I want to run... but I'm too fat



  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I see that you are in Spfld (I'm not very far away!) Anyway, there is a group in Eugene that might interest you.


    and their facebook page is


    At my very heaviest, 240, I was running. I know what you mean about people seeing you. And even tho I never think badly of heavier ppl when I see them running, or walking, I still have paranoid thoughts/feelings if ppl see me out there! You've done great things with your weight loss, and kicking the nicotine habit (I did so myself recently), and your commitment to bettering your health!

    Want to add: There are many nice trails for running in the Eugene area, such as Pre's Trail. A softer surface may be best for you in the beginning.
  • kehlinger
    I've never posted on here I think but saw this topic on the side when I went to log in my morning food calories. I use the ap to keep track of my calories and exercise to maintain. I'm a small person 5'2' and 112 pounds. I read this whole thread and so impressed with all who posted and their advice. I too feel the lure of the runners I see seemingly effortlessly flying down the streets, parks, etc. and think that I want to do that too. Reality is that each of us has different abilities and different things that work for us and that we enjoy in all facets of like including exercise. I loved water exercise when I did it years back and would do it again if I could or should I say that I will when I can! The variety of the suggestions above are great in that you do not get bored and you end up challenging all the muscles and yourself in different ways that one exercise alone just cannot accomplish.

    I know you want to get out and socialize and that is important. Also I can recommend a 5 mile walk dvd by Leslie Sansone (who can be truly annoying I will admit) who has lots of dvds that I rotate doing. This one you can do mile by mile and has a 2 minute jog at the end of each mile. And I will be the first to say that I myself do not always make the whole 5 miles!!! But I can do it at my own pace and schedule.

    And as a side note, anyone gawking at you running outside is someone whose opinion of you does not matter and not a very nice person. If I saw you running I might be "gawking" at you but my thoughts would be that I was impressed, inspired and wishing I had your self confidence, determination and discipline!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Congratulations on your amazing progress so far! Your determination is very inspiring! I started running at 50 pounds overweight and it was difficult, but -40 pounds later, I love it and consider running to be a big part of my life.

    I started out running by myself about 18 months ago but it has become a much better experience in the past 12 months since I found several local running groups to work out with. Look in your area for running groups through a local running or athletic store, or even through meetup.com. You could also post this as a topic in the forums here on MFP to find other people in your area.

    I have a friend who has bad knees and has trouble running on land so she does pool running and lunges all those types of exercises in the water. I would definitely recommend adding that to your water workouts if you're not already.

    As for running, one of my good friends started running when she was at least 270 pounds--she started very slowly. She's lost about 50 pounds and has run 3 half marathons since she started running! You will need to be mindful of your body and especially make sure that you have the right shoes and sports bra. You can take a program like Couch to 5k or Jeff Galloway's run/walk interval method and adjust it to meet your needs.
  • MrsCCWoods
    MrsCCWoods Posts: 142 Member
    I also would love to run again i use to be a runner years ago, I hope to be able to do a marathon one day
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  • Dawnhasajeep
    Dawnhasajeep Posts: 180 Member
    I did the couch to 5K program when I was 230lbs. Its a 9 week jog program that works you up to a 5K jog/run. You clould start that and do a walk speed walk.than once you can speed walk a 5K do the progran again walking & joging. I wouel keep up with the Water work out they will be a lot easyer on your joints till you losse more weight. I never thought about it but you could try and do the Couch to 5K water jogging. I bet that would be a really good work out.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I started jogging around your current weight, well at least walk/jogging. I would set out and try to hit certain landmarks and walk to the next alternating, until one day I was like you know what I am just gonna start jogging and not stop til I hit a mile, no matter what speed I was going I am going to do the jogging motion until I finish. It wasn't too bad, so the next day I did two miles. Don't worry about the speed, just get the motion down and then work on speed. With regards to the skin flying around, get yourself a compression shirt and wear a Tshirt over it, it won't make it stop completely, but it will limit it some if it bothers you. I heard someone scream **** out the window, I scream back, "Bring it C$NT" they slowed down, I sprinted towards the car and they sped off. A bunch of A hole HS kids, I assume. They key is you're out there doing it while they are on their *kitten*, I just completed my first triathlon today, something I never thought I would do. Take it a step at a time, work on the motion and speed wil come.
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 782 Member
    walk until you are ready to run-this video REALLY inspired me...


    Literally just watched this video with tears streaming down my face. What an inspiration.
  • jbobb15
    jbobb15 Posts: 29 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far! What an amazing inspiration you are! If you've done that I think you can tackle running. A treadmill is a great idea, check out eBay for barely used ones. And I know there are people out there who stare at runners. Some are judging. But some find you inspiring. You may actually inspire another person to begin their own journey to a healthier lifestyle. Go out there and do what you can. Eventually what you can do will become farther, faster. Good luck!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Wow, I admire your dedication.
    And I wanted to say, any runner so far that i have come across (in the 6 months i have been running) is either too self involved to notice anyone else, or will greet you quite pleasantly. Especially when the weather is dreadful and you are out anyways, there is a grudging respect for all fellow runners :happy:
    I have no experience running with the weight you are talking about. I started at 174lbs and still find it hard on my joints 15lbs later. So if you are hell bent on doing it, make sure you have the very best shoes you can afford, and try finding a trail or track, since they tend to be softer than pavement.
    I'd also encourage you to find a running group. Unless your dog is a husky, or maybe a shepherd, and in great shape, I can't think of a breed that was meant for running slow long distance. Most are made for sprinting, few for tracking.And you mentioned that she gets tired on long walks already (make sure you have water with you btw.).
    Others have given you good advice already, walking your distance and slowly increasing the parts you run is definitely the way to go. Look at c25k or 'the beginning runner's handbook' for inspiration.
    There are also alternatives, if you just want to mix up your cardio. Cycling, nordic walking, hiking etc.

    Good luck :smile:
  • Tammye51
    First of all I would not worry about what other people think when they see you exericising. I frankly admire overweight people jogging and walking and other exercising. I think "Way to go". If you block out the thoughts of what you think other people are thinking it will help. Just remember the end result and how you will feel then. I have a friend who weighed over 300 lbs and she is walking and exercising at the gym every other day. She walks on the treadmill for at least a hour a day and lifts weights. She has lost 60 lbs and I can actually see a shape on her now and she feels wonderful. Just take it real slow. Run a block, then 2 blocks etc.
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,097 Member
    Wow! YOu have done great so far! You are truly an inspiration for all of us here. I, myself, for one! If I lived in Springfield , Oregon ,
    I would walk with you . I know..most of my exercising is walking and stretching. It seems like I cant do any stressful workouts..Ive tried so I have it down to Walking away the pounds with Leslie Sanstone, walking around the pond by my house daily and my stretching exercises. I haven't really tried any lifting weights or anything. I might try that someday. Im 65 years young and feel better about my healthy eating habits but should have done this years ago. Keep it up..You look great!
  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    I highly recommend the Couch 2 5K program...I started using that program one full year ago and have lost 33 pounds and have run a half marathon, a 5k, and my next half is coming up next week. Take the program slow and modify it to fit your overall fitness level. GOod luck. You will get there...look how far you have come so far!!! Enjoy the journey!!!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I love walking and I walk alone. I don't have a dog but if I did, I would not make them walk in the hot summer as their paws can be terribly burned. I saw a case recently. Walking alone has done a lot for my confidence, I have overcome the fear of and now can't wait to get out there, keep pushing yourself to do it.

    Walking burns lots of calories, less injuries is what I hear and when you get down to a comfy weight you can start running if you want! There are lots of things I want to do but know I must first work my way up to them:) Denise
    **I've never posted a topic before, and rarely come into the forums due to the drama and judgement I've seen running rampant. Please be kind to me. I am truly wanting advice and support**

    I want to be one of those people I see out running. I've wanted this for over a year now. Nearly two years ago I weighed 530 pounds and even walking was a chore for me. Since March 2011, I was 498, I've lost 223 pounds. My exercise has been strictly in the water. I do at least 2 hours, 6 days a week. I've got good strong muscles, and can feel the fit under the fat. I have no issues with walking now. I've gone on a couple walks, have taken my dog, and wore her butt out after the first mile and a half. I had to quit walking when she wouldn't go any further lol. I don't like going by myself - a safety issue for me. There is no one that I can get to walk with me - they are either in no shape to walk any distance, or not interested, or just complete flakes and don't show up. So I've stuck with my pool workouts. When I did walk I attempted to up it to a jog, just to see how I did. Since I was so large before and am still large (currently weigh 274), my whole body bounces around like a tub of jello!! My bones and muscles go one way, my skin and blubber go the other!! In the pool it's kind of morbidly fascinating to watch, and I can actually use it to my advantage for a harder workout... on the road I feel like everyone is staring at the fat chick bouncing her *kitten* all over the road (LITERALLY)!!

    I know there are a lot of people on here who've lost a bunch of weight and are now running.. Can you please tell me how you did it, and if you had the same issues, or similar, to what I'm having?? How did you get past it?!?! I'm so tired of my body and mind holding me back.

    It's not an easy journey. I was very isolated because of my weight. Now I am getting rid of it, wanting to be more social, but can't seem to find people around here that are leading the active lifestyle I want to lead. I can't seem to find anyone to do any activities with, period. :cry:
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    i know someone who was worried about the same thing so they bought a treadmill
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    You are not too fat to start! Start walking every day and increase your intensity every week or two. Set goals. Walk for a while, then add a few minutes of interval jogging and keep increasing. It will get easier and will help with your weight loss journey. You can do it!!
  • pshackles
    My doctor told me that for every 10 extra pounds of weight on your body it is 70 pound of weight on your knee cap joint with every impact. Also if you hit your stride heel first (which almost everyone does due to shoe design) the impact on the knee is worse. So I worry a lot about my own running and its why I'm here to lose weight.

    But, I think if you really want to run that mind set will help you get there. It did me and now I've been running for four years albeit I'm not a marathon runner and I don't go too fast, I enjoy it. :-) Good luck!
  • musicmint
    musicmint Posts: 469
    Power walk then run for a couple minutes and power walk...slowly work your way up

    No matter how heavy you are start out slow for the sake of correct posture you will ruin your body otherwise.
    I run everyday and my father has been running for 30+ years
  • jchocchip
    jchocchip Posts: 72 Member
    I am too fat to run so I did the nhs choices c25k jogging very slowly and still don't really run until the finish. Came 202nd in my local 5k parkrun yesterday, but I'm not disappointed to come last, just getting up and jogging around slowly is an achievement. Going slow and wearing good trainers reduces the impact and a sports bra with a tight crop top on top reduces flapping... Try walking the c25k podcasts and just walk faster for the running stages and you will soon build up!
  • sandykdela
    What an inspiration you are!! I've been running on & off for over 20 years. Several years ago when I began running again I experienced similiar feelings - thought I was too fat, I looked like a crazy lady, etc. What would people think? You know what - who cares? When I'm out there now I don't care what other's think. I run for me and no one else. I eventually got where I could run for an extended time. Was it hard & did it hurt, YES. But you know what, I was proud of myself. Will I everbe the fastest or leanest, probably not. But overall I am healthier. I have had injuries, there is that risk when you run. Listening to your body and taking a break from running even when you don't want to is very important. I've learned that including other forms of exercise is key to being successful in running. I'm currently doing the Jillian Michael's trouble area workout video, bike riding & running. I do the video & bike riding on the same day and save running for a day when I don't do anything else. Keep up the great work!! You truly inspire me!! :smile:
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    Maybe someone has said this already, but have you considered an eliptical machine? It's very similar to a running motion without any impact at all.