If you saw a ten year old girl with an iPhone....



  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I would think "Whoa, I can't believe that little girl has an iPhone" and move on. Not my business.

    And I personally think it's crazy for a child to have such an expensive phone. My 9-year old has a cell phone, but it's not a smart phone.

    I think maybe one of those cheap prepaid phones with a certain amount of minutes is alright. If they abuse the 100 minutes or whatever, then they are done.....simple as that. Buying them a phone thats worth hundreds of dollars is a bad idea. I wonder if thieves think about robbing little kids iphones. It would be easy.

    I guess I just don't see why a child has to have a phone that costs a few hundred dollars. But to each their own. My daughter's phone was free on our plan, and costs $10 a month. She actually hardly uses it, but I like that she has one when she's with her friends or with her dad on his weekend.
  • deads99
    deads99 Posts: 77
    Buying a 10 year old kid a 300-400 dollar phone = SMART

  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    This is my rant ... it may not be a popular opinion but its my opinion :)

    I don't have children but I avoid all "family" oriented places like the plague because kids today are so horrific! I'm not saying all kids but 99.9% of them. People (who don't know me well) think I'm a snob because I'll only eat at fine dining type restaurants or sit in first class on airplanes but its really because I'm avoiding today's generation of children. If a family is somehow eating at a nice restaurant and is sat next to me, I'll ask to be moved asap. I do the same thing in hotels. It would be nice not to be so particular all the time, but I have to be. The only way to avoid these horrible children is to eat, stay, and play at uber high-end establishments. Even our movie theater has a VIP section, where you have to be 21 or older; they serve alcohol and have nice big recliner seats! We seem to never run into children there. And there is a local restaurant that only allows children older than 13 and my husband and I patron it all the time! I constantly send emails and letters praising their wise decision. The kid free restaurant is packed with people who want to eat in peace and actually enjoy their food!

    Parents today seem so stressed and overwhelmed; its insane. I run at a track sometimes and see these miserable parents sitting through soccer practice, baseball, etc. and its depressing. And then they take their kids out in public and don't discipline them AT ALL. The kids are loud, rude, obnoxious, and the parents could care less. How about a "please be quiet, honey" once in awhile?!? But I never hear parents trying to control their children.

    The best decision I ever made in my entire life, is to not have children. I have a husband I love and three beautiful dogs who were rescues. And we live our life wonderfully stress free & happy, in peace and quiet, with other like minded adults!!!!!!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    This is my rant ... it may not be a popular opinion but its my opinion :)

    I don't have children but I avoid all "family" oriented places like the plague because kids today are so horrific! I'm not saying all kids but 99.9% of them. People (who don't know me well) think I'm a snob because I'll only eat at fine dining type restaurants or sit in first class on airplanes but its really because I'm avoiding today's generation of children. If a family is somehow eating at a nice restaurant and is sat next to me, I'll ask to be moved asap. I do the same thing in hotels. It would be nice not to be so particular all the time, but I have to be. The only way to avoid these horrible children is to eat, stay, and play at uber high-end establishments. Even our movie theater has a VIP section, where you have to be 21 or older; they serve alcohol and have nice big recliner seats! We seem to never run into children there. And there is a local restaurant that only allows children older than 13 and my husband and I patron it all the time! I constantly send emails and letters praising their wise decision. The kid free restaurant is packed with people who want to eat in peace and actually enjoy their food!

    Parents today seem so stressed and overwhelmed; its insane. I run at a track sometimes and see these miserable parents sitting through soccer practice, baseball, etc. and its depressing. And then they take their kids out in public and don't discipline them AT ALL. The kids are loud, rude, obnoxious, and the parents could care less. How about a "please be quiet, honey" once in awhile?!? But I never hear parents trying to control their children.

    The best decision I ever made in my entire life, is to not have children. I have a husband I love and three beautiful dogs who were rescues. And we live our life wonderfully stress free & happy, in peace and quiet, with other like minded adults!!!!!!

    Um...what does this have to do with kids and cell phones?
  • liss125
    liss125 Posts: 77
    This is my rant ... it may not be a popular opinion but its my opinion :)

    I don't have children but I avoid all "family" oriented places like the plague because kids today are so horrific! I'm not saying all kids but 99.9% of them. People (who don't know me well) think I'm a snob because I'll only eat at fine dining type restaurants or sit in first class on airplanes but its really because I'm avoiding today's generation of children. If a family is somehow eating at a nice restaurant and is sat next to me, I'll ask to be moved asap. I do the same thing in hotels. It would be nice not to be so particular all the time, but I have to be. The only way to avoid these horrible children is to eat, stay, and play at uber high-end establishments. Even our movie theater has a VIP section, where you have to be 21 or older; they serve alcohol and have nice big recliner seats! We seem to never run into children there. And there is a local restaurant that only allows children older than 13 and my husband and I patron it all the time! I constantly send emails and letters praising their wise decision. The kid free restaurant is packed with people who want to eat in peace and actually enjoy their food!

    Parents today seem so stressed and overwhelmed; its insane. I run at a track sometimes and see these miserable parents sitting through soccer practice, baseball, etc. and its depressing. And then they take their kids out in public and don't discipline them AT ALL. The kids are loud, rude, obnoxious, and the parents could care less. How about a "please be quiet, honey" once in awhile?!? But I never hear parents trying to control their children.

    The best decision I ever made in my entire life, is to not have children. I have a husband I love and three beautiful dogs who were rescues. And we live our life wonderfully stress free & happy, in peace and quiet, with other like minded adults!!!!!!

    Um...what does this have to do with kids and cell phones?

    I think she's saying that kids don't even deserve to live, let alone talk on a phone ;)
  • My daughter is 14, and she'd LOVE a phone..she doesn't need one.

    she's either IN school, on the way to school, or coming home from school. We have a phone at our house, and the school has one.

    Would I say something to someone else's kid? nope..not unless she was doing something BAD with it, LOL

    Lots of girls my daughter's class have them, my kid is the minority.
    I think different kids just have different needs, if my daughter only went to school she wouldn't have a phone. Since my daughter has gymnastics, cheer and occasionaly spends time at her friends house I prefer her to have a phone so she can get a hold of me any time or vice versa.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    It is really none of my business what you chose to give or not give your child. I would never say anything. I personally would never give a 10 year old a phone much less an iphone. I still live in the stone age and my kids will not have phones (or at least contract phones) till they are maybe 17.

    lol i got my first cell phone at 17! I will be making 19 in october and guess what it hasnt killed me that i didnt get a phone at 15 like i wanted. 10 is just too young imo, which my parents raised me from the old school now that i am older i liked it that way and will prolly do the same when i have kids. But like everyone says its your child and your rules.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    My parents made me wait until I could pay for the bill, same thing about getting a car. They helped me buy a cheap car, but I had to have a job to handle the insurance.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    This is my rant ... it may not be a popular opinion but its my opinion :)

    I don't have children but I avoid all "family" oriented places like the plague because kids today are so horrific! I'm not saying all kids but 99.9% of them. People (who don't know me well) think I'm a snob because I'll only eat at fine dining type restaurants or sit in first class on airplanes but its really because I'm avoiding today's generation of children. If a family is somehow eating at a nice restaurant and is sat next to me, I'll ask to be moved asap. I do the same thing in hotels. It would be nice not to be so particular all the time, but I have to be. The only way to avoid these horrible children is to eat, stay, and play at uber high-end establishments. Even our movie theater has a VIP section, where you have to be 21 or older; they serve alcohol and have nice big recliner seats! We seem to never run into children there. And there is a local restaurant that only allows children older than 13 and my husband and I patron it all the time! I constantly send emails and letters praising their wise decision. The kid free restaurant is packed with people who want to eat in peace and actually enjoy their food!

    Parents today seem so stressed and overwhelmed; its insane. I run at a track sometimes and see these miserable parents sitting through soccer practice, baseball, etc. and its depressing. And then they take their kids out in public and don't discipline them AT ALL. The kids are loud, rude, obnoxious, and the parents could care less. How about a "please be quiet, honey" once in awhile?!? But I never hear parents trying to control their children.

    The best decision I ever made in my entire life, is to not have children. I have a husband I love and three beautiful dogs who were rescues. And we live our life wonderfully stress free & happy, in peace and quiet, with other like minded adults!!!!!!

    Whoa, this is really intense. Don't you remember being a kid once yourself?

    Plus, it seems like you let your life be controlled by where children are going to be. You "constantly" send the restaurant emails. Don't live your life like that - go where you want to go, and if you run into a child just take a deep breath. You're giving them a lot of power over your life.

    They're not all demon children. They will be the ones when you're older to help pay your Social Security, to diagnose you in the emergency room when you're older and have health problems, nurse you in the hospital if you fall ill, to help you plan your will, to take care of you in the nursing home if you end up there, to serve you at restaurants, etc.

    It's okay not to want children, but you don't have to demonize them.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I think 10 years old is way to young to have a phone. I didn't get my first phone til I was 26 years old. It is your choice to give your child a phone and nobody elses. When I have kids they will get jobs to get a phone. I want them to earn what they get in life.
  • I didn't get a phone until 10th grade. And I couldn't even text on it :frown: I think it was before people could send media over texts too :S
  • I don't think there's a problem with her having an iPhone. It is 2012, technology is not the enemy it is the reality of our world. In my opinion good parenting is about preparing your child for the world, not preotecting them from it. As long as she is taught about appropriate use of the phone and can't purchase random apps, go for it :) I swear some people would have us living in the dark ages...

  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I think 10 years old is way to young to have a phone. I didn't get my first phone til I was 26 years old. It is your choice to give your child a phone and nobody elses. When I have kids they will get jobs to get a phone. I want them to earn what they get in life.

    Yup, let them earn the luxuries.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I would think "Whoa, I can't believe that little girl has an iPhone" and move on. Not my business.

    And I personally think it's crazy for a child to have such an expensive phone. My 9-year old has a cell phone, but it's not a smart phone.

    I think maybe one of those cheap prepaid phones with a certain amount of minutes is alright. If they abuse the 100 minutes or whatever, then they are done.....simple as that. Buying them a phone thats worth hundreds of dollars is a bad idea. I wonder if thieves think about robbing little kids iphones. It would be easy.

    I guess I just don't see why a child has to have a phone that costs a few hundred dollars. But to each their own. My daughter's phone was free on our plan, and costs $10 a month. She actually hardly uses it, but I like that she has one when she's with her friends or with her dad on his weekend.

    I don't have a problem with my future kids having a prepaid phone that only calls and texts out to me and my husband with no net on it for safety when they need us when they aren't home. They won't have a smart phone til they can afford it on their own.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    Yes, my point exactly. And how parents are concerned about another child's iPhone instead of trying to teach them how to behave like a human! :heart:
  • Lakona76
    Lakona76 Posts: 10 Member
    My daughter turned 10 this summer and a lot of her friends have various ranges of cell phones. She has not asked and we've not mentioned getting her one as I don't think she's ready yet. When she starts to venture out on her own or with friends, I'll look at the options then for her, but it would most likely be an iPhone due to some of the apps I can use to find her if she were to get into trouble.

    As for your daughter, I wouldn't say a word as it's none of my business and I have my own two monsters to raise and worry about. I'm sure you have your reasons for her having a phone, just like my daughters friends parents have their reasons. It your family and you have to do what you think is best, regardless of what people will say! Don't let it burn you, not worth the energy unless you can count the calories to go with it :D
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    This is my rant ... it may not be a popular opinion but its my opinion :)

    I don't have children but I avoid all "family" oriented places like the plague because kids today are so horrific! I'm not saying all kids but 99.9% of them. People (who don't know me well) think I'm a snob because I'll only eat at fine dining type restaurants or sit in first class on airplanes but its really because I'm avoiding today's generation of children. If a family is somehow eating at a nice restaurant and is sat next to me, I'll ask to be moved asap. I do the same thing in hotels. It would be nice not to be so particular all the time, but I have to be. The only way to avoid these horrible children is to eat, stay, and play at uber high-end establishments. Even our movie theater has a VIP section, where you have to be 21 or older; they serve alcohol and have nice big recliner seats! We seem to never run into children there. And there is a local restaurant that only allows children older than 13 and my husband and I patron it all the time! I constantly send emails and letters praising their wise decision. The kid free restaurant is packed with people who want to eat in peace and actually enjoy their food!

    Parents today seem so stressed and overwhelmed; its insane. I run at a track sometimes and see these miserable parents sitting through soccer practice, baseball, etc. and its depressing. And then they take their kids out in public and don't discipline them AT ALL. The kids are loud, rude, obnoxious, and the parents could care less. How about a "please be quiet, honey" once in awhile?!? But I never hear parents trying to control their children.

    The best decision I ever made in my entire life, is to not have children. I have a husband I love and three beautiful dogs who were rescues. And we live our life wonderfully stress free & happy, in peace and quiet, with other like minded adults!!!!!!

    Um...what does this have to do with kids and cell phones?

    I think she's saying that kids don't even deserve to live, let alone talk on a phone ;)

    I think she's saying she's crazy. To assume that children will cause some weird stress in your life is to be out of touch with reality. Your children are what you teach them to be.
  • QUOTE:


    I think that is too young to have a phone, but I wouldn't say anything about it. I sure as heck wouldn't berate the child for it. Simply uncalled for.


    Second this.

    I think I third this lol
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    I wouldn’t say anything to the kid because It's not the kid's fault. I think it’s excessive for a 10 year old to have an iphone and there is no way my (almost) 10 year old daughter would have one. Aside from the fact that kids are so engulfed in an overload of technology that they can’t even look at you while speaking to you anymore it’s just excessive and extravagant. If my kids were "latch key" kids and I was not available to supervise their whereabouts then I might get them less expensive phones so they would be able to keep in touch or check in. I hear on the news on almost a daily basis about someone getting a beat down in Chicago and getting their iphone stolen. Might as well have your kid walking around waiving a roll of cash. It’s unfortunate that it has gotten to the point that parents buy these things for the kids as status symbol.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    This is my rant ... it may not be a popular opinion but its my opinion :)

    I don't have children but I avoid all "family" oriented places like the plague because kids today are so horrific! I'm not saying all kids but 99.9% of them. People (who don't know me well) think I'm a snob because I'll only eat at fine dining type restaurants or sit in first class on airplanes but its really because I'm avoiding today's generation of children. If a family is somehow eating at a nice restaurant and is sat next to me, I'll ask to be moved asap. I do the same thing in hotels. It would be nice not to be so particular all the time, but I have to be. The only way to avoid these horrible children is to eat, stay, and play at uber high-end establishments. Even our movie theater has a VIP section, where you have to be 21 or older; they serve alcohol and have nice big recliner seats! We seem to never run into children there. And there is a local restaurant that only allows children older than 13 and my husband and I patron it all the time! I constantly send emails and letters praising their wise decision. The kid free restaurant is packed with people who want to eat in peace and actually enjoy their food!

    Parents today seem so stressed and overwhelmed; its insane. I run at a track sometimes and see these miserable parents sitting through soccer practice, baseball, etc. and its depressing. And then they take their kids out in public and don't discipline them AT ALL. The kids are loud, rude, obnoxious, and the parents could care less. How about a "please be quiet, honey" once in awhile?!? But I never hear parents trying to control their children.

    The best decision I ever made in my entire life, is to not have children. I have a husband I love and three beautiful dogs who were rescues. And we live our life wonderfully stress free & happy, in peace and quiet, with other like minded adults!!!!!!

    HOLY CRAP!!!! I'm no kid person but you are a freaking nut job. Seriously. I bet your nieces and nephews absolutely despise you. Props to you for being honest but I've never seen such demonizing to a huge portion of humanity.