What weightloss does to people



  • ddttddtt
    ddttddtt Posts: 14
    This sounds like nothing more than an excuse to justify not working hard to lose weight. How other people act after changing has zero effect on how you will be after your weight loss. If you look for excuses not to lose weight, you will find them.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Yes, I agree with the sentiment that it was always within them. Maybe the fat acted as a filter for that behavior?

    I think once I get rid of my "Fat Shield" with +5 awkwardness, I'll be the same person.

    I hope my fat isn't filtering a honey boo boo child.
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    I can't speak for them, considering I don't know them. I lost about 40 lbs from 210 to 170. My biggest issue is with my brother, who couldn't do a ride/activity with me because there was a 250 lb weight limit. I care about him a lot, but nothing I seem to do will get to help him. I try to be supportive of him, but I could easily imagine some things I say he might take offensive, but I don't know what else to do.

    What I'm trying to say is that they may be trying to help, but some people are too defensive about their weight. They know they are big and they don't like how they look, but they don't have the motivation/desire to do it. No offense, but it kinda seems like that's you right now. Are you really concerned you're going to change your personality and be mean and THAT'S why you don't want to lose weight, or are you afraid you'll lose motivation and not be able to do it?
  • dmh0204
    dmh0204 Posts: 81
    Some people are douches. Besides, insecurity comes in many forms, sometimes in the form of a wall flower and some times in the form of "LOOK AT ME, EVERYONE OVER HERE AND LOOK AT ME, YOU DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT ME? LET ME MAKE A SPECTACLE OF MYSELF SO THAT YOU'RE FORCED TO LOOK AT ME." If they were unpleasant before, chances are they'll be unpleasant after. This doesn't sound like a reasonable excuse to not make life changes, you are the only person who can control who you are.


    A lot of really overweight people are using food as a comfort or defense mechanism for something else: low self-esteem; fear; loneliness. So, they've beaten the symptom--overeating and being overweight. But they still have the problem. Take sluttiness for example: Maybe the person used to overeat when they felt worthless; now she is seeking male attention to make her feel worthwhile. Or, the insults: maybe they are so afraid of returning to what they once were (overweight), that they insult you or other overweight people to reinforce in their own heads why they don't want to ever be overweight again.

    Or maybe skinny people were really mean to them when they were overweight, and so now they are skinny, they think they should be mean to overweight people.

    Extreme weight loss should probably be accompanied by some time with a counselor to deal with the other issues. If you are working so hard to be beautiful on the outside, isn't it worth it to work to be equally beautiful on the inside? Instead of slutty?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It's called overcompensating. Maybe they are feeling insecure about being in a "new body". It's possible that it's a phase they're going through and won't last forever.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    I know what you mean. I had a friend in primary school that was fat and she had a nice personality but she was a bit shy. Everybody laughet at her, you know how kids can be cruel.
    So she lost weight and she went to bed with the first guy who layed eyes on her. And the next guy. And next. You get the picture.
    But she was still a good friend, she just became slutty.
    I don't approve it but i understand her. She never felt beautiful and likeble before and she gone crazy when someone payed attention to her.
  • I know a few people who have lost weight. A couple of them have become extremely superficial and straight up selfish and slutty.

    Oh boy oh boy I can't wait.

    Not so much the superficial part, but the slutty part. Oh yeah. I am gonna be a filthy dirty little tramp. Mmmm mmm.

    Jeeze! Lol! Well at least you are honest!
  • I agree if they were like that before they were fat and then they will be like that when they lose the weight, also, if when they were fat they still thought others were fat then of course they'd still make snide comments on others being fat.
    But I have a really good friend that took her weight loss journey almost 2 years ago and went from 180 to 115 and she started a support group for us fatties from high school, but she noticed that some of the girls we went to high school with would try to join b/c they wanted to see how much we were weighing so that they could make fun of us, b/c each week we do a weigh-in and we put our week before weight and current weight and how much we lost. So, she made it a private page and now she makes sure that you are "fat" and really do want to lose the weight to join, and she has been nothing but supportive to us 10 girls that are wanting to lose our baby fat, and she never tells anyone about our weight loss journey she leaves it up to us to tell others. And her page is only for women as well, so that is great! But she's amazing she'd never tell someone that they needed to lose weight unless they came to her to talk to her about her weight loss and then she tells them how she did it and asks if they want to join her support group.
    But I have noticed others who have lost weight be the biggest jerks, and I think I may have become that as well b/c I was super skinny, popular and all that crap in high school and college until I got married and started having kids, so I think I would have become a witch after my weight loss if it wasn't for my friend who has 100% supported me through this weight loss.
  • This sounds like nothing more than an excuse to justify not working hard to lose weight. How other people act after changing has zero effect on how you will be after your weight loss. If you look for excuses not to lose weight, you will find them.

    Not looking for an excuse I am just wondering why. I have other issues why I'm not losing weight. Its just something I thought about today.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Oh boy oh boy I can't wait.

    Not so much the superficial part, but the slutty part. Oh yeah. I am gonna be a filthy dirty little tramp. Mmmm mmm.

    Mmm yeah you're daddy's little girl
  • I have been fat to skinny to fat again and currently trying to lose 100lbs in a year due to my doctors advise. I feel these people are moody because they are hungry all the time and envy that we are pleasant being plump. J/J I think all the positive attention people get from losing weight like anything goes straight to their heads and boosts their ego. I do not think i ever got this kind of attitude when i lost weight on the contrary i got even more self concious about myself. Thought like was i really that big?, Is my skin that now hangs visible. Some people even went so far to spread rumors that i was losing weight by takeing illegal drugs. Its like your damned if you do damed if you dont. I personally feel more confident being heavy, but who doesnt like to be thin. My mother was one of those *****y woman that when she lost over 100lbs, and kept it off she goes around preaching. One time when i was younger she went behind my back and asked my boyfriend at the time to tell me to lose weight it was so emberassing I asked her to not do that again and to remember she was in my shoes at one time and to think how she would feel if the same happened to her. That was the last time she ever preached again. Case in point when someone makes you feel bad show how strong you are and ask them to keep your feeling in heart and if they do not they dont deserve to be around you and eliminate hate!
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    Mmm yeah you're daddy's little girl

    Woah I don't think so sailor!
  • I can't speak for them, considering I don't know them. I lost about 40 lbs from 210 to 170. My biggest issue is with my brother, who couldn't do a ride/activity with me because there was a 250 lb weight limit. I care about him a lot, but nothing I seem to do will get to help him. I try to be supportive of him, but I could easily imagine some things I say he might take offensive, but I don't know what else to do.

    What I'm trying to say is that they may be trying to help, but some people are too defensive about their weight. They know they are big and they don't like how they look, but they don't have the motivation/desire to do it. No offense, but it kinda seems like that's you right now. Are you really concerned you're going to change your personality and be mean and THAT'S why you don't want to lose weight, or are you afraid you'll lose motivation and not be able to do it?

    Of course I'm scared I'll lose motivation. I've been at this for years now. Its not other people who make me not want to lose weight its me, I know that.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Woah I don't think so sailor!

    Hey don't be a tease, a girl has needs you know
  • Wpbarr
    Wpbarr Posts: 142 Member
    Sadly, intellectual and emotional development for most people comes to an abrupt halt after graduating from high school; it's as if they never left the playground. Simply view the ugly behavior as symptoms of retarded emotional and intellectual development, add the person to the lost cause list, and move on. I'm actually thankful that these people can reveal themselves in either several actions or less than 25 words. It's saved me a ton of time throughout life.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    You are who you choose to be. Plain and simple. Body weight doesn't determine personality.
  • GameBoiye
    GameBoiye Posts: 15 Member
    I'm going to be real honest here, hopefully it doesn't offend anyone. Being a big guy all my life I haven't really had the chance to date or be with many women. There are a few girls who are my friend who for obvious reason's aren't attracted to me. I realize it's not that they're shallow but it would be unrealistic to assume they would want to be with me when they can find other options. On my journey down I've been in constant fear that once I lose weight I'm going to try to be more strait forward and hope that they notice me, which in turn could change my attitude a lot. While I'm going to try to not be too duchy with the weight I've already lost I can feel myself wanting to be more prideful; almost boasting of my success.

    I can honestly say that trying to fight the urge of talking about myself when that's all I've thought about for the past 8 months is extremely difficult. While I'm sure everyone's circumstances are different I would assume the same logic would run through their minds. They worked so hard to get to a good weight and/or gain muscle, why not show it off. Perhaps they feel as though they deserve to show off their success more than people who have never been fat.

    In the end, there's a lot that goes into why people change, but hopefully some of this will give an insight to the thought process that goes along with it.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    Hey don't be a tease, a girl has needs you know

    It's the "secret lobster" part that scares me. That can either be very very good, or very very bad.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It's the "secret lobster" part that scares me. That can either be very very good, or very very bad.

    Just dip me in some melted butter, man. No one has to know.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    In my experience, some stay nice, some vindictive (want to shove it back in the face of people who dismissed them when they were fat), some inspirational, some obsessive, some more confident, some more vain, etc.
    Personally I believe the majority of people between the ages of 18 to 60 do it for vanity reasons. Over 60 and it's more about health.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition