The (hopefully) Biiiig "I Need Friends" Thread!



  • jamielou1983
    jamielou1983 Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone can add me also. I am also doing the couch to 5k program for anyone else who would like to join in and keep motivated with me. I am only on day 2 of week one so we would be on the same page. :)
  • I would love for some people to tell my to stop slacking and to give me tips and whatnot
  • Louiyen
    Louiyen Posts: 69
    Add me! I'm on my 3rd week and i am very consistent about logging in daily.
  • CEQuick75
    CEQuick75 Posts: 311 Member
    Please don't add me.

    There, now I can assure I only get the rule-breakers :laugh:
  • vavera22
    vavera22 Posts: 16
    HEY!! I'm Veronica happy for any friends on here! I am a tech person so I am either on her or on my phone on the app, or working in a cell phone store (my job so I really am constantly on my phone) or now at the gym! So need plenty of support and have it to give so ADD Me :)

    If you live any where in Kansas that would be so rad
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    i'm always looking for new friends :)
  • blancaran
    blancaran Posts: 30 Member
    Hello, Ive had this app for awhile but only till this month have i really been keeping up with it, and i have to say its been great wish i would of done it sooner. I don't have any friends yet on here, but I don't mind encouraging others and don't mind if anyone does the same for me.
  • I need friends serious motivators though! I dont want to hear about that candy bar you just ate lol. Hopefully we can all reach our weight loss goal.
  • CaliDreams27
    CaliDreams27 Posts: 34 Member
    Feel free to add me as well everyone:)
  • i love new friends!! feel free to add me :)
  • KatiD83
    KatiD83 Posts: 152 Member
    I've been active 300+ days and I'm always looking for new friends!
  • 2210tim
    2210tim Posts: 5 Member
    Im lonely !! Only just come out of the wilderness and started using the community side online instead of diet/exercise on my phone !! Add me if you want !!
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    Hello, My name is Kate, I'm 28 years old, my starting weight is 271 lbs with a goal that's too scary to talk about right now :D so I'm gonna take it slow and say my goal is 10% of my body weight for now!

    I like crafts particularly sewing & knitting, rock & metal music, horror movies, reading and swimming.

    I will be going to the gym for the first time ever on Friday and I'm very terrified so hopefully that will be better than I expect it to be.

    Would love to be friends with some people on here and get into the community spirit.
  • mattack
    mattack Posts: 137 Member
    Too bad you can only make 5 requests every 10 min.... so many cool new friends here!
  • Emitremmit
    Emitremmit Posts: 29 Member
    Add me for support, i'm looking for more friends for support
  • Add me guys!!!:)
  • You can add me, I'm on just about every day!
  • I'm new to this so feel free to add me.
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    I'll accept all new friends too.
  • Anyone on MFP can add me as a friend. I would love additional support and would love to give support. We are all in it for the same reason. :smile: