Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Glad the mindless water drinking worked out for you! :)
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Hi all! I am not new here or to dieting but I would like to join in if it's ok:smile: . My goal is 110 in 2010. I only lost 40 last year but I am going for at least 100 this year. I have all of the right tools and now need to put them to work. Good Luck everyone.
  • thanks I don't need a lot of coddeling more of yelling at me to keep on track LOL:explode:
  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    I am a breast cancer survivor of 22 years and healthier than I have ever been. I lost almost 40 lbs a few years ago and have put some back on, but all in all still healthy. Good Luck to you.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi all :) Hope everyone is doing well. I can't believe I haven't started counting calories before now. I worked so hard for a year, and only lost 30 pounds. I am doing pretty good with counting calories. I just hope I can make it on days that I don't work out:tongue: Today I went to the gym, and I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, 11 minutes on the stair master, and 21 minutes on the cross trainer. However, I was so ready to be done after about 20 minutes. One thing about counting my calories, I tend to know how many calories I need to stay on my goal when I go to the gym. This motivates me to work harder, so that I can go home and eat:drinker:
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    tlapdx72 - I use to belong to a gym and I use to go about 4times a week and I never lost a pound if anything I put on weight. That was a couple of years ago. I was good wth my exercise back then but I had no idea of what I should or should not be eating. I had no concept of calorie counting. I know it sounds kind 'simple', but I thought all I had to do was exercise and that would help me lose weight.

    Thanks to MFP I have learnt so much about good and bad food. I have learnt that you can eat almost anything. You just have to moderate what your eating. Because there isn't really a BAD food. Its not really what we're eating its how much of it !! well that was me anyway I had no concept of when to stop eating!!!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Myth - we had a dreadful winter last year. It was FREEZING!!
    I LIKE YOUR MINDLESS WATER DRINKING - Im doing that right now :wink:

    klkelley - WOW Im pleased to hear you came on top!!! Keep up the good work :happy:

    Everyone -
    I had a good day today!! I exercised and I kept in my calorie range (yeh yeh yeh!!)
    I went for a run today and I think I must have pused myself alittle too much because everyone at work said i looked exhausted.
    I didn't feel tired, but I think I must have been tired after the run if everyone commented on me!
    hmmmmm maybe I will put some lippy on at work tomorrow so no one thinks i look sleepy :ohwell:
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Yes jaymie, I know exactly what you are talking about. I started counting calories around the first of the year. I never realized that counting calories doesn't just help me stay under my goal, but it gave me a wake up call. I had no idea that i was eating too much. This has been such a learning experience.
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    yes!! and I realised that alcohol had a HUGE amount of calories!! I didn't realise that liquids could make you put on pounds!!! Now Ive cut back on my alcohol and juice!!

    its all water now !!!!!!!!
  • Hello All.

    My week 1 ends on Sunday. Hopefully will have some positive progress to report by then. Diet seems to be going well as of now. Not really exceeding or closing the day below the threshold by any significant number for the nutrition goals. The workout's a bit of a challenge, though, give my long commute hours. Walking's the only alternative for me. Did a 3 mile walk yesterday. Made sure I got off from my taxi 3 miles away from home and walked down. That's the only way I'll ever do any exercising.

    Agree on the mindless water drinking bit. It's been something I found useful too. I've been replacing my teas and coffees with glasses of water at the office. Doesn't quite give you the boost that caffiene does, but it sure helps keep empty calories off.

    Question to all : how much importance does everyone attach to all the nutrition goals ? Is it enough to just mind the calories and the fat to get the weight off? Or are the others just as important ? I know they are all important from a nutrition point of view, but wondering whether that statement would be true also for just the weight loss part of it.


    - n
  • Very important to watch the nutrition!!!! have learned that protein helps to keep you full. Hummus is great for that and very few calories. i had to acquire a taste for it since I am not one for beans, but found it to be very good in the end. Helps with the protein part without relying on things like so many nuts, as they are also high in calories. I am trying for the inside to be as healthy as the outside. After all I carried over 300 lbs. for years and wasn't kind to myself and now its time to think about ME.
  • I had a great first week, I didnt seem to struggle at all with eating less and went on two long walks at the weekend, and lost 6lbs. I went along to weight watchers on Monday although looking at their diet I think I will stick with the calorie counting as it makes mores sense than just relablling eveything else with their point system, although I may keep going along for the weigh ins. I also enquired about some dance classes and I am hoping to rejoin the hula hooping class when it starts up.

    However yesterday was horrendous. I was hoping to go to an aeorbic class in the evening but at lunch time I felt light headed, had a headache and stomache pains and felt really sick, I thought it was just the diet and my body finally getting withdrawl symptons from my new diet (I normally feel light headed on day two but didnt get this this time). As I was feeling so horrendous and lacking energy I had some coffee (with sugar), a banana and was naughty and had some haribo in the hope that the instant sugar and caffeine would give me an instant boost of energy. It didnt work and I had to leave work early, at tea time I had some chicken and salad between some bread (was still trying to be good and had no butter or mayo) but I just felt I needed something stodgy and comforting, it didnt work and I went to bed feeling rubbish. It got worse and it infact turned out to be a migraine, which I havent had in years. Although I wasnt physically sick like usual. So I overate yesterday by 200 cals and didnt work it off. :(

    I am very frustrated at the moment as I seem to be struggling with the calories. Last week I was only eating 900 of the 1200 calories and eating treats like chocolate, (obviously small amounts) but this week I seem to be constantly hungry and by lunch time it seems like I have eaten too many calories and have to spend the rest of the day being extra vigilant. This week I have started to be more careful and try to eat healthier as well as watch the calories, I am having porridge for breakfast and want to keep to healthy snacks, things like my bananas and oranges, but they contain lots of calories which makes it harder. ARGH! I would much prefer it if I could get to a gym or fitness class in my lunch break as I think this would help distract me quite a lot and also allow me to have a later lunch...

    Any tips or suggestions would be much appreciated!!!
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member

    I am sorry you had such a bad day yesterday:( It can be frustrating! The important thing is that you realized your struggles, you still logged all those calories... now you can move on. We all have bad days, it is when we let then turn into bad weeks and months that we go right back to where we were.

    As far as the getting hungry... are you eating breakfast? I have oatmeal in the morning and it seems to keep me full until lunch. Also drinking your water is very important as well (I am sure you know this). I have found loads of snacks under 100 cals that I have in between my meals... like sugar free pudding snacks (60cals), yogurt (60-80cals), slimfast snack bars are 100 cals. And some days your body may just need more food, I try not to eat back the calories that I burned working out, but on the days I work out, I don't feel so guilty if I go a little over.

    We are all here for ya!
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    I too am turning over a new leaf this. I am 50 years old and said on my 39th birthday I do not want to be fat, but here I am at 50 and I still weigh the same! People I went to school with are having heart attacks and dying and do not want that to be me. I currently weigh 213.4, starting weight was 215.6, so I am off to a good start, but I always start off good and about 4 weeks into get frustrated, board and slip back to old ways. I am hoping this site will keep me motivated to lose 50 pounds or more, my goal would to be at 140. I just want to be around and able to play with my grandaughter, at 2 she is very busy! Please help me reach my goal, and I inturn will encourage you to meet yours.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    That is my issue, I know what to do and how I just have to do it! GOod luck :) NOt to mention Amy 40 pounds gone is a lot! WTG!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome to all the new comers. Enjoy seeing pictures. For Myth I'll post a picture when I get one that does not make me look like a blimp. Doing well this week, just added sugar to my watch list and was very surprised how many sugars are hidden in fruit. I have cut down to one quarter cup of apple sauce for breakfast and that has helped. This marks the first full week of tracking food.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    This week i discovered That I add 2 tablespoons of crushed flaxseed to my oatmeal it is first of all full of fiber, something good for you second I almost feel so full by the end of the one bow I can not eat it all and it keeps me feelsing very full till at least lunch time. I had a tblspn of brown suger but it totally keeps me full and I am less lickley to snack other wise. It is not easy make sure you are drinking enough water being dehydrated can tally give you headaches not sure about the migranes but I know I get headaches if I do not drink enough. Good luck!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    This week i discovered That I add 2 tablespoons of crushed flaxseed to my oatmeal it is first of all full of fiber, something good for you second I almost feel so full by the end of the one bow I can not eat it all and it keeps me feelsing very full till at least lunch time. I had a tblspn of brown suger but it totally keeps me full and I am less lickley to snack other wise. It is not easy make sure you are drinking enough water being dehydrated can tally give you headaches not sure about the migranes but I know I get headaches if I do not drink enough. Good luck!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Take it one step at a time. WOuld be my advice. First week I tracked what I ate. Second week I chaned it and tracked my calories to 1200. Third week I started exercising. After that it was one thing at a time and trial and error as to what I noticed abotu my body and how it reacted to certain things. Pasta, white bread heavy foods like that totaly seem to slpow me down. But not for everyone. Pay attention to your body. You can do this one day one thing at a time! GL!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Like youIl noticed ther eis a time I always seem to give up and go back. Maybe since we know this we will be able to over come that hump this time and show our selves we can do this! Goodluck!
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