Losing Baby Weight



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Quick check in this morning...lots to do at work today!

    12/14/09 (week 4)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 188.5
    Pounds lost: 2.5
    Goal for week 2: Down another 2 pounds this week please!
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Personal Challenge for week 4: Log all my foods...I wasn't too good about that last week!

    Have a great morning!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Morning, Ladies! Just a quick weigh in today:

    Last Week's Weight: 162
    Today's Weight: 159.4

    Meaning I've lost a total of 2.6 pounds last week.... Woo Hoo! :bigsmile:

    I've also lost 1.5 inches since last week. So, since November 23/09, I've lost a total of 2.75 inches and 6.4 pounds. I'm already officially no longer overweight (hello healthy BMI!!!!) and wearing a size 8 pants.... comfortably!

    Kristin- GOOD JOB ON THE WEIGHT LOSS!!! You're doing awesome. :)

    gympamela - Don't feel too bad about the no weight loss. I had one of those weeks last week. I only lost 0.4 pounds. But then this week, I lost 2.6. I find some weeks are high some are low- even if I don't do anything different. The body can be weird about how/when it chooses to let go of fat.
  • HURRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!! I'm so in!!! My son is 4 months old and i'm having a much harder time losing the last 15 lbs than i did with my daughter who is now 2. It is really getting me down because i know it is my own fault. I make healthy meals for all the family except myself and snack on junk!!!! I am back on my fitness pal today, please help me stay healthy and motivated!!! Good luck to all!!:smile:
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I lost this week! well, I forgot to weigh in last week, but lost a little over 2.5 pounds in the last 2 weeks, so consider that a PLUS!
  • gympamela
    gympamela Posts: 188 Member
    Oh jeez!!! I fell off the wagon and drank beer, and ate some yuck food. I have gained weight up to my weigh in this morning of 165. I am doing housework in my sports bra today so everytime I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I dont just raid the ice cream in the freezer!
    I have GOT to buckle down or Im going to be overweight forever- this isnt going to work itself off!
  • Oh I love this thread!
    Can I join?
    My name is Brandi and I am 25 years old, as of last month.
    I just had my son 7 weeks ago and I am trying to lose all of my baby weight plus an additional 50 pounds.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Quick check in...

    12/21/09 (week 5)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 188.0
    Pounds lost: 3.0
    Goal for week 5: No gain over Christmas!
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Personal Challenge for week 5: PORTION CONTROL!!!
  • I am going on vacation. Visiting family in Wisconsin and looking at houses in the upper peninsula of Michigan. I am hoping I don't gain that much on the trip. I am going to be taking a lot of healthy snacks with me. I am so thankful for the new phone my dh bought me for xmas. I can now keep track while I am gone since I won't have much access to the internet.

    I hope everyone had a great xmas and has a happy new years. Hope your all doing well with your weight loss.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    down another 2.6 pounds! :)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Checking in for yesterday (I was home sick)...

    12/28/09 (week 6)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 189.0
    Pounds lost: 2.0
    Goal for week 6: Lose 2 pounds!
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Personal Challenge for week 6: Get some exercise!!! I didn't at all last week!

    Bummed about gaining a pound from last week, but totally deserved it! Been sick the past three days...hoping to recover soon and get in some exercise! Hope you all had a good holiday!
  • sonshinersmama
    sonshinersmama Posts: 14 Member
    Okay it's a new year! :happy: Ready to make some committment to this losing weight thing. I would like to lose 50 lbs this year. My baby is now 6 months old. We just moved back home to Colorado after being gone for 2 years wandering the USA ;) (chasing work). So where is everybody??? Okay, fresh start new goals every week! Let's do this Mommy's!!

    Goal this week - To work out every day. And drink my water and try and stay under my calories..since I haven't for the last two weeks even thought about doing any of those things.:bigsmile:

    Current Weight - `179 (lost weight during Christmas...I'm thinking I lost muscle..but we'll take it!!):noway:
    Goal weight - 135
    SO LET's GO MOMMY's!!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    1/5/10 (week 7)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 188.0
    Pounds lost: 3.0
    Goal for week 6: Down 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    I'm also adding my belly size...since the goal is to shrink it! So...this week: 43 inches (this is just below the belly button...thickest spot around my tummy).

    Personal Challenge for week 6: BodyPump two times this week and an ab video three times!

    Yes sonshiner...it IS a new year! Let's hold each other accountable! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!! I will be weighing in on Tuesdays from now on since that's when I do for another challenge.

    Hope you all have a great morning!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Hi, I just found your group now. I am 32 and have around 35-45 pounds to lose. When I got pregnant with my son in 2005 I was 156, (my goal weight is around 140). I got up to around 175 with my first pregnancy and never really did lose the weight. Then when I got pregnant with my daughter I hit an all time high of 208. I have lost some of the baby weight, currently down to 167. Last year I managed to get down to 162 my using the site, but over the summer gained a few back.

    I started off this year with my head on straight and ready to start the year off right. My son is 4 years old now, and my daughter is 22 months. I enjoy walking/jogging on the treadmill, and doing Bob's biggest loser boot camp, and Jillian's 30 day shred.

    I have also started a blog to give me some place to vent or talk a little, also with hopes of some good inspiration.

    So far this week I have worked out to Bob's boot camp on Sun, and Mon. Need to take a break today, I am pretty stiff, but will get back to it tomorrow. Maybe will do some crunches today.
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Girls!

    Would like to join your group please :happy: I was on the prego forum with Kristin and then had my little one 4.5 weeks ago and am ready to shed all the lbs I gained with the pregnancy plus those I needed to loose when I found out I was pregnant (only had 7 lbs left to go at that point!!). I will be taking it easy until my 6 week OB apt on 1/20 but will start with watching cals and light exercise (walking and elliptical) 5 days per week.

    1/10//10 (week 1)
    Start weight: 163 pounds
    Current weight: 163
    Pounds lost: 0
    Goal for week 6: Loose 1 pound
    Final goal weight: 123 pounds

    I cannot weight to get out of these darn maternity clothes!!!!

    Let's do this!

  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Just went back and read all the posts; here is my rundown:

    My name is Cris and I am 35 years old. I have been married 2 years and have a 4 week old daughter, a 10 year old step son (every other weekend) a large boxer dog (my baby before the baby), a hand me down cat, and a hamster. I work full time for a health care organization but work from home. My job is fast paced and stressful but I plan to take care of baby with no help to start and see how it goes when my maternity leave ends on 2/22 (wish me luck!!). I have never been more than 10 lbs over weight until I became pregnant and gained 50lbs and have now been left with 40lbs to loose. I am nervous that I won't regain my old body but am willing to give it a shot! I also want to have a second baby but have not decided when yet but figure starting out at my goal weight for baby number two is my best bet.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!!

  • Hi I'm Jenn, I'm 23 and a first time mom. I literally just had my son (12/26/09), and I'm already dying to get out of the house. I work at a gym and unfortunately (because of stitches) it hurts to do much. I'm sick if sitting around!! :) I'm seriously think that "Taking care of a newborn," should be listed as an exercise :bigsmile: I did lose most of my baby belly, and most of the 60lbs I gained. When I went into labor i was almost 180, and now I'm down to 145. The weight came off pretty fast, I just need an extra kick in the butt to lose my "thunder thighs" I gained from him. Any tips on how to lose them? I want to start running, but I don't know of any other methods to get rid of them.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning gals!

    Cris...YAY! Happy to see you on here! How's little Amelia doing? They grow SO fast! Kadence is over 4 months now and 13 pounds 9 ounces! CRAZY! She's actually been sick the past few days with a bad cough, but seems to be getting better. She's going to start rice cereal within the next week or so...what a big girl!

    Jenn...welcome! Sorry...no tips for the thighs. All I know is losing weight overall helps to lose the weight in the legs. That's all I've found that works for me. I used to hate running and now love it! The Couch 2 5K is a program a lot of people use to get into running. Maybe you want to check it out!

    SO...things are going well for me, but I have been finding it hard to exercise. I refuse to go to the gym every night like I used to because I want to spend time at home with my daughter when I can. And since I work full time, I hate to spend my evenings at the gym. So, I'm trying to go twice a week for a BodyPump class. That has even been hard due to crappy weather that we've had! We're supposed to be getting a treadmill from my in-laws which would eliminate my guiltiness for not doing cardio, but it's super heavy and my husband needs to convice one of his brothers to help him. And again, with the bad weather, this has been pretty much impossible. I do okay food wise, but without the exercise, I feel like I'm doing nothing! AND not to add another excuse, but I've been sick with a cold for the past two weeks, which decreases my motivation! But...I'm determined to get back to it! A bunch of us at work signed up for the Get Healthy America 100 day challenge so I'm hoping that helps to keep me on track!

    ANYways...enough rambling from me! I'll weigh in tomorrow! Hope you all have a great morning!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh...P.S. Cris...I want to see more pictures of your little one!
  • Kristin,
    I swear your struggle is my own. lol. I have yoyo'd all my life and got pregnant and weighed 200 pounds when I went in the hospital to have my son sept 25. I am now 181. This doesn't help when you're 5'1" :( I have just started doing a 40 min workout a day and eating healthier. Let's hope I will have success like yours! Thanks for the inspiration and motivation.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I swear your struggle is my own. lol. I have yoyo'd all my life and got pregnant and weighed 200 pounds when I went in the hospital to have my son sept 25. I am now 181. This doesn't help when you're 5'1" :( I have just started doing a 40 min workout a day and eating healthier. Let's hope I will have success like yours! Thanks for the inspiration and motivation.

    Well...let's do it together! I still have about 45 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight! I could use some more support, and with babies around the same age, we may find it easy to relate!
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