Last 10 - kick-off



  • ChaChaMommy
    So here's the rub......I DID weigh-in on Monday, and was AMAZED that I was still 129.5!!!! Amazing with my back-sliding. BUT......losing the motivation prompted from fear of having gained weight, I also promptly continued to eat poorly Monday, Tuesday, and here it is Wednesday. I measured and found that I've GAINED inches instead of pounds!:mad: I should have known that as I've been eating poorly, I've also been lazy in the exercise department....thus the old "muscle weighs more than fat" slap in the face! :sad: I need the motivation to quit this vicious cyle which has ALWAYS kept me in the 10+ pounds overweight life....the pain of feeling fat MUST be greater than the desire to pig-out!!!!!:ohwell:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am still 4 pounds away from goal - but after all the holiday fudge - I am tickled to be that close!
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    Hey Gang! I'm back after a horrendous 2 months or so. After the first week of November I started slipping, was only getting to the gym once or twice each week. I did a great 10km trail run December 19th and then.... nothing. Nothing but lifting the wine glass to my lips and cutting up more cheese. Terrible!
    Lots going on in life but I have decided - again - that I have to make myself and my health a priority. I feel like hell, and can only attribute it to lack of exercise and poor diet.

    So, today is day 1 of being back on track. I was a little afraid to get on the scale or peek at the tape measure, but I will do both tomorrow morning. Today I have stuck to a clean diet and even made it to the gym. Amazing that 5 short weeks ago I was running 10k and feeling fabulous, today I barely lasted 45 minutes on the treadmill and walked (albiet briskly) most of that. A big reminder of how quickly we can lose the amazing progress we've made.

    I'll check in after the dreaded weigh/measure, and hope I can stick with this and finally get this done! I hope you're all doing well, and that your holidays were fabulous. Happy New Year!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Wow, everyone's so close to their goals! Keep up the good work ladies (and Casper? :wink:), you're doing great! (and so good that you got back on track after the holidays :flowerforyou:). Winter is hard on us when it comes to excercising, isn't it? :ohwell:
    Though I changed my goals a bit :smile:, I'm keeping an eye on this topic and am so happy it's still alive! Thanks, ladies! :flowerforyou:.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am still 4 pounds away from goal - but after all the holiday fudge - I am tickled to be that close!

    So now only 2 pounds away!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Still 10 pounds up, lazy lately, not exercising. Just lots'a stuff right now, lots of excuses, and no time. Too much going on.

    Maintaining weight by pure calorie control, and osmosis, and the grace of god. Can't believe I'm not gaining...

    Winter will end someday, right? :sad:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Still 10 pounds up, lazy lately, not exercising. Just lots'a stuff right now, lots of excuses, and no time. Too much going on.

    Maintaining weight by pure calorie control, and osmosis, and the grace of god. Can't believe I'm not gaining...

    Winter will end someday, right? :sad:

    I agree totally - seems like there's twice as much to do since Thanksgiving and it's not stopped yet! I've been working out Tuesday - Saturday for the past few weeks...3 runs, 1 step, 1 strength...just can't seem to work in that second strength day.
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    Chrissy, only 2 pounds to go - nice work!!!

    I weighed in this morning, am up 2.5lbs since early December so now have about 5lbs to go. Sounds like we're in a similar place, Casper - too much going on!

    Managed to get to the gym today, 2nd day in a row - hopefully it'll stick.

    Dewdrop - congrats!!

    Keep it up, everyone!
  • creativechatname
    Hey everyone!
    I'm new to the forum and I am trying to lose weight to kick off the pounds I gained after I stopped smoking cigarettes.
    Here are my numbers:

    I am a 5 feet 11 inches tall female @ the age of 21.
    I currently weigh 153.7 and I am trying to get back to weighting 138-140 or there about.
    I try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day (even though that is not always the case).
    My BMR is 1500 calories and I try to keep my net calories (after exercising) to about 900-1000 calories.
    I usually sleep between 8-9 hours.

    Honestly, I have a lot of people in my life trying to sabotage my goals and I hope to find people here that will help support me as much as I want to support other peoples goals and dreams.

    Lots of love and encouragement
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Welcome, Sacha :flowerforyou:.

    You're on the way to a healthy life! Thumbs up for quiting smoking! I bet that wasn't easy, but this should have proven to you that you can achieve something, once you set your mind to it!

    You can do this! Good luck in your journey and keep us posted :wink:.
  • creativechatname
    Thank you! You're right. I should focus more on the success of quitting smoking than feeling sorry for myself for comfort eating. That is one of my big challenges in all of this; emotional eating (when stressed, feeling down etc.), but my heart is set on getting back on track.

    Does anyone have any advice on this matter? How to combat emotional easting and late-night snacking?
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Does anyone have any advice on this matter? How to combat emotional easting and late-night snacking?

    Late night snacking is one serious challenge for me (seems like not only :wink:):

    If you want to avoid something, imagine that there is something a bit poisoning in it: in a similar way that smoking was, on long term. Think of the chemicals, of the sugar or bad fats. Since this kind of eating is "emotional", it's all in our heads. Sometimes it can be helpful to commit publicly and to post in the forum, rather than open the fridge again, one more time (just this once :wink:).