
  • dznyr
    dznyr Posts: 1
    Hi, I just found out about this site, signed up last night and am trying to learn about all the tools available. I am 54, and struggling to lose between 60 to 70 lbs. I have so much information about dieting, that I am confused, hoping to streamline the information and make this weight loss journey a natural thing in my life. Here for support and to support you.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just thought I'd pop back on again while I'm sitting at my desk waiting for a phone call.

    Laura - has that new baby finished cooking yet?

    Has anyone heard from Mimi lately?

    Barbie - are you coping ok while Jake is house sitting?

    Ok, quick question here - those of you who paint your nails, do you always match toes and fingers? I ask because I used to always do this, but as I get older (and more rebellious) I find that I tend to have my toenails a totally different colour to my fingernails. Was just curious!

    Back to work for me.

    Amanda x
  • Goals For August

    Exercise 4 times a week for 30 minutes each time.
    Read a book for 10 minutes each day that inspires me to be the best version of myself
    Plan a date with my SO one time this month
    Find one statement each week in church that helps me be a better version of myself
  • Wow! So excited to have found this group! Menopause is kicking my butt, but I'm prepared to fight back!
  • tsjourney
    tsjourney Posts: 156 Member
    I've been doing this for 285 days, lost 34 lbs so far. Am going to be 50 in January and was hoping to have all of this weight off by then. I have 80+ more lbs to lose... Just dropped my youngest son off to college Thursday, have been a single mom for 15 years, feels really weird! Need a place to share the challenges this season in my life brings as well as the triumphs and support for continued weight loss. Was a little overwhelmed by the 18 pages but will try to figure it out and join in :-).
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Linda,--Sorry to hear about the food poisoning. I've had it once and it is no fun. Hope you are feeling better and that tomorrow will be a better day. :flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    First, to Jan, CONGRATULATIONS---11 days since you quit smoking!! Super. Wonderful. You must be so incredibly proud and happy.

    It's so nice and cool here this morning a jacket or sweatshirt is necessary. I can hardly believe it. It's like fall weather in August in Iowa!! Odd. Some friends had an outdoor family movie night last night. I was looking at the pictures they posted to Facebook and everyone had on long sleeves and long pants! It was so nice of them to host the night for families to come over to spend time together and be entertained. They even provided movie style popcorn. Lovely family. Since I would have sneezed and snuffed my head off with seasonal allergies I didn't go but I think I missed a really great time.

    Oh Michele, I think I've tried those green beans----Trader Joe's Lightly Salted Crunchy Green Beans??? I like them but instead of dividing the package into 4 servings, I make it 8 servings. It's a nice snack. And you are right, I go in and get what I need and then look at other products for just a little while. If I stay, I pay!! I always end up with one or more addiitonal items in my cart.

    Time to try to learn something, I got a cheapie Android phone this week and I'm getting error messages about shortage of space on the device. I know nothing about these phones and I purchased it at Walmart so there's no support available. Grrrrr. Wish I knew more. Ha, I wish I knew more about lots of things.

    Oh, and my Internet service is still wonky. I yelled the other day and I now at least have a supposed appointment for a tech to come out next Wednesday. I did pull up one of those speed analyzers and my connection throttles to ZERO and sometimes is only 1 -2 Mbps. They more or less said it's unexplained throttling down but they have no idea why. I just want it FIXED.

    Wishing everyone a healthy weekend. :drinker: :drinker:

  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    morning all and happy Saturday! Just getting moving... time for a latte - snuggles on the couch - bird watching and a crossword puzzle - Our morning ritual --then we hit the gym. The plan is to head over to Lake Chabot and do a little kayaking (I've only done it once before) and some geocaching if its not too hot.... hope you all have a wonderful and happy weekend!

  • VStrib
    VStrib Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I am just getting started and hope this will be the best weight loss I have tried. I have a thyroid problem that is under control now so with this plan I hope to get back down to 165 pounds and stay at that weight. I started tracking my food intake yesterday so here goes...hope this works. I plan to walk,and swim every day until it gets to cold to swim then I will walk and do some weight training. Good luck to you in this venture.
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies--

    It is a beautiful morning here in the Ozarks, 65 degrees.

    I joined MPF in January but didn't start the exercising right away. One change at a time. :laugh::. I started walking for 20 min. huffing and puffing but I just finished a 70 min. walk. :happy:

    If you would have told me 7 weeks ago that I would be walking that long I probably would have :laugh :laugh: This is a BIG accomplishment for me as in the past I have fallen twice and broken my arm/wrist as the result of bracing myself for the fall. Not the brightest thing to do but it is a natural reaction. Not bragging but just to show you can do it too:bigsmile: .

    Well, off to the shower and then the farmers market.

    Welcome all the newbies. You'll find a lot of support an encouragement here.

    Keep :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Have a GREAT DAY!!!!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Wow, so many new people just since I last posted yesterday! Welcome all, I haven't been on here that long, just since June, but this is a great place to come for encouragement and support!:smile:

    Don't have much time but wanted to drop by and say "HI"!

    Amanda-Saw your question abt nailpolish. I, too, used to do my fingernails and toes the same color but now I feel it's perfectly ok to do them both different. In fact, I notice that a lot of women, young and old, do fingers one way and toes another.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and don't forget to get your water in.:drinker:

  • Good Morning Ladies
    This thread seems like a great motivational place to (re)start my journey to health.
    I am a 56 year old Canadian. I've come across this thread late in my computer time for the day. (Right, like I really limit it!!) Anyway, I have every intention of reading every word on this thread when I get a chance.
    In the last few years I lost 50 pounds of the 70 I wanted to lose. The closer to goal I got the harder it seemed to get til finally I found myself climbing back up again, regaining 25. Soooooo, my ultimate goal is to lose 45 pounds. For August I hope to lose 10% of that!
    I will:
    - Drink a glass of water before each meal (I've recently been adding chia seeds to this.)
    - Photograph every bite of food before it enters my mouth. I can log this to my journal at my leisure.
    - Exercise a minimum of 3 times / week.
    - I have a Fitbit. I want to get 10,000 steps / day and 6 - 7 hours of sleep / night.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good afternoon, yesterday I took a rest day and today, I was planning on walking early. Well the rain stopped that it started raining before I could get into my workout clothes. I did get on my bike in the living room and ride for 16 mins. Boy it has been a long time. The backs of my thighs were on fire. I am going to eat lunch and then ride another 15-16 mins. got to get in the 30 mins at least a day. I know it's the weekend ladies and we all seem to go a little bonkers on the weekend (ok, I go a little bonkers) so stay the course and make good choices, drink that water and relax. Dance in the kitchen, through the living room like you just don't care, and have a great day.:smile:
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I am happy to say I weighed in and lost 2.5 pounds! I am happy for small successes right now. Today will be a food challenge as I am having a small get together. I am providing the grilled chicken so I hope to stock up on that. I will put out veggies for my snack and I will have to stay away from the other snacks. I plan to allow myself to have sweets, but very small portions. As I have previously stated, any lifestyle which involves deprivation will ultimately fail(for me anyway). I did not read all the posts but will catch up tomorrow, Wishing everyone another day you allow yourself to smell the roses!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning to all! It is a beautiful day here in Omaha, only going to be in the low 80s. So nice for a change! I managed a mile walk yesterday with the pooch. And even with a lovely glass of wine with dinner I was under my goal. I just need to kick start the exercise. I have a habit of self-sabotage…if I can’t devote 100% of my energy to “dieting” I let myself fail. I’m trying hard not to do that this time. I’m trying to see this as a life long journey and make those small changes that are so important. But I do need to crank it up some. I have to admit I am starting to get discouraged at how slowly the weight is coming off. 10 weeks and only 12 pounds; I had planned 30 pounds for the 15 week work challenge. :angry:

    Today I’ll work on the book then go to the nursing home to see my dad. It’s only about 2 minutes from my house, and with 3 drivers here, someone gets to visit him about 6 days a week. I think it may slow down a bit until DH can drive, but still it’s nice that he’s close so that it is no work at all to visit.

    Hubby is getting bored and somewhat cranky :huh: with his limited mobility. He’s also worried about what the crutches may do to his shoulder, so he is trying to limit that action. Still can’t bear weight on that foot. If we had known this, I would have rented a scooter thing.

    Janie: glad you have joined us. Try to make just one change at a time and make it a habit before moving on to something else.

    Kathyszoo: Wow you ventured out! Good for you. Those pain pills are there for a reason, so don’t feel bad about taking them! Glad you are doing better!

    Carolyn: good for you and being active and staying under your goals.

    Jan: you are doing so great! 11 days smoke free and another 1+ pounds gone! Keep up the good work! Glad your back feels better! :flowerforyou:

    Rose: wow 3 more pounds gone forever! Congraulations! :flowerforyou:

    Jo3y20: those milestones can be hard to take even when they can be fun too. My DH hit the big 60 2 weeks ago and he’s been depressed ever since! :indifferent: Your weight is coming off slowly but sure!

    Jen: my thoughts and prayers are with you and DS!

    Muzzyskipper: I had to laugh at your post; I’m tech challenged too and it took me about 2 weeks to learn to reply to posts! :laugh:

    Michelle: chocolate zucchini bread…yum. If it’s good can you share the recipe?

    DeeDee: good luck on the shopping trip…all that girly stuff! Have fun!

    Trinasansone: you have come to the right place for support! Are you tracking your food (not sure if you are new to mfp or not) and drinking ½ water for each pound you weigh? For me I had to start with just one goal and make it a habit before going on to the next.

    Ctumbarello: wow what a change to your routine! Loose clothing is always a good thing!!! :smile:

    PS2CR: I have a whole book of children’s poetry I tried to get published once….they said it wasn’t enough material (20 poems) and I went and looked at some children’s books which were much shorter. I said “hmmmmmm” and haven’t tried again since! Good for you to find a way to get that done!

    Linda: Scoliosis? Where did that come from??? I sure hope the N/V subsides. I know why it’s called the BRAT diet….because kids with n/v are brats LOL! Take care! :flowerforyou:

    Amanda: just think London will be back to normal soon! As far as the nails go, it depends on my mood! Sometimes the same and sometimes different. I never do french on my toes though. :bigsmile:

    Alwaysnancy: OMG what an awful thing to happen! I hope your daughter wasn’t too upset by it.

    Ariel: good for you to lose so much weight! You should be very proud. You can get back on track to get the last of it off. Have fun on your vacation.

    Ronda: thanks for sharing your story too. The nice thing about this thread is that no one is judgmental. If you needed the surgery then good for you to be brave and have it! :flowerforyou:

    Holy cow there are so many posts and so many new people. That is wonderful but I am afraid that once again I have missed people. So sorry to those I missed, welcome to the newbies, and everyone take care and enjoy the day! Meg :drinker:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lovely Saturday All,

    I didn't have time to read yesterday and it's taken me about 45 min to catch up. Wow are we a busy group:noway: and almost to 500 posts.

    Welcome to all you newbies:drinker: THIS is the best place to get all the encouragment you will need for ALL parts of your life.

    just and FYI when this topic gets to 500 posts it will close and the last post will have a small note at the bottom that will say "this topic continued here" and you will need to click on it to get to "part 2 for August" if you try to post to part One when there are already 500 posts your reply will head out to cyper space...so watch how many posts there are when you are coming back to check in:flowerforyou:

    Son #3 & DIL just left they spent last night with us as they were in the south end of town last night and didn't want to drive home to the north end (they live about 45 min away from us). They got here after 8:30 and since we knew they would be arriving late we held dinner for them and had dinner at a "fashionable dinner hour". I prepared breakfast this morning and we ate it out on the back patio...I do love doing that on the weekends:happy:

    DIL#2 is STILL cooking that grandson #3:grumble: she's miserable and we are all getting pretty tired of waiting for his arrival.

    Son #3 & DIL are headed to Las Vegas this next week to visit with Son #1 and DIL and since she has never been there they are sure to have a great time:flowerforyou: fun place to visit a bit hot to live there:glasses:

    Yesterday afternoon our friends (DIL #2's parents) called us as they were getting ready to see Hope Springs and so we went over to the theater and met them....laugh out loud funny:laugh: but you have to wonder if some of the laughter was because some of what they were talking about was because it was too close to home:wink:

    We will get in a bike ride later this afternoon but now I need to head out and trim my flowers and see if I can motivate myself to do some sorting and tossing in a closet or to....I'm not very good at saying toss it:blushing:

    Congrats to those that are losing, to those just starting and everyone else :drinker: log it if you eat it, drink plenty of water and try to move your body to burn some extra calories:drinker:

    Will post to everyone next time.

    Enjoy your Saturday Laura80111:smile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hello all , I went out to Ice cream social, fund raiser for our Granddaughters High school band, They are in the Ben Davis Marching Band, Samantha is a Jr. this year and plays a clarinet and Leah a freshman is in the color guard. They did a wonderful job! and of course I ate a snicker Ice cream cone still stayed under my cal. so not to bad. Ben Davis Band , Rocks! All of you that live in Washington DC watch out they are coming to DC in the spring .

    I have been reading all of your post and love hearing about all you do. Welcome to all of the new ladies you have come to the right place, there are a lot of wonderful ladies and you will get a lot of hints and ideals .

    Hope you all have a great day , must get back to work .

    Ahhh Marching Band and Color Guard....I miss it:sad: I was the band Mom for 10 years at the boys High School and I loved it. It was so much fun being aroung the kids, going to competitions and trips with them...I do believe it kept me young:wink: When Son #3 decided he didn't want to play his trumpet in the band and switched to Color Guard that was a bit of a challenge as he had to learn how to throw a rifle and so I moved the furniture in our living room so he'd have plenty of room to toss it (we have valulted a celing) but I forgot to cover the front of the couch where there is wood....we still have the dents and scratches on our couch from his rifle tossings:noway:

  • ctumbarello
    ctumbarello Posts: 23 Member
    My thanks to Laura for letting us know about the limit of 500 posts; I wasn't aware of the limit. I see I am almost the end of this one. I think it will be less overwhelming when we start Part II of this thread. Seeing 500 posts is huge considering the month is not even half way through. I actually got my hubby to take my morning walk with me. He slowed me down a little, but it was nice to have company :wink: We had a 1/2 papaya filled with raspberries before our walk. It is one of my favorite things; it seems so decadant since the papaya is not a local fruit. I've been home an hr., so I will eat breakfast, part II, which will have some complex carbs and protein. Love the weekend!
  • lorarock
    lorarock Posts: 29
    Hi everyone. It has been a wild and wooly week in TN. School began and the chaos that goes along with many changes in how things are done. I don't think anyone in the building is quite sure of anything. Change is harder for adults than kids. With the chaos, my eating has been wild (an attempt to neutralize my anxiety). Didn't work, just gained some more weight. Weighed this morning and am up yet another pound.

    In an attempt to take better care of myself, I have cut up veges ready for the lunch box and a pot of vegetable soup cooling to put in containers. This will force some better choices. The upside of the new schedule is a lot more walking. I actually don't think about eating until the drive home, and then the grazing begins.

    Goal for week: more veges. more water. no chips. limit fried foods to measured portion.

    Everyone have a great week!
  • Hello Ladies, new to the site, day 2 here. Learned about the site from coworkers. Just getting started on my journey and getting back on track with food preparation. I work a sit down job 8 hrs/5 days a week. Getting motivated to add exercise to my daily routing once again. Reading up on the Atkins diet. Divorced in 2007 and belonged to a gym at the time, slowly stopped exercising now weigh the most ever in my life. Am currently participating in a Biggest Loser Competition at work, this was my motivation to get started having accountability with a weekly weigh in on Mondays. So far have lost 3lbs, but discouraged at being hungry and no weight loss that past week. When I was going to the gym I could eat as I wished, still healthy but not having to watch every calorie. Looking forward to the encouragement and the journey that lies ahead.