

  • lovedoco
    My goal for the week is to finally go and get a membership at a Gym.
    I have been walking/jogging around my neighborhood and going to a drop in ballet class, but I think going to the gym and being able to chose froma variety of activities would keep me from getting bored of a standard routine.
    I also really like swimming, and I think it would be fun to do all year round.

    Eating wise, I read the book Eat to Live, and he talks a lot about cutting out processed foods and eating strictly fruits, vegetables and other foods that are high in fiber like beans. Most breads, pastas and things I mostly fill my diet with are not nutrient rich.
    I will be sticking to this plan and see how it works for me.
  • tnichol4
    tnichol4 Posts: 58 Member
    Tuesday goals: To work out and stay under calories.

    For August: To eat 5 servings of fruit/veggies everyday.

    When I started at the end of January I wanted to lose 100 pounds, I have now lost 42 only 58 left :) I am almost under 200 pounds which I haven't been in at least 7 years.
  • kie_kie
    kie_kie Posts: 106 Member
    My goal for august is to reach my 20lb weight loss mark :)

    so that's more eating healthy and in right portions along with exercising when i can... my exercise goal is 30 minutes at least 5 times a week :)

    Feel free to add me as I have very little friends
  • Lucie_L00
    i do!! i feel so sad today, just by knowing how i look, and themore i look , the more sad i get,, im in,,minus 100 it is,,, starting my massive work-out tonight, enough is enough!
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I need to lose 50kgs. I've been a MFP member for about a month, rather slow going at the moment.
    This month I want to
    - keep a closer eye on portion sizes
    - do some excersize.

    I also have diabetes so improving my health is a major consideration. I have two teen age sons and I want to be around for a long time. I want to be in better shape than my mum was at my age.
    Alas I enjoy baking and it is hard to get worked up about low fat 'goodies'- which have often got higher %of sugar/glucose in them. So I am still trying to adjust to this new lifestyle, so trying to keep motivated and trying to slowly improve my health. I think a group like this could help. I also want to enjoy life.

    Don't you get fed up with being the biggest person in the room?

    For years I would look around for some one my size or bigger in a room so I wouldn't feel like I stuck out so much. I have stopped doing that now as I have finally realized it just doesn't matter to me anymore. I guess that comes with age, I'm 62. Keep coming back as this room is so supportive, motivating and helpful.

  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 216 Member
    Tuesday Goals: My goals for this week are to exercise three days at thirty minutes each. Post at least once each day on the forums.

    Yesterday wasn't bad for a first day back. I did go over calories but know exactly the problem. Today I modified my breakfast and brought it to under 300 calories. Asked hubs to please not put cookies in my lunch. (His daughter baked them the night before and he thought I would like them...which I did...but they were calories wasted.)

    I am so excited to re-start this journey. I know that it is not going to be easy but if I can 1)be honest with myself and with others regarding my eating habits, and 2)re-discover my love for exercise I can do this!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I found it! :happy:

    Doing good so far this week, goal is to stay the course...


    I hear you Joe!!! Exactly. Stick with it. I'm there with you.

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    My other goal is to finish the day with under 2500mg of Sodium consumed for the majority of the week. I did it yesterday so here's to being on a good start. I'm hoping I'll be able to continue.

    i need to have a goal about my sodium too. it's always too high. that's what comes of being a bad cook, for me. i just make everything from cans or packages or whatever.
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    Tuesday Goal - Exercise is the hardest for me. I like to make excuses - too busy, too hot outside, gym too crowded this time of day, whatever, whatever, whatever. Then I get fed up with myself and make unrealistic (for now) goals and then beat myself up for not abiding by them.

    So now my goal is simply to try - every single day - to do just a little bit more than I was doing. I can do a little bit - it's not threatening, it doesn't hurt, I don't get sweaty, and whatever other excuses I try to pull. I usually take the stairs at work about half the time - if i walk up, I'll ride down, so my goal this week is to take the stairs more often. Yesterday, I added 3 "downs", so today I want at least that many.

    (and really, when I say it's hot here, it's HOT - over 100 again today)
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been so busy... mostly watching Olympics ho ho. My Tuesday/August goals are: nutrition -- more fruit and veg because it's been rubbish recently. Exercise: still keeping up with 30 minutes of cardio every day. I'm only doing it by doing Wii Free Step while watching telly though...
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 216 Member
    I made it! I hate I've been gone so long from the original thread, but I"m still kicking butt! :wink:

    Tuesday goals: Keep on keeping on with what I've been doing. It seems to be working, so not going to change it until I have to.

    For those who haven't heard, (I'm proud of this, so bear with me!:wink:), I am out of the 300's, never to see them again!!!!!! It's about 2-3 weeks later than I had hoped, but it happened!!!

    Aug Goals:

    1. Find a way to eat healthier on the weekends. Who knows how much I could be losing if I get that in hand!!!
    2. By the end of the month have my intensity on my workouts up, and/or 40 mins instead of 30.

    Way to go!! I am looking forward to exiting the 300's again...and this time it will be permanently!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Gilligan's Island used to make me crazy when I was a kid. The logic fallacies were too much even for my eight year old brain.

    But I do have a funny little story. My youngest daughter's name is Gillian. Now those British peeps will immediately recognize this as the proper spelling of the name Jillian. The J is an American invention. And the reason for that appears to be that American's can't seem to figure out that G also makes a J sound sometimes. We have learned this firsthand having a daughter named Gillian.

    When she was first born, after we'd been released from the hospital, I immediately had to take her to the pediatrician to have her bilirubin levels checked. The doctor came into the room and said, "This is a girl, correct?" and we said she was. And then he said, "So I'm guessing her name isn't Gilligan?"

    He showed us the paperwork and the nurse had written her name down as Gilligan Anderson :laugh: We were like, yeah, these are our other two children, Skipper and Maryanne.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @CJK – Welcome my friend, glad to see you here on this thread! I hope you are doing well and ready to get healthy. thumb-up.gif

    @sarahm & JoyceMccormack – I have type 2 diabetes and I’m a member of the “Type 2 Diabetes Support Group” here on MFP. It is a good place for information, but it is nowhere near as fun as this group.

    @ArtemisXXII – I am following the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan which keeps my sodium intake down. I think people from New England are great people. My family moved from Maine to CT right before I was born (that was in the olden days for you:laugh: , like Old Sturbridge Village).

    @ Joe – Glad this week is going good for you, keep it up!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Gilligan's Island used to make me crazy when I was a kid. The logic fallacies were too much even for my eight year old brain.

    But I do have a funny little story. My youngest daughter's name is Gillian. Now those British peeps will immediately recognize this as the proper spelling of the name Jillian. The J is an American invention. And the reason for that appears to be that American's can't seem to figure out that G also makes a J sound sometimes. We have learned this firsthand having a daughter named Gillian.

    When she was first born, after we'd been released from the hospital, I immediately had to take her to the pediatrician to have her bilirubin levels checked. The doctor came into the room and said, "This is a girl, correct?" and we said she was. And then he said, "So I'm guessing her name isn't Gilligan?"

    He showed us the paperwork and the nurse had written her name down as Gilligan Anderson :laugh: We were like, yeah, these are our other two children, Skipper and Maryanne.

    So I take it you didn't just get back from a 3 hour tour?
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good morning all. Hello to all the newbies, welcome to a fabulous group of men and women who will support and motivate your way to healthy living.

    My Tuesday goals are to walk Belle for 30 minutes a day this week. This is the hardest part of healthy living for me as exercise does not come natural to me and lugging an oxygen tank around just makes it worse.:grumble: Robin, I need to start the "this is my playtime" mantra.

    Enough of the grumbling! I have much to be grateful for and this group is one of them. Thank you all for being here.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,118 Member
    My other goal is to finish the day with under 2500mg of Sodium consumed for the majority of the week. I did it yesterday so here's to being on a good start. I'm hoping I'll be able to continue.

    i need to have a goal about my sodium too. it's always too high. that's what comes of being a bad cook, for me. i just make everything from cans or packages or whatever.

    I've been working on cutting down on sodium for a number of years. Truthfully it didn't come easy for me. I had to take small incremental steps with it, same as changing other aspects of my life. Wishing you all success on this and I hope it comes easier and faster than for me!!

    Lin, the 1500mg or less sodium gal
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member

    I've been working on cutting down on sodium for a number of years. Truthfully it didn't come easy for me. I had to take small incremental steps with it, same as changing other aspects of my life.
    Lin, the 1500mg or less sodium gal

    I'm a low sodium-er as well. The Dr. told me under 2K a day. I AIM for 1500 a day and usually hit about 1700. I get SO frustrated in the amount of sodium in things. At least once a day I have to give out a "OH C'MON!" about something that I realized I can't eat anymore. I can really tell when I go over now though. My blood pressure spikes big time (terrifies me every single time it happens) and I get terrible headaches (probably from the high bp).
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 216 Member
    Tuesday Goal - Exercise is the hardest for me. I like to make excuses - too busy, too hot outside, gym too crowded this time of day, whatever, whatever, whatever. Then I get fed up with myself and make unrealistic (for now) goals and then beat myself up for not abiding by them.

    So now my goal is simply to try - every single day - to do just a little bit more than I was doing. I can do a little bit - it's not threatening, it doesn't hurt, I don't get sweaty, and whatever other excuses I try to pull. I usually take the stairs at work about half the time - if i walk up, I'll ride down, so my goal this week is to take the stairs more often. Yesterday, I added 3 "downs", so today I want at least that many.

    (and really, when I say it's hot here, it's HOT - over 100 again today)

    I could have written this post! I am always my biggest enemy when it comes to goals. I think I am learning to realize when I am setting something that it totally unrealistic but .....

    As for heat - we will be in the 110+ all week! Yuk!
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Yay for the new thread!

    I am pretty upset right now. I am not going to be able to work out for the next couple days because I have a really bad case of chaffing and instead of it getting better it's just gotten worse since last night. I must say that I am quite miserable. I put cornstarch on it but that's not helping much. If it is this bad tomorrow I am not coming into work because it hurts climbing into the car and out of bed. Anyone have any tips to help this go away faster?? I sure hope so...

    Tuesday goal...Watch what I eat because working out or well cardio rather is not an option right now.