Part of me really wants to stop getting on here...

r5wr Posts: 203 Member
I'm still new, but been here about a week of so and have only found a handful of nice people as bad as that.sounds. the nice people are reallyyyy nice, but other than that it seems like everyone's been so.rude, like I post a topic and get a lot of sarcastically rude replies... I came here for motivation and support not pushed down even more. Some of you are real.nice to me and I but.overall I've been treated rather bad. And the site helps.when myself but as soon as interact everyone becomes so mean.. yet I see everyone being so.nice to everyone else. I don't know what I've done or am not get treated the same. I'm just tempted to leave cause of the way people are toward me. Anyone else feeling the same? Anyone NOT be sarcastically and rude want to try and change my opinion of.the majority of people on here? to.add me... I'm staying for a while but if it downs change I.may leave... I just want the experience everyone else is having... Like I said feel free to add but please don't be rude on comments on this. If there is any... Goodnight guys.

*sorry for typos and stuff on with a crappy keyboard that likes periods.*


  • DrJanet98
    DrJanet98 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm sorry you've had bad experiences here. I've had it happen to me either way on various message boards. Some posts get friendly responses and some get snarky ones, and it seems almost random which one you get sometimes. You may have just been unlucky. Or, you might have posted things that have been posted a hundred times before. Try running a few searches for other posts on your topic before you start a new one.

    It's important to be able to feel comfortable sharing. If you really feel like you can't speak freely here because of your bad experiences so far, there are plenty of other online support groups to try. This one really does seem to be a good one overall, and all boards have their share of jerks, but I won't claim this is the best fit for *everyone*! I hope you'll be able to find what you need, whether it's here or on some other message board that you find suits you better. Like you said, there are a lot of nice people here, so please don't jump ship too soon -- give us another chance!
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    a lot of people on here are probably just cranky because they are starving lol try to ignore them. there are a lot of nice people here too.
  • a lot of people on here are probably just cranky because they are starving lol try to ignore them. there are a lot of nice people here too.

    I was thinking the same
  • adorability
    adorability Posts: 49 Member
    Lol at what Joe said, that could be true. Also, not a lot of people get sarcasm over the internet D:
  • sorry you have had such a bad experience. this place really is great. you just have to ignore some people. this site really is the best and will do wonders if you stick to it. dont give up. its still early. give it more time and you will see. i'll add you :)
  • MiaOrange
    MiaOrange Posts: 151 Member
    I've been on here for about a year. I do see a lot of rude posts. Yes, I agree rude comments are not very supportive. I have wanted to quit this site also, but figure, I can a least log my calories and exercise for ME and if I'm not getting support; just lay low for a little while. In hard times I have posted that I needed friends for support and have gotten several positive responses.

    Hang in there, you are doing a great job!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    MFP is like the bottle, you need a 12 step program to break its spell.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Unfortunately that is the nature of the internet. People feel free to say things they may not say in real life because we are just tiny pics to them (and not everyone has their face or even any part of them as an avatar). It makes it easier to be mean or rude. I have found this all over the internet. Plus it is hard to get context online. There's no inflection, no body signs, eye contact etc to judge the full meaning.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    not being mean

    please remember all meme's are ment as A; joke or B; sarcazim,
    this one is both starship-troopers-noob.gif
    and well we all like to flog the new gie it realy isnt personal, trust me
    but if the forums bug you that much, avoid them:happy: good luck on you weight loss:heart:

    ps im a 13 stepper:bigsmile:
  • I feel the same way, I'll have a genuine question about food,or exercise and I would ask on the forum (help and support), there is always some buffed up shirtless guy making me feel like a total idiot for even asking! I hate it..I've learned to build my friends list up, delete the people that bug me along the way..and then I will have a good group to help answer any questions I might have, less likely to be rude to me, more likely to help :)
  • lajonna
    lajonna Posts: 36
    Awe I'm sorry hun! Don' t the rude people, whom are most likely frustrated with their own weight problems get to you. They just need to stop being rude on here & go work out those lil frustrations of theirs. And don't think for one minute that there is something wrong with you & that's why they are being rude. You're beautiful & are trying to better yourself health wise and emotionally. You're the bigger person. Kudos sista! Keep up the hard work ( :
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I creeped your forum posts.
    I noticed you like root beer.
    that is all
  • It is a shame that people cant put their problems to aside and try to be supportive to someone. I try to treat people the way I wish to be treated, please dont give up. You know when you take a rose and smell it, it is sweet but if you grab it wrong it prickes your fingers. Well I usally snip (ignore) off the thorns and enjoy the smell (positive people). We are out here and we can at least understand, because some of us are going thru simular problems like you. Hugs

    Hang in there Babe
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I've been on here since January and have seen both the good and bad sides to MFP. The good side of MFP is really great, it's an awesome tool that helps you take control of your diet with clear visibility of what you are eating and what a healthy goal is when used correctly (as in be honest and diligent about logging everything daily). The bad side of MFP is that it's an open and anonymous message board on the internet, which makes some people think they can and should say whatever they want. As in real life, some people are just mean and always seem to have an opinion about everything. There are also people who might very well be well meaning in their intent, but don't come across that way because there is no context to type (no body language, voice inflection, etc.).

    I've also found a small but very vocal group of people who fashion themselves as experts simply because they stumbled into a way of losing weight and getting fit that has worked very well for them. By the completely illogical extension of the logic that says "it worked for me so it will work for everyone, and now I must criticize anyone who disagrees with me or does not do exactly as I did". While they may have some solid advice once in a while, the opinion part of every one of there posts should just be ignored.

    I don't go on the message forum so much anymore because I got tired of answering the same question every other day and found myself starting to give snarky answers. Search function works well and should be used more.

    Hope you continue to use MFP and see the good side of it being so great it out weighs the bad side.
  • xshortiex
    xshortiex Posts: 120 Member
    Aww.. I kind of (sort of) felt the same way when I started this, but then I remembered: whatever I'm doing here, I'm doing it for ME, not for anyone else. So in the end, it doesn't matter how cranky MFPers are, because it shouldn't affect my progress or my life regardless of whether or not I use the site (if that makes sense).

    I'm glad you were able to find a few people who you can rely on for motivation; I'd love to be one of them if you want to add me! :)
  • Personally, I am not a believer of the notion that people are in general good. I believe, in general, people suck. Good people are the exception, not the norm. The internet just allows people to be more openly nasty.

    Surround yourself with supportive people, and stay off the message boards. That is my best advice for you.
  • r5wr
    r5wr Posts: 203 Member
    Thank you everyone for your responses its much appreciated... As for.posting the same things I.swear I haven't!! I love the search bar! The last post that sent me over edge was just complaning about sodium in v8 and of anyone else had something like that.. but all very much!
  • Jenloma
    Jenloma Posts: 77 Member
    Have more confidence with yourself and you'll find that others don't matter. :)
    That really sucks cause I've never had that problem on this site. Just DELETE them! :)
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    About a year or so ago I made an attempt to use MPF. It was a horrid experience. I quite. I gained weight. I checked out other websites of similar design, there are many of them. I found that most of them are the same. I forgot that the world is full of douche bags with nothing better to do than bring others down. The internet seems to bring out the worst of them. My best advice to you, learn to ignore them.

    MFP can be a great tool and there are some fabulous people on here. It can also make you crazy and piss you off. I read so much erroneous information on here every day I cringe repeatedly. People spout opinion as fact, belittle those that don't think the same as they do and generally make a nuisance of themselves. Gladly, they are very easy to ignore.

    I read through most of your posts and I will make one suggestion that is meant as constructive criticism and with your profile stating you want to become a published writer it's something that should be important to you anyway. Work on your typing, check your spelling. Nothing brings out the trolls faster than bad grammar and poor spelling.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I read through the sodium in V8 thread and I honestly can't see what was the problem with it - you asked a question (and to be honest, the way you asked it might be seen by some as aggressive), people gave their thoughts, nobody suggested you were wrong or stupid.....was there a particular post that you felt was rude?