

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning from cloudy Portland! :flowerforyou: We've sure had some cool mornings, but it's been warming up nicely in the afternoons. I'd like to order up a bit more of the hot weather we had last week! The tomato plants would be happier and maybe the fruit would start to ripen. I've picked a few, but most still look just like this>>:sick:

    The gardens are producing like mad, I've been busy canning corn, beans, and a few jars of pickled beets. The corn has been wonderful, I picked 90 ears last week, and another 90 will be ready in a week or so. Think I overdid it and will have to give some away.. Joanie Appleseed. :laugh: This weekend I need to clean out the freezer and make veg stock with what's left in there from last year.

    On Tuesday vowed to get myself back into an exercise routine and not just gardening. I plan to hit the track every weekday morning for 40-50 minutes of racewalking. So far so good, I've gone two days in a row now. :wink: I decided to stick with walking since the jogging episodes caused my bad knee to flare up and I just don't need that pain. In 40 minutes time I work up a real good sweat, I clocked in at 4.5 mph. :noway: It's amazing to think that a year ago I was all excited about walking at a speed of 3.5! Big changes have happened. It's taken time, but a new me is appearing. :bigsmile:

    I can fall back into old habits very quickly, however. My scale has decided to go up instead of down this week :grumble: which is most likely what motivated me to start moving my fanny and work up a good sweat every day. I owe it to myself to stay on this fitness path! It still takes force to move this stubbon mule's rear. :tongue:

    :love: Love reading all of your posts, it's great seeing so many new faces! Everyone be good, drink your water and don't forget to move your buns as much as humanly possible. We can all be SALAD SISTAS! If you want to be lean, eat your greens. :wink:

    :smile: jb
  • candissO
    candissO Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning everyone. I am a 'newbie' not only to this site, but I have never blogged before either! I am 65 y/o and retired. I quit smoking 6 weeks ago with the help of Chantix so I am fighting 2 battles. I will admit that my most important goal is to remain smoke-free---whatever it takes, including added calories! However I have only gained 4 lbs so far because I am trying to make healthy choices when I crave something to put in my mouth. Right before I decided to stop smoking I had started walking 30 min/day on a treadmill and doing 30 min of light dumbbell work and some floor exercises.
    Then I realized that before I could get into a serious daily exercise routine, I needed, wanted, to stop smoking. The Chantix works great but made me horribly nauseated off and on throughout the day and very lethargic. My exercise routine went out the window. After I figured out the best way to deal with the nausea, the food cravings started, which is where I am now.
    I am trying to get back to exercising, having trouble with motivation, so I decided to jump in HERE for some support, and positive feed-back.

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Good morning all!

    The sun is shining today here on the east coast but the temps will get into the 90's and humidity will be an issue. I decided this morning to exercise inside with my old standby DVD Turbo Jam. I have had success before using them but I prefer to ride my bike and do anything outside. The summer here in Maryland has been challenging with the heat and humidity. I hope for an early fall!!

    I would love to hear other opinions about how often you get on the scale. I used to do it once a week but now I am wondering if I should get on the scale every day.

    I love that other ladies spend time on Pinterest. I have about five crafts to do right now so I have banned myself from pinning anymore!!! LOL!!

    Here's to the sunshine! Today is a new day!

  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    If any one would like to vote for me I only need 122 votes to take the lead in my age group and that's all I am trying for....just go to Facebook and at the top seach box, type in atkins all star competition and you will find me on page 2, if i win it would be 1,000 bucks which I could use....I made it to the top 24 out of hundreds or more people and now I am #9 on the top 12 leaderboard, I have 5 days left of voting...will keep you posted. Thanks for your support
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I just read an article on sleep deprivation and how it affects your metabolism....WOW...what an eye opener!!!

    Can you share the link, please? Thanks!
  • Youngfleur
    Youngfleur Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I joined up just the other day. and by going through some of the post, I see a lot of success. I have been retired for 8 mos and am looking forward to many more. For starters I would like to loose at least 15 lbs before we head south this winter. :explode:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    So hot here is So.Cal. Its already 92 degrees at 1100 am and high humidity. YUK. I had a lovely morning, getting a mammogram, bone density scan and pelvic ultrasound. All just routine, but never the less just another year to hope all is ok. It was interesting
    to be sitting in the waiting room full of women,mostly our age, all sitting around waiting to make sure they are healthy.

    Who would ever thought that this would have been a part of being healthy? When I was a child ,mothers did not go and have mammograms etc. I am thankful for the technology that has allowed females to have screenings and take charge of our health.

    This time I felt the negative vibes due to being overweight. This is a form of discrimination and unfortunately this happens in many places. This gave me more resolve to lose weight!

    Just wanted to tell ya'all to get that water down, eat nutritiously for you body/health, log your calories and love thy self! Be kind to yourSELF today!:drinker: :drinker:

    Hugs, Linda Sundance :heart:
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone .....

    :noway: Well, it's August now...having missed a few weeks +....again.....but I'm trying hard to log the food and post. It does seem to be the only thing that will motivate me enough!! It's been difficult as DH is bent on getting an Olympic Gold for....:laugh: biscuit dunkin'!!!

    Am getting ready to do go for Gold myself ....in Pavlova making!!! Order's in for the Grandtwins Christening this weekend. I casually asked my DIL how many guests? ......only 70 was the reply. So a whisking I will be and if I'm good, maybe I can allow a teeny bit to pass my lips. :wink: The Chef can taste surely?

    The Latino tone DVD has been resurrected....again.....I've found our small TV has a player and I can dance away in the dining room to my hearts content.... when Dh is at work in the evenings. It's hard going to begin with ....again.....but hopefully will get easier. I have to watch any shoulder movements though following that rotator cuff tear a while back:frown: . The knees don't seem to good either but steady goes eh?

    So .....I have less than three months now to get a few pounds off before our next cruise!! :laugh: If that doesn't motivate me nothing will!!

    :flowerforyou: It's BFN then ...Be good folks, be lucky losers!!!
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Afternoon ladies!

    I'm sticking to me eating today but it's a no exercise day for me. My back till has the dull ache of having done too much. My spirits are up, I'm feeling rested and tomorrow is another day (to quote a famous lady). So I'm reading, crocheting, and letting the kids wait on me for a change.

    I did get my mammogram done this morning and picked up some Salmon, zucchini, and salad stuff on the way home.

    I've been doing some slow and easy lower back stretches to help get the kinks out and it's been working so far.

    10 days smoke free!!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello friends. Well I’m glad the last 24 hours is over! Although the surgery went well, DH was very uncomfortable and restless all night. I stayed in the den while he “slept” on the living room couch. He was very wobbly and unsteady and kept trying to get up to the bathroom without help. He didn’t want to wake me up. So I got virtually no sleep until about 4 a.m., when he said he was very tired and thought he could sleep so “why don’t you go up to bed.” Well I did just that and slept hard for about 4 hours, then got up only to find him snoring away in the basement! Not sure how he got down there on his own without crutches LOL :ohwell: But we both got a few decent hours’ of sleep.

    Today has been better; he has only had a couple pain pills (he was burning through them last night) and I got a nap after grocery shopping. I was heading to the checkout line when an employee saw me and said “Good morning! It’s the salad lady!” I had to chuckle about that and actually didn’t know if she meant all my produce or the dazed look on my face (salad for brains)!!! :bigsmile:

    So now I find that it’s after 4 and I have not done one thing on my book AUGHHHHHHHHHHH. I need to get busy and dang it if work doesn’t start up again next week. We did have some storms last night and got 1” of rain here, hallelujah!

    Michelle: what does walking sideways on the treadmill do for you?

    Jen: great workout. And yes, ALL nurses rock! LOL.:happy: I’m not exactly an ICU nurse; I’m really an old trauma nurse. I worked for 19 years in a level 1 trauma center and LOVED that craziness. I’ve never actually worked in an ICU but will have students in a clinical rotation in one in a couple of weeks. That should be interesting….I hope I remember everything LOL

    Tigress: Campbell’s tomato soup has wheat? You have got to be kidding! :huh: I had no idea. I have cut my carbs down quite a bit since joining mfp and tracking food. I’m prediabetic, so I’m trying to lose weight and do the consistent carb thing. Right now I’m on metformen, but when I lose 50# I plan to come off of it and see what happens. Hope your leg cramps go away soon.

    Barbara: I had to laugh about the deodorant spray in your hair! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Brenda: I love your quotation!

    DeeDee: I love going to the farmers’ market. We have a huge one here in Omaha (actually now there are many of them, but the one downtown is the best). We used to go to this great little restaurant in a “questionable” part of town for breakfast first. If we were lucky we got to see someone get arrested….great entertainment…we always take guests there! Then off to the market. It is about 8 square blocks packed full. We haven’t done that in a couple of years now. There is a smaller one near our house, and besides, the food at our restaurant wasn’t exactly healthy. I’m a “VIP” member of this place and on my birthday, I get a coupon for a free QUART of sausage gravy!!! Woohoo! :sick:

    Gini: Where I work, the evil-ness is just outside my office. I am right by the coffee pot, so all manner of goodies appear with great regularity. I can smell whatever is out there. When students have a bake sale, there is a table there too.

    All the gardeners among us: my garden has been producing a TON of huge grape tomatoes which are just fabulous, but none of the big ones are doing anything worthwhile. They are large but deformed with holes in them (no bugs…we spray and have taken them in to be checked) and they split like crazy even though we water them daily, so it’s consistent. We also have 5 different kinds of peppers, and they are only just now coming in. Any ideas about the tomatoes would be appreciated!

    AFO: Good job on quitting the smoking even though it has been rough. One challenge at a time! Welcome and you will get tons of support here. :flowerforyou:

    Carolyn: I have always heard/read/been told to only weigh once a week because of fluctuations due to water balance.

    Linda: GOOD FOR YOU on getting all that preventative testing done. Stay healthy. :flowerforyou: Last fall I went back on depo so had my first bone density scan. It was interesting. Amazing how health care providers (who are often heavy) are so negative towards others who are heavy. Sad and discouraging isn’t it?

    Jan: 10 days and counting…Good for you! :happy: You will be so glad you did this! Salmon…yum! We have it nearly every week. Tomorrow it is poached in white wine with asparagus.

    So many posts to read and to reply to. I’m sure I missed many but I am thinking of all of you and sending you good vibes. To the newbies: welcome and know that you can do this! I need to get something accomplished today before the Olympics come on because you know I can’t tear myself away from that!!! Take care, meg :drinker:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi All,

    Thanks for all the well wishes for my toe:smile:

    Megblair1-Happy to hear that your DH's foot surgery went well!

    Sandhillsmom-Congrats on 10 days smoke free! My hubby's trying to quit-know it aint easy!

    Managed to get in 30 Min of chair exercise today! Starting to get a little more mobile bit by bit. Maybe with being less active for this month my knee flare-up will settle down too! Tomorrow is my 1st follow up appt since surgery-we'll see what the doc says. Hopefully by Sept. will be able to start a walking regime. In the meantime, I'll continue to faithfully log my calories and drink my water!:drinker:

    Hope everyone had a great rest of the day!

  • janecayot
    I am very new to this sight and the tracking on the computer. I have been going to Weight Watchers, tracking, watching very carefully my little 26 points and I have NOT LOST ANYTHING for almost 8 weeks. I walk over 5000 steps a day...try to get in 10,000, but some days that is very hard to do. The only exercise I can do is walking due to some serious back problems...but I can walk! I have been watching, tracking here trying to stay between 1000 and 1200 calories a day. I also watch my fat intake like a hawk. If anyone has any ideas that can help me....I am all eyes, ears, whatever it takes. I am 64 and very tired of this NO weight loss. I am 5' 5" and 150 pounds. I would love to be around 140 or a bit less. But right now...149 would be simply thrilling! I have even tried to go vegetarian to get this diet or body awake! Nothing seems to help. My friend started this the same time I did...she has lost about 4 pounds...I gained 2! Go figure!???/
    Jane :)
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thursday is almost over,

    Just caught up on the posts, have been so busy that I wasn't able to get here until now and no time to respond to everyone, but boy are we a busy group:drinker: exercise a plenty, taking care of spouses, getting ready for work, playing with grandchildren...busy...busy...

    No baby, talked with DIL #2 she is totally over this having heavy contractions all day long only to have them stop in the evening:noway: She said yesterday that she has told him that he would really like this world and that his current home is not permenant:laugh:

    Hubby and I got in a good bike ride last night at the Resevoir then went on a drive through to count the deer and we saw an all time high of 34, so if we are out at about 7:30 they are too:wink:

    I had a wonderful NSV today, when I lost the weight back in 2010 all the summer clearance sales were going on and I bought myself three pairs of capris for the next summer...well last summer they wouldn't even go over the thights...TODAY they fit with room to spare:bigsmile: and they are my motivation to keep going and to KEEP IT OFF.

    After the inspection on my parents home they came to me with eight items that they wanted taken care of, one being to "clean & repair the gutters"...that gives you an idea of the kind of things they wanted me to do....hubby said we are not spending any more money on it (I'd have to hire someone to do the work since I'm in Colorado and it's in Oregon) and I agree. I've already spent over $10,000 to get it in "for sale" condition and the things they are asking for are cosmetic and they already beat me up on my selling price. So if the sale falls through we may wind up moving to southern Oregon...will have to wait and see:ohwell:

    Everyone have a good evening...log it if you eat it, drink plenty of water and log it then get up and move it to burn what you ate:drinker:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Tigress - what an adorable cat you have!

    Three of the guys are here working on the pool, the fourth is off doing some sort of training, he'll be back Monday. I made some magic cookie bars that I'll give the guys and I'll save one bag for the gc (general contractor) and give it to him Monday. I've made some poppyseed lemon muffins that I'll probably give them Monday.

    PS2CR - if I could enter "slow shopping" for a cardio workout, I'd be WAAAAAYYYY over calories. I love even just browsing.

    Did a 40 minute Person Training with Jackie DVD today (weights). Tomorrow I'll probably go to the Y early, swim some laps (which reminds me that I need my goggles) then do 1/2 hour of water aerobics. I'm having mahjongg here tomorrow at 10:30 so I'll want to get home and do any last minute clean up that needs to be done.

    Woke up at 2:30 this morning itching so badly that I was scratching my self bloody. Don't know if I told you, but Vince read on the internet that to temporarily relieve the itching, put your blow dryer on the itch until you can't stand it any longer. It really does work! At first I thought "oh, no way, well, I'll try, what do I have to lose". The reason it works is because the intense heat burns off the histamines. Now it'll work for maybe 4 or 5 hours, but that's something. Couldn't get back to sleep so I did a little more on that bookmark.

    Went to the library and returned the DVD's that I borrowed. Also got Richard Simmons Party off the Pounds, Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies 2, and Richard Simmons Totally Toning. I'll give them a try next week. Then stopped at the store to buy more ice for the workers along with some ravioli for Vince and Jessica to have for dinner tomorrow night. A friend gave me a spaghetti squash from his garden, I'd always thought spaghetti squash was more of a winter squash. Anyway, I'll have that for dinner with a bit of spaghetti sauce on it while they have the ravioli. While I was at the store Vince called to remind me that my wallet was still on my desk. Fortunately, they know me at the store so they let me pay with a check even tho I didn't have my drivers license with me.

    Brenda - LOVE the quote! Thanks for sharing.

    My Birkenstocks came in the mail yesterday, tried them on this morning. So far...so good. I think I needed the larger size and the medium width, not narrow.

    Vince said that Jessica called at 2 this morning. I slept thru it. A friend of hers in Tennessee (he helped us move here, she's flown there a few times)'s father was being taken to the hospital and the doctors don't think he'll survive the weekend. He has altzheimers quite bad. I know Jessica will want me to fly there for the funeral.

    jb - Like that "if you want to be lean, eat your greens". I need to emblazen that into my mind. I was just now thinking of what I'm going to put into my salad. I'm trying having a large salad every night, straightneck squash, okra that I want to finish up, cucumber.

    Welcome to everyone who is new! You'll love it here, I know I do.

    Carolyn - I use the body test daily on the Wii which gives you your weight. I'm really surprised at how much it can fluctuate. But I really use the scale once a week and use that for my official weigh-in. That seems to be less prone to fluctuations (hydration, if I went to the bathroom, etc). I have a pinterest account, but do you know that I honestly don't know how to work it? Well...then again I really haven't investigated.

    youngfleur - you said you head south for the winter, where south?

    Meg - when you walk sideways on the treadmill (or stairmaster) you use your inner and outer thighs more than when you just walk forward.

    kathy - great progress on the foot. You're doing well in spite of it.

    Laura - how wonderful those capris were loose! You're doing great gal

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening. The electrician is supposed to be here tomorrow to do the wiring to the equipment pad. The guys dug the trench today.


  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    @laura80111 Congratulations on fitting into your capris!!! I just bought a pair I fell in love with that are too tight, so that is my goal for this fall. I'll be curious to hear what happens with your real estate deal -- inspections can be tough and not very reasonable sometimes. I hope they'll go through with it anyway! Hopefully you'll be reporting a new grandchild tomorrow. I'll bet your DIL is going crazy about now. :ohwell:

    @kathyszoo I hope your toe gets better quickly and you can feel comfortable at least. How are you doing with the boredom -- have you found something to do? I admire your chair exercises. I didn't do anything at all during my recovery.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm excited! I bought pants today in a size 12. SIZE 12. I haven't worn that size for more than 20 years. Thanks to everyone on here. You are such an inspiration.
  • kelley1963
    Hi i am also having trouble getting all my calories in. I have realized how many wasted carbs i have been eating since starting my fitness pal.
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    So far this week has been going well. My calorie intake has been good this week and I have had two good sessions of personal training. and I have managed to log everything. Hopefully I can continue to do as well on the weekend and get out for a long run. I have a week at a cottage coming up the last week of the cottage and I'd like to remain on track until we go and then try to be somewhat good there but enjoy a couple of drinks while away.

    yoyonomore, Have you tried Couch 2 5 K. That's how I started running and I don't think last fall that I could run for 2 minutes when I started. I'm a slow runner..more of a jogger but I have jogged for up to 45 minutes without stopping now. I did one 5K race this year and also the warrior dash 5k obstacle mud run this month. It's hard to believe that it's less than a year since I started running. Still can't say it's easy or that I love it but I do feel good after it's done. It seems to energize me.

    lentigogirl. My youngest was the first one to go and seriously I think I drove her nuts with my calls. My son and his girlfriend moved in with us for about 5 months last year and I've really grown to enjoy my empty nest. Love to have them visit though.

    Stangma, high five on the 9 days smoke free. I've never smoked but my mom did and she ended up with breast cancer, the lung cancer and then finally died from esophagus cancer. And she was only 58. I miss her so much. This is an important thing for your health...very proud of you. It's hard I know but you can do it.

    AZdee you story is pretty inspirational. I checked out facebook and voted for you.

    Penguinlally wow 200 lbs is impressive. If you did that you can definitely take off the 38 lbs. I need to lose about 40 myself.

    Happy Birthday walker!!!

    Getting tired so I'll have to end this here. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    still lurking. Nothing much to report. walking 10,000 steps climbing 20 flights of stairs and eating well. i do beleive the scale is trending slowly down but I still have a way to go to get back to my ticker. Nothing happening with Bodi and Ritter and no new news on Olivia so all is quiet.

    My new job is still going well. I think this was a great move. I was requested today by my old group to come back for a couple of days to train a bunch of people. I don't know if my manager will let me go or not.

    I am starting to feel a bit better since I have been eating so well for the last week.

    Take care my dear friends. I think of you all often.

    Robin, Bodi boy and Ritter bit.