How often does everyone weigh themselves?



  • Everyday when I get up. It may be disheartening to see a slight jump... but it is more-than-equally pleasing to see it go down.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    I have just started weighing once a week. I get too discouraged when I did it everday..and I get tempted to quit..and we can't have that! I've also realized that the body takes time to adjust and doesn't know we weigh everday or week and get dissapointed.
  • CupcakeHarpy
    CupcakeHarpy Posts: 100 Member
    Every Sunday morning when I get up.

    There is no right time. Although weighing your self at the same time of day each time helps. I also would recommend to not weigh yourself too often since weight can fluctuate from one day to the next and can be disheartening on the days it goes up, even if only 1/2 a pound. Most people I know weigh in once a week.

    Yep. I agree. Although I do weigh at the same time every day, BUT I don't mind seeing the fluctuations. It helps me understand how my body is reacting to what i'm doing. I only really count the weight on one day a week. I look at the whole picture at that time... how much calories i had, if I ate whole foods or if I'm getting off track, do I need to increase/decrease caloric intake, did I keep a steady average of daily calorie intake or did I do more extreme calorie cycling, what about exercise, etc. Use the scale to find out what works towards your goals, then adjust them weekly/biweekly/monthly more than getting hung up on the actual number looking back. Weigh as often as is helpful to you.
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    I weigh in every day, in the morning before I do anything. Keeps me on track and stops me being naughty as I know my weigh in is the next day.
  • I agree with you!! everyday berofre shower is the best one. some people say not to do it every day, but I do it cause is the only way that i can keep up my own commitment.. i dont care if i dont see that am going down, but atleast am not going UP!! LOL
  • hahaha now I know am not obsessed!! i do the same thing! :)
  • [hahaha now I know am not obsessed!! i do the same thing! :)
  • kzcortes
    kzcortes Posts: 208 Member
    I actually do the same thing. Every day when I first wake up I weigh myself before I eat or drink anything. Changes are little - if any - but it helps to gauge and keep myself in check!
  • kt2134
    kt2134 Posts: 45
    Hate the scale. It scares me. It never says what I want it too after I've felt like I've exercised so hard. However, I take my measurements exactly a month apart and If I've noticed smaller measurements, I'll step on the scale just to see what it says. Being as I gain muscle sort of fast I've learned to ignore the scale and pay more attention to my measurements.
  • mishelerenee
    mishelerenee Posts: 14 Member
    I am trying not to weight myself every week this go around. I am only two weeks in to eating healthier and exercising daily. I'd like the way I feel and the way my clothes fit to be the true test. My focus is getting healthy, and the weight will drop if I stick to it. I am planning to weigh in once every 30 days, just to have some sense of my weight.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Rayzback
    Rayzback Posts: 73
    Every Monday morning at 7:00am. I had a week where I looked all the time. Early mornings seemed to give me the best results. I've started doing measurments once a month.
  • Jessichiva04
    Jessichiva04 Posts: 10 Member
    Every Thursday morning =)
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Daily, I'm kind of an addict.
  • Gypsybird87
    Gypsybird87 Posts: 7 Member
    I weigh myself almost everyday, naked, after the "morning routine" and before I shower or eat/drink anything. It can sometimes be discouraging to see the number nudge up or stay the same, especially when I've been really "good" the day before.

    My trick to stay positive is that I only update my weight in the fitness pal when it goes down from the previous lowest weight. Sometimes this happens daily, sometimes it takes a week for the number to go down (which sucks!) but when it goes down, I log it in no matter how small the change.

    I'm far from perfect but I know that overall I am doing the right things to help lose weight. So I try to focus on the positive by only acknowledging the number when it goes down. Besides, there are so many things that can make it read HIGHER than it really is: bloating, too much sodium, that time of the month, constipation etc. But I figure nothing can make the scale weigh me LESS than I really am. So when it says my weight is down, I believe it and go with that.
  • nikkirec
    nikkirec Posts: 24 Member
    Every day as soon as I get up, weight fluctuates up and down from day to day but I don't let it bother me as long as I see a downward trend from week to week. : )
  • Lee648
    Lee648 Posts: 14 Member
    Every morning. I wake up, use the restroom, and get on the scale and like others have said, I get on and off a few times because my scale will fluctuate by about 0.5-1lb. My feeling is that if I weigh myself and I'm happy with the number, it gives me the motivation to eat better for the day to keep up the good work. If I don't like the number, it also gives me motivation to make even better decisions for the day because I disliked the number so much! It's working for me so far!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I don't own scales, so I weigh in at the gym. Usually at the same time of the morning, wearing the same clothes ( I have several sets). I WAS weighing in 3-4x a week, but I am trying to break the habit.

    Over the weekend I kinda had a mini binge--I ate way too many carbs ( probably 150-200g on Sunday vs the 100g I am used to eating), so on Monday I was up 1.4lbs. I decided that this week I am NOT stepping on the scale til Friday morning, and hopefully I will have lost the bloat from my weekend. It was HARD to not to step on the scales today, it is ingrained as part of my normal routine.
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    Every day before I shower. I have to have the scales in the exact same place on the floor, I strip naked and then weigh 3 times and take the average (my scales usually vary by 0.25-0.5lb each time). :)

    You should get a new scale. :) Weight Watchers makes a terribly accurate one. :)

    I do the same though, every morning. Every day, before every shower, stripped naked, with the scale in the same place for accuracy.
  • vkruithof
    vkruithof Posts: 227 Member
    I weigh myself almost everyday, naked, after the "morning routine" and before I shower or eat/drink anything. It can sometimes be discouraging to see the number nudge up or stay the same, especially when I've been really "good" the day before.

    My trick to stay positive is that I only update my weight in the fitness pal when it goes down from the previous lowest weight. Sometimes this happens daily, sometimes it takes a week for the number to go down (which sucks!) but when it goes down, I log it in no matter how small the change.

    I'm far from perfect but I know that overall I am doing the right things to help lose weight. So I try to focus on the positive by only acknowledging the number when it goes down. Besides, there are so many things that can make it read HIGHER than it really is: bloating, too much sodium, that time of the month, constipation etc. But I figure nothing can make the scale weigh me LESS than I really am. So when it says my weight is down, I believe it and go with that.

    Absolutely! That's me to a tee! Great job!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Daily :( I only pay attention to Saturday mornings though as far as progress markers