

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Robin~I have to admit, when I first found the new forum yesterday I was overwhelmed with reading 4+ pages. I was shocked it was that many so fast!

    @Charlotte~Happy Belated Birthday, sounds like you had a great day! :flowerforyou:

    @monachris~Good to know, thanks for the advice. We do plan on avoiding the buffets and I'm not much of a sweets eater anymore so along with getting plenty of exercise I think I'll do fine. :smile: Our first 4 days are on land and we'll be relying on restaurants, but we're hopeful for finding Subway type places for lunch.

    I've been awake since 4am, no idea why - anticipation of vacation I guess. Fell back asleep briefly as my cat demanded her breakfast at 5am. So, time to vacuum and then get the packing started that I should have started last night. I'm such a procrastinator. :blushing:

    I was pleasantly surprised when I scale hopped this morning and I was down - my actual weigh in day is Friday's. My Wednesday wish is for an uneventful travel day tomorrow.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Wishing everyone well today and always.

    A personal Wednesday wish----for something truly good and positive to occur in my life. Sorry, I am at heart apparently a selfish person.

    I issued a 10 glasses of water challenge yesterday.........everyone hit it? Okay, then how about 11?
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • smithy85
    smithy85 Posts: 104 Member

    I am a fussy eater, I mean extreme fussy....I have about 151LB to loose....I am trying new foods all the time and still cant manage a healthy week!!!

    My Wish is to be a normal regualr eater who can eat anything and not throw up, gag or be sick and leave junk at the door....
  • gigi_to_4
    gigi_to_4 Posts: 17 Member
    Wishes Wednesday....
    I wish I was at goal weight but I will get there eventually.
    What I really really really wish is that our finances would get in order so that I could afford to buy more healthy food. Fruits and veggies are really high so it leads us to eating more "bad for you food" because of the price.


    Any way water and walking is free so that is what I will concentrate on today.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Wednesday Wish: that I can shave a little time off of my 5k pace.
    I ran a trial 5k last night(didn't realize how far 3.1 miles was until last night). Surprisingly, I wasn't as tired as I thought I was going to be. I did find that I was a little light headed after sitting down for a while but I think that was dehydration kicking in since it was so hot. I'll have to remember to drink plenty of water the day before and the day of the real race. Today I am feeling it a bit but I can manage. It seems to just be muscle pain at this point but I do plan on doing this route at least once a week for the rest of the summer. On a side note, I'm not looking forward to the winter months. I really like running outside now and I'm dreading the transition from outdoor running to inside treadmill running. Oh well ya gotta do what you gotta do! Cheers everybody!
  • traci38_MT
    Wed Wish: To make it through work without any problems today (yesterday was a mess!)

    Just found this board, and hopefully it will be what I need to give me that MUCH NEEDED kick in the pants and motivate me for daily goals.

    **I will be trying to get all my water in today. I don't know why I have such a time with that... Happy Wednesday :happy:
  • idream72
    idream72 Posts: 16 Member
    Wednesday Wish: To catch up on this thread! I was gone all of one day and the old thread is gone and here I am 6 pages behind already! :sad:

    Perhaps when the kids go back to school I'll be able to carve out some time to catch up. Can anyone tell me how to find the old thread? :bigsmile:

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Lizmil - Happy (belated) Birthday!

    Wishes Wednesday - I'm kind of wishing it was Friday 4:30. I woke up positive today was Thursday and was pretty upset when I learned otherwise.
  • kickingthescale
    Hey all! I am new to MFP and today is my second day.

    Let me introduce myself: My name is Diana and I have ballooned from a chubby child, to overweight teen, to obese/grossly obese woman. My main focus is not necessarily the weight even though I know that it is the cause of most of my health issues, but just to be healthy and feel good. I realize that the weight coming off will accomplish this, so here I am.

    I guess that my first goal is just to track my food and make good choices. Oh, and try to make it through the day without telling my boss to shut up. The man can turn a one sentence request into a 15 minute session.

    With that said, I am looking forward to posting daily and learning how to live happily and healthy!
  • SaniD
    SaniD Posts: 8 Member
    Wednesday wish: that I realize it is a good thing that I'm feeling tired since beginning my exercise routine.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kah68 - Kelley - Have a wonderful trip! How long will you be gone? Enjoy all the wonderful sights and relax, relax, relax.

    Doug - fantastic that you've already run a 5k. You continue to amaze me!

    idream72 - the old thread has been discontinued and this is the substitute. Only the name has been shortened.

    WEDS WISH - that my appliances stop breaking one after the other!

    GOOD NEWS DEPT: We had rain last nite after 48 days of nothing but dry heat! It was wonderful. People actually were dancing in the streets (Omaha, NE) :flowerforyou:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi all,

    Sorry I have been incommunicado as of late. My step-brother passed away just over a week ago and with the new job I have been training for two weeks with little spare time for posting. I gave myself some leeway with eating the last two weeks but am back to my last weigh-in which is 231.8. I have actually enjoyed not having a car since I don’t like driving anyway and I was mom’s taxi all the time. I am sure my tune will change once winter hits…lol.

    I hope you all are having a good week.

    Take care,
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    @Robinsegg:: We had ran a couple of days ago after not having any since May! It was wonderful! Still not enough! All of the crops around here basically are ruined. Very saddening. Hopefully the rain picks up!

    @Doug::: SO proud of you and happy for you! I will get back to running. I'm going to sign up for a race in September! If that won't get me motivated I don't know what will!

    Wednesday Wish::: Ok so my wish today is that I will get back into running, whether it's indoors or outdoors. Hoping to do outdoors. I just don't want to get up in the morning before work and do it. And it's been SO hot around an average of 105degrees everyday. But the heat has finally decided to take a brake it's been mid 90's--ish. lol Way better than 100+! So I'm hoping to start running again!

    Also I just recently purchased the wii fit game, I had the board but not the game. I tried it very briefly and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Maybe there's a way to make it more challenging? I'm not sure. I wasn't getting my heart rate up enough. All the games I did were on beginner and I couldn't figure out how to change it. Is there an actual work out routine on it? lol just confused with it.
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    My Tuesday goal of drinking atleast 8 glasses of water was achieved. Woohoo for me cause the Coke Zero monster was consistently trying to lead me astray :-(

    My Wednesday wish is that I finally feel acceptance of myself as this weight is coming off.

    May all your Wednesday wishes come true!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    So, I've stayed under calories but I ate whatever I wanted today. Tonight I went to the movies and saw 3D Step Up Revolution. Wow, awesome movie if you really like Dance movies. I love, love, love, dance movies. Any kind of dance, doesn't matter. I must have been a dance in my other life cause I can't keep my feet still when I hear the music.

    happy birthday!! i love dance movies too, doesn't really matter what sort of movie it is. i was a dancer in this life though. a hundred pounds ago :laugh:
    @toots Ha!! That totally could have been us! (If we'd had other kids at the time, we would have let them name him for sure!) Funny!

    seems like most people are so decisive. we're just decisive in that we don't like each other's names haha
    @Toots - My sister named me because my parents couldn't decide on a name either. Although she was 13 when I was born, hehe.

    well, their original offer was Elizabeth Cupcake haha that one wasn't hard to turn down. But then they caught me while i was low because it was during the height of a serious swine flu epidemic in new mexico and no children were allowed in the hospital except in the lobby downstairs but they weren't allowed to go anywhere else. it was a woman's hospital so there were no children patients. anyway, i hadn't seen them in days and they were jumping around requesting Gillian Paige and i felt like i would be the worst mother on earth if i told them no :laugh:
    Wishes Wednesday....
    I wish I was at goal weight but I will get there eventually.
    What I really really really wish is that our finances would get in order so that I could afford to buy more healthy food. Fruits and veggies are really high so it leads us to eating more "bad for you food" because of the price.


    Any way water and walking is free so that is what I will concentrate on today.

    this is the problem i have too and people with money always act like it isn't that much more expensive to eat well, but they only think that because they've never been poor :laugh:
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    Wednesday Wish...hmm...I wish that the future at my place of employment was more clear. I wish that my kids would just 'get' life instead of having to learn so many things the hard way. I wish that I would wake up tomorrow to a miracle....suddenly my body would be right where I want it to be!

    Yesterday was a good day - came in with 2 calories to spare at the end of the day. The heat is so opressive that I did not exercise. I did try to get up and down from my desk more frequently.... We are expected to stay at 110+ until early next week. I am so ready for summer to be over - or to find out that one of my neighbors has a pool that they want me to use! Today I will go upstairs whether I have a reason or not at least three times!

    It's gonna be a grrrrreeeaaatttt day!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everybody. I am off to a rocky start the alrm didnt go off this morning. I am babysitting for my brother for the next month. I was woke up by the dog barking as they came into the house. Woops. The day will get better just hate feeling like I am running behind. Lets see my wish for wednesday; that the house would clean itself, lol. No seriously I think I wish for the strength to stay out of the kids junkfood. I have a twenty and eighteen year old and they tend to bring stuff in that i would prefer not to be tempted by. Just have to be strong a couple more months and they will be gone to school :happy:
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    Hello everyone. Im new to the group and to this thread. Im Danielle and I need to lose over 100 pounds. I want to feel good about myself and for several health reasons.

    My Wednesday wish today for myself and everyone here is that we all stay motivated and on task so we all reach what we are working for.

    "Those who believe they can do something
    and those who believe they can't
    are both right."
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Hello everyone. Im new to the group and to this thread. Im Danielle and I need to lose over 100 pounds. I want to feel good about myself and for several health reasons.

    My Wednesday wish today for myself and everyone here is that we all stay motivated and on task so we all reach what we are working for.

    "Those who believe they can do something
    and those who believe they can't
    are both right."

    LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! the quote!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    @ Charlotte - a really, really late HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love movies and Dirty Dancing is a favorite of mine.

    My Wednesday wish – All my best wishes for B, her Mom, and her Sister.