Ripped in 30 - Month of August - Who is with me?



  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    Has anyone else found week two to be quite dull?

    It's a step up from week one but it feels a bit more monotonous. It might just be me, but I'm looking forward to week three :)

    I don't know about RI30, but I just did Level 2 of 30 Day Shred and I like it better than Level 1. The cardio feels easier but the strength is harder. Maybe since I've been kicking up my running game, the cardio is becoming less taxing??

    Keep it going everyone!

  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    I haven't heard anyone say they are enjoying week 2. In fact I've read some people sticking with week 1 longer, or moving on to level 3 after just a few days. Must say I just don't like alot of the moves - some seem too easy while others really hard.

    But if week 2 is putting anyone off exercising then you aren't letting anyone down by changing the structure of the plan...putting yourself off exercise is defeating the purpose altogether.

    Oh and I really enjoy level 2 of the Shred too Scarlet, and often do it after Ripped for a longer session.
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    Duck walks, why you so mean for!?
    Day 1 - died
    Day 2- had quads of steel!
    Hahaha :)))
    Can't wait for week 4... or can I!? :P
  • speedisoverrated
    I haven't heard anyone say they are enjoying week 2. In fact I've read some people sticking with week 1 longer, or moving on to level 3 after just a few days. Must say I just don't like alot of the moves - some seem too easy while others really hard.

    But if week 2 is putting anyone off exercising then you aren't letting anyone down by changing the structure of the plan...putting yourself off exercise is defeating the purpose altogether.

    Oh and I really enjoy level 2 of the Shred too Scarlet, and often do it after Ripped for a longer session.

    Oh it won't put me off, worry not - it just seems a bit less challenging now. Maybe I'm adapting, I want week three to really hit me hard.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Day 2 of week 2 done, I'm enjoying some of the moved but still hate the moves in plank and crow push ups! Still I just keep thinking I only have to do these for a week then I can move onto the next level of pain! Ha ha.
  • enoid1
    enoid1 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I actually began about a week ago, today will be my last day with level 1. Took before pics as well as wt and body fat measurement. Will check in with everyone else as I continue...good luck!
  • RobinBassani
    RobinBassani Posts: 2 Member
    I'll join in! I started this 2 days ago, so I'm on day 3. I think if I can see everybody else trying so hard it will give me a push to keep going. Good luck to everybody.
  • sweetlyawesome
    sweetlyawesome Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I started week one today. Haven't worked out in three weeks so my body is a little out of the loop. It feels nice to be back at some kind of physical activity! :) just one question. How do I log this workout?
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Hi! I started week one today. Haven't worked out in three weeks so my body is a little out of the loop. It feels nice to be back at some kind of physical activity! :) just one question. How do I log this workout?

    I tend to log it as circuit training for 20 mins.

    Day 3 of week 2 done today. Cannot wait to finish this week as I'm not digging the moves in week 2, I hope I enjoy week 3 more!
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    Hey everyone how you getting on? I'm still not fit enough to get back to Ripped but going to try to do some kind of exercise this weekend. I'm quite jealous of you all moving on and leaving me behind! Grrrr... :)
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    Just did day 4 of Level 2 (so day 14) and then jogged 3k. I really like the strength and plank work on this level. I am doing 30 Day Shred and BFL.

    I hope everyone else is doing great and hanging in there!

  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    Hi! I started week one today. Haven't worked out in three weeks so my body is a little out of the loop. It feels nice to be back at some kind of physical activity! :) just one question. How do I log this workout?

    Are you using a HRM? I log mine under cardio and then put the calories that I burned since I wear a HRM while exercising. I created my own exercise called 30 Day Shred Level 1 and then Level 2 and Level 3.


  • heatherhsimpson
    Hey again! Im starting week 3 today! I saw a huge difference in day one and day 6 of week two. I was able to do all the plank cardio by the end so even though it started out rough, im so glad i stuck wih it. Dreading these infamous duck walks today, though!
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    I start week 4 tomorrow! :D the mother of all workouts! :O
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Going to do day 5 of week 2 today. It's so hot here at the moment though, I was sweating so much when I finished yesterday!!
  • Danied13
    Danied13 Posts: 117 Member
    Hey guys! I'm joining kind of late, but I started RI30 yesterday. Jillian is one of my favorites. She's so tough and has a very smart mouth...I love it! I plan to push play 6 days/week and add 6W6P abs or Killer buns and thighs whenever I feel adventurous :-)
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    Hey guy and gals!

    A big hello to all the newcomers. Where is everybody else then? Wonder if a number of you who started with me have dropped out or just not posting their progress... Okay, I can't talk, I started this thread and I'm not even doing it at the mo, but I tell ya...if I could I would!! As soon as this pain goes I am right back on it!

    I've actually lost a few lbs this week (getting past the 50lb mark! Whoop!) but I know that I will probably put some of that back on once I start exercising again. I'm prepared for it. This losing weight malarky has been so much easier now that I've done a bit of research and understand my body more. I'll never give up because my body isn't doing what I think it should, if I don't understand what's going on I find out why, so I KNOW I will get to my goal.

    Anyways, enough about me, I hope you are all getting great results with Ripped. Have any of you taken measurements half way through? What changes are you seeing?
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    Anyone else find that week 3 was WAY harder than week 4?
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Week 2 done and dusted. Start week 3 tomorrow! Eeek.
  • Jlan11
    Jlan11 Posts: 61 Member
    I checked my measurements on day 15 and I had already lost 1 inch from my waist, almost 1 inch from hips and thighs, and 1/2 inch off my arms! Today I started week 3. Last night I was trying to imagine what duck walks looked like. I see why everyone talks about them. My leg muscles were on fire! Am I the only one who couldn't even jump on one leg? I was so nervous that my ankles wouldn't hold me, so I just did jump rope instead. I think I only did half of every exercise and I had to take a lot of breaks. Every time I start feeling like I am in pretty good shape, Jillian shows me that I have a long way to go! Is it just me who thinks ripped in 30 is alot harder than 30ds? I'm really starting to question whether or not I can handle week 4? So how is everyone doing? Has anyone checked their measurements yet? I hope everyone sticks with it and has amazing results!