How Often Do YOu Weigh Yourself?



  • psychopiglet
    psychopiglet Posts: 130 Member
    Daily. I like the ups and downs on the graph!
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    Twice a week.

    Once on Tuesday, which is when I take my (bi-weekly) measurements and write the numbers in my journal.

    Once on Thursday, when I post my weight to the SC_100+ Pounder tracking sheet. :)

    I try not to weigh myself the rest of the time, although I sneak peeks through the week.

    I don't want to get all strung out on the weight thing - I care more about my measurements and how I "feel".

  • I weight myself once a month. For me it helps keep me focused on the long term changes i need to make in my lifestyle. It I weight in daily or weekly it would be too easy to get discouraged or go off track when things don't seem to me moving when think they should be or when it's just a water retention related fluctuation.
  • b1g_tun4
    b1g_tun4 Posts: 48
    This guy is kind of silly but he has some good information on his site. Watch his videos about how his weight can fluctuate.

    Based on this information it looks like it would be best to pick a day once per week and weigh 4-5 times and take an average.
  • gotpigs
    gotpigs Posts: 14 Member
    I get on the scale Friday mornings at my TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meeting. That's a weight loss support group. (NOT like Weight Watchers). During the week, I may look once, but I really try not to, because I want to surprise myself!
  • I think I'm an outlier: I weigh only once a month. For me, weighing more frequently causes me to put too much emphasis on the scale, rather than on living a healthy lifestyle. And I get frustrated when the numbers on the scale don't match the effort I'm putting in. Since there are so many variables that affect my weight on a day-to-day or week-to-week basis besides what I eat and how much I exercise, I find it more helpful to weigh regularly but less often. Admittedly, this isn't a good strategy for everyone. If you look at the National Weight Control Registry, 75% of folks who have maintained weight loss long-term report that they weigh at least once a week: Different strokes for different folks, I guess!

    I'm trying the once a month now because I became obsessed with the scale.... This is my first time trying this so we'll see what happens
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    At the moment, because I am JUDDDing, I am on and off the scales 2 times a day. I just want to see what the different days look like on the scale.

    Usually I remember to weigh in once a weekish.

    It has been quite an education, I now know that my lightest weight does not necessarily correspond with my Down Days. So I suspect I will go back to once a week for tracking only!
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    I find that if I weigh too often it affects everything else in my life. A little OC?! Yes.
    My body image is pretty awful but I love the person that I am inside and am well on my way to making things better for myself. A bad weigh-in can sabotage my day and my diet because I'm not in enough control of emotional eating YET. I'm getting there though slowly but surely.
    So... once a week is plenty for weighing in. Sometimes I'll even go 10 days because I get demoralized far too easily when I'm on a plateau. For me, I have alot to lose so this is a 5 year plan with renewable contracts with myself and my doctors. The goal here is to lose the weight and build better habits so that I can keep the weight from coming back. 3 years to lose what it's taken me a very long time to gain and 2 in order to fine tune it and learn how to maintain.
  • Weekly now, but in the past monthly. It's far more satisfying.
  • I weight once a week, every monday morning before I eat/drink anything. If I weighed every day, I would become obsessed.. I am tempted to weigh every day though!
  • i do it all day long lol.. doesnt bother me at just i like to see how my body reacts to diff things like food water exercise etc. (ive lost roughly 120lbs)

    YUP. All day long here too. It's pretty neat when you can tell exactly how your body reacts to what you've a salty meal etc. Not an obsession, kind of like washing hands. I weigh, I see, but I don't obsess over the number.
  • I haven't weighed myself since December...but that's because I don't own scale. Normally I would do it every other day but only really 'count' the weigh in every week or so.
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I weigh myself on a weekly basis. For me it helps keep me in control. If I stay around the same number (+/- 3ish lbs), then I'm not worried and I know I'm doing a decent job. When I stop weighing myself regularly is when I start gaining REAL weight (Not just blaoting/water weight).

    There have been some studies lately showing that people who weigh themselves regularly tend to keep their weigh loss off long-term... I would 100% agree with that, cause that's what's working for me and I've kept my 50lbs weight loss off for 2+ years.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    Every morning...just like to know how I am doing. I'm not trying to lose much more weight, just like to weigh daily to make sure I am not packing on pounds unknowingly. Weighing daily has helped me learn my body, know how it reacts to certain foods and what foods weigh me down. Weighing in daily is just part of the morning routine for me.
  • njauatin
    njauatin Posts: 38 Member
    I weight myself weekly every Wednesday. I did weigh myself everyday but got frustrated with not seeing progress.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I like to keep on top of any weight gain before it gets out of control.
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