

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Anyways I rambled on about my son, but it is a daily thing for us right now. I am teaching him to memorize things, does anyone remember the little prayer "Now I lay me" ? I got him to memorize that. That may not be a big deal for your average 4 yo. but it is a big deal for my little guy. He seems so smart to me, yet he struggles. I am a confused mom!
    Momma - I understand your concerns about your son. My 9-yr old son often confuses me ... he can seem so bright and intuitive one minute, and the next can't seem to remember the simplest thing. I even had him tested for lead poisoning last year because I was so concerned about him ... the test was negative and of course he seemed just fine so I felt dumb for asking for the test. I think it's just his personality, or maybe that he is a boy ... very different from my 15-yr old girl. It's our job to worry. It sounds like you are doing a good job of working with him, good for you! :flowerforyou:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Positively me - Way to go on eating the fruit instead of the cookies! 8D You're doing better than me lol also I do weigh myself first thing every morning. I record my weight on a sheet next to the scale, and sometimes on MFP. I update my weight here every friday though.

    checking in for yesterday


    Calories: Right on
    Water: Yes! and more!
    Excersise: Lots of stairs, but nothing else really. work and school take it out of me.

    Proud: Still at my first goal and feeling great!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Anyways I rambled on about my son, but it is a daily thing for us right now. I am teaching him to memorize things, does anyone remember the little prayer "Now I lay me" ? I got him to memorize that. That may not be a big deal for your average 4 yo. but it is a big deal for my little guy. He seems so smart to me, yet he struggles. I am a confused mom!
    Momma - I understand your concerns about your son. My 9-yr old son often confuses me ... he can seem so bright and intuitive one minute, and the next can't seem to remember the simplest thing. I even had him tested for lead poisoning last year because I was so concerned about him ... the test was negative and of course he seemed just fine so I felt dumb for asking for the test. I think it's just his personality, or maybe that he is a boy ... very different from my 15-yr old girl. It's our job to worry. It sounds like you are doing a good job of working with him, good for you! :flowerforyou:

    Momma - you are doing good..

    I am sooo frustrated with my 6 yr old it just wants to make me cry...got a call from her teacher today, how i love to get calls from her teacher, serena is just sitting there not doing anything,she just stares at them. Both her teacher and us have been trying to work with her that she has to do her work...she just wont do it. She is very very smart and she CAN do the work, she just makes choices not to. I am just not sure what to do with her. Her teacher is going to get her to meet with the school counsler and see if that helps. I just don't know how i can get her to do the work..when she had in her head she is not doing something she just wont, she shuts down and won't even say a word, being very disrepectfull. sorry..i just had to vent.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Here's my check in for yesterday, 1/11/2010:
    Calories: Yay! I stayed under even with the Caribou Mint Condition.
    Water: Close, but not quite there.
    Exercise: None due to meetings in the evening.
    Proud: That I've lost more inches since last week!

    Last night at my weigh-in, I was down a pound from last week, lost an inch in the bust, an inch in the waist and 1/4" in the arm. Woohoo. For the challenge, we're supposed to turn in our food logs weekly and instead of using the sheet I was given, I showed the counselor my print out from MFP and she was so excited that she kept it to show the rest of the group so they can get on the site. She also said I'd been the only one to log exercise :-) Next week at the group meeting, those in the lead will get a prize (most likely a healthy snack) and I'm hoping I'm leading in inches.

    My other excitement yesterday was that when I got home last night I tried on my size 12 jeans again and they fit and zipped, just not quite the right fit for my new body SHAPE. So, I get to go jean shopping and will ONLY buy a new pair if they are a size 12. I also tried on some shirts (okay, most of them) in my closet that I haven't worn in a long time and they all fit! A few of them were polo shirts I ordered from a catalog this summer and haven't taken the tags off because they were too tight to wear. Well, they all fit now! How's that for motivation?? WOOHOO!!

    Have a great day and thanks to all of you for being awesome!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Here's my check in for yesterday, 1/11/2010:
    Calories: Yay! I stayed under even with the Caribou Mint Condition.
    Water: Close, but not quite there.
    Exercise: None due to meetings in the evening.
    Proud: That I've lost more inches since last week!

    Last night at my weigh-in, I was down a pound from last week, lost an inch in the bust, an inch in the waist and 1/4" in the arm. Woohoo. For the challenge, we're supposed to turn in our food logs weekly and instead of using the sheet I was given, I showed the counselor my print out from MFP and she was so excited that she kept it to show the rest of the group so they can get on the site. She also said I'd been the only one to log exercise :-) Next week at the group meeting, those in the lead will get a prize (most likely a healthy snack) and I'm hoping I'm leading in inches.

    My other excitement yesterday was that when I got home last night I tried on my size 12 jeans again and they fit and zipped, just not quite the right fit for my new body SHAPE. So, I get to go jean shopping and will ONLY buy a new pair if they are a size 12. I also tried on some shirts (okay, most of them) in my closet that I haven't worn in a long time and they all fit! A few of them were polo shirts I ordered from a catalog this summer and haven't taken the tags off because they were too tight to wear. Well, they all fit now! How's that for motivation?? WOOHOO!!

    Have a great day and thanks to all of you for being awesome!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good Morning Girls, I just returned from dropping 2 of my 3 girls off at school. Hubby took 1 girl for me. Now the little guy and I need to get ourselves ready for our day. I try to work with him everyday. Yesterday we were working on holding a pencil. I do NOT know if he is right or left handed. He switches off, but seems to favor the left. I have NO idea, if I should encourage one hand or the other. Maybe some of you teachers can give me a suggestion. Anyways, he fought me so hard on the issue and I mean he got really defiant about it. Momma, said Listen here I am in charge and we are going to write with a pencil today. I figured if I sit down 1 hour a day and build to 2 hours, he will start getting ready for Kinder which is 4 hours. He is just not ready right now. I do not make him just sit at a table and do 1 hour of work. We read a book, we sing a song, we practice our letter recognition, we go over flash cards, we dance, ect... Anyways I rambled on about my son, but it is a daily thing for us right now. I am teaching him to memorize things, does anyone remember the little prayer "Now I lay me" ? I got him to memorize that. That may not be a big deal for your average 4 yo. but it is a big deal for my little guy. He seems so smart to me, yet he struggles. I am a confused mom!

    Back to weight loss mode. Even though I stayed under my cals yesterday they were lousy calories. I felt it last night too. Today I am off to a healthy start. Thanks for listening sometimes I just need to vent a little then I feel better:smile:
    Momma whichever hand he is more comfortable with let him write with that one.Thats just my opinion though.I do remember that prayer too.I used to say it all the time as a kid and now my children use it at bedtime.Vent anytime you need too momma.You are an amazing mom to be working with your child everyday like you do.There are alot of mothers that don't even take the time.They figure oh well they will learn it in school eventually why bother.I'm like you I want them to have a head start at things and I completely realize your situation is different with him but he will get there just like your other children have because you love them all so much.Keep it up !! I am here for you if you ever need to vent or just talk.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, I just read that this week's challenge is cutting out sugar and corn syrup. The second part is easy for me, since I'm allergic to corn. The sugar thing I have mostly been good at this time around, but... I have been allowing small amounts back in. I tend to be addicted to sugar. It's not a minor issue for me, like it is for some folks. I just cannot control myself after I start. I shouldn't tempt fate with it, but I do it all the time.

    About weighing in I barely do it once a week. I skip sometimes. The only time I successfully lost to goal weight, I only weighed once a month. The only reason I weigh so often is peer pressure. ;-) All my online weight loss groups weigh in once a week. It seems like it shouldn't drive me so crazy, but there you are. I am who I am. I am a sugar addict who also goes insane everytime she sees her weight ... doesn't matter if it is up, down, or the same, but that's where support comes in and makes the difference. I am thinking of getting a digital scale this year ... my old IKEA cheap scale is probably not helping... does anyone have a recommend on a good digital scale?

    Caloires - yesterday way over
    Water - great!
    Exercise - none
    Proud - I think I've kicked the cold. I don't know if the overeating helped or not, but that is part of having a cold. I get so hungry. I would like to figure out a way to deal with that in the future, but also hope I never have to use it...
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    bluenote - hope you get better from pneumonia -- I get a reaction to splenda but it is not headaches... it has a laxative effect for me.
    libdebbie - I agree, a dog is a family member... grieving is natural. Be gentle with yourself!
    Welcome Renea_Kay I agree that you could put yourself first... it works better that way, but I was glad to see it was on your list. In the end all the other people go their own ways... someday you will live on your own making your own life in this world and your mother will always love you, but it will come down to you in the mirror. do you know what I mean? I think that's why we have to want to do it for ourselves, because in the end, that's who we have to live with....

    I am sorry I am not great at the notes this week. I do feel better from my cold now so hope to do better going forward.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    You gals are the best. You always make me feel better. I should clear up that I do not work with him (table work) on the weekends. We work on using full sentences when asking for things and that is about it on the weekends. You all have such good advice and I know that a lot of you have children and I appreciate advice from you!!!!

    awestfall, I am so glad I met you. You are such a nice friend who always encourages me!

    lildeb, I will be praying for you. Little ones can be so determined to do things their way.

    Rororosie, weighing in is NOT a requirement to be in our group. If you are more comfortable weighing in 1x a month than do it. No one will be upset. We want everyone to succeed and if that is how you need to do it. Then that is what we want:flowerforyou:

    hajohnson24, Oh to be a size 12, I am quite envious of you.:love: I hope you win the inches contest!

    lstpaul, as a mother to 3 girls I am finding that this youngest child of mine is sooooo much different than they were. I knew they said boys were different, well they weren't joking. I am always joking that I feel like raising a boy is spending your days making sure they do not kill themselves.:laugh:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    By the way, mothers don't ever stop being mothers. I am 39 yo. My mom still tries to be my mommy. Today I told her what the little boy said about me. I could tell it hurt her feelings. That touched me. I know I will be the same when my oldest daughter turns 39.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh my, has this been the longest day ever or what?

    I feel kind of like crud today. I'm super irritable and my neck & head hurt. I'm hoping it's PMS (what a weird thing to say! :laugh:). I'll be welcoming TOM with open arms this month because I've got a little paranoia (with essentially no basis) going on that I'm pregnant (but I'm sooooo not, I think I just like to freak myself out about it every couple of years :huh: ).
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning Girls, I just returned from dropping 2 of my 3 girls off at school. Hubby took 1 girl for me. Now the little guy and I need to get ourselves ready for our day. I try to work with him everyday. Yesterday we were working on holding a pencil. I do NOT know if he is right or left handed. He switches off, but seems to favor the left. I have NO idea, if I should encourage one hand or the other. Maybe some of you teachers can give me a suggestion. Anyways, he fought me so hard on the issue and I mean he got really defiant about it. Momma, said Listen here I am in charge and we are going to write with a pencil today. I figured if I sit down 1 hour a day and build to 2 hours, he will start getting ready for Kinder which is 4 hours. He is just not ready right now. I do not make him just sit at a table and do 1 hour of work. We read a book, we sing a song, we practice our letter recognition, we go over flash cards, we dance, ect... Anyways I rambled on about my son, but it is a daily thing for us right now. I am teaching him to memorize things, does anyone remember the little prayer "Now I lay me" ? I got him to memorize that. That may not be a big deal for your average 4 yo. but it is a big deal for my little guy. He seems so smart to me, yet he struggles. I am a confused mom!

    Back to weight loss mode. Even though I stayed under my cals yesterday they were lousy calories. I felt it last night too. Today I am off to a healthy start. Thanks for listening sometimes I just need to vent a little then I feel better:smile:

    Momma2four: I think what you are doing is great, you talking about your son and what you are describing “the use of using his right/left hand” that is called “ambidextrous” it is a gift of using/processing things using both his left and right side of the brain. When my son was in preschool…9 years ago…he was doing the same thing. He would switch the pencil, crayons, and even the scissors from one right to left or vice-versa.

    I am not sure if this might be any help…I am studying to be a teacher ( all that is missing is my certification)..and during this process I did my share of observing classroom(s) for some required courses. I did observe an Autistic (ABA) classroom and a lot of other "normal classrooms." the ABA classroom focuses more of a one-on-one lesson. The instructor would do small increments of a lesson. If she was working on shapes..she would only do about 2 – 3 shapes at a time…not to overwhelm the student with the lesson..and to make it more fun and engaging she would use reinforcement ( fruit snacks, a toy, tickles, or a game) things the student liked and how to maximize the learning for a short period of time. Because this is all new for the student, she did not want to do too much all at once. I think she would sit with the student for 30 minutes…give him a break (5-10 minutes) and then back to work for another 30 minutes…the students needs time to process all this new information. A lot of preschool teachers use this model...breaking up the lesson to sute the student(s) once the information is process it is time to move on but review previous lessons to make connections wiht the new lesson..or the other way around.

    Like I said I am not sure if my advice might help but I do use this with my four year old son…he can’t sit doing something for a long period of time…he gets bored very easily.

    I wish you the best. It is, and it takes, hard work - keep it up what you are doing - you are on the right path..hopefully, you will see positive results…the fruits of you labor…..and on a last note, please have patience…I can’t stress this enough…Good luck!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Girls, I just returned from dropping 2 of my 3 girls off at school. Hubby took 1 girl for me. Now the little guy and I need to get ourselves ready for our day. I try to work with him everyday. Yesterday we were working on holding a pencil. I do NOT know if he is right or left handed. He switches off, but seems to favor the left. I have NO idea, if I should encourage one hand or the other. Maybe some of you teachers can give me a suggestion. Anyways, he fought me so hard on the issue and I mean he got really defiant about it. Momma, said Listen here I am in charge and we are going to write with a pencil today. I figured if I sit down 1 hour a day and build to 2 hours, he will start getting ready for Kinder which is 4 hours. He is just not ready right now. I do not make him just sit at a table and do 1 hour of work. We read a book, we sing a song, we practice our letter recognition, we go over flash cards, we dance, ect... Anyways I rambled on about my son, but it is a daily thing for us right now. I am teaching him to memorize things, does anyone remember the little prayer "Now I lay me" ? I got him to memorize that. That may not be a big deal for your average 4 yo. but it is a big deal for my little guy. He seems so smart to me, yet he struggles. I am a confused mom!

    Back to weight loss mode. Even though I stayed under my cals yesterday they were lousy calories. I felt it last night too. Today I am off to a healthy start. Thanks for listening sometimes I just need to vent a little then I feel better:smile:

    Momma2four: I think what you are doing is great, you talking about your son and what you are describing “the use of using his right/left hand” that is called “ambidextrous” it is a gift of using/processing things using both his left and right side of the brain. When my son was in preschool…9 years ago…he was doing the same thing. He would switch the pencil, crayons, and even the scissors from one right to left or vice-versa.

    I am not sure if this might be any help…I am studying to be a teacher ( all that is missing is my certification)..and during this process I did my share of observing classroom(s) for some required courses. I did observe an Autistic (ABA) classroom and a lot of other "normal classrooms." the ABA classroom focuses more of a one-on-one lesson. The instructor would do small increments of a lesson. If she was working on shapes..she would only do about 2 – 3 shapes at a time…not to overwhelm the student with the lesson..and to make it more fun and engaging she would use reinforcement ( fruit snacks, a toy, tickles, or a game) things the student liked and how to maximize the learning for a short period of time. Because this is all new for the student, she did not want to do too much all at once. I think she would sit with the student for 30 minutes…give him a break (5-10 minutes) and then back to work for another 30 minutes…the students needs time to process all this new information. A lot of preschool teachers use this model...breaking up the lesson to sute the student(s) once the information is process it is time to move on but review previous lessons to make connections wiht the new lesson..or the other way around.

    Like I said I am not sure if my advice might help but I do use this with my four year old son…he can’t sit doing something for a long period of time…he gets bored very easily.

    I wish you the best. It is, and it takes, hard work - keep it up what you are doing - you are on the right path..hopefully, you will see positive results…the fruits of you labor…..and on a last note, please have patience…I can’t stress this enough…Good luck!

    I had been wondering if he was ambidextrous. For about a yr or 2 I wondered if that was the case, but because of his delays I also wondered if it was he just wasn't getting it. Thanks for the advice, I truely appreciate it. I am finding that he is teaching me patience each and every day.:laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning Girls, I just returned from dropping 2 of my 3 girls off at school. Hubby took 1 girl for me. Now the little guy and I need to get ourselves ready for our day. I try to work with him everyday. Yesterday we were working on holding a pencil. I do NOT know if he is right or left handed. He switches off, but seems to favor the left. I have NO idea, if I should encourage one hand or the other. Maybe some of you teachers can give me a suggestion. Anyways, he fought me so hard on the issue and I mean he got really defiant about it. Momma, said Listen here I am in charge and we are going to write with a pencil today. I figured if I sit down 1 hour a day and build to 2 hours, he will start getting ready for Kinder which is 4 hours. He is just not ready right now. I do not make him just sit at a table and do 1 hour of work. We read a book, we sing a song, we practice our letter recognition, we go over flash cards, we dance, ect... Anyways I rambled on about my son, but it is a daily thing for us right now. I am teaching him to memorize things, does anyone remember the little prayer "Now I lay me" ? I got him to memorize that. That may not be a big deal for your average 4 yo. but it is a big deal for my little guy. He seems so smart to me, yet he struggles. I am a confused mom!

    Back to weight loss mode. Even though I stayed under my cals yesterday they were lousy calories. I felt it last night too. Today I am off to a healthy start. Thanks for listening sometimes I just need to vent a little then I feel better:smile:

    Momma2four: I think what you are doing is great, you talking about your son and what you are describing “the use of using his right/left hand” that is called “ambidextrous” it is a gift of using/processing things using both his left and right side of the brain. When my son was in preschool…9 years ago…he was doing the same thing. He would switch the pencil, crayons, and even the scissors from one right to left or vice-versa.

    I am not sure if this might be any help…I am studying to be a teacher ( all that is missing is my certification)..and during this process I did my share of observing classroom(s) for some required courses. I did observe an Autistic (ABA) classroom and a lot of other "normal classrooms." the ABA classroom focuses more of a one-on-one lesson. The instructor would do small increments of a lesson. If she was working on shapes..she would only do about 2 – 3 shapes at a time…not to overwhelm the student with the lesson..and to make it more fun and engaging she would use reinforcement ( fruit snacks, a toy, tickles, or a game) things the student liked and how to maximize the learning for a short period of time. Because this is all new for the student, she did not want to do too much all at once. I think she would sit with the student for 30 minutes…give him a break (5-10 minutes) and then back to work for another 30 minutes…the students needs time to process all this new information. A lot of preschool teachers use this model...breaking up the lesson to sute the student(s) once the information is process it is time to move on but review previous lessons to make connections wiht the new lesson..or the other way around.

    Like I said I am not sure if my advice might help but I do use this with my four year old son…he can’t sit doing something for a long period of time…he gets bored very easily.

    I wish you the best. It is, and it takes, hard work - keep it up what you are doing - you are on the right path..hopefully, you will see positive results…the fruits of you labor…..and on a last note, please have patience…I can’t stress this enough…Good luck!

    I had been wondering if he was ambidextrous. For about a yr or 2 I wondered if that was the case, but because of his delays I also wondered if it was he just wasn't getting it. Thanks for the advice, I truely appreciate it. I am finding that he is teaching me patience each and every day.:laugh:

    My son, who is 13 now, still uses both hand..that is a skill he has mastered...he get tired of writing essays with one hand he just switches to the other...

    sorry if i confused you talking about my older son(13y/o) and then talking about my youngest son(4 y/o). I also have a daughter who is older than both my sons. she is 14 y/o..

    I think the one thing we learn, as being mothers, is patience...i think it was in the baby's manual that wasgiven to us by the hosipial when we take the baby home:laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am "guessing" this is complient ( i know it was meant to be one). I sat on my husband's lap while he was sitting on the couch, and he goes " you feel like you have lost weight"..so basically i am not as heavy on his lap any more. He is very proud of me and it means a lot to me, just weird sounding to me i guess.
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks to everyone who said something (there were so many otherwise i would have done it individualy) and i hope you all have a good day :)

    Momma2four- I learnt how to write with both hands then i just picked to write with my write when i got older. As long as he is learning to write i would let him write with both...i mean that takes some talent :) I wish i could still do that!

    Calories: Under :)
    Water: almost there!!
    Exercise: great :)
    Proud- I almost fit into my T-shirt i really want to wear!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    checking in -

    calories - 1624 (ate some of my exercise calories)
    water - 96 oz
    exercise - 67 mins (20 min walk, 20 on treadmill, 27 Wii Biggest Loser game)
    proud - I bought a pair of size 16 jeans today! They are a little snug still, but I plan on them being too big in no time!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Check in- calories YES
    water- after dinner I will be there

    I am proud that even though I have not felt like sticking with it, I am sticking with it.:smile:
  • narci
    narci Posts: 6
    hi girls - you r all an inspiration really,so ambitious, keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
    The good news is l started to exercise - well, actually running but it feels great although I cannot run for long and I keep alternating brisk walking and slow running....I've even bought a running suit and trainers (and a cap:wink: )

    The bad news is that yesterday my cousin came by and we played rummy up to 4 in the morning and felt soooo hungry that we ate fish and chips and we drank a bottle of red wine and than a chocolate and now I feel awfully guilty but there isn't much l can do now is it?

    I've been a good girl today, I had lots of carrots and celery and a boiled egg and a tomato and then roasted chicken leg with mushrooms - no sauces, no sweets, just a little bit of salt - but l ended with the same weight as 2 days ago....:cry:

    Some of you r minus 20 something pounds and I really admire you. I feel a bit down today, hopefully I'll feel more positive tomorrow if my scales will show at least 300 grams less than today....
  • Daisylou76
    Here is the new thread girls:
    By the way has anyone tried the SixWeekBodyMakeover and if so did it work for you.I saw a commercisl about it but I am sort of skeptical.Any input would be great!!!

    I did the challenge a few years ago, it was pretty low calorie, but I did lose a lot of weight on it. You can ask me for any specifics if you like :)

    I would love to be part of your group, you all seem really supportive.

    Do you remember what types of foods you had to eat?What types of exercise you did? I was wondering if it really did work.How much weight did you lose on it if you don't mind me asking? And sure you are welcome to join our group.Weigh ins are Fridays and are challenges are picked by the biggest loser for that week.We post everyday calories,water,exercise and something we are proud of for that day.Welcome and thanks for the info.

    Hi, well as for the foods, it was lower carb and very low fat and low in cals. A lot of chicken and fish and vegetables and some fruit. It wasn't too bad because I really wanted to succeed. They have 5 different body types that have 5 different menus (one for each body type) you have to fill out this questionair to figure out what type you are. The program comes with exercises that your are to do depending on your body type. For myself, I was going to the gym and working with a personal trainer because I was in a competition at the gym. But the exercises that the program provides are pretty easy. I think on one day I caluclated the calories to be around 800. There is a cookbook/menu planner that has many different choices I was just lazy and short on time so I went with the basic (boring) menu.

    As for the weight loss, it's hard to say how much of it was due to the "makeover" because I was working out so much for the gym competition. But I started at about 270 ish and after 2 months I was at 222. About 48 lbs lost in 2 months. It was too much to lose in such a short time. Too low of calories for the amount of exercising. About 3 months later I lost a lot of hair. I should have been taking vitamins. I think it is a good program if you follow just that program and dont exercise like a mad woman. He only has you walking and doing some strength training. Nothing crazy I don't think you would even get out of breath doing them. I should really do it again. You get audio cds with it and there are a lot of interesting things that he explains. Plus you got these thermogenic pills to help boost your metabolism. I felt that these helped a lot.

    you also get this little booklet that tells you what to eat if you want to lose a size in 6 days. It's low carb/cal, but it works if you are willing to let it.

    lemme know if you want me to email you a sample of the diet. Hope this helps :)