I want to run... but I'm too fat



  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    Here's another local group. You can "like" them on facebook and join the group.

  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    I used to be petrified of running outdoors, I think most people start off that way, my first outdoor jog was alternating walkin with jogging, on the way I overheard some guy make a dumb *kitten* remark about me running. & you know what? i realized i didn't care, that moment made me realize i actually enjoyed running and if it makes you happy who cares what other people think, you just gotta do you. when you realize you don't care what others think, you can conquer anything, do what makes you happy!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Personally, I don't believe in too fat to run. Try just going for a walk and do short spurts of running, that's what I did. I only went out once, I have an elliptical now though. Try maybe getting a treadmill and working up to running inside until you're comfortable going outside? Also, I want to say congrats!! You've lost so much weight, very impressive!
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,132 Member
    walk until you are ready to run-this video REALLY inspired me...


    Literally just watched this video with tears streaming down my face. What an inspiration.

  • lorettaasmith
    lorettaasmith Posts: 418 Member
    You are too be commended on your progress so far and your determination to keep going and to run! I started running when I was 225. I live in a safe subdivision and started out running only at night because I didn't want anyone to see! I think my fears where unfounded as 99% of the comments I have received have been people offering encouragement! You might consider starting out on a treadmill until you are more comfortable outside. It is a slow process, but worth it. Get your doctor's okay to run....and wearing the right clothes can help with some of the other issues. Good luck!
  • motherbetty
    motherbetty Posts: 170 Member
    YOU are awesome! Congratulations on your wonderful accomplishments - you are an inspiration! :drinker:

    I am a beginning runner doing the C25K program. It's only the second week for me but during the first and second run, I felt hideous. I was red in the face, panting, sweating...but then I realized: I'm SUPPOSED to be like that! That's what you DO when you challenge your body to a new workout!

    I run on an indoor track at my YMCA because 1) I hate running outside because the only place is along a road and 2) the temperatures are too hot for me in the summer.

    Regardless, all the best to you and keep on keepin' on!
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    How amazing a weight loss, good for you. If I saw you running and making a real effort then I'd run with you.

    If you lived near me I'd definitely go running with you and be proud to do so.


  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Ummmm... you are NOT too fat to run! I will repeat that again... you are NOT too fat to run!! :)

    I weigh more than you do, and... I "run." Now, I use that word lightly but... I use C25K (couch to 5K... you probably have seen this as a repeated suggestion and are noticing a trend - because it works). I actually tried it many months ago and did, eh... OK. When I wanted to start it up again - I got some good advice from a friend who already posted on here also... get good running shoes! Let me tell you that made all the difference! So, new actual RUNNING shoes in hand, well on foot, I set out to start the C25K program again. I am doing the first day of week 3 tonight. It was put off a day because I know I have to "run" for 3 minutes straight a couple of times and I'm scared... lol. Amazing part of the program is that it knows what it's doing! :)

    There are going to be all kinds of people who want to tell you that you are too heavy... and, it'd be easy to believe them But for me? I found that my body... and my mind... they wanted to run. I'd be out walking and have this crazy impulse to... jog, to run, to give it a go. I figure my body? Well, it's letting me know. There are some days that are easier, some are harder. I find sometimes my brain tells my body to stop jogging a few seconds earlier than the English female voive tells me. I love when I get to prove to myself that I am capable of far more than I believe. Some days I am sore, others not so much. But each day I do it? I feel proud and accomplished.

    I agree with the feeling of eyes. I found a couple local tracks here and use them. I had the experience of guys in a car repeatedly going around me yelling harsh and obscene things, left for my own safety - that wasn't on the track but rather a local park. I've had no trouble nor safety concerns at the tracks. I have good music playlists and make sure it's faster, upbeat music because it helps my pace. I'm slow... really slow. I think I may walk faster than I jog... but I also know that my pace and time are improving. I huff and puff after the "runs". Especially the 90 seconds ones... the 30 second ones seem to have gone away - but I think they'd be easy for me now. I went with a friend to the track (she needed the motivation, not I) and we did our own stuff, just on the same track. I was jealous of her - as she would jog an entire lap, then walk, then jog... but still found a real source of pride and accomplishment... in the end? My body and mind wanted to jog... so I am.

    I have some goals set up... and am doing some 5Ks. I can't wait to say that I jogged one all the way through... I'm just glad I didn't listen to everyone who said I was too heavy because it's definitely helping me become less heavy! I know I have a runner inside this body... I'm getting close to finding her! ;)

    Good Luck!! :)
  • Mizztori1
    First of all I'd like to say that i congratulate you on your want to boost your workout routine!
    Second I don't think 275 is too big to run...
    I started out at 256 lbs in Feb. and I've been running since I started my weigh loss journey. With that I'd like to add that I"ve been a athlete my whole life so I wasn't in the worst shape in the world when I started I had only quit working out for about a year and over that time i packed on quite a few pounds...

    I think that if you want to add running to your workout then have at it!! start out slow...
    try running on a treadmill for 30 seconds and walk for 2-3 minutes to get your heart rate back down and then run another 30 seconds...

    And remember that building up your endurance takes time...
    i've been trying to build up my endurance since about mid march and i'm just now getting to where i can run a mile without stopping...

  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    So many replies..so I'll keep it short. Congrats to you and keep up the amazing work! If you want to run do it. Get your pup in shape as well....I love having a furry workout partner...(unless its like a tiny dog..then just carry him/her :smile: ) I agree with the othersin that a timed walk/job is great. One minute jog, two minutes walk/active recovery till you can go two on and one off. Watch your form... don't heel strike too much, think light on the toes to keep those joints protected....put in some awesome tunes via earphones and just enjoy the great outdoors. If it's raining or worse (snowing) in the future...treadmill it at your local gym or community center.

    You got this!! You are awesome!!!
  • superfitconball
    superfitconball Posts: 46 Member
    You have had some really amazing progress! Congrats for that!

    One thing to be sure of when running is to get the right shoes that can support your weight, some of the lighter weight running shoes don't have enough support and can cause all sorts of knee, hip and other joint problems.

    There are lots of programs out there that can help you ease into running. One thing to make sure to remember is not to compare yourself with the skinny gazelles that run effortlessly. That will be you one day, but getting started is going to take work.

    One easy way to get started outside is to alternate jogging and walking every other light post.
    When that gets easy, go two light posts and walk one, then three, four...and then before you know it, you'll be able to keep going and not have to walk.

    And remember, not matter how slow you're going running outside, you're lapping everyone on the couch!

    Good luck!
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    im doing couch to 5k its a walk to run program im doing it outside on my local hills (i live in bfe so i dont worry bout safety as much) but you can do it on a treadmill if you have access to one
  • kim_maxcreek
    kim_maxcreek Posts: 11 Member
    I certainly can't run any distance at all. I just walk, build up my pace til I feel like I can't walk any faster then jog as long as I can. Believe me, its not very long. I walk at a track and I use the light poles as start/stop points for my jogging. Sometimes I walk an entire lap without jogging, sometimes I do a couple bursts in each lap. I just try to listen to my body and push my self a little bit.

    Don't worry about the people watching you. Poo on them. Do you honestly see a lot of larger people walking/running around? No. So you are doing a good thing and maybe you will inspire someone else to get out there and get moving. :smile:

    Once your breasts are so large, no sports bra will help. It just smooshes them into one giant boob that bounces around. I usually wear a regular underwire bra with a sports bra on top. This is the best I've found to keep them under control.

    Keep up the good work. You've done great so far!!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Sorry if this I a repeat because I haven't read the other comments, but a belly binder worked great for me! My dr suggested it & it worked wonders at keeping my midsection flab under control. Congrats to you on your dedication to your weight loss, you have a lot to be proud of! I was about 300 lbs when I started jogging. Now I no longer need the belly binder because compression bottoms work well enough. Please feel free to msg me if you'd like to chat more, I'm sending you a FR. Keep up the good work girl!!!
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    this won't help with the bounce (I feel your pain!!!) but it might help with the self-conscious feeling you get while bouncing around.

    warning: this essay made me cry, but in a good way.

    What an awesome essay! Very inspiring!

    OP dont worry about what other people think. You will be so busy concentrating on what you are doing that you probably wont notice anyone else.

    I am 252 lbs (sw 272 at Christmas) and I too want to run. I walked a 5km race in May and thoroughly enjoyed it but boy did I envy those runners. There were about a dozen or so women who were much bigger than me and were able to complete the race running. I was so proud of the fact that they were able to do it. Someday soon, I too will be a runner. I am starting the c25k on Wednesday.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    You are an inspiration at losing weight! First think of the progress you have already made, which is quite a bit!

    “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter,and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Suess

    I say do what you want and become a hot mess now, so you can be a hottie later! :) Good luck!
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I've just recently gotten the courage to start running outside and I'm actually amazed at how nice other runners are! They always smile and wave to you. They know that at least you're out there doing things!! I'm my own worst critic and I always think everyone is staring and laughing at me but in the long run, my butt is out there doing it and that's the biggest reward all in itself.
  • ably65
    ably65 Posts: 41
    Do you have access to a treadmill? I don't run now but at one point in my life I got into running and the way I did it was I walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes, then I jogged as long as I could which, to start with, was about 20 seconds! Then I went back to walking for another 10 minutes. The next day I decided to try for 5 minutes of jogging followed by 30 seconds of running and alternating like this for 30 minutes. Each workout I tried to make the jog a bit longer, even if it was just by 5 seconds. I was able to slowly increase (ignoring the people in the gym who I thought were looking at me like I was pathetic). Then, one day, I started the jog part and I just kept going.

    A huge congratulations on your success so far!!
  • runfreddyrun
    runfreddyrun Posts: 137 Member
    like you i want to run too but i think i need to hold out for a bit. i'm currently 200lbs. i know people who are my weight can and do run, but it is so hard on the body. running is just plain hard on the body - even when you're fit - much less when you're carrying around a lot of extra weight. you will get great benefit from fast walking. walk for distance (maybe up to 3 miles or so) and for speed (get up to 4mph). let me tell you, you're going to get your HR up doing just that. if you're bored or no longer feel challenged, do the walks on an incline or a hill.

    couch 2 5k is a great program and it might be something that you could start but i would go into it expecting to repeat weeks 3 and 4 times. otherwise i think it's just too hard on your body. again, i know lots of people do it, but i'm just not sure it's all that great for you.

    walking will give you great benefit. just keep at it.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    like you i want to run too but i think i need to hold out for a bit. i'm currently 200lbs. i know people who are my weight can and do run, but it is so hard on the body. running is just plain hard on the body - even when you're fit - much less when you're carrying around a lot of extra weight. you will get great benefit from fast walking. walk for distance (maybe up to 3 miles or so) and for speed (get up to 4mph). let me tell you, you're going to get your HR up doing just that. if you're bored or no longer feel challenged, do the walks on an incline or a hill.

    couch 2 5k is a great program and it might be something that you could start but i would go into it expecting to repeat weeks 3 and 4 times. otherwise i think it's just too hard on your body. again, i know lots of people do it, but i'm just not sure it's all that great for you.

    walking will give you great benefit. just keep at it.

    On what grounds do you feel that this is not 'great for you'? (I ask this as a former C25-er, who's just come home from an 11 mile run, weighing today more than you do.... )