Large Framed Ladies - 5'6" Goal Weight



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    i am 5'6 and my wrist is 5" tha calculator says i am a small frame... i disagree, anything under 140 and i look ill... 'lollypop head'.. i have very skinny wrists and ankles tho... am i a freak?? :blushing:
    I'm the same! Really skinny wrists and ankles. When I needed an ankle support once the pharmacist had to give me an elbow one because they didn't make ankle ones small enough.
    I'm 5'5" and the calculater says I'm a small frame and so should be aiming for 112! That, frankly, is insane. I'm aiming for 133, would look like a child at 112. Add me and we can be small wrist/ankle people together, not freaks!

    That's weird. I am also 5'5" and small framed and at 112 lbs I didn't get periods and had every symptom of anorexia. That is very firmly underweight.
  • nessa1879
    I'm 5'6 and my ideal weight is 140. I'm 180 right now.
  • quietattheback
    quietattheback Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my ideal weight is 140. I'm 180 right now.

    snap :smile:
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    5'6 - @8inch wrist (I can see the bones so I know it's not just fat) size 10- 11 feet. I'm not a small lady. Built like a linebacker and even at my thinnest I never needed shoulder pads. I have been every weight between 130 and 235 and having had that experience I will say that 140 is nice for me at 'skinny fat' but I'll likely end up closer to 160-180 cut.
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    First of all, love this thread!! I'm 5'7" and currently weight 185. My original goal was 170, have changed it to 160. However, to be in the "healthy" range for BMI (I want to get my body fat % to 19) it says I need to get down to 145. Whether or not that is at all possible (I think I would be soooo skinny!!!), is yet to be determined. I'm just going to take it one day at a time and do everything the healthy way and see where I end up. Already 25 lbs down and ready to keep on rockin'!! :-)
  • nataliexxxx
    Im going for 140lbs as my first goal weight and if im not happy 130lbs
  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm not a small girl. I have broad shoulders and size 10 feet. I'm 5' 5.5" and my wrist measurement is 6.75" which according to the calculator means I have a large frame.

    I started at 160 lbs. I'm now about 150 lbs. I want to get down to 145 but honestly I'm pretty happy now.

    I would look way too skinny at 130 lbs or less. I think I could realistically get down to 140 or so but I want to have more muscle/curves.
  • littlek735
    I am 5'6 with a 6.50" wrist and broad shouldered. I was at 135 once, but I was entirely too thin. My body is more comfortable in the 160 range. I look like I starve myself if I fall below 160. Hope that helps.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My wrist is 7.5" :tongue:

    I always knew I had a large frame because we did the wrist measurements in 6th grade, and I had the largest wrist in class. :bigsmile:

    My current long-term goal weight is 150 pounds. I am 5' 4" and that should put me back into a size 17/18 that I was wearing before I got pregnant. That goal weight is a tad bit in the "overweight" category for BMI, but I figure that I will reevaluate my goals when I hit 150. Once I hit my "adult height" I was hovering between 127 and 135. I was 135 through most of high school when I was lifting weights on a regular basis. So I may end up going down to 135, but 150 is my goal for now.
  • licorice_tea
    licorice_tea Posts: 59 Member
    AH! I am so confused by this! I have these super-tiny hands and wrists and apparently elbows too that all put me at "small frame" if I use a calculator (seriously, I'm 5'7" and have hands the size of my 5' tall friends). I know this isn't right. It's just up to the elbows that I'm small, I swear! I wonder if there's a frame calculator that uses feet and ankles instead? My feet are size 10 and my ankles are pretty large too >_>

    Edit: Err to answer the question, I've never been lower than 130 and didn't used to think it was even possible because I have a larger frame, but basically... I'm going to try it anyway, just to kind of see what it looks like... maybe I'll look very strange, or more likely, maybe my body will be like "no, this isn't happening!" I'm kind of pushing the envelope by dropping below my current 145 weight though. Already I'm starting to become less busty T_T and I know from high school that being 130 doesn't change my shape in any significant way from 145. So actually I think 145 is probably a great goal weight, but I'm kind of just pushing the envelope "for (personal) science!"
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    I think I must be similar to you! (I cannot touch around my wrist either) .. am 5'6 .. I'm still around 192 lbs atm

    My aim is around 145-150lbs. I like how I look around there.

    yeeeears ago I was 126lbs.. and looking back and old pics I looked AWFUL! .. scraggy and boney and scrawny.. Didnt suit me at all.
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    Frame size really does affect how much muscle you carry and how clothes fit you. And measuring whether your fingers can wrap around your wrist doesn't tell you much. My wrists are 7". I can easily wrap my fingers around them. Because I have GIANT HANDS to go with my large bones. My goal weight is 140. The stupid, vain part of me would like to go lower, but I know that even starvation won't get me into anything smaller than a size 6, because my pelvic girdle is too large. I could drop to nothing but skin and bones (I have on previous foolhardy diets) and not fit in a smaller size. It is comforting to me to finally acknowledge that I'm just built bigger.
  • lleesmann
    I'm 5' 6". If I were to go off the finger overlapping part of the test, I'd be small boned. Of course I know I have long fingers, which is why I went off the elbow breadth thing instead, stuck me in the medium category (though I bet it's probably closer to medium-large). Ideally, I'd like to get to around 145 (163 currently), but the former ballerina in me keeps shrieking that I could probably go smaller if I tried hard enough.

    For now, I'll be happy at the 145 and then re-evaluate again later. Of course, I'd probably just be happier if my boobs went away (I think they're why I hate the way I look in pictures). Wish someone would come up with a donation process for these... lol.
  • caro1275
    caro1275 Posts: 198 Member

    Here's a body frame calculator.

    Wow. I am large framed. 5ft 6in, wrist is 6.5 inches. Who knew!!!! Makes more sense as to why I could never get below 130lbs....
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I'm a large framed girl for sure and 5'6" - my goal weight is between 145-147! My doctor agreed with me on that one too :)
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I'm 5'8" and have a tentative goal of 160. But, we shall see what happens!
  • drlauram
    drlauram Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5'7", definitely large framed/boned, and muscular. My gw right now is 160. I may change it when I reach it, but I have been very healthy and happy at that weight before.
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    I'm the same :) at the moment I'm 199 and working toward 175. Once I get there I will set another goal of probably about 160. Even if you took out all my internal organs I would not be able to weight 130 lbs lol!

    Finally, I'm not alone. :-)
  • jhunt90
    jhunt90 Posts: 78
    I'm large frame and 5'6", my GW for now is 160, but my UGW is 150, and then we'll see how I feel, I'm thinking somewhere around 145-155, but we'll see :) I can't image only being 120-130...
  • CrueChix
    CrueChix Posts: 47
    I just discovered I am "Large Framed"! Who knew! I measured my wrist and it is almost 7" around! I can not touch my pointer finger and thumb around either wrist. I had always thought I was small framed since I was always a petite little thing as a child. I was looking over other board topics and seeing other girls at 5'6" with goal weights in the 120lb range and wondering if I was just lacking ambition, since my UGW was so much higher than theirs! A few simple measurements and I feel LOADS better! I have lost 22lbs already and I am down to 150. I can't imagine weighing 30lbs less than I do now - I would be emaciated! So here's a shout out of encouragement to all you large framed ladies out there.... :) keep at it gorgeous!

    I am large framed, 5'6" and my ultimate goal weight is 145. What's yours? Anyone have pics?

    It should be your middle finger and thumb, not your pointer. :-)