Man to Man: A Support System for Men



  • Hey good to have you EA. Hang in there and push yourself hard! I think a lot of the men have let this thread go, so I am bumping it back to page 1.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Great Attitude Op!

    This really is a great place and the MFP guys should use it more. I have benefitted both from giving and receiving information here. BTW I think it's really cool the way that you are promoting the Man to Man Forum. Keep it Bro!
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Well same story good on diet and zero exercise. I have not dusted off the treadmill yet this week.
    The scale was very kind this morning though, down 3 lbs already.

    Work has kept me very busy with late hours so Jan could be a struggle for exercise time.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Fork

    Finding time for exercise can be a struggle for all of us at various times. But I think that what is really crucial for you do is to make a list of exercises that you can do without interferring or compromising your work duties. I admire your dedication to your work and your committment to your diet, so let'smake use of that same logic and create a successful formula regarding your exercise goals. Remember, this is an individual journey with support from others. You are not being graded on the type of exercise that you do; it's more important that you just make time to exercise. Do whatever you can do within your personal limits. You are faithfully making time to stop by and report in to us here at the Man to Man Forum (and we appreciate that), but now it's time to get creative and go make some time for yourself to exercise regularly. Yeah, I know it's a challenge, but it can be done. Keep us posted man.

    *Remember....We are Brothers United!
  • My friend I could not have said it any better myself. Stopping in hre and posting shows us you are committed to the forum, but try to turn that around and try to benefit from that time. Fir example I posted this morning and was goign to post again before I worked out, but said "Naaaa, I'll do it after I work out and eat". So the 15 minutes or so that I saved in typing up the post, I used to warm up before my grappling session.

    We are here for support buddy....but you gotta support youself. Maybe tonight, when you get home, take some time to some sit-ups and will make you feel better.

    Now ihave limited time at home so that is why o am tryingt to ge tup every morning and work out. Yes...yes...I missed YOGA today..but trained my *kitten* off today again. Tomorrow I will take it easy....
  • OK guys. As far as I can tell...another successfull day. Grappling, Salad, 8 cups of I gotta go home and take the dog for a walk.......actually looking forward to that. I am trying to keep the man-thread open guys so let's hear some succes stories. Or some babbling, I don;t care. I got 25 minutes, but I will be back tomorrow.....
  • All in....
  • Ok guys........I gotta say...I am effing pissed. I have lost,,,,that is right...check it out....ZERO weight this week as of this morning. I grappled hard last night.....I went home and took the dog for a 30 minute brisk walk..came home and had some dinner. it was kinda bad....2 1/2 slices of a pre-made Wegmans Pizza. I gave the last half of the third piece to the dog and ONE American Ale...Bottle,,12 OZ. ...and yeh that was 1,150 calories..but i had those calories saved up through the day!!!!

    I skipped most of P-90 this morning cause I was pissed at the scale and my mind was all over the place.

    Look at my Diary from the week....I did not miss a beat!!! Man this is why people give up I think and I just don;t know what to do.....

    Actually I'll tell you what I want to do...I want to go our and eat a chicken sandwich with fries and 3 pints of Dogfish head.....

    Anyways....I just had to vent and make the man thread back to the front page.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Ok guys........I gotta say...I am effing pissed. I have lost,,,,that is right...check it out....ZERO weight this week as of this morning. I grappled hard last night.....I went home and took the dog for a 30 minute brisk walk..came home and had some dinner. it was kinda bad....2 1/2 slices of a pre-made Wegmans Pizza. I gave the last half of the third piece to the dog and ONE American Ale...Bottle,,12 OZ. ...and yeh that was 1,150 calories..but i had those calories saved up through the day!!!!

    I skipped most of P-90 this morning cause I was pissed at the scale and my mind was all over the place.

    Look at my Diary from the week....I did not miss a beat!!! Man this is why people give up I think and I just don;t know what to do.....

    Actually I'll tell you what I want to do...I want to go our and eat a chicken sandwich with fries and 3 pints of Dogfish head.....

    Anyways....I just had to vent and make the man thread back to the front page.

    Op hang in there bro. ShBoss is a wealth of information. You might give him a PM, he could help ya.

    I lifted this morning and I am starting to feel it. Kinda nice but kinda sore. I long for the days when I can get back to lifting heavy and feel like I got real workout though. If I dont start slow i always wind up with an injury.

    Keep kicking men.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    It is what it is,,, this isn't a sprint, or even a marathon, this is your life. You're doing what you need to do, and the results will come. Patience my friend, patience.

    I'm trying to get 1/2 hour a day of cardio and get back into my weights 3x a week. Took a little time off of the holidays - maintained weight but pudged out a little, I can feel it. If I can maintain weight and not lose too much fitness t'ween now and March I'll declare victory and get back to it hard when the weather breaks.

    We have a new grandchild, 4" of snow on the ground, the days are still short, and my inner grizzly bear still wants to hibernate. Can't ride the bicycle, just a tough time to try to make gains. Spring's coming.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Hey fellas, just found this thread. I recommitted myself on Nov 19th, and lost 13 lbs since then, even through the holidays. My current stats:

    Weight: 221.2 lbs
    BF: 25.6%
    Height: 5' 10"
    Age: 38

    I use to be close to 300 lbs about 15 years ago, so as I gained knowledge of fitness & nutrition, weight has slowly come down, with a few bumps in the road. :)

    I'm training for a bunch of things in the next 3-4 months. First on the list is a short 3k race on Feb 28th. Then a 5k race on March 28th, a duathlon on May 24th, and a sprint triathlon on June 26th. I start swimming lessons next Thursday...not to learn how to swim but to improve technique, and become more efficient in the water.

    My nutrition is based on 6 meals a day (eat every 3 hrs), 35% protein, 45% carbs, and 20% fat. If you guys are looking for great info, I suggest you check out . Tom Venuto is a cool guy, and very down to earth. There's also a community that revolves around this @
  • bortass
    bortass Posts: 91 Member
    Ok guys........I gotta say...I am effing pissed. I have lost,,,,that is right...check it out....ZERO weight this week as of this morning. I grappled hard last night.....I went home and took the dog for a 30 minute brisk walk..came home and had some dinner. it was kinda bad....2 1/2 slices of a pre-made Wegmans Pizza. I gave the last half of the third piece to the dog and ONE American Ale...Bottle,,12 OZ. ...and yeh that was 1,150 calories..but i had those calories saved up through the day!!!!

    I skipped most of P-90 this morning cause I was pissed at the scale and my mind was all over the place.

    Look at my Diary from the week....I did not miss a beat!!! Man this is why people give up I think and I just don;t know what to do.....

    Actually I'll tell you what I want to do...I want to go our and eat a chicken sandwich with fries and 3 pints of Dogfish head.....

    Anyways....I just had to vent and make the man thread back to the front page.

    Well the scale may not be your friend. It could be a number of things like retaining water from sodium; burning fat but putting on muscle, etc.

    Maybe you shouldn't get on the scale if it throws your day off so much.

    Are you doing p90 or p90X?

    FWIW, my weight loss is normally all over the place. I can hold steady for 3 - 7 days then all of a sudden lose 2 lbs. It's just the way my body works and I'm used to it.
  • bortass
    bortass Posts: 91 Member
    Played Volleyball last night and it went well. the shoulkder injury from April doesn't seem to be an issue. I was swinging hard and never felt anything. Losing the 11 lbs is starting to help, along with the p90X, on the court. I feel like I'm moving a bit better and do not feel as sluggish.

    It'll be awhile till I'm back where I was prior to the injury but I saw signs of progress last night.
  • Yeh my friend, P-90-X is what I have been doing. I also grapple every day compared to maybe once or twice a week. I am just expecting results quicker than this but I will keep it up. As that guy Joe said on the last season of Hell's Kitchen before he tried to fight Chef Ramsey....

    I Ain't No Punk B1tch....

  • Hey guys. Just started yesterday. Topping out at 237 for a 5' 10" frame, more than pudge. I'm presently at 1890 per day. With my 45 minutes of bicycling (spinning), I had 1122 left over. If I can stay away from the beer and booze, I think I will make my goal of 185 by this time next year.

    Wish me luck.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Guys

    I am not sure who wrote the following words of inspiration, but I am sure that we all need a little encouragement every once in a while. We are all working hard and sometimes our best does not seems to be yielding the results that we want in the time frame that we want. But remember, we must stay focused, stay committed, and never give up.


    Success is not a race, be patient.
    Success leads to success.
    Success is always a work in progress.
    Success doesn't come to you--you go to it.
    Success is a journey, not a destination. Focus on the process.
    Some people dream about success... while others wake up and work hard at it.
    Success is achieved and maintained by those who try-and keep trying.
    Everyday is a good day to SUCCEED!
    If at first you don't succeed-try, try again.
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    I just joined the site but I'm jumping in with both feet. In the 3 days since I've joined I have learned an awful lot about calories. I am planning on weighing in again at the begining of next week and start tracking from there.
  • You are what you think. Think Slim.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Guys

    I am just checking in today to tell everyone that you are doing an awesome job. Keep up the good work and continue to recruit new members to our forum.
  • Hey guys. my wife turned me onto this site today, so I thought I would give it a try. I am 282 pounds, so I am very over weight. I work rotating shifts so my body never gets adjusted to a normal schedule. One week I work 7am-3pm, then the next week is 11pm - 7am, and the next is 3 pm - 11pm. And most of the time those days end up being 12 hour days. Any advice or pointers would be appreciated.
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