Bachelor Party



  • Scandinavia
    Scandinavia Posts: 291 Member
    The commodification of human bodies is dehumanizing and offensive: let's face it--a patron is paying for a woman’s body--not for her personality, interests, desires, wit or any other trait which makes her an individual, but for her body, which he then symbolically owns and can do with whatever he wishes. That this dehumanization seems to be the prevailing argument in favour of stripclub attendence as healthy and harmless entertainment is super disheartening. Strippers are actual women who, in turn are actual people. Crazy, right?

    The further idea that the sexual enjoyment of the degrading objectification of women is only natural (and, therefore, okay) is equally repugnant. It's not natural (no one is born lusting after spray tans and surgically enhanced secondary sexual characteristics--these attractions develop as a result of conditioning), and it's inherently wrong.

    “Just because you get an erection when you see a woman being objectified onscreen doesn’t mean women deserve to be objectified.”

    Wow... I pity the guy who you're in a relationship with... Holy sh**... You claim to want equal ground... but just your tone suggests you want dominance. How is it any different than what you describe here??? Sexuality is a part of being human...

    I agree with her. It's quite obvious why you would go to a /strip/ club, versus, say, a bar or pub. Are you really going to get to know the strippers personalities and hopes?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I guess I don't get the big deal about the strippers, as long as he just watches and doesn't touch, and as long as it doesn't become a habit. It's one night of his life. It's nothing different than you watching Magic Mike. But yes, if he wants, he could always have a different bachelor party like going golfing then going to a bar, or doing a pedal pub kinda thing, or camping.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    So then pretty much half the board in here have questionable values? Nice.
    Hey, it's her call on how she wants to live her life, and what she thinks is wrong. As long as she's not trying to outlaw strip clubs or have cops writing tickets for showing your ankles in public, I'm fine with her living her life however she likes. That's what tolerance is all about: I disagree with her viewpoint, but I can tolerate it in the interests of civility. She may think that we're all slatterns and trollops who are going to straight to Hell, but as long as she can tolerate us in the interests of civility, it's all good. It's only when we try to silence her religious views, or she tries to outlaw our lifestyles, that we cross the line into intolerance and incivility, and society starts falling apart. We don't have to like each other in this big country of ours, but we should try to grit our teeth and tolerate each other.

    Sorry for my little civics lecture! It's just that as a godless commie liberal, I value everyone's right to believe and express whatever viewpoint they feel is "true", even if it's completely the opposite of mine.

    If she simply said "oh, I disagree with x, y, & z. Not a problem. But her point is "your values are questionable..." as in, you are wrong to believe this. I don't care if people like or dislike strip clubs. But to question your morals over it? ridiculous.

    I'm sure she made her fair share of mistakes as a teenager.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member

    That's a lot of judgement right there.

    As I said, it was how I was raised. I never said it was right, but that value has been instilled in me for life. I also don't believe in children/intercourse before marriage. I'm old-fashioned, what can I say? At least the people back in the 1800s didn't hide that they were objectifying women.

    So then pretty much half the board in here have questionable values? Nice. glad a few here aren't being singled out with one little thing.
    premarital sex
    children before marriage
    Strip clubs.

    Anything else you want to add to the list?

    Quite right, actually. Let's see, I can add quite a few...

    Revealing clothing
    Bikinis (it's just underwear, really.)
    Not being educated
    Teenagers who say they 'made mistakes'

    I never said I took the popular road, did I?

    And you've never made a mistake, either? Impressive.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Here's how I think - I wouldn't want my boyfriend/husband/fiance to go to a strip club. I think they're degrading and was raised by my parents to think that they weren't for people of class. So I think it says a lot about a person's values in life if they desire to go to such a place.

    That's a lot of judgement right there.

    As I said, it was how I was raised. I never said it was right, but that value has been instilled in me for life. I also don't believe in children/intercourse before marriage. I'm old-fashioned, what can I say? At least the people back in the 1800s didn't hide that they were objectifying women.

    They just straight out made sure women had no rights at all in the 1800's. If you want to be old fashion and follow the 1800s then you might as well kiss good bye to education, voting, credit cards, loans, choosing to have a professional career like men were able too and much more.
  • Scandinavia
    Scandinavia Posts: 291 Member

    That's a lot of judgement right there.

    As I said, it was how I was raised. I never said it was right, but that value has been instilled in me for life. I also don't believe in children/intercourse before marriage. I'm old-fashioned, what can I say? At least the people back in the 1800s didn't hide that they were objectifying women.

    So then pretty much half the board in here have questionable values? Nice. glad a few here aren't being singled out with one little thing.
    premarital sex
    children before marriage
    Strip clubs.

    Anything else you want to add to the list?

    Quite right, actually. Let's see, I can add quite a few...

    Revealing clothing
    Bikinis (it's just underwear, really.)
    Not being educated
    Teenagers who say they 'made mistakes'

    I never said I took the popular road, did I?

    And you've never made a mistake, either? Impressive.

    Oh, I made plenty of mistakes. None of which too serious, I forgot to study a few days for tests and got some 80%s, but I know that I am to blame for that. My own stupidity and lack of time management was the cause, not because I was "just a teenager". It bothers me when people say that teenagers make mistakes for the sole reason that they /are/ teenagers.
  • Scandinavia
    Scandinavia Posts: 291 Member
    Here's how I think - I wouldn't want my boyfriend/husband/fiance to go to a strip club. I think they're degrading and was raised by my parents to think that they weren't for people of class. So I think it says a lot about a person's values in life if they desire to go to such a place.

    That's a lot of judgement right there.

    As I said, it was how I was raised. I never said it was right, but that value has been instilled in me for life. I also don't believe in children/intercourse before marriage. I'm old-fashioned, what can I say? At least the people back in the 1800s didn't hide that they were objectifying women.

    They just straight out made sure women had no rights at all in the 1800's. If you want to be old fashion and follow the 1800s then you might as well kiss good bye to education, voting, credit cards, loans, choosing to have a professional career like men were able too and much more.

    I never said I wanted to follow the 1800s - The only thing I agree with for back in that time period was that people weren't supposed to scream about their intimate lives to whoever would listen. I was merely using that period as an example of how women /were/ treated like objects.
  • Dave_MFP
    Dave_MFP Posts: 32
    I think it is sort of controlling to tell him he can and can't do using the "if he loves me he'll respect my feelings" line. It is a harmless activity for a special weekend like a bachelor party. If he actually cheated with a stripper, he'll be cheating on you during your marriage. If you are worried he'll cheat, you'll be worried the whole marriage. If you are lacking self confidence because you think they are hotter or prettier than you, you are going to always feel this way.

    On the other hand, if he goes without your knowledge, he'll be doing things behind your back forever. If you really don't want him to go and he goes anyway with your knowledge, he is going to be dominating you forever. Ask yourself, is this really important? Why?

    Controlling people is just one of many things that can rip a marriage apart. Keep it simple and free for both of you or you risk smothering out the flame. A healthy couple is one who can make good choices without being controlled by the other.
  • Othos
    Othos Posts: 33
    If she simply said "oh, I disagree with x, y, & z. Not a problem. But her point is "your values are questionable..." as in, you are wrong to believe this. I don't care if people like or dislike strip clubs. But to question your morals over it? ridiculous.
    Yeah, but that's just your opinion that it's ridiculous. Her opinion is that it's perfectly justified in declaring that anyone in a strip club is morally questionable, by HER moral standards. Now personally, I think her moral standards are so conservative that even in the 1950s she would seem stuffy and out of place, but that's because I'm judging her by MY moral standards, just like you're judging her by YOUR moral standards.

    So who's right? Who knows! The important thing is that we live in country where the laws are set up to maximize our ability to have this sort of disagreement, while preventing us from just punching each other to resolve things. I support her right to call me a immoral, godless, liberal, communist demon if she wants, because as long as it's just words, it doesn't hurt me or keep me from being who I am. Since I think her point of view on morality is fundamentally flawed, her opinion on the topic means very little to me. But I do support her right to express that opinion.

    Anyway, I'll shut up about morality and why the concept of "tolerance" makes America great, and we can get back to talking about strippers. :)
  • Lovingmyboys89
    Lovingmyboys89 Posts: 27 Member
    I personally dont have a problem with it as far as a bachelor party, but didnt strokes for different folks. I think if you are not comfortable with your man going to a strip club then he shouldnt put you in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. I am a young married woman (22) got married at 19 and I know the most important thing you need in a marriage is trust and your spouse should not do anything to make you feel insecure or make you uncomfortable. So that is something you guys have to personally decide. For me though I dont mind, because I can truly say I trust him. But like I said again, thats just for the bachelor party, not a constant trip
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member

    That's a lot of judgement right there.

    As I said, it was how I was raised. I never said it was right, but that value has been instilled in me for life. I also don't believe in children/intercourse before marriage. I'm old-fashioned, what can I say? At least the people back in the 1800s didn't hide that they were objectifying women.

    So then pretty much half the board in here have questionable values? Nice. glad a few here aren't being singled out with one little thing.
    premarital sex
    children before marriage
    Strip clubs.

    Anything else you want to add to the list?

    Quite right, actually. Let's see, I can add quite a few...

    Revealing clothing
    Bikinis (it's just underwear, really.)
    Not being educated
    Teenagers who say they 'made mistakes'

    I never said I took the popular road, did I?

    Bikinis are not underwear btw and nothing wrong with wanting to feel the nice warm sun on your skin. Underwear is pretty self explanatory "under wear", its what you wear under your clothing, while a bikini is designed to go in water. Also everyone is ignorant, not even Einstein knew of the world's complete knowledge. No one does.

    I'll let you know as well why you can say you made a mistake as a teenager. When you're a teenager your brain is still growing, especially your reasoning and judgement part (the frontal lobe) and added to that is the lack of life experience so teenagers do make alot of mistakes but its okay because we all have and sometimes its just the fact of being a teenager. When you're older and you look back you can see that because your views/education/reasoning will change as you get older. Its part of the maturing process.