50 shades of grey!



  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Have you read the Sookie Stackhouse series? Those are good.

    True Blood is based on these
  • MarkC1963
    MarkC1963 Posts: 51 Member
    That is a great post and oh how so true reality is... :)
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    this book is why women will never be seen as equal/better creatures compared to men.
    badly written, makes abusive relationships seem acceptable, ridiculously unbelievable and terrible character progression.

    the only acceptable review of this book: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/340987215

    SOME women LIKE to feel dominated by a man. I have to say.. your comment here pisses me off. All women don't have to give up liking their traditional role for equality! And if you read the book, they were 2 adults that seriously considered this BEFORE getting into a relationship! There are WOMEN AND MEN that like this stuff! It is there business. Family Guy, yeah the cartoon, summed it up best. 'Feminism, is about choice'. I choose to let my man lead. And the fictional character in this book choose to be dominated by a man. **I'm not trying to sound *****y =( It is just a touchy subject to me.. I do believe in traditional roles just because males and females are different. We are different, it is nature.. we think different and act different.. but I am for equality.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
  • Brooke_26
    Brooke_26 Posts: 204
    Pure and utter over-hyped shizz which is not only badly written but pretty boring too. If you're an avid reader of even passably decent literature you'll see fairly quickly that this is rubbish. I think it's for people who haven't heard a thing about bondage before, probably haven't tried it and are easily titillated.

    I got to completely agree with you...."badly written" is an understatement, and a complete waste of money (in my opinion) :yawn:
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    WOW!! Just read some of the other comments about this topic...people have choices..to read the trilogy or not...*and if we're going to talk about the characters as if they were real people*, again Ana CHOSE to stay with Christian...and if these two *fictional characters* hit a nerve with some people, then examine why it bothers you so much...true, there are women who are in abusive. controlling relationships in today's world (been there myself)....yet its again, a choice...a choice to stay or a choice to walk away....

    In the books, Christian and Ana agreed on a safe word...and in one scene she actually used it...and Christian stopped...she agreed to the erotic sex life, actually looked forward to times in the Red Room...in the beginning he laid out all the details regarding the relationship..and after much inner debate, Ana agreed to it...

    And one final note...*ITS A BOOK*!!! Not well written, true!!! Just a sexy, erotic story!!!

    Did you write this book? If you did can I say without pulling any punches that it is sh!te.
    Ajnd if we're going to go around in circles being pedantic here's my pedantic point, you're the one saying you'd 'FALL IN LOVE WITH CHRISTIAN'... It's just a book. How can you fall in love with a fictional character?
    It's a terrible read. Read it if what you consider literature is closer to US Weekly than Oscar Wilde.
  • OMG I thought these were so bad... I read them all, because I bought all three of the damn things at the same time, because all my mates said they were fantastic... despite the fact I read the synopsis and thought they were definitely not my kind of book... anyway you live and learn... obviously 30 pages into book 1 I realised how terrible they were..but I did stick with them, although it took me an age to get through book 3 and I can read a book in a day if its good!

    They were boring and ridiculously repetitive, I skimmed a lot of book 2 & 3 because it was all the same stuff as the first one, same words repeated, page after page after page... token "plots" introduced in order to pad the books out a bit. All she needed to do was write the first one and copy and paste in context with a bit of basic plot thrown in, in order to drag it out for another 2 books!

    I'm still amazed I fell for the hype and bought them in the first place! Basically story is two neurotic people get together, one is naive, one is a control freak, they have a bit of not that kinky sex, both get over emotional about what the other means, rather than actually talking about any of their worries.. a few stalkers and ex's show up for a bit of excitement (!) and then they all live happily ever after.

    Had Christian's secret been that he was a sociopathic serial killer and all his subs were buried in the basement I'd have probably liked them a bit better... but alas his 'secret', which of course we all know from the beginning really, is much more boring and barely a secret at all!
  • Fifty Shades of Grey books are so badly written. If you actually read those type of books, you'll realise that 50 Shades is complete tosh. It's extremely amateur.
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member

    This! I have the Kindle Touch and love it.

    AND it helped me read the Fifty Shades trilogy without getting constant remarks about my "bad choice of reading" because for some reason, everyone around me is suddenly a literary AND BDSM expert and they all have to share their wisdom with me. :laugh:

    ^^^^ This

    Seriously!!!!!! Are people actually expecting Fifty Shades to be classic literature!?!?!?!? And, BTW, Christian and Anna never actually have a D/s relationship! They like to fantasize, plain and simple -- and don't we all!
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm actually really glad I read this thread. I thought every fecking woman on the planet was loving this cr@p!!! It's good to know there are some people out there who don't fall for the hype and know a good book from a really, really bad one.
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238

    Yes, this :laugh:
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member

    AND it helped me read the Fifty Shades trilogy without getting constant remarks about my "bad choice of reading" because for some reason, everyone around me is suddenly a literary AND BDSM expert and they all have to share their wisdom with me. :laugh:

    Seriously!!!!!! Are people actually expecting Fifty Shades to be classic literature!?!?!?!? And, BTW, Christian and Anna never actually have a D/s relationship! They like to fantasize, plain and simple -- and don't we all!
  • Skeen903
    Skeen903 Posts: 408 Member
    Anyone read this? I just finished and thought it was awesome! Im kinda depressed because now i have nothing to read or look forward to read, lol. Anyone know of any books similar to twilight, 50 shades if grey or anything like mitch alboms books?

    Read Bare to You by Sylvia Day. I know what you mean, I get depressed when books are over. Oh, also read JR Ward, Black Dagger Brotherhood. The first is Dark Lover, you'll love it. Happy reading!

    I loved the 50 shades series... the Black dagger brotherhood I second those books are freaking amazing! Also I love the Anita Blake Series by Laurell K Hamilton. She is an AMAZING writer.
  • Skeen903
    Skeen903 Posts: 408 Member
    Anyone read this? I just finished and thought it was awesome! Im kinda depressed because now i have nothing to read or look forward to read, lol. Anyone know of any books similar to twilight, 50 shades if grey or anything like mitch alboms books?

    Read Bare to You by Sylvia Day. I know what you mean, I get depressed when books are over. Oh, also read JR Ward, Black Dagger Brotherhood. The first is Dark Lover, you'll love it. Happy reading!
    Black dagger brotherhood is my favorite series. There are 9 books.... everyone will of them are good. Also the midnight breed is also a good series... there is also 9 books

    Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunters are good too.

    I second that :)
  • olong
    olong Posts: 255 Member
    Read the other 2 books in the trilogy...Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed...I guarentee you'll fall in love with Christian Grey!!!

    I have Bared to You, yet I haven't started it yet..

    don't wait! if you enjoyed Christian and Anna, you'll enjoy Gideon and Eva and will be disappointed to have to wait until October for book 2. It's similar to 50 in many ways, but not with the attempt of a D/s relationship.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member

    AND it helped me read the Fifty Shades trilogy without getting constant remarks about my "bad choice of reading" because for some reason, everyone around me is suddenly a literary AND BDSM expert and they all have to share their wisdom with me. :laugh:

    Seriously!!!!!! Are people actually expecting Fifty Shades to be classic literature!?!?!?!? And, BTW, Christian and Anna never actually have a D/s relationship! They like to fantasize, plain and simple -- and don't we all!

    Nobody is expecting it to be 'classic' literature but to me it's as if everyone were suddenly talking about 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days' and saying how FANTASTIC it was. Um....sure.... :/
  • AnneG61
    AnneG61 Posts: 4
    Fall in love with a fictional character?? Sure!! Its called "a dream" ..."a little bit of fantasy"...and there isn't anything wrong with that!!

    All of this is quite subjective...what may be a garbage read for some, is an erotic sexual love story for others...just a matter of opinion and taste...and from my perspective, once in a while its necessary to change it up a bit...read something that isn't a "typical read' for you...after reading the trilogy, I switched gears and read a spiritual meditation book...now I'm reading "The Lost Symbol"...basically its all a matter of personal taste, personal needs & desires...and unfortunately it seems as if there isn't a respect for others opinions & viewpoints!!!

    With that being said....Have a Wonderful Day!!! :happy:
  • AnneG61
    AnneG61 Posts: 4
    Thanks...once I finish "The Lost Symbol" i want to read "The Five People You Meet in Heaven"..."Bared to You" will be next!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    All of this is quite subjective...what may be a garbage read for some, is an erotic sexual love story for others...just a matter of opinion and taste...

    Bad writing is bad writing.

    I don't care about the subject. I don't care if women fall in love with a fictional character who's a creep (or not. I just have to take others' words for that.). I read a wide variety of books. I've read books I loved and books that in the end were not my taste. There are books that are, indeed, classic literature that I don't care for.

    But as a writer, and hoping to one day be a published author, it's insulting and degrading that a book with such horrible, awful writing got published (not self-published, but actually picked up by a major publisher!). It's like the Met hanging your 3-year-old's scribbles next to a Renoir and saying they're equal.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    There are two more books by the same author, the next title being "Fifty Shades Darker"?? Not sure what the third book is titled.

    50 Shades of Grey
    50 Shades Darker
    50 Shades Freed