Large Framed Ladies - 5'6" Goal Weight



  • Mariacarr1992
    Mariacarr1992 Posts: 14 Member
    I am 5ft 6 and I weigh 15 stone 8 i was weighed on Sunday using special scales andy bone weight was low my muscle weight was 8 stone which I was told was ry good anyhow I aimed t
    To reach a earthy weight of 10.7 stone so I have 66lbs to lose :/ on day 2 and ATM I feel like 66 lba is such a long way a way :(
    Maria x
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    I am 5' 61/2" but I round up to 7" because if I am doing my stretches then I am right at that height wrist are 6inches ..teeny teeny bones but my goal is 133-130. I was surprised that I was so small framed everyone all my life insisted I was big-boned.. I am not I am teeny tiny bird boned and I am heavier then I look because I am dense and have a higher amount of mass because of muscular legs. Now that I work out all the time my legs are solid muscle
  • matthej28
    matthej28 Posts: 40 Member
    I am also 5'6 (almost 5'7) and large framed!!!!! My goal weight is definitely higher than everyone else: 180. I know that's still technically overweight, but at that weight I feel like I will look and feel good! My UGW is 175 though, and the lowest I would be willing to go is 170. I couldn't imagine being 120, 130, or even 140, I would be WAAAAY too thin!! I think my wrist are also about 7' and they are so bony! I also have pretty bony knees, and really noticable collar bones too!
  • amberm912
    amberm912 Posts: 85 Member
    Everyone is different. I am 5'4"-5'5" and my goal weight is 150...everyone even says they think that is too low for me and I should aim for 165....I am pear shaped and I think 150 is the perfect weight for keep my curves and all...I feel like you...I want to be toned and still have my curves. I love being a large framed woman...I couldnt imagine being 120-130...but everyones body is different...but I think youre on the right track...MY BMI says that to be in a healthy category I should be... 145.7-150.2 :-) So keep up the amazing work!! Its all about how YOU feel in your skin!

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  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I too am 5'6", was at 202 for about the last 10 years, I'm now down to 178 (as of yesterday, yay!) and my goal weight is 145. I am a size 6-8 at 135 (at least I was in high school) and I'm comfortable in the size 8-10 range for clothes.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    Well, I am also 5'6". Currently I am at 188. I have been at the low, 120 lbs, for my frame and I've been at 140. Even though I thought I looked good at 120 everyone commented on how I looked sick after I gained some weight. So as of this time around, I am going for 140s or 150.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My wrist is right under 6", I used the calculator and am told I'm small framed. This does NOT seem accurate. And it's discouraging :/ Guess I'll keep plugging away anyway!

    That is accurate by wrist measurement. Mine is 5.5-6" and I am definitely small framed.
  • Well I have around a medium frame. My wrist is just at 6" and I'm 5'6 :) I used to weigh over 180lbs but I am currently at 144:) my goal weight right now is 110-115. Is this unrealistic? I've always been teased about my weight in the past and I'm so unhappy with how I look- even after losing a lot of weight.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I have the same goal weight as yours. However, I can touch my fingers around my wrists, but my fingers are long, so I'm not sure if that's an accurate measurement. I've had plenty of physical therapists comment on my large frame though. One teased me about how large my rib cage is. There's almost no space between my hips and ribs they're so big. I have a small waist and wide hips... so I think it's not necessarily frame, but proportions as well.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    yeah i just realized i'm large framed too! lol my UGW was 140 and i was originally planning to push for 135 but it looks like i should stay to my original 140 goal lol. i wanna look good, not sickly.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm 5'5.5" and I'm med-large framed. My goal weight range is 125-135.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Well I have around a medium frame. My wrist is just at 6" and I'm 5'6 :) I used to weigh over 180lbs but I am currently at 144:) my goal weight right now is 110-115. Is this unrealistic? I've always been teased about my weight in the past and I'm so unhappy with how I look- even after losing a lot of weight.

    That's probably at least 10 pounds too low. Get to 130 and see what your body fat percentage is.
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    I'm 5'5", definitely large framed, and my goal weight is somewhere between 130-140. I'll know it when I get there.
  • Vnm77
    Vnm77 Posts: 32 Member
    According the link, i am medium sized. My wrist measures 6.25 inches and I'm 5'6", so my ideal body weight is 130 lbs. Interesting...I always thought I was just "BIG BONEDED! Yikes...more weight to lose.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I'm kind of the opposite. 5'6" also, but I always thought I was large framed and now realize I am small-framed. I could always (barely) touch my fingers around my wrist, but now that I have lost 65lbs, my fingers overlap. And since I still have 50 to lose (for my GW of 150) it should get a little smaller.

    My GW is 150, and then I'll see how I feel. May go to 140, but I can't imagine lower than that. When I see the "I'm 5'6" and my GW is 120-130" threads, it freaks me out. That seems too low and would be smaller than I was as at 14 years old as a freshman in HS (I was 135 then and the same height).
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I'm 5'5" and also large framed. My ultimate goal weight is 140. And I'd like to stay between 140 and 145. =)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    There is actually a large difference between bone size which can affect weight. If neither of us has any fat on their wrist (which I don't and I doubt you do!), then what accounts for the almost 2" difference in the size of our wrists? Bigger bones! Trust me, it makes a difference! Check out this link! Seriously, it's legit! I really dont appreciate the implication that I'm chunky just because I literally have bigger, heavier bones.

    Bone size doesn't affect weight as such. There's no such thing as heavier bones, your skeleton only accounts for around 12-15% of your healthy weight.

    Having bigger bones does determine the amount of muscle attached to them, and the amount of flesh you can carry without appearing fat, though. I have small bones, and look fat at 150 lbs. I look ok at 125 (where I am now) but I still have a fair bit of podge. However, I only have 34" hips. If I had 40" hips I would look a lot thinner at my weight and with my amount of BF (about 20%) because that same amount of flesh would be stretched on a bigger frame, so bigger boned people look better with a bit more weight on them. It's nothing to do with the weight of the actual bones, though, as that is minimal.
  • quietattheback
    quietattheback Posts: 84 Member
    i am 5'6 and my wrist is 5" tha calculator says i am a small frame... i disagree, anything under 140 and i look ill... 'lollypop head'.. i have very skinny wrists and ankles tho... am i a freak?? :blushing:
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I'm 5'5", 6.5" wrist, which puts me in the large-framed category. I made it to my goal weight of 140 last week. Thinking of trying for 135, but that's absolutely IT for me. I'm wearing size 8s now and some of them are big on me. At just under 140 (139.4), I all ready have very little in the way of curves and I'd like to still look like a woman. :smile: So I'm good with 135-140 for myself, though I know many women my height would like to be much smaller.
  • GuineaMother
    GuineaMother Posts: 59 Member
    i am 5'6 and my wrist is 5" tha calculator says i am a small frame... i disagree, anything under 140 and i look ill... 'lollypop head'.. i have very skinny wrists and ankles tho... am i a freak?? :blushing:
    I'm the same! Really skinny wrists and ankles. When I needed an ankle support once the pharmacist had to give me an elbow one because they didn't make ankle ones small enough.
    I'm 5'5" and the calculater says I'm a small frame and so should be aiming for 112! That, frankly, is insane. I'm aiming for 133, would look like a child at 112. Add me and we can be small wrist/ankle people together, not freaks!