Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Once you start making smart choices about your food, and exercising regularly, you should have no problem dropping 10 lbs by the end of January. It might seem ambitious, but 2 lbs a week is very doable! The more you weigh, the more you have to lose, so it goes faster. I dunno if that makes sense, but it works out.
    Welcome aboard!
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    Hi Karen! Nice to have you here. I think 10 lbs by next month is very reasonable.

    Dr.BorkBork, I had been craving pizza myself so I made one tonight with one of those flatout wraps, some onion, bell peppers and a little grilled chicken. It was so good and under 300 calories. I didn't even really miss all the cheese, I stuck to a serving size and it was just fine.

    I made some not so great choices today. I've been fiddling around with recipes this week trying to make them healthier and I made some butternut squash bread. I left out half the oil, used splenda for 2 of the 3 cups of sugar, substituted oat flour for half the white flour and I really got the calories, etc down. One serving (1/12 if 8" loaf pan) is 162 calories. I had planned on having one piece to help with my cravings for sweets. I ate over 650 calories! As of right now I'm just under my calorie goal for the day and I plan to be done eating, but I've been bad with snacking at night. Last night I ate 4 servings of Special K chocolate delight cereal. I've been rationalizing that these are better choices than I would usually make but still, I've been going over my calorie goal by hundreds of calories for the past few days...and its showing on the scale!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Hi Christie. Thanks for the friend request. I understand what you are saying about trying to rationalize what you are eating. I do the same thing at times. My biggest problem is I have a sweet tooth! I had some yellow cake with chocolate frosting a couple nights ago. Today I had some Cinnamon Streusel. I haven't gone over my calories, but those aren't the best ways to spend them! It is good that you are changing up recipes to make them a little more healthy. It sounds like it's not so much what you are eating that's the problem as the portion sizes. I love Special K Chocolate Delight and could probably eat 4 serviings too! I've been working on measuring things out and eating only 1 or 2 servings. Sometimes it works, sometimes I go back for more! It's a learning process, so don't be too discouraged!
  • Hi I just heard of this thread and would love to be a part. I think I have about 150 lbs. I would like to lose, but want to also look at smaller goals at a time. I'd be happy to lose half that right now. I will be weighing myself tomorrow and could use the support of a thread like this.
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    im in too your right looking at the whole picture is way to daunting but 10 pounds at a time wud be more manageble chunks of me to lose. heres to a long but supported journey :smile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    how horrible is this- i thought i weighed 252 pounds which in itself is bad enough. i knew guessing my weight wasnt good enuf so i replaced the batteries in the bathroom scales and to my horror discovered i actually weigh 260, i could kid myself and say they are old scales but it wouldnt matter i know its just a number and that i have to make a life change, although does ne1 know how i go about changing it on my profile i cant seem to find out how and id like to change it, might aswell put it out there lol
  • It makes me so happy to see all these people gathering here with the same goals in mind! I've been out running errands all day so just now checking in. Boy, 10 pounds a month or something in that neighborhood would be great, wouldn't it? I know some have already accomplished this. Just think how different we would all look and feel come NEXT New Year's.

    One thing I decided to do differently than in the past is to weigh in every 3 days or so, just to monitor a little more closely. Weighing once a week builds up the weigh-in into more of a big emotional event. I want to remember that it's simply a way to monitor, nothing more, and that if I occasionally go in the wrong direction, it might be due to food intake or it might be due to water retention or constipation or hormones or building muscle or any number of things. It's just a number, just a kind of compass to let me know where I'm at, as is the way my clothes fit.

    In spite of having bumped my calories to 1800 daily, I've discovered that I'm just not all that hungry, especially earlier in the day, so starting today I'm going to use the 1800 as a maximum instead of a directive. It's just silly to eat if I'm not hungry. And because I know people who've lost weight by cutting way back on calories, I don't know that I buy the whole theory about it slowing metabolism.. I mean, maybe it slows metabolism if you eat only 500 calories a day for days on end (although, isn't that what gastric bypass patients do?) but I won't be doing anything like that. I'm just saying that if I've only eaten 1200 calories and I'm plenty satisfied, I'm not going to make myself eat 1800, especially since most of my calories get eaten at nighttime. I want to learn to be in tune with whether or not I'm really hungry.

    Party on, everyone, and thanks for being here. Oh, and thanks for the recipe analysis thing, that's a great tool to know about!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Becca, If you're not hungry for 1800 calories, why not change your settings so that it gives you 1200 calories? That might be easier to meet. Then you don't feel pressured to eat. And exercising will give you more calories, so you know you can eat more if you're hungry. :)
  • Pink- click on check in, put in the new weight, and then down at the bottom there's a button for editing weight entries, and you can delete the original one.

    DrBB- I may do that, but since some days I'm hungrier than others, and since a zig-zaggy approach can be a good thing, I'll probably just leave it as a maximum.
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Hello everyone! I would love to join this group. I also have made it my goal to lose 10lbs each month.
  • I am so excited to try the calories counting website. That should make recipes a lot easier to judge. I personally like the idea of listening to our bodies and only eating when you feel hungry. I kept my calories at 1800 like the website says, and if I don't hit it, I don't feel bad. It actually makes me feel really good to see that I'm 150 calories under or so. If I am a lot under, that's one thing, but if I don't work out and am not hungry - no reason to find food to put in if I'm not feeling it. Back in the old days, the cave people ate when hungry - they didn't even know what a calorie was and you never see cave people drawings of overweight people. :laugh:
  • Love, , love, love!!! that recipe calculator. I have so many recipes I'd like to make, but was afraid to because I didn't have the time to sit and take everything separate, add together, etc. It makes it so easy!
  • Good morning! Glad to see a lot of people are deciding on short term weight loss goals. I am also hoping for 10 lbs a month. If I look at the whole picture it can be pretty overwhelming, kwim??? I will be honest in that I am having a harder time with this than I hoped. Of course the reason is b/c I left a few, not so healthy foods in the house for the kids and I eat right along with them. Anyway, that is gone now so should be easier, I hope.

    Have a great day!!

  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    thanks becca2010 thats me changed it to the correct weight:smile:

    im really glad iv found this site its got so many useful sections plus its great knowing there are lots of ppl going through this at the same time with similar goals x
  • Hopeful4757 love the bit about fat cave men. I had almost forgot that I joined this board, its hard to remember if I dont see it.

    So I have heard that it's not good for us to be under calories for the day. My intake is suppose to be 1650 but I have been keeping it around 1000 and that is not including my calories from exercising. They say it puts our bodies into shock in which will store what your eating and turn it into fat.

    I have opened my food daily log for friends, when I look at it it looks like alot of food. I guess I see it that way but, I am trying to lose weight not stay the same. I dont know maybe I am doing this all wrong, someone needs to write a Weight-loss book for Dummies. There probably is one LOL

    Would love to have some of you as friends to share thoughts and ideas with.
  • In response to the calories thing - are you hungry?

    From what I've seen from reading, you want to eat at least 1200 calories, especially if you're working out. It seems that most people who eat less than 1200 and work out, tend to either be more likely to get colds, burn out, get really tired, etc. and then not want to go work out or eventually it hits them and they want to binge. I'm not blanket-statementing that for everyone - that just seems to be a trend.

    Anyway, go with how your body feels. I just started again. I had lost a lot of weight in the past and did not keep it off unfortunately. The first couple days I started eating healthy again, I felt great! I wasn't hungry, etc. I ate a little under my calories, but today was the first day I felt a little hungry and had to curb myself from excess snacking. Good luck.
  • Hi Everyone... I have been MIA the last couple of days and I am sorry about that. I am finding that being back to work after the holidays I am slipping into the bad habits again... one of which is not writing everything down before eating and not drinking all my water. I have been so busy at work the last couple of days that I haven't had time to use the tools like I want to. I am not eating that bad and my total calories are about what it should be so I guess that is the silver lining.

    Does anyone have any tricks to help while at the office... especially if I can't take the time to log on here?
  • If you have internet access at the office, I'd recommend just keeping the food diary page open and minimized on your desktop, for quick opening and closing.

    Hey, does anybody know if there's a way to bookmark favorite message boards like this one? Right now the only way I'm finding it is by checking under my Recent Posts. Also would be interested to know if there's a way to put newest posts first.
  • I just sent a message to Technical Support/Help Forum because I am having a hard time with it too. Most forms I am on you can save where your at and which ones your on. I figured a little better way then what your doing. Go to message boards then click MY TOPICS shows all you have written in. Then I usually click last post and scroll up a little. I dont know it that helps or it might be a little more difficult.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    That helps! I didn't think of clicking the last post. I was just clicking on the topic, then the last page number and scrolling all they way down. Silly me!
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