 Member
    Your not alone in your feelings. I just think we have to keep on doing it until we either like it or learn to love it lol. Seriously though I miss my old life and eating but I will die young and no food is worth that.