SAHM 1/11-1-17/2010



  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Trish- Great job on the 30 minutes! I think the forward motion is alot easier than running in place...but I do have to be does make the legs tired. It's really hard to get into running shape, but once your there, its awesome. Kinda like downhill skiing if you have ever done that. To learn is tough, but once you are there, it's fun and a good workout!
  • Hi, My name is Debbie, I am 43 and have 3 kids...8,11 & 14. My son's school has a 12 week program for parents who want to join. Tri-Fit is organized by a hospital in town and is free to us. My son acts as our trainer teaching and instructing us with all we need to do. We got measured and weighed on Sunday. They provide a boot camp every Sunday night and the rest is up to us. There are prizes for the winner. I think it's great that my son is in charge of us. It will help him in his future with weight and hopefully he won't have the issues I have. I am also a diabetic, have been since he was born. It's time for a new me! My husband found this site and told me about it : ) I'd love to be part of this group!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Debbie - Welcome!

    Stacey - I'm a whole lot calmer about it now than I was. I felt lost for quite a while. Luckily, I had e-mailed more things to people than I realized.

    Jr - I'm glad you figured out why your bp is higher. Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Trish - Great job with the running!

    Nicole - How is your knee feeling?
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Debbie - Welcome!

    Stacey - I'm a whole lot calmer about it now than I was. I felt lost for quite a while. Luckily, I had e-mailed more things to people than I realized.

    Jr - I'm glad you figured out why your bp is higher. Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Trish - Great job with the running!

    Nicole - How is your knee feeling?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Debbie!

    Amy- thanks for asking about the knee! It feels much better, it got a nice rest over the weekend. I hope the police caught the villan who broke into your church!

    What's everyone having for dinner? Trish? I marinated chicken breasts in a little sauce I whipped up, we shall see how they turn out!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Welcome Debbie. I think that incorporating weight loss as a family sounds great! Glad that your son gets to be "in charge" while participating at the same time. I wish my kids were a little older so I could do more with them. But I'm not gonna rush it! I love my little ones.

    Trish, sounds like you did awesome on the free run. I sometimes jog back and forth across the living room while I'm doing the free run to make it more realistic. I don't feel it so bad in my shins that way. Don't know if you have space to do that or not. Nicole thanks for all the encouragement and advice on running. I can tell you've been at it a long time. I was one of those ppl that thought it was just impossible, but I really think I'll start it once my back gets better. If nothing else, to have more to talk about with you two. LOL.

    Amy-I can only imagine how hard that is at work for you. And it's very sad to think that someone would break into a church! I'm glad that you will have a laptop for all your future hard work. I know for me it will take me forever to setup an excel spreadsheet or something, but once it's setup I can use it multiple times easily. I imagine that's what you're going through, all the setup and formatting etc. Blah. Hope it gets sorted out soon, so business will run smoothly. And good job on the weight loss this week. I know you'd been at a standstill so I imagine it feels good to sort of break through that plateau.

    Okay, I just have to I crazy??? I was picking my son up from school today, and one of his friend's moms approached me. We'd chatted quite a bit last year because she was pregnant and I'd just had my little girl, so we had some things in common, but overall I don't know her that well. So then she starts telling me how rough this year has been on her-she lost her job during her pregnancy and she's been going back to school for her LVN license, her DH works odd hours and she's from Nigeria with no family/friends in the area. She said she had a good babysitter for her infant and 4yo, but was having trouble finding childcare for her 6yo (my son's friend) and was there any way I could keep him after school for a couple hours each day. Well, I have a really hard time saying no. I think alot of it is that I wish that I had someone to help me when I'm going through a rough time-- I strongly believe that you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you. But now I'm thinking I got myself in over my head. I go crazy with just the 2 kids as it is, and I don't know what kind of involvement my husband's going to have with them now. Plus I've got all these little problems, so I should be taking on LESS not more. Oh why couldn't I have made some excuse? On the other hand it may help a little. Those couple of hours between school and dinner I have trouble keeping the kids busy. Perhaps with Gavyn having a playmate it will free my hands a little. I just don't know. And now I can't get out of it bc I already committed to it. Well, wish me luck, and if I start coming on her completely out of my mind you'll know why :wink:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, Fajitas for dinner tonight with low sodium salsa, chunky style, just like I like it.

    As far as the running in place goes, it was my hips and calves that were not happy. Will tuck away oz #90 at dinner, but I'm pretty sure Jr has us beat for the day ;)

    Jr, I have a hard time saying no, too. Guilty conscience I guess.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Jr- I have a hard time saying no too! I am starting to teach myself how.

    Trish- ok..I created a fabulous marinade if you ever want to try it! it's fat free and low sodium! I don't know how the sugar would be for you though.

    1 cup apple cider vinegar
    3 TBSP blackstrap molasses
    1 tsp brown sugar
    1/4 tsp salt
    1 tsp ginger
    1 tsp clove
    1/2 tsp black pepper

    mix together and marinate. I put the chicken in the marinade when it was still defrosting, so they marinated for about 2 hours. I then baked the chick. All of the above are guesstimates on the quantities, I always adlib when I cook. I love it, I had wanted to be a chef when I was a kid, but most of the time I forget to write down what I did for the recipes so I usually don't duplicate much! LOL My Andy keeps reminding to write the stuff down.:flowerforyou:

    I am finishing my 96 ounces right now! Yeah!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Okay, I just have to say I MISS YOU!! Everyone...seriously :sad: :blushing: I'm back on here where I need to be. So hectic with christmas and family...anyway. There has not been a dull moment at my house I can assure you of that! Last week my kiddo's were sick, then I got sick. Then my husband got sick as well.:grumble: I know you guys had to have heard about the crazy earthquake in Eureka, Ca....Guess where I live?? HAHA
    So my dh and I were on the couch with the flu semi sleeping, kids playing up stairs having the run of the house because it's SOOO much fun when mom and dad are sick and we can get away with just about anything...When this thing started shaking my house like jello. Kids screaming upstairs we go running up there (mind you with no energy and foggy brain) could hardly get up the stairs I was thrown into the banister and my arm still is sore...grab the kids and wait till it stops..Thankfully everything is okay, minor damage to things here but nothing we can't live w/o. PIctures off the wall, small things fell, shelf in the garage collapsed. I just remember vividly the breaking glass noise and the house creaking w/ kids yelling. *scary stuff* not to mention the feeling of wanting to vomit and trying to reassure the kids at the same time.
    Finally get the house back in order, everyone is back to being healthy and now I can get back to working out. I havenj't fallen off the wagon completely but I was hoping to be in better shape for our "family reunion" next week. Sadly I haven't shed the 4# I was hoping to or even worked out much since christmas but i'm getting back in the game.
    I'm so glad to catch up with everyone , I read most of the previous posts and I just want to say it was so nice of you all to think of me a few times wondering where I was, just makes me love you guys that much more and reinforce what a support group we have on here :drinker:
    I will talk to everyone tomorrow, this mama needs some sleep :ohwell:
  • Oh Shera--I am so glad that your family is safe. Times like those really make you realize "things" don't matter but people do. Glad you are back on your feet from the flu.

    I didn't post last night because I predicted it right--my running around afternoon wiped me out. I wish I knew why I can't have enough energy to do our school in the morning & then run errands all afternoon. I came home made dinner & hubby asked what are our plans for tonight. I just looked at him. He said are you going to bed? I guess it was obvious. I did go to bed and read. Then went to sleep early. Still tired this morning though. I think part of it is the sun issue. Does anyone else battle the blues in Jan/Feb when there isn't as much sunshine? I HATE getting up in the dark & then when there is just clouds I drag around all day.

    So today--SUN is shining! Yeah! And it is supposed to hit 40--heat wave here. And when I got on the scale i had dropped a pound. (happy dance!!!) Only 1 more to reach my mini goal to be below 150--saw my book(reward) at the bookstore yesterday--really want it now!

    Goals for today

    8 glasses of water
    no more than 200 over my calories
    WALK--again I probably will have to break it up due to time issues but I am going to do it!
    Eat a salad at Culver's--lunch meeting with church ladies group

    Have a GREAT day everyone!

  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Shera, good to see you back. We missed you too. Sorry you've been so sick, and then an earthquake? You seem to be handling it calmly and positively though. Good for you. As far as the weight loss, when you're sick I don't think you can really stick to it, and maybe shouldn't. You need those calories to fuel your body to heal. So don't sweat it, get back in the game, and you'll start going down in no time.

    Kim-your end of the day sounds alot like mine. Especially grocery shopping days. What is it about grocery shopping that makes you so tired and dehydrated? Glad you put your foot down and went to bed early. It's good for you and will make you stronger for the kiddos. I definitely have issues with my depression when it's cold and cloudy, making me sluggish and tired. I try to get in as well-lit rooms as I can find, sometimes even just go to the mall or wherever. Artificial light is better than nothing. Hope you get some of your energy back today, and get that walking in. Great job on the water!

    Nicole-your chicken sounds really yummy, and easy which is always a bonus for us busy SAHMs. I think I'll try it next week.

    Well, I got my gallon of water in yesterday. I cannot count how many times I went to the restroom though. :noway: So I stepped on the scale this morning to see if I yielded ANY results. (I don't usually weigh myself daily, just once a week Tues mornings). And well, only a .2 lb further loss, but that's 2.6 off of yesterday's weight so that's good. Guess it WAS water weight. I'm working on oz # 20 right now, gonna shoot for that gallon again today too. This week has been harder on me eating-wise since I'm not able to work out much and earn exercise cals, I've been eating right at 1200 cals a day. So just some tips that have worked for keeping me full-I use a baby spoon to eat my snacks like yogurt and fruit. It makes me take smaller bites and really savor them. And since I'm taking longer to eat, I give my tummy time to feel full, and I seem to stay fuller for longer. For my cracker snacks I nibble my way through them, so it took me almost 30 min to eat 20 Cheez its which was my snack yesterday. I've also made sure to buy frozen vs. canned veggies this week, and since there is little to no sodium, I usually eat double portions and still stay within my cals. I eat my veggies first, then my main dish. Also, I have a theory about my back pain. I started noticing my pants are getting so big, that they slide off when I walk, and I wonder if I'm standing/sitting differently to try to keep them up. I feel uncomfortable wearing belts. So today I put on my size 12s and tada! they fit. And so far my back isn't really bothering me. Of course I haven't done much yet this morning either, but if my back feels better by this afternoon, I'm going shopping Friday for new pants! (Um, for my back of course. Right?) I have trouble treating myself to shopping, usually find stuff for my kids and forget about myself. This will be my first time pants-shopping since just after having my daughter. (I bought some new shirts around Thanksgiving because I needed medium instead of large, but I was still wearing the same size pants then. It's weird how weight fits on you differently. See I'm at my prepregnancy weight now, but back then I was wearing 10, so I can't fit into those yet. And after having Alycia, at my biggest weight, I wore 14's. I am now down 25 lbs and JUST NOW able to wear 12s again. Ah well, that's motherhood for ya.)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    jr--when you see her again just say YES BUT.
    so you'll say--i was thinking about our plan. and i'd love to help you out. but i think i got a little ahead of myself
    so let's try it next week and see how it goes.

    then you do it for a week. then YOU decide if you want to continue (you're not on the spot) and you have real data to determine if it works for you or not.
    if NOT, say i'm sorry i won't be able to keep doing this for you. it just dsn't work for our family. --and say that line over and over.

    if you were able to come up with any names of other real babysitters--then pass those on to her. otherwise...just say NO. you gave it a try and it dsn't fit.

    and remember--you did a good thing helping at all. she will get some relief for a week and that's better than nada.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, thanks for the marinade recipe. I think splenda makes brown sugar, so I'll substitute that. :)

    Last night at Relief Society they finally served food I could eat! I was happy. It was just chopped bananas & sliced strawberries, but drizzled with a couple tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk. It was a real treat. I wish they would do stuff like that more often. I told one of the leaders that I appreciated finally serving something I could eat, because I don't much care for raw veggies, and just go "Ugh, I'm diabetic!" when they serve junk food.
    Then I told one of the other girls there that cows are mutants because they have 1 boob, but 4 nipples.

    Something to think about :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    really? one boob??
    trish, you are FUNNY

    shera--welcome back! so sorry to hear abt what happened!! i didn't know abt the earthquake (cuz it wasn't reported on disney channel) and being sick on top of it....whew! glad you are all safe and on the mend. ((hugs))

    well, ladies. truth tellin time--##skip if you know me. you know how this plays out....##

    i did very well till rt after dinner. at dinner i even had the whole bag of veges (steam fresh ital blend) with small amount of ranch for dipping.
    BUT then i ate some tortilla chips, and a slice of that cheese crust pizza and then the *** cookies! i even warmed them in the microwave!! and then a glass of milk.
    and then i got myself the *** out of the kitchen. !!!

    i later cleaned up--didn't eat more--and got to bed for rdg and lights out (like kim).
    i know the thought process better of why i did it. and i even talked myself out of more eating--while i was eyeing those cookies. so that's a step in the rt direction.

    today--i have a better plan for eating and exercising.
    i know i can do my water again and am aiming for those 2 veges again too.

    i hate admitting this stuff on here (broken record) but then i can't "hide" what i did and deny it to myself. so thanks for giving me a place to do that.

    time to make those lunches--and get goiin on my day! have a great one ladies!!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning!

    Shera - I'm glad everyone is OK! (((hugs))) How scary! I hope you all are feeling better too!

    My goals for today:
    72 oz water (have almost 16 in now, so I need to start chugging! :drinker: )
    No more than 500 over my cals

    If I get any exercise in today that would be great, but I'm not expecting to. I'm working from home today (gotta love laptops!) with a sick child. Samantha couldn't keep anything down last night. She's doing much better this morning and has kept down the few plain cheerios and pedialyte. I'm functioning on about 4 hours of sleep but feeling good right now (gotta love the 5-hr Energy drink!)
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Okay. back on track today I even put my cheese on the scale for my breakfast sandwich :bigsmile: My goal for today is to LOG LOG LOG, I bite it , I write it ! (love that saying) anyway, I plan to drink my water. I like your gallon of water jr so i cleaned out my empty milk jug and I think i'm going to use that to fill up my cup today. I have a feeling my 3yr old and I are going to have races to the toilet again LOL
    Here's something to think about, I was reading an article in the costco connection about sugar and how much the average american consumes today 189 grams of sugar about 47 teaspoons!!! Hidden or not so hidden in cereals, sodas, cookies and other foods. Before the industrial revolution daily sugar consumption was less than 15 grams!!! :noway: :huh: :sick: OMG really??? So this is another goal/new years resolution. To watch my sugar intake more because I couldn't belive how much was in the yogurt I had just bought 12g!!

    The article was great, even people that didnt want/need to lose weight watched their sugar and ended up losing and felt so much better after. Here is a link, I hope it works for everyone if not google costco connection for jan 2010 and go to the article cover story "bulk losers"
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Shera- I am so glad you adn your family are ok! I was thinking about you when we found out about the earthquake! Supposedly some people felt it around us, but we sure didn't !

    Of to drink my water! I have been slacking today!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Shera, glad everyone is safe & sound I always worry when I hear of a quake in Cali. Hubby & I both have family out there.

    Nicole... I did it. I signed up for my first 5k. It's Jan 30. Yes, I'm nuts. I know, I know. Asking for trouble with so little training in such a short time span, but I feel confident I can at least run comfortably for 30 minutes, and I'll be happy to at least set a first benchmark for myself, no matter how slow it is. Just as long as I finish the race. Plus it will be super amazing to tell my diabetes doc that I ran a 5k. She'll be FLOORED!

    Now I hope hubby will forgive me for the $100 I just dropped between the $20 entrance fee, the $30 running shoes that fit like a glove (AMAZING! NEVER had a shoe feel like that on my foot before!), and $15 for running pants. Oh, and gas for the car. Yeah, he's gonna be thrilled when I only asked for $20!

    Oh, almost forgot. Gonna take a rest day today. My legs deserve it after a ton of lunges on Wii BL & Wii running the last few days.
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Shera- I am so glad you adn your family are ok! I was thinking about you when we found out about the earthquake! Supposedly some people felt it around us, but we sure didn't !

    Of to drink my water! I have been slacking today!

    We are doing great, it took the kids a few days to go upstairs by themselves but now they are fine. My little one is still a little jumpy with loud noises but it won't take her long to forget about it. There are alot of other families that didnt fair so well, especially a lot of the older homes so we are thankful, it could have been a lot worse.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i'm back with AM report

    it was a morning all about ME ME ME
    after i took the girls to school, i played trains w/boy. then it was exercise.
    i walked 1 mile with leslie.
    then cardiox
    (then color w/boy)
    then 30min stretch dvd with tamilee. feel soooo good
    almost done with 40 oz water.

    and have a healthy lunch and dinner planned.
    rah rah stacey!! (maybe i needed those extra cals yesterday so i wouldn't bonk today? that's what i'm going with....)

    trish--you are such a go-getter! that's great that you signed up.
    and shera, i like the i bite, i write. (it's so easy to ignore those little bites--not saying that i've ever done that or anything hehe)

    later chicas!
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