

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday - Good day overall. Even though I went to bed late, I still hit the gym at 6. Woo Hoo!! Last night was a business dinner at Todd English P.U.B. Normally, fish & chips would be my go to choice, but not last night. We started with jumbo prawns, lobster (very limited butter), and I selected some pastrami with a grilled pita and pickled veggies. I only ate half and took the rest home. I did drink 3 strawberry mojitos, but that's OK. I tracked them and there accounted for. Plus, they were soooo yummy!!!!

    Wednesday - Gym is done and mojitos worked off. Thank goodness!! I need to get my water in throughout the day. Overall, I'm looking forward to a great day. New job. New city. New healthier me to come. Life is good.
  • paytonOMG
    paytonOMG Posts: 33 Member
    My Wednesday wish is to live and be healthy for a long time. This wish is definitely attainable, because i'm the only one that can make it happen:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    @kah - Have a wonderful vacation. I loved Alaska!

    @bellawares - So sorry to hear about your mom. Prayers to you and your family.

    @kinnurse/Charlotte - I love dance, too. Definitely want to see Step Up Revolution! Will see if it's in 3D here. And Happy Belated Birthday!

    @Diana/kickingthescale - Welcome! I'm new here, too.

    @Danielle/Coming4U- Welcome!

    @Robin - I hope your appliances stop breaking, too!

    Wednesday Wish - That I didn't have to work until midnight tonight. Oh well, my wish didn't come true this time. :ohwell:
  • DLKRay
    DLKRay Posts: 12 Member
    Wednesday wishes...
    :smile: teh wieght could be gone yesterday... not very realistic though
    :smile: my house were all clean and together... need to get healthier so I can do more..
    :smile: my declining years will not be so declining... maybe be healthier at 80 than I am NOW
  • witchmoon
    Hi Y'all...Posting from NOT so sunny Florida..I believe it might be time to start building a ARK..we have had so much rain....
    Goals...Goals..... I just can't seem to meet my daily caloric intake goal...after I excercise I am negative for the day and then have to make them up plus get me to 1770...I was told to back off excercising and concentrate on meeting the NET for day..but I am obsessed but then I am always at end of the day like 600 more needed to eat to meet NET..I am putting myself in starvation mode I know cause I have been at a stand still on weight loss for a month....I was only eating 1200 calories a day then exercising 500 off so way under 1200 daily. I "listened" and added more calories cause I was told 1200 is not enough for my height and weight right now....I did take 5 days off from exercising and ATE more and Holy COW I lost a few pounds again..BUT everyday is a struggle to eat enough.....I started excersing again yesterday and I came in 688 under what I needed to meet NET for day.....I just can't balance this out.... I need to eat atleast 500 calories each meal and don't even get that between lunch and breakfast....I am a HOT MESS...but not giving up

    I can totally identify with you! ah and so confusing at times, and also aggrivating! I have managged to make it to the lake twice this week and did some swimming exercizes. Mostly tredding water for 30 min and so on! The Food intake is very hard for me! I just dont want to eat till after 2pm, but I've been working real hard at changing that! Ive been eating 3 meals a day now for 7 weeks. I was 235 when I statrted my new way of life and 220 when I joined mfp. I have struggled for the last 3 weeks on gaining and losing the same 3 lbs! GRR!!! Since it is so hot here it makes good exercise hard on a no budget plan!! So off to the lake I went! Conquerd the 3 lbs once more. I tell ya its not easy when you have been doing the same routine for years, but I'm trying any way. The calorie intake seems to be the hardest thing. I've been trying to eat fruit and veggies to compensate. Even if I have to make ugly faces the whole time I'm eating!!!LOL I seem to have alot of bad days so mabe a group would do me some good! I only have 2 friends since I joined so not alot of motivation. WED is wishday right? Ok, I wish I had more mental strength to do the things I need to do, first for myself, then for others! :wink:
  • ArtemisXXII
    Downside of summer and unemployed status is I see very little point in being awake prior to that which eats hours of daylight that I could be using for other things.

    Welcome! The people here are amazingly supportive. I would try to change your perspective on this point. You have a MAJOR incentive to get up right now. Unemployment is the perfect time to take advantage of some of the free full body workouts on youtube. You have LOTS of free time to research nutrition online and to do serious body maintenance :)

    Now that I'm doing it with a full time job I *REALLY* wish I had kicked myself into gear when I was unemployed last year. If I had, I would be at my goal now and just worrying about maintenance. :yawn:

    I am trying, I'm rolling back the time I get up a little bit everyday. And today well I was awake before 9 (just not out of bed yet but tomorrow is another day :)) Slow progress. I'm really looking at what I can do to make my food choices better and oh man dinner is like the hardest meal of the day 3x a week because I do this monthly meal making thing called Dream Dinners. I swear to god what they drop in the calorie department they add in the sodium and it makes my sodium goals really quite difficult to achieve, unless the dish is fish. But what that adds in sodium I can usually counteract with some really great vegetables.

    Wednesday Wishes: That my mom wasn't giving up on trying so easily. I'd really like to see both of us succeed together.
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    Wednesday wish: That getting my son's schedule will go smoothly, and so will the start of school next Thursday. Summer sucks because I don't have the structure in my day that sending the kids off to school, and being ready for them to get home brings me. But, I've had the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time with them this summer, and it's been nice. I also wish for the cooler temps to stick around, and more rain!!!
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Wednesday wish - I wish I could have a month or 2 of Sundays just so I could catch up on all my house work, car work, work work, and still get to the gym work. I wish I didn't feel so much like a fraud on here, the scale hasn't budged in weeks and I feel like a failure most days. Oh, and I wish for a new Harley :)

    This thread is moving too fast. I posted yesterday morning and we've already done 6 pages. Props to the people who can read all of the posts and reply to them.

    @HeatheraRyan - DeLonghi makes a blender/food processor for right around $150. I really dig their kitchen appliances and the bonus 2fer just makes my inner kitchen geek do a snort laugh.

  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That a new low fat food stall appears at Fairport Cropredy Covention this weekend
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member

    He showed us the paperwork and the nurse had written her name down as Gilligan Anderson :laugh: We were like, yeah, these are our other two children, Skipper and Maryanne.

    Hahahaha! (Though I would have gone with the name "Professor" rather than "Skipper", so "Skipper" wouldn't feel obliged to pick on Gilligan..)

    Also.... I pronounced Geoffrey Chaucer's name with a hard g (and a long e and long o....) for years. Trying to read Chaucer when I couldn't even pronounce his name was ambitious to say the least... :tongue: It seems so obvious now...
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I don't know about you guys but sometimes i feel like all I do is talk about my weight loss and journey and focus on every piece of food I put in my mouth. And sometimes I feel like maybe people take me the wrong way and think I'm trying to get them to live the way I do or whatever. But my Dad gave me this line today it was great:::::

    "I'm sorry if your mistaking my enthusiasm for pressure"

    I just love it!

    Sorry just had to share.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Even if I have to make ugly faces the whole time I'm eating!!!LOL I seem to have alot of bad days so mabe a group would do me some good! I only have 2 friends since I joined so not alot of motivation.

    I can relate to both of those sentences. The guys at work make fun of me all the time for my sour lemon faces while I force down breakfast. It is so alien to me, eating before lunch time. I'm in the same boat with friends. I don't really have anyone here, my family/friends are across the country and I live alone with two cats. :ohwell:

    I don't have a whole lot of support except for very distant (physically) friends and it gets rough when I'm trying to do something so life changing.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Sorry I haven't been around... I've been chauffeuring my husband around the last few days (GLADLY!!!! He thinks he can drive wearing the boot, but I don't think that is a good idea at all!), then when he is home, I don't use the computer so much. It's not that he stops me, but we have one computer, and if he's not on it, I spend the time with him when he is here (at least until bedtime, when sometimes I'll come back for a few minutes, which turn into hours..)

    Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to count the mopping for my workouts last week rather than deciding I failed the August challenge immediately. I'm back at the gym this week, feeling motivated to keep on track! And my back hardly hurts at all now!

    Monday Checkin- Still 3 pounds over... My ticker should say 49 pounds already instead of 52, but I'm stubborn about admitting defeat.
    Tuesday Goal- I did an extra "lap" on the elliptical.
    Wednesday Wish- For good health for us and our loved ones! May the sick get well quickly, may the injured heal quickly, and may those feeling "blah" become energized. Three wishes instead of one? What can I say? I may have read too many fairy tales as a child and consider three the norm... :wink:
  • andreabeatty
    I found the new thread =) I thought I lost you all!!

    I've been insanely busy and only logging, no time for posting, but yesterday started my actual vacation (meaning I am no longer at the summer job and have the month of August to myself and Kenny Chesney) so I should be back soon.

    Update on me - I fear the scale as I think I gained a few pounds but by the end of this week I will have gotten on. Log it? Probably not!! Im stubborn. But I will do it!

    I made the appointment today for the first consult with the bariatric surgeon. WHile I don't know if this is the way I will be going I did say that I would explore all options and be open minded. It took me a while and I had a lot of help from people on this site, but I recognize that this isn't a solo journey and if theres a tool at my disposal that I can use it may be foolish to turn my back on it. We shall see.

    XOXOX missed you all!
  • lnoso
    lnoso Posts: 12 Member
    Hmm, Wed. wishes - I think my wish is to arrive at a time in my life when food doesn't dominate my thoughts. When I naturally make healthy choices without feeling like it is a struggle or that I am being deprived. And when my body feels like mine again and I recognize that person in the mirror.
  • evanpdixon
    evanpdixon Posts: 20 Member
    Happy to have found this place. MFP is a great tool. There's no excuse for me not logging my food - EVERYTHING is in the database, and it's so easy on my iPhone.

    Wednesday wishes - I wish I could go back in time and convince myself to change my lifestyle earlier. Not an advocate of living in the past, but it sure would be nice to have caught myself sooner.

    I'm committed to this goal, and I'm excited for the new "me" that's ahead. Thanks all for your support.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thanks, everyone - I am just about packed. I will miss posting here every day for the next couple of weeks - but I'll be back! :laugh: My trainer gave me some excellent ideas so as not to lose the progress we've made.
    I don't know about you guys but sometimes i feel like all I do is talk about my weight loss and journey and focus on every piece of food I put in my mouth. And sometimes I feel like maybe people take me the wrong way and think I'm trying to get them to live the way I do or whatever. But my Dad gave me this line today it was great:::::

    "I'm sorry if your mistaking my enthusiasm for pressure"

    I just love it!

    Sorry just had to share.

    I love that! I feel a lot of the time like my world revolves around weight loss and eating right, I figure it may bother others - but its the way I choose to live my life. They don't have to like it or do as I do. :wink:
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    I wish TOM wouldn't come with so much bloating and cravings for pasta. Not only am I bloated but I am pretty sure I have a gas bubble in my stomach and it is very painful! not to mention it sometimes makes it sound like I am farting and I'm not which is just embarrassing!

    Good news is my mom got me some gold bond powder last night because this chaffing thing needs to dry out and it seems to be helping. It's still there but it doesn't hurt as bad. Still not completely sure what caused it because there are so many things it could be.

    I plan to do some ab work tonight Luckily I know a great ab work out routine that incorporates other strengthening moves for legs and arms and won't mess with my chaff.
  • nana6380__Chris
    nana6380__Chris Posts: 47 Member
    Wednesday wish:: That my scales would finally see things my way and move....It has been almost 2 weeks, but the up side I have not gained.:ohwell:
  • emilym_3
    emilym_3 Posts: 62
    Wednesday wish-I wish I could stop eating dark chocolate kisses and peanut butter