I'm so sorry but with each new photo . . . . . . .

chicky26 Posts: 127 Member
I'm so sorry I just have to share . . . . . . . . . . . . .

With the weight that I lost, currently 91lb and 9lb away from goal, I look at myself (eeeek naked) in the mirror and dispair.
My skin is saggy, my boobs feel like their emptying and I dont feel sexy at all.

I'm praying, hoping, pleading that all this weight training and exercise will help with my body shape and image and self confidence.

When living day to day and looking in the mirror (eeeek naked) I fell like my 'old' self. Frumpy and ugly and I hate it.


But then I see a photo of me now and I find it hard to believe that this is me?!?!


. . . . . I see the picture of me and I feel slim and sexy and amazing and then I just think its a lie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IF only they saw me naked!!!!!!! does anyone else feel like this??? Its really knocking my self confidence!


  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Well. I think you look awesome!

    I know what you mean though. I have the same issues.
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    Did you lose weight without strength trng? Try lifting weights to tighten up. Depending on your age, skin should still be elastic but you may have stretch marks.
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    First of all you look amazing! Yes i feel the same way. My friend always says how good i look and i tell him, yea but you should see me with no clothes on. I look horrible. I'm trying to exercise more to build up some muscle. And you have to drink lots of water. I hate water. But from what i see you look great. I have the bat wings going on. LOL
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I can see your concern. I was talking to someone about this same subject not long ago. In their experience it takes time for your body to adjust and your skin to shrink up a bit. But it will happen. I am sure that weights and toning must help with this as well. Probably speed it up.

    YOu look wonderful and I know I am no expert, but other are not going to see your flaws the same as you. Give yourself a break on this one and know you are becoming a very healthy version of yourself.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    You look like a completely different person but, much more importantly, you look much healthier. If you need it, work out to tone up. You look amazing.
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! Do not let the mirror guide your way...you are your own worst critic and all I see when I see your picture is a beautiful, radiant, lovely lady! I am sure that others see the same! Stop picking yourself apart! You are AMAZING!
  • karenflake
    You are gorgeous and saggy boobs is why they made push up bras! Cut yourself some slack :)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I know the feeling, clothes can hide quite a bit.... I have lost quite a bit of weight and have ALOT of excess skin around my torso.. I can live with what I have in my arms and chest, neck is good but I have to get something done, so I am going in for a circumferential body lift that my surgeon expects to remove between 15 - 20 lbs. of loose skin.... Weight lifting has helped alot over the last 3 years but when you stretch your skin to 560 lbs. its hard to get it to go back to where it once was. I tend to still wear clothes a size bigger to hide it, I still see the old me at time in the mirror but then I think about how he was and all that he could not do and everything that I am able to do today... At some point we have to work at feeling comfortable in our own body regardless to what it looks like.. I am still working on this myself.. You do look great and keep pushing forward.... Best of Luck...
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    You look good! Only very few people look truly good naked, in a picturesque sense. The rest of us just only get nakie in front of people that know of our journey. I look better naked than I did, but I do get a bit bummed over the deflated-balloon effect at time. Just try to shrug it off and love your body.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Enough with the apologies! You have every reason to not only be super proud but to shout it out :D
  • linzee2207
    linzee2207 Posts: 28 Member
    You look amazing!!! Women of all shapes and sizes will still have their insecurities. No one is perfect. Your progress is amazing and you should be proud of yourself!!!
  • daughterofthesea
    daughterofthesea Posts: 82 Member
    Girl, you are HOT!!!! I know it must knock your self-confidence to see yourself naked, but trust me you look amazing!
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    You are beautiful! Skin takes time to heal, be patient with yourself and keep going because you certainlyhave a twinkle in your eye in the second photo! Congrats on the weight loss :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Well, we would like to see you nekkid. . . I'm willing to wait. :flowerforyou:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :heart: If you had Self-Image Issues 'Before' you likely will have them 'After'.
    Strength Training, Water, and Most Importantly TIME will help with the loose skin and sagging issues. Learning to Focus on Your Positive Changes will help with the Image Issues, I think.
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    There are still things to help tone, but I agree with everyone....you look like amazing!!!!!
  • janicemitchellcross
    janicemitchellcross Posts: 134 Member
    You look amazing it takes time for your brain to accept the changes in your body. Introduce some strength traing this will firm you up and make you more toned. It takes time but you will get there you have achieved so much already . Good luck.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    Yes! Pictures tell a different story than the mirror. I'm beginning to love the way I look in clothes- but naked... not so much. I'm hoping that if I continue, it will tighten up.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    Umm... yes! My boobs are a shell of what they used to be... I actually often times refer to them as "Balls in a Sock" and my tummy has stretchmarks and loose skin that will NEVER tighten - BUT - IN clothes, I look and feel GREAT - so who cares, right?!?!

    YOU. LOOK. FANTASTIC! Congrats!
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Compared to all the amazing stuff you have achieved, toning up will be a walk in the park :D
    You look absolutely FANTASTIC, you should be proud, and thank yourself for getting this far, and being healthier!
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