How often does everyone weigh themselves?



  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member
    Every Monday morning after I visit the little boys room.
  • Fruch02
    Fruch02 Posts: 104 Member
    I weigh myself ever hour on the hour. If there is any difference with #'s I immediatly become anxious and run 20 miles......I barely weigh myself. Throw the scale away. Use a mirror and be about it.
  • I personally do it every day when I wake up at the same time. But take heed it will fluctuate up and sometimes down it all depends on how heavy the last meal was how much you drink etc. I would recommend once a week but I am a little excessive compulsive. Don't get discouraged if it goes up for a few days it'll come down as long as you keep to your diet and exercise. this is the reason most diet clubs recommend once a week so people don't get discouraged.

    If you believe you can. you will
    if you believe you cant. you wont ~Henry Ford

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  • boonognog
    boonognog Posts: 55 Member
    I weigh every time I go to the gym to do a workout. I always weigh first, but not for any reason; just my habit.

    Once a couple days ago I happened to work out at lunch and then after work. My lunchtime weight (before eating!) was almost 3 lbs *heavier* than my after work weight. Makes no sense...

    As far as when I weigh in here on the site, I haven't decided what I want to track. I noticed the site is kind of set up to expect weigh ins every 2 days, but I'm not doing that so far.
  • I started weighing myself on Friday mornings. That way as long as I have lost SOMETHING, evnn a little, I am motivated to stay on track over the weekend! That includes being motivated to be good Friday at lunch since that is when we tend to go out as a group.
  • mocchioni
    mocchioni Posts: 63 Member
    I try for every morning at 6:30. If I miss that time I wait till the next day.

  • DTeague61
    DTeague61 Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh every morning when I get up.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    For a while I was weighing myself once a week on Sunday morning, but then started getting back into the bad habit of weighing more often again... now back to once weekly.
  • every morning... if i remember. it's fun noticing/tracking how weight fluctuates...
  • Dwsanfo
    Dwsanfo Posts: 1
    Every other Friday morning
  • Danam48
    Danam48 Posts: 129 Member
    There seems to be a lot of different theories and practices here, but ultimately we have to do what we feel is best for ourselves. I personally only weigh myself when I feel like I am having a "skinny" day. You know the feeling, the clothes are a little droopier, your wedding ring is loose, your ankles look small. :wink: I am not interested in the up and down day to day fluctuations. Maybe as I get nearer to my goal and the weight is coming off a little more slowly, I will pay closer attention. Right now I average weighing in 2-3 times a month and I always do it at the same time of day before my morning routine starts.
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    I used to weigh every day. Then I went to once a week. Now, I have decided to boycott the scale and base my success solely on my measurements(ie waist, hips, bust, belly buton, biceps, quads). Im officially dumping you, you crappy scale!!!!
  • I barely do... if I do it is usually at the end of my workout on a Sunday morning because it ensures that I've been at this all week and I've been 'good' all weekend. I also do it in all my workout gear- after all, if I've lost then I've lost. At the moment I'm noticing muscle, and I know that muscle weighs more. If I weighed myself everyday at this stage I'd be disheartened and probably lose the motivation to go to the gym the next day.
    I'm considering doing it once a month just so if I record a loss (which I should definitely be seeing at this stage) then it will be something that I can be proud of! Maybe when I get a tad smaller I will weigh more often just so I can see if I'm in a plateau and change up my routine.
  • Every day before I shower. I have to have the scales in the exact same place on the floor, I strip naked and then weigh 3 times and take the average (my scales usually vary by 0.25-0.5lb each time). :)

    I'm exactly the same!

    Lol, I thought I was the only one who was so anal about it. :laugh: :drinker:

    I do the same thing!
  • i know this might sound crazy but i weigh myself 6 times a day
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  • A few times a day. My weight is weird it fluctuates a lot and I'll go for a month without really losing any and then I lose like 8lb in one week. It's good I guess but kinda alarming. I suppose it can't really do any harm though.

    I'm going through the same thing. I weigh daily since it keeps me engaged, and for two weeks I lost nothing and in fact regained despite sticking to the program and working out daily. Then a few days ago, it started just falling off again. I realized that I had been retaining water and my body had finally, FINALLY decided to purge it.
  • veduffey
    veduffey Posts: 73
    Once a week, first thing in the morning, nude.
  • TLT61
    TLT61 Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh on Friday morning, that way if I relax my standards on the weekend I have plenty of time to make up for it.:wink:
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    I have weighed myself once a week after I wake up on Sunday, voided and without clothes. I will now be weighed at my support group once a week on Tuesday afternoon. After I was weighed on Tuesday (fully clothed but without shoes) and weighed six pounds (6!) more than my bathroom scale, I did some checking and experiementing. My bathroom scale agreed with the medical facility's number, the clothes weigh about 3-4 pounds and liquid probably makes up the difference (eight cups of water and a couple cups of coffee). Anyway, I have decided that I will transition to my Tuesday weigh-in as my "official" weight. That means I likely won't lose any weight for my next weigh-in on the 14th.