Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I am disappointed in myself because I have yet to weigh myself since I started on Monday. I feel like I lost weight too, so I don't know how to log that. My starting weight has not been recorded this time around. I went from my old number I had recorded on MFP, and know I had gained since then. My scale has been crazy (even with changed batteries), so I will be taking my weight at my sister's tomorrow.

    Any suggestions on what to log for weight? I want my ticker to reflect this week's loss. I was under calories all week by about 250 or so. I am aiming for 1850 cals a day and have been getting between 1500-1600.

    I understand exactly where you're coming from hopeful, because the same happened to me. I didn't have a decent scale until I was about 4 days into this. The day I bought my scale, I weighed myself (nude :blushing: ) in the evening. It told me I weighed about 15 pounds more than my old dial scale. Then I assumed it was showing I weighed a couple pounds more because it was the evening (the trend for myself & most other people), so I subtracted around 2 pounds & came up with my starting weight at 270. The next day was my "official" weigh-in day with the motivational group I had joined here and I was around 268, so I was able to record a loss for the first few days even though I'm sure I lost more than 2 pounds overall. The next week I lost like 5 pounds so by that time I had pretty much forgotten about being cheated on that first weigh-in. :wink: I know it wasn't my real starting weight, and I guess it was kind of a bummer at first, but I don't want to just guess & then count weight I haven't lost.

    Now that I've stuck with this for 4 months & my ticker says I've lost 45 pounds, I really couldn't care less about a couple pounds extra I may or may not have lost in the beginning! :flowerforyou:

    Becca -- yes, there's a way to edit previous entries when you check in (I think you just click a button that says "edit previous entries" :laugh:)
  • Wow! Congratulations jlb123! 45 lbs. in 4 months is awesome! I love the mini goals you set by certain holidays. I think I will do that once I get this starting weight down pat. You are totally right - when I'm 45 pounds down, I probably won't care about these first five days of maybe/maybe not weight loss too. Keep up the good work!
  • Thanks Trish - this is a new new place... to the area and to us. I have been good so far today so I am not tooooo worried about it.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Happy Birthday DavesGal!

    I made beef stew for the family today and figured out the calories for the whole pot. My issue is figuring out the serving size. I choose 8 serving but how do you figure out what size the serving should be? I could have weighed it all but the hubby served his bowl and it is a big pain in the neck. So I just guessed that each serving would be 10 oz.

    Even when you go out to eat at a place that doesn't have the nutritional information I guess you pretty much just have to guess on the serving size and the calories. Ugh! I know it is one meal but when you are trying to get a check on everything it is hard.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    So a big breakthrough for me today. I did my Wii workout, but lately I've been getting kinda fed up with rhythm boxing. It's just not FAST enough for me anymore. It's like my body is rebelling. My scores are totally sucking since my 1466 high score. It took an entire 10 mins to get my heart rate up to my target zone. After round 2, I said "screw it" and started looking for alternative exercises. The Free Run looked like it burned a lot of calories, but it was a 10 minute run. I had tried it before, when I first started MFP, and was done, ready to die, after 3 mins. I did it again today. It said I ran just over a mile & a quarter in 10 mins. I DID THE WHOLE 10 MINS!! I can't believe it. It burned 100 cals, too. Man, do I miss the days when boxing torched 100 cals!
    Now, I know the Wii isn't the most accurate critter in the world, but it got me kind of excited. I've never been a runner, yet now I'm curious if I really CAN run a mile, and if so, how long it would take me. Maybe if hubby has the day off tomorrow, he can watch Grace while I go find a running track & find out!

    And you know what else? After that 10 minute run... I did MORE running. I think I went through 300 cals in 20 mins. I ALMOST feel like Superman!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Drborkbork that is awesome and a good feeling! I hope you get out there soon to see how you do!
  • Drborkbork - wonderful job!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes... tomorrow is another day :o)
  • hsc5690
    hsc5690 Posts: 8 Member
    I just found this and would love to join.....

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    hey everyone, since starting on monday iv lost 5lbs! really happy with that not bothered that its water-its still 5lbs less of me lol :smile:

    now weigh 255lbs

    iv had the problem with the scales too, i weighed myself on my wii and there was a big difference between that and what my home scales said i was confusin! i think im just gona have to go with the higher one and mayb get myself weighed at my doctors until then aslong as the number gets smaller i dont mind:bigsmile:
  • Way to go on the 5lb loss Pink Chick!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Great job on weight loss, Pink. The doctor's office scale will just confuse you more. They usually clock in heavier, because one is wearing clothes and heavy shoes when they stand on the scale. Whereas, at home, you can weigh in naked!
    My Wii scale & home scale are pretty close together in weight.
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    thanks very much davesgal and drborkbork, lukin forward to next week. ne suggestions which i shud rely on (i cant afford new set of scales at the mo) i must admit i didnt think bout weighin naked as my wii is in the living room :blushing: lol i think aslong as i keep my scales in the same place i shud b able to track how many pounds im losing agen aslong as the number gets smaller i guess it doesnt matter to much exactly what it was to begin with..although it wud hav been good...stupid scales grrr :smile:
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    pinkchick- i don't think it matters which scale you weigh on, but what is important is you weigh on the same one each time. all scales are a little different, so if you just weigh in on the same scale each time it would be more accurate as to pounds lost. for example, if i weighed at home one week, then my office the next week, it might not be as accurate as if i weigh in on my home scale each time.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Pink, can you move the scale to the bathroom? That way you can weigh in nekkid! Also, weigh in in the morning after your first bowel movement. If you're drinking enough, you'll let off a half pound or so in liquid. At least I do. I always go to the bathroom before I weigh myself, and I weigh on a hard, even surface, cuz carpet can really throw the number off.
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    thanks kaechelle and drborkbork i didnt know that bout carpets affectin it so il move my scales onto a hard floor and see if that

    helps (haha mite even get nekid lol), im tryin to just weigh myself once a week so il let u know how it goes x:smile:

    btw how much water is enuf im really strugglin to drink any but iv got some sugar free squash to add to it to make it easier.

    i know cos im takin in alot of fiber i need to up my intake of water else i think im gona suffer for it lol
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I drink 90-120 oz of water a day. It's recommended one gets 3-4 quarts every day, not just the 64 oz you've heard. I have a 30 oz mug, and just guzzle a whole one of those at every meal, and don't move on to my next activity until it's gone. It's easiest, for me anyway, to fill it at the sink, and not move away until it's gone. Takes less than 1 minute to just chug it.
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    cool thanks for that ok im off to the sink now lol
  • hsc5690
    hsc5690 Posts: 8 Member
    Looks like everyone is doing good.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Gosh you guys have been quiet! How's everyone doing? Still sticking to the plan?
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Gosh you guys have been quiet! How's everyone doing? Still sticking to the plan?

    Bork i'm just jamming along..and found out i lost 2.5lbs last week..i have a long way to go but this is a great start:smile:
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