Do you "pre-log"?



  • lucille_heather
    lucille_heather Posts: 650 Member
    il usually prelog. that way then i know how much im allowed to snack if i get peckish in the afternoon or evening.
  • pvtnick
    pvtnick Posts: 18 Member
    I can honestly say I've never even considered pre-logging. I log as I eat and I've found that looking up various foods helps me better control my portion sizes or make better decisions since I spend so much time eating on the go.
  • caswell806
    caswell806 Posts: 42 Member
    I log as I go. This way if I am over at all(which does happen from time to time) I know I need to just add a little or a lot more exercise time in for the day. It's been working for me so far.
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    I pre-log sometimes at the end of the day so I know if I can have desert or not. I log as I go most of
    the time. When you log in for awhile you start to know what and how much you are eating and can
    kind of guestimate.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    i do sometimes...its usually when im ordering out and merely curious. Sometimes the number is enough to scare me out of it
  • mbaugham
    mbaugham Posts: 70
    I normally log as I go. However, if I know that there is going to be a special event that I need to attend or going to go out to dinner with my friends I find out where we are going to eat and decide in advance what I am going to have (normally try and look up nutritional values on restaurants websites). For those days, I pre-log my meals, helps me to stay on track.
  • i plan my meals for the day, so i know what im working with, plus if i log it ahead of time, 90% of the time i stick to what i logged. On rare occasion, such as if i have a family gathering to go to, i will log for the meals i know i will eat at home, and then know what calories and such that i have left to work with..since i have the app on my cell phone i can just look up whatever food is at the gathering.
  • I'll plan a couple of days in advance honestly. I like to have a meal plan for the week. It keeps my grocery shopping in check.
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 275 Member
    I usually per-log breakfast lunch and snacks during the week simply because it's easier when I work. I just make sure I have enough calories for dinner. Hubby usually cooks and he doesn't care about what he eats.
  • Maria_T007
    Maria_T007 Posts: 107
    I pre-log Monday-Friday for work, I only pre-log my snacks and lunches because I pack them and it tends to keep me on track verses eating out or changing my plans for the work day.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I plan my meals ahead of time -- works better for me; especially with knowing what i need to buy at the grocery store when I go (i don't buy things I don't eat, logging beforehand just helps me make a shopping list quicker). I log exercise after I've done it though.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I make breakfast, lunch, and my snacks for the next day the evening before, so I log all of those when I make them.

    I usually log anything additional I may munch on through the day as I go, though, I if I don't know the nutrition info on the item, I'll check it first, before I eat it.

    And I try to get dinner mostly mapped out and logged by about halfway through the day so I know what I'm doing when I get home.

    I also log my exercise calories each morning so I know where I should be eating to each day. This also helps keeps me going to the gym, even when I'm really tired. Since I've already eaten the percentage of those calories that I do, I still need to go workout to not be over. heh

    That's almost exactly what I do as well :)
  • jonibc
    jonibc Posts: 104 Member
    I log breakfast and lunch as I go, then prelog dinner as a planning tool. If I see I'm going over, I modify my plans. It's also helpful to prelog to plan menu choices at restaurants.
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    only pre-log if i know what i'm already eating... i am non-commital, so my mind may change... lol
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    I pre log on work days otherwise I get home and am too tired/lazy to input my food. It helps me stay consistent.
  • SharmelleOlson
    SharmelleOlson Posts: 85 Member
    I log as I go due to half the time I do not know what my meals are going to be lol.
  • argenterie
    argenterie Posts: 93 Member
    I do both! I prelog to plan. Then if things change, I will change the log to reflect what I actually ate. It helps me plan my day around meals and such.
  • lcn1220
    lcn1220 Posts: 124 Member
    I always pre log at breakfast. I find that I do a lot better about spreading my calories around when I do, and that I can stick to "the plan." I don't like sitting down at dinner and finding my macros are all over the place or that I don't have enough cals for xyz.
  • rmn1972
    rmn1972 Posts: 20
    I log food intake as I go but I save the exercise log until I am done for the day, usually before dinner.
    That allows me to have a better idea of what I can have for dinner. I also try to be finished with eating a couple of hours before bedtime because it seems to help me sleep better.
  • kclarkss
    kclarkss Posts: 69 Member
    If I plan on going out for dinner, I look up the place online for their menu and hopefully they have a nutrition counts with it. That way, I can figure what to have and my limits and if I need to either exercise more before or after.