

  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    the problem with all this is people who are on such strong low carb diets never really understand the difference between good carbs and bad carbs. Most of the people I know pretty much consider all carbs to be bad, which isn't the truth.

    never? REALLY?? I understand the difference quite well. I also understand that if I eat any carbs besides fibrous veggies and some lower GI fruits, my weight loss stalls regardless of caloric deficit.

    people really need to stop with the gross generalizations. you also need to realize that none of you really know as much as you think, or you never would have wound up on MFP in the first place.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    Ok, I wasn't going to comment on this until I saw this. Ummm....excuse me??!! You think I am lazy because I cut certain carbs?? I work full time, have 3 kids, run or workout most days and I am LAZY because of the way I CHOOSE to eat??!! Give me a friggin break!! I feel better when I don't eat a lot of carbs. My skin is better, I have more energy, I wake up with no alarm, I run better, workout better/harder. Man, I am one lazy mama!!

    And being low carb is not a "fad". I have eaten low carb for years and will eat low carb forever and ever because I like it. I feel better. It's my lifestyle, not my "fad diet". Ok, go ahead and pick apart every word I've said and bash me for the way I choose to live. I'm so lazy I won't be able to come back to this rediculous conversation. :laugh:

    I agree! I wasn't going to comment until I saw the lazy comment lol getting carbs from veggies instead of junk food isn't lazy!

  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member

    That why Gatorade is primarily sugar water.

    Complex carbohydrates are a totally different story.

    Gatorade doesn't have that much sugar in it... just saying...
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I have the following opinions:

    1) Low carb dieting is a legitimate method for some people in some contexts. Diabetics being one of them.

    2) Carbs are not essential.

    3) However, I think the reason that low carb diets may work is very misunderstood, which leads to people spouting BS about low carb diets, and I think that's a problem. They pick up a Taubes book, think that the cherry-picked studies are convincing, and then become convinced that carbs are the singular cause of obesity and that somehow the insulin fairy is out to make them fat.

    There's a whole lot of people who do just fine creating a calorie deficit with moderate carb intake. There are some people who will have better success by creating a calorie deficit AND eating low carb.

    It's a tool, it's viable for some people and it's far from an ideal choice for others.
  • wrinju
    wrinju Posts: 93 Member
    I knew it! There's always carbs on one shoulder and an angel on the other shoulder whenever I'm faced with a tough decision or a moral/ethical dilemma. :wink:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Why is it that people seem to think there's some special "trick" or shortcut to losing body fat? Why is it that people try to over-complicate weight loss by making up all these tricks and tips and fad diets (like the low carb or Atkins diets) that will supposedly just melt the fat off your body?

    Cause people are lazy.

    I don't see how reading countless articles, reports, studies and books on proper nutritional needs is being lazy.... some of us ACTUALLY do this for overall health.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I have the following opinions:

    1) Low carb dieting is a legitimate method for some people in some contexts. Diabetics being one of them.

    2) Carbs are not essential.

    3) However, I think the reason that low carb diets may work is very misunderstood, which leads to people spouting BS about low carb diets, and I think that's a problem. They pick up a Taubes book, think that the cherry-picked studies are convincing, and then become convinced that carbs are the singular cause of obesity and that somehow the insulin fairy is out to make them fat.

    There's a whole lot of people who do just fine creating a calorie deficit with moderate carb intake. There are some people who will have better success by creating a calorie deficit AND eating low carb.

    It's a tool, it's viable for some people and it's far from an ideal choice for others.

    ^This is what I'm talking about.
  • Tigiface
    Tigiface Posts: 5 Member
    You mean FAT isn't the devil? :bigsmile:
  • meridian35
    meridian35 Posts: 19 Member
    We are hunter/gatherers, not farmers/bakers. We are designed to eat meat and greenery when it is in season. Millions of years of evolution. i.e. carbs as a minimum and only in its raw state, veg, berries, nuts. Protein should form the major part of our diets if we are to function as we are intended. Sorry to those creationist amongst us ;)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    OK, I just keep seeing these stupid "no carb diet help pls" or "OMG I went over my carb limit what should I do??" Topics and just had to try and clear this up a little bit/.

    'Nuff said, honestly.

    Why is it that people seem to think there's some special "trick" or shortcut to losing body fat? Why is it that people try to over-complicate weight loss by making up all these tricks and tips and fad diets (like the low carb or Atkins diets) that will supposedly just melt the fat off your body? Why would depriving your body of ANY crucial nutrient would be good, especially carbohydrates, which are the building blocks of energy?

    I myself have lost a little over 20 pounds following calorie restriction combined with strength and cardio. It's really that simple, and almost anyone can do it. Expend more than your put in for a CONSISTENT amount of time;that is ALL you need to do. : )

    So please everybody stop depriving yourself of carbs and fearing carbs; when you eat GOOD foods, like whole grains and fresh vegetables, your body will thank you, and you will get the result you want!

    I ate the MFP suggested calories/macros, exercised 90 minutes 3-4 times a week ( 60min cardio, 30min strength) for THREE months and lost 7lbs.

    I reduced my carbs from 200-300g per day to ~100g net per day and in the last 14 weeks I have lost another 19.4lbs There is no deprivation going on...I eat eggs and bacon every morning, a big salad or a wrap for lunch, and things like brisket and steamed veggies for dinner. If I want ice cream, I eat it...I just make it a mini instead of a full sized.
  • lovetobeme
    lovetobeme Posts: 8 Member
    People need to understand that every person's body is different and for some weight loss is an simple as calories in vs. calories out
    . That being said, for some it is not that simple and requires more careful consideration of what nutrients are being consumed. If someone finds success in low-carb dieting GOOD FOR THEM. Low carb doesn't mean no carb, it is usually making sure the carbs you eat are the best kind for you. If someone else finds success in other ways, GOOD FOR THEM too. People need to stop bashing each other and just be supportive. Everyone is different, isn't that what makes the world a great place to live?
  • tismyhardbody
    tismyhardbody Posts: 100 Member
    You mean FAT isn't the devil? :bigsmile:

  • Eagles802051
    Eagles802051 Posts: 54 Member
    I have the following opinions:

    1) Low carb dieting is a legitimate method for some people in some contexts. Diabetics being one of them.

    2) Carbs are not essential.

    3) However, I think the reason that low carb diets may work is very misunderstood, which leads to people spouting BS about low carb diets, and I think that's a problem. They pick up a Taubes book, think that the cherry-picked studies are convincing, and then become convinced that carbs are the singular cause of obesity and that somehow the insulin fairy is out to make them fat.

    There's a whole lot of people who do just fine creating a calorie deficit with moderate carb intake. There are some people who will have better success by creating a calorie deficit AND eating low carb.

    It's a tool, it's viable for some people and it's far from an ideal choice for others.
    This is 100% fact. You can lose weight with or without carbs. With carbs the main source of energy is glucose. In low carb/no carb diets your body switches over to ketosis, which uses fats as your main source of energy. As long as you get enough protein ( .7-2 grams per lb. of LBM) enough healthy fats( .25-.6 grams per lb. of LBM) and get your daily micronutrients(vitamins)you can be healthy. There is no right way to lose fat.
  • lrkidd
    lrkidd Posts: 74 Member
    I know this has probably been said 100 times through this thread but I feel I must say it again......

    Everyone is different! I cannot tolerate carbs as well as the next person and their are many people out there like me. I have to take medicine to adjust the sugar levels in my body so eating 300 carbs a day would be diet suicide for me.

    Please do not think just because it works for you it will work for me.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    Considering that 8.3% of American population (25.8 million people) has Diabetes and that's going up...and 63% of America is overweight/ indicates something. Namely, that almost everyone in America has a problem with food and have pre-existing medical conditions before trying to lose weight. It's not just the quantity of food that matters (calories), it's the QUALITY of food. We have to look at what we are eating as a nation...I think Fast Food is one of the worst things (drive-thrus especially) invented. Obviously we are doing something wrong...most of the carbs available today are simple-carbs that are processed. If you stick to QUALITY carbs that are unrefined, unprocessed, and in the right portion, that's fine. But most people don't. It has been shown that simple-carbs (which quickly turn into sugar) cause addictions and can actually confuse the body, making the body unable to process food the way it should.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    First of all, there is a method for everyone. Yours works for you and meets your goals. That's wonderful. No need to bash what other routes people choose to meet their goals.

    I for one follow a carb restricted/higher protein diet and strength train regularly. Following such regimen has thus far yielded great results with very little feelings of deprivation for me. I've also noticed that when I eat more carbohydrates than normal (especially if they come from refined sugars), I tend to weigh a little more. So, naturally, I up the water and go back to eating my complex carbs twice a day.

    You are indeed correct, carbs are not the devil. Satan might take offense to that. However, stop to think about where people are starting out and what knowledge they may or may not have when choosing to adopt to one or another particular weight loss plan.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    the problem with all this is people who are on such strong low carb diets never really understand the difference between good carbs and bad carbs. Most of the people I know pretty much consider all carbs to be bad, which isn't the truth.

    You can't generalize about that. The documentation is all there, on every low-carb site there is. There are always going to be people who want the easier softer way, but most of us who are really low-carb eaters know the difference between a good carb (vegetables for me) and bad carbs (white grains, rice processed foods and sugars). I have eaten low carb for years, my cholestrol is perfect, my blood pressure is great, and as a matter of fact, the time I stopped eating lowcarb is when I put on the 25 pounds that I'm in the process of losing now. So don't make than generalization please.
  • lrkidd
    lrkidd Posts: 74 Member
    Why is it that people seem to think there's some special "trick" or shortcut to losing body fat? Why is it that people try to over-complicate weight loss by making up all these tricks and tips and fad diets (like the low carb or Atkins diets) that will supposedly just melt the fat off your body?

    Cause people are lazy.

    To you I would have to say that Karma really don't like ugly. I sure hope you don't meet her soon because you have no clue how hard it is to stay away from carbs. It is a constant struggle for me. I work out daily, keep my calorie intake under 1500, and I do not eat back my exercise calories.

    That being said I don't do it cause I want to....I do it because my health depends on it and I would really rather not have to give myself daily shots in the gut.

    So please think before you type....or better yet do some research first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    OK, I just keep seeing these stupid "no carb diet help pls" or "OMG I went over my carb limit what should I do??" Topics and just had to try and clear this up a little bit/.

    'Nuff said, honestly.

    Why is it that people seem to think there's some special "trick" or shortcut to losing body fat? Why is it that people try to over-complicate weight loss by making up all these tricks and tips and fad diets (like the low carb or Atkins diets) that will supposedly just melt the fat off your body? Why would depriving your body of ANY crucial nutrient would be good, especially carbohydrates, which are the building blocks of energy?

    I myself have lost a little over 20 pounds following calorie restriction combined with strength and cardio. It's really that simple, and almost anyone can do it. Expend more than your put in for a CONSISTENT amount of time;that is ALL you need to do. : )

    So please everybody stop depriving yourself of carbs and fearing carbs; when you eat GOOD foods, like whole grains and fresh vegetables, your body will thank you, and you will get the result you want!

    this 'doctor' sounds like a doctor oz ripoff.

    there are plenty of real doctors that approve of a ketogenic lifestyle.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    OK, I just keep seeing these stupid "no carb diet help pls" or "OMG I went over my carb limit what should I do??" Topics and just had to try and clear this up a little bit/.

    'Nuff said, honestly.

    Why is it that people seem to think there's some special "trick" or shortcut to losing body fat? Why is it that people try to over-complicate weight loss by making up all these tricks and tips and fad diets (like the low carb or Atkins diets) that will supposedly just melt the fat off your body? Why would depriving your body of ANY crucial nutrient would be good, especially carbohydrates, which are the building blocks of energy?

    I myself have lost a little over 20 pounds following calorie restriction combined with strength and cardio. It's really that simple, and almost anyone can do it. Expend more than your put in for a CONSISTENT amount of time;that is ALL you need to do. : )

    So please everybody stop depriving yourself of carbs and fearing carbs; when you eat GOOD foods, like whole grains and fresh vegetables, your body will thank you, and you will get the result you want!

    this 'doctor' sounds like a doctor oz ripoff.

    there are plenty of real doctors that approve of a ketogenic lifestyle.

    There are also a lot of doctors they tell you to "live with it" when you rip some ligaments in your thumb in a car accident.

    Just sayin'.
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