

  • mrsjacksn
    mrsjacksn Posts: 113
  • miss_stephanie_ann
    I have managed to lose 20 lbs with little to no excercise as well. My boyfriend is really into working out, so occasionally I will go with him and work out, but it is not very often. Mostly, I just have to really watch what I eat. I love to cook, so finding new healthy recipes makes the process so much more fun. Good luck with your goals! :)
  • missypoo1974
    Walking 30 minutes a day *is* exercise.

    I was thinking the same thing.
  • jonilynn70
    jonilynn70 Posts: 145 Member
    Why do you feel that 30 minutes of walking a day isn't exercise? It sure is!! And it counts! And it's just as hard as any other exercise to carve into your lifestyle, especially EVERY DAY so she's done an amazing job and you'd be wise to see her as a mentor on how to do it. THough I dont agree with the FiberOne bar and sugarfree gum. Body needs more fuel especially in the morning.
  • LiftHuff
    LiftHuff Posts: 131
    Yes, losing muscle makes the scale go down just as much as losing fat.
  • tlafrance
    tlafrance Posts: 106 Member
    That's very intereesting..
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    Yep. Lost my weight with little to no exercise, but to achieve my "goal body" I need to start exercising.

    This ^^
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    Walking 30 minutes a day *is* exercise.

    ^^^^^ this!! .. .this is all I've done so far since starting in July is a daily morning walking for 30 mins and staying within my calories. For a 300lb person this IS exercise ... :)
  • shychick281
    Before joining this website, I lost 30 pounds without any exercise what-so-ever. I just cut back on my portion size, I didn't eat anything different really, but I wasn't an unhealthy eater to begin with. I still ate fast food on occasion but not as much, but I don't drink soda. I increased my water to 8 glasses per day and only ate when I was really hungry, no snacking. I own a treadmill now, though and work out as much as I can to tone up. I still have more weight to lose but yes, it is possible. Although, I agree with everyone else. Walking for 30 minutes a day is exercise, and I wouldn't recommend fiberone products either. Everyone I have ever known to eat their products has had not only very bad and painful gas, but cramping as well.
  • happythermia
    By the way her calorie intake is 1980. So I say she is doing really well... I am so proud of her... So it is possible but she did say once she lose more weight she will start doing more exercises and she is under a doctors care...so yayyyyy for her...

    Amen to that :-)
  • meka325
    meka325 Posts: 47
    I'm not surprised. Most of weight loss and gain has to do with diet. It takes alot of effort to shed calories, but far less effort (although plenty of willpower!) to not put them in the mouth in the first place.

    I myself have taken off several pounds numerous times without much exercise, including losing 50lb in 2 months at one point. I wasn't starving myself, but wasn't eating a whole lot. But I was weak and felt like poo. I feel much better overweight, actually than I did then.

    For me, personally, diet without fitness will get me thin, but it is an empty goal if I don't feel strong and well. So, yes, you can lose alot of weight by restricting calories alone, but it's probably better to throw in some excercise.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I am currently losing and am not exercising due to health issues, it is possible, but it doesn't feel as good! and I agree with previous posters, 30mins walking a day is exercise :)



    Not everyone can work out. I can walk and that's it. Luckily my job involves a lot of walking. As in walking in a park or around a neighborhood. Exercise doesn't have to mean going to the gym. I think more people are likely to start walking and keep at it. Not everyone who joins a gym will still be going in 5 years. People should do whatever suits them.

    A lot of people are extremely overweight and have barely moved if they didn't have to for years. Even if it is just starting out with 5 minutes a day it is still effort and I think it's great when people start doing anything new.
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    Walking 30 minutes a day *is* exercise.

  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Walking 30 minutes a day *is* exercise.

    :bigsmile: .....you said it. A wise man said great minds think alike.

    At 300 pounds walking for 30 minutes is a great exercise. When I started with MFP 10 months ago at 235 pounds I walked for 15 mins and losing weight. Now at 187 pounds if I pull the same trick...:noway: :noway: :noway: Not going to get into there.
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    I am currently losing and am not exercising due to health issues, it is possible, but it doesn't feel as good! and I agree with previous posters, 30mins walking a day is exercise :)



    Not everyone can work out. I can walk and that's it. Luckily my job involves a lot of walking. As in walking in a park or around a neighborhood. Exercise doesn't have to mean going to the gym. I think more people are likely to start walking and keep at it. Not everyone who joins a gym will still be going in 5 years. People should do whatever suits them.

    A lot of people are extremely overweight and have barely moved if they didn't have to for years. Even if it is just starting out with 5 minutes a day it is still effort and I think it's great when people start doing anything new.

    Unless you are completely immobilized, bedridden, or have no use of limbs, you can work out. Now- they may not be able to do more than walk to the mailbox- or if legs are immobile, maybe lifting cans of food as weights- but please do not tell me that no one can exercise unless they are completely immobile or (and this is a big or) they are medically advised not to. If their doctor clears them for exercise- in any form, they have a place to start
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    It's all about calories in/calories out, on paper. Not to mention, it's pretty easy to drop weight rapidly when you're that big and just starting.

    However, in the real world, an exercise program is critical to long-term maintenance.

    yes..what he says... exercise keeps it off..dieting or calorie deficit..gets it off. two separate things my friends.
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    It's definitely doable! However, once you get to the last 7lbs or so you really have to work for it. 30 mins for a 300lb+ person is excellent!
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    exercise is highly overrated in regards to weight loss.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    I met this lady and she weighed 304 lbs at the beginning of March and we keep in touch. I saw her today and she has lost 61lbs weith no exercise except walking 30 minutes a day. She stay within her calorie goal and she said every two weeks she would do a cheat day and also she would only eat a fiberone bar and chew sugarfree gum in the mornings. And you can totally tell the difference when you see her. Has anyone tried to lose weight just staying within your calories with no exercise. She told me to try it for a week and see how much weight I can lose. She said her first week that she lost almost 4 lbs...like wowwww...

    Why do you say she isn't exercising? You said she is 304 lbs and walking 30 minutes a day. That sure as heck is exercise!

    Heck yeah! She's hauling 304lbs around. That would be like me putting on a backpack weighing 80lbs and hiking up and down the road. Even without an incline, that's serious exercise.

    As for losing with no exercise - I did it once. I did WW and just cut calories, but added no exercise. I did lose weight, but I also raised my cholesterol and lost muscle tone. AND I gained it all back eventually because my lifestyle habits over all were poor. I really like cheese, chocolate, etc. If I exercise, I can eat those things in reasonable amounts. With no exercise, I have to eat at near starving levels. I never feel satisfied and it's much harder to stick to my calorie goals. With exercise, I get a mood boost, I get to eat dessert, and my muscles are getting stronger.
  • Sierramist
    I lost 60lbs without exercising the first 6 mos then I started walking and dancing the only two exercises I will do,if you burn more then you take in you'll lose with or without exercise