Benefits of Giving Up Diet Coke.



  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I use coke to unclog patients G-tubes. Think about that! makes me not want to drink the stuff.
  • Jenloma
    Jenloma Posts: 77 Member
    I drink 1-2 glasses a day and I LOVE IT. I am tired of everyone debating me. As long as I'm not gaining weight with it, so be it? Live Diet Coke! LOL
  • RanmaGirl5
    RanmaGirl5 Posts: 13 Member
    No caffeine headaches and better teeth
  • Brendalia1956
    I suffered from terrible migraines until I gave up Diet Sodas over two years ago. When my Endocrinologist explained to me that the Diet Soda were contributing to my bone loss I quit drinking them. He was right because of about a year of going without diet sodas another bone scan was done with my bone density reversing itself . During this time I noticed that I had not been getting any headaches....what an extra bonus!
  • Elliott49
    I've heard countless people say that drinking diet drinks with artificial sweeteners makes you crave real sweets, such as chocolate. Not sure how accurate it is though.
  • missworld95
    missworld95 Posts: 131 Member
    Does anybody *really* want to argue that it's healthy? Seriously, people on here defend soda like it's freaking jesus christ...

    If you want to give it up, then go right ahead! SInce I've given it up I feel much better, it would make me feel bloated and I just didn't feel good (I would drink a lot of it a day.) I feel better now, granted I did cut out processed foods completely except for once in a while... but in general it's loaded with a bunch of crap. My rule is, if you can't pronounce the ingredients right, (or have no idea what they are) don't eat/drink it. Sure we could argue that diet soda is safe, espeically because it's FDA approved, but I won't have it. If you want to, go right ahead.
  • melly049
    melly049 Posts: 79 Member
    I used to drink diet soft drinks all the time and I always felt bloated and crappy!

    Now I only drink them every so often and I feel so much better
  • Bobbie_89
    Bobbie_89 Posts: 146
    I have no solid evidence for this but this is what steers me away from it...I think about the amount of chemicals that go into the soda to make it taste the same but take out the calories and I can't imagine that's good for your body at all.

    Now. That may be very inaccurate but that's what I believe and it works for me lol

    Please tell me which diet soda tastes the same, I'd like to buy some

    To me for the dark color sodas, Dite Dr.Pepper tastes like the regular one ONLY when cold though and for the clear sodas, Sprite Zero tastes like the regular one either warm or cold. But that could just be me though.
  • thomcat2728
    I am one of those resistant people who's body doesn't differentiate between diet and regular........if it tastes sweet, its sweet and evidently my insulin is released with either type. I get no extra weight loss, although I am addicted to diet Zero and sometimes drink 2 or 3 a day if I have company and don't deprive myself. Normally I have to use it only for splurging or it sabotages me after too many and slows my weight loss, I assume it is because my body thinks it is sugar, but really do not know, why........but, if I stick with water, unsweet tea, black coffee, etc.........I do great, but too many diet sodas n u would think I ate chocolate cake. Not sure why the usual squeeze of lemon or lime in my ice water doesn't matter, but too many diet sodas and I gain.
  • Uxorial
    Uxorial Posts: 38
    I used to be pretty "pro" diet soda.
    I had a health problem that required me to give up caffeine 3 weeks ago.

    So far I have noticed I am not eating as much (a lot of food for me "needed" to be paired with a diet soda, now that I am not having that, I just don't eat as much).

    And less gas :blushing:
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I am currently weaning myself of coke/diet coke. I saw somewhere on the internet that if you put in a silver coin into a class of diet coke/coke and leave it for 48hrs it will turn brown. As you do I tested it out. It totally rusted that coin. Moral of the story give up the dreaded stuff as if it can do that to a coin imagine what it can do to the lining of your stomach or your teeth.
  • Bobbie_89
    Bobbie_89 Posts: 146
    After reading this WHOLE topic...It really got me thinking...maybe I need to cut it out for a week or 2 and see if some of the things I'm going through is cause by drinking sodas. So as of more soda's for at least 2weeks and if my symptoms I have goes away then I will limited my intake to have one per week IF I can't stop compeletly.
  • UnRemarkableMe
    UnRemarkableMe Posts: 9 Member
    You'll notice that you look less bloated because all of the sodium in diet soda makes you retain water… Also the artificial sweeteners make you hungry as hell. You end up eating more than you would have in the first place.. GIVE IT UP!! :-)
  • LovesAdventure
    LovesAdventure Posts: 66 Member
    Benefits of giving uo diet coke? You'll fart less. All that carbonation has to come out somewhere
  • thebrianmo
    thebrianmo Posts: 108
    I currently drink about 3 diets cokes every day. I also drink lots of water. I started driking diet coke because it was zero calories and it gave me my soda fix. I am considering giving it up but I think its going to be tough. What are the benefits of giving it up that I can look foward to? Is it worth it?

    Not just diet coke but all pop, period. There are so many dangerous chemicals in that stuff that in the long term will do horrible things to your body. My cardiologist took me off ALL pop and I feel amazing. More energy, better skin, less belching. My wife did get me some diet 7-Up today as I am sick and my PCP advised it would be okay to sip a little to help with nausea. You will feel so much better if you do.
  • mushfroom012
    Diet sodas actually cause you to become hungrier and have more harmful chemicals that regular sodas.
    It would be better to just drink water. DON'T DRINK YOUR CALORIES!
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Here is my take on diet coke, and this is coming from the son of a chemist that worked for coca cola for 20 years, pilot, and an extremely fit father who ran 3 miles everyday after work. He had a gallstone from drinking soda even though he was healthy. I drink coke every once in a blue moon and I would have to be drunk. Otherwise just drink lots of water and keep your body hydrated. If you really are indulging bad on this then just cut it slowly or give yourself a diet coke in your cheat meal.
  • mssarita
    coke zero, for me, tastes the same...especially with lots of ice and a splash of vanilla extract, it tastes like the real deal.
  • Rebel2267
    Has anyone mentioned what it does to your teeth? Dark colored drinks, even drinks like orange juice will discolor your teeth. I stopped drinking Coke Zero three months ago, switched to just water, and my teeth are noticeably whiter already. Hope that helps.