

  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    Hi all, today WAS a better day. Made it to the rink for a half hour session, and also (for some odd reason) have not been very hungry. Squeezed food in here and there (busy day) and I’m probably under as of tonight. Hopefully that’ll translate to another pound lost when I venture onto the scale on Sunday. We’ll see. In any case, I feel good about the day. And daughter is also feeling better (on antibiotics now, for what turned out not to be the flu but a respiratory infection).

    Okay, I’m going to try to answer some who posted since my last post…sorry if I miss anyone, but if I miss you this time, I’ll probably get you on the next go round. ;D

    @Barbara – Hmm. Deodorant spray in the hair is one I haven’t tried yet. But I did try to put some tanning lotion on this morning that I discovered had expired in 2002. Okay…guess I can let it go now.

    @brendaj – I like your quote. ;) My hubby calls me foxy (he actually prefers me heavier I’ve discovered after 30+ years of marriage. But he’s okay with me wanting to return to my more familiar body with this program. Hashimotos/hypothryoidism put on the weight in 3 years. Ugh.

    @wizzywig – hope work calms down for you some. Sea air cures [just about] everything. Glad you have that long weekend to look forward to. ☺

    @tiarapants/Amanda – sorry your IBS is acting up. My mother has had that most of her life, and although I’ve inherited a lot from her, thankfully that’s one item that was not on the list. Glad you had such fun with your grandtwins.

    @Yardtigress – I had a morning like that yesterday. Just wanted to be calm, quiet, and stay at home. Sometimes you need a break.

    @DeeDee – nice to meet another fellow-struggler with hypothyroidism. Mine was diagnosed in 2009; still trying to get a handle on it, but I think I’ve finally figured out a very helpful thing. My doc is ultra-conservative with the meds, but I think I’ve gotten used to my body’s signals enough now that I know when I need to up my dosage microscopically (I first notice constipation, then puffy face and fluid retention in my legs, then disrupted sleep and lethargy). So this year I’ve started adding 1 pill/wk of my OLD dosage to my present dosage whenever the symptoms return. At my appt. I take in a record of what I’ve taken since the last one, and while he’s not thrilled with my self-diagnosis in between appts., so far I’ve been on the mark according to the bloodwork. Can’t fight with success! Keeping abreast of this has finally given me the consistent energy needed to tackle this MFP plan.

    @mommie55 – I like your ‘get more sleep’ goal! ;)

    @linder – I agree with the hunger thing—it’s my extra weight complaining about leaving. ;)

    @ginib – sounds like some great goals. What’s a FitBit? (Yup, I’m new at this.)

    @jb – I’m happy to be your salad sista. (I actually DO like salad…which I’m hoping will now work in my favor.)

    @candiss – Welcome, from one noob to another. ☺ Good luck with your no-smoking resolve. I know from friends that it’s a very hard thing to quit (especially if you’re simultaneously trying to lose weight).

    @carojrm –My car temp gauge told me it was 112˚ outside when I was driving home today. There, don’t you feel cooler? ;) Like you, I’d probably spend more time on Pinterest if I didn’t have so many projects going. I make jewelry, sew handbags, and repair costume jewelry. Sedentary hobbies of late have kept me from many a justified workout. *sigh*

    @AZDee – your weight loss is amazing; yay you!

    @Youngfleur – Welcome, and best of luck on your goals. With all this support and the MFP logging, it’s not as difficult to lose 15 lbs. as you would think. You’re going to be a beach bunny this winter, for sure. ;)

    @Sundance/Linda – good on you for keeping up with the mammograms. A couple dear friends are fighting the BC battle right now; I’m thankful for the medical advances that have allowed them to live longer, and allow us to be more aware.

    @mynyddisamrs/Jackie – dancing…what a fun way to work it off! I’ve always wished I’d had dancing lessons when younger. (Though I do enjoy a form of that on ice, now.) Music is such an adrenaline pumper! ;) It’s the one thing that keeps me going when I’d otherwise have quit, exercise-wise.

    @sandhillsmom/Jan – Big congrats on the 10 days smoke free! That’s a tough habit to quit. And a break from the exercise can help you heal enough to exercise better the rest of the week.

    @megblair1 – glad your DH surgery went well. And I agree…weighing once a week is a more realistic way to assess the weight loss (for me at least, due to the tendency toward water retention). You’re working on a book…are you a writer? (I wrote one about 10 years ago…never published, but in the process it launched one of a couple part-time careers—writing for magazines/periodicals).

    @kathyszoo – I’m totally impressed that you are disciplined enough to exercise daily even post-surgery and while fairly immobile. You put me to shame. I’ll remember you next time I try to make excuses…

    @janecayot – Welcome, and best of luck to you. This site has helped me when I thought it might not at all (due to hypothyroidism)…so I’m betting it’s going to help you, too. One thought…when you walk, are you breathing hard? I’ve been advising hubby (who walks ALL the time on his job) that a big part of the change process will involve heavy breathing/breaking a serious sweat. That’s the thing that gets me over the hump whenever I stall out. Maybe trying to walk faster if you’re not breathing hard? I dunno…but thought I’d throw it out there since you asked…

    @Laura – so exciting about the grandbaby on the way, and best of luck with the sale of your folks’ house. And yes, I can so relate to your NSV…I’m wearing a pair of Capri jeans today that I haven’t worn for the last year or so. Getting my old wardrobe back, a piece at a time, is like going shopping (without the cost). ;)

    @exermom – we need to calculate “slow shopping” somehow…maybe a FitBit? ;D Shopping (for bargains, only) is a favorite past-time I believe I could use to advantage on this weight loss thing. You will absolutely love having a pool. I resisted it for years, but we put one in three years ago and I’m amazed how much I love it….the way it looks, sounds, and feels. I’ve realized it’s a pretty ‘safe’ workout for when your muscles have been over-extended on other things. There’s something so soothing about water. And, in 112˚ weather like today, a pool is practically a necessity if you’re going to be outdoors.

    @johnsonbridge – welcome, and hang in there. Some periods in life are tough. We’re here for you.

    @edraper—congrats on the ‘graduation’ to a new size!! That’s just such an unbelievably great feeling. Goal accomplished!

    @kelley – yes, I also appreciate the breakdown of carbs/fats, etc. on this program. Eye-opening!

    @alwaysnancy – congrats on the successful week. I take inspiration from reports like yours!
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    you are off to a GREAT start! Congratulations! :happy:
  • muzzyskipper
    muzzyskipper Posts: 17 Member
    Hello out there. This is my first post. I have been logging on this site starting 3 Aug. I started at 281...5'6...60 yrs old. Don't like exercise. I have gotten in 2 dvd's of sit and be fit. Have done one episode on PBS....that's how I found it. Having real balance problem...partially due to bad sinus stuff. I will weigh in the morning. Have had fair week w/food. Looking forward to chatting w you. I will have to think about my goals...will post them soon....take care...Muzzy from Texas :flowerforyou:
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Bought a Magnetrainer mini bike and I LOVE IT!!!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Maybe slow shopping can be compared to tai chi...

    What a long day today! Towards the end of the day my boss asked if I had evening plans - never a good sign. I told him I had to go to the gym, no options, but could come back after, so that is what I did. About 16,000 pounds on the weight machines followed by 2.5 miles on the treadmill in 45 minutes. Happy to be healthy! Especially so since I had heart valve replacement surgery just 4 months ago. God is good, life is good!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    So good to read everyone's posts finally caught up on them. I don't have time to reply sorry I want to but will tomorrow. It was a long day at work but was able t complete a lot. I am wanting to take time to find more healthy recipes.
    Some of my coworkers. Have start to notice that I an changing. They keep talking about it too me but I am not comfortable talking to them. I don't feel safe it. I h far to go still obese. I aking about it here MFP and with my family some of my family. I don't
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou:The days have been busy with dog walking and line dancing---with Jake gone, I do all the dog walking, tomorrow I teach the beginner class so I've been getting ready for that, and it's only 9 days til the line dance performance at the county fair so we've been practicing in the afternoons.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: it's way past my bedtme

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Today was the kind of day that knocks the wind out of you, emotionally drains you and leaves you sitting staring out into space, wondering what the hell!

    I crumbled and ate chocolate, half a bar of dark chocolate tonight when I was alone. It was tastey but it didn't solve anything. The rest of the month is now looking equally turbulent and I wonder if any of you have good coping strategies for chaos beyond your control.

    Still reeling,
  • bamarks55
    I am 56 years young. Just joined early this week. I've been stress eating due to dealing with a health issue. Found this site on my Facebook group and was invited in. I have to be motivated and focused to do this. I need to weigh less and therefore I will be healthier. So, thanks to this site, I can keep account of what I eat and exercise. I am finding out that this site makes me question everything I put in my mouth and think before I do it. I think I will continue to track and be a part of this. Yes, this can work!!
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies! Just getting my self off to work. Since Monday was a holiday in Canada it's been a very hectic crazy week. Soo glad it's the last day. Feeling a bit sore from yesterday's workout. It was the first time she had us do burpees in a while and I was missing them if you know what I mean. Missing them like a boil on my butt. DH and I were just saying that even though they are hard they are a real workout so I'm going to force myself to do them at home.

    Looks like rain in our forecast everyday until Wednesday which is good because we need it. Hope it lets up a bit so I can go for a run. On the side road that bends behind our house there is an S bend and about a month ago I was surprised to see a cute little border collie. Typically I see the odd person walking or deer but there isn't even hydro lines. I was always on my way to work but I always thought that's weird. Then about two weeks ago I notice someone hung a tarp in the trees. Last week hubby and I ran the 7 k up there and stopped to check it out. Someone put out fresh food and water but it just seemed weird. Is someone working in the woods are they trying to coaz the dogs out. Then one morning there was two dogs running off when I came by. Last Sunday we went by and saw a woman taking stuff out of the area. On the way back she was gone and there was the border collie. We stopped and Hayley jumped out to see if she could get him to come to her but he took off very fast. she went in the woods to follow but he was gone. Then we saw a letter on a tree and it said the dogs had been abandoned and they were trying to catch them. Seriously I don't understand people. Now the dogs seem extremely afraid of people. Just glad the coyotes haven't got them yet. Hopefully someone can catch them and get them in a home but every day they are out there the wilder they get.

    Off to work.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hi! Just stopping in to say hello. Having a very healthy week and praying we have found the answers. It is amazing how I didnt know how sick I was until I felt well? Does that make sense?:huh:

    Anyway the elliptical is getting a beating. The dogs are happy with longer more spirited walks. And my tummy is happy it is getting healthy high proteiin foods.

    Of course the dang scale is not moving. Lovely:grumble:

    I will keep logging and eating well for my health. If I lose some weight it will be awesome but for now health is my goal:flowerforyou:
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Kate -- just breathe. And be gentle with yourself.
  • pedraz
    pedraz Posts: 173
    GOOD MORNING ALL! I just found this thread. I'm a little late.
    In fact, I'm REALLY late for my day and can't really write much in this moment. I'm just happy to have found this topic. Lots of interesting stories here. I'll be back in the nick o'time to write/read more.

    A presto!
  • Dragonldy69
    Dragonldy69 Posts: 368 Member
    Want to start off by WELCOMING all the new members to MFP. and to the group...:flowerforyou: I have been with MFP since April and am 58yrs old ..
    My Goals for August is
    1:Walk 12,000 steps a day
    2.Drink atleast 64oz of water a day
    3. Keep up with my journaling
    4.Exercise 3 times a week
    5.Loose 5 more lbs for Aug. and keep it off..
    6.Support and motivate all my friends here on MFP and Fitbit site.
    7..Enjoy life to the fullest. Life is to short
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    Good day!! Another weekend is quickly approaching. No plans this weekend. I have a lot of personal paperwork to get in order but I'm not that motivated to do it.

    A friend contacted me yesterday and she had to put down her last furry kid night before last. She had a pair of cats for years and had to put one down last year and now this. They were about the same age about 14. It's so devasting to have to do this. She said the poor thing hadn't been able to eat although as we all know, we try to cook and feed them little bits of anything we think they might eat. So sad for her. Made me think back to when I had to put my last Siberian Husky down. Not happy thoughts.......

    Did some grocery shopping yesterday and have my supply of healthy food replenished. Gosh I love Trader Joe's. They are so incredibly helpful and friendly in that store. I appreciate that. Makes the trip extra happy.

    Wishing everyone well. :drinker: :drinker:

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    So this morning I saw Helen Mirran on the Today Show… she is my hero and fitspiration!
  • muzzyskipper
    muzzyskipper Posts: 17 Member
    Good morning Ya'll,

    Up and at 'em....(yeah right...)....well, I have determined my goals for this month....

    1. Lose 5# this month (started posting 8\9)
    2. Send out resume and secure at least 3 interviews and hopefully a position ( even if part time)
    3. Do "Sit and Be Fit" 12 times within 30 days (don't laugh that's a lot towards dicipline for me)
    4. Log honestly re: how I am progressing and express here how I am feeling (I keep stuff in and it derails me)
    5. Log for Sept. in timely fashion

    Have a really good day!!!!! IT's going to be 100 here. Boy am I ready for Fall.....:flowerforyou:
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks to everyone who went on Facebook and voted for me at my little competition, I have moved up to 6th place and I just need 200 votes to overtake the leader in my age group....I have 4 days left to get votes, I will keep you all posted I believe I can do this...Please vote today atkins all star competition, just type that into the search box on your fb page and then hit view leaderboard you will find me and you can vote from that spot too....thanks again
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    Kate, and anyone else who gets derailed due to stress or bad things happening in your life....Here is the key, you have to reprogram your thinking....I in the past had set myself up for failure when dieting and didn't even know it. I allowed "bad things" to derail my diet, oh well...then it hit me, bad things are going to happen whenever, you have no control over them, the only control you have is with yourself and what you allow...So I decided that there may not be much I could control that was happening around me but the one thing I did have control over was what I ate. Once I decided that it was like my excuse for eating bad was gone...In the past I would start out each day really good, then my evening something in the day would have happened that just got to me so I ate....It wasn't that life was so bad, I was just looking for any reason to give myself permission to eat. I lost the weight when I took that permission away....Stay strong and be happy knowing you are in control!
  • Malouie
    Malouie Posts: 2
    HI everyone, my name is Debbie and I am soon to be 62yrs. I recently lost my job due to what I believe was age discrimination, Oh well I didn't really want to work any more. My exercise to date has been swimming 4 to 5 times a week for about 45 min a day. But today we finally have rain in NW Ohio and i cannot go swimming or walking outside. I hope to get motivated to start doing exercises in doors. I have not been very moitvated since I was "laid off".

    My goal for August is to start indoor exercising.

    I always have a goal to eat better but my husband sometimes has other ideas