How Wrong I Was! 600 Days of MFP. Lotsa pics.



  • What a great inspiration you are! Just goes to show that patience, perseverance and passion pays off!!
    Nicely done!!
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    So I think this may be the 3rd or 4th thread with pretty much this same pictures and same story, and thus the 3rd or 4th time that I've said way to go. I get wanting congratulations for your awesome work because you look great (and I myself will fish for compliments in a heartbeat), but why not just bump your original thread for that instead of making multiples? I always get on the success board to see people's success stories because it gives me hope and motivation and it's slightly frustrating to click a new thread and just have it be the same thing I've already seen 3 or 4 times.

    That being said, you have done great and you should be proud.

    srsly? "fishing for compliments"?

    keep posting girlfriend.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Amazing! Time to start lifting for me!
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    Bump as I want to re-read for later.

    But you have done one he!! of a job of your health and fitness. Kudos to you. You are an inspiration.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So I think this may be the 3rd or 4th thread with pretty much this same pictures and same story, and thus the 3rd or 4th time that I've said way to go. I get wanting congratulations for your awesome work because you look great (and I myself will fish for compliments in a heartbeat), but why not just bump your original thread for that instead of making multiples? I always get on the success board to see people's success stories because it gives me hope and motivation and it's slightly frustrating to click a new thread and just have it be the same thing I've already seen 3 or 4 times.

    That being said, you have done great and you should be proud.

    Well... My "I just don't care anymore" thread from February keeps getting bumped when new people discover it, but I have little control over that. I don't want to just add new photos to an old thread, because most people just read the first page, not every page. And I know myself, I don't always often go back to topics I read before and posted in.

    Plus, there's new people here all the time. Keeping that in mind is pretty much the only way I stay sane through the countless "do I eat my exercise calories" and "will weight lifting make me bulky" threads. It's always someone's first day here. It's always new information to someone.

    And, I'll admit... it's hard sometimes to stay motivated once you're in maintenance. Just as hard as getting started. Just as hard as losing. It's hard to not see much changes in your appearance and you start to think, "What the hell am I doing this for? Why am I spending a half hour to an hour, three times a week, picking something up and putting it down? Why am I running 3-6 miles three every other day? It's not making a difference!" I feel amazing, but I have just as much self-doubt and insecurity as anyone else.

    And I gotta say... y'all are making me misty. It absolutely amazes me that people find me inspirational. In my head, I'm still the skinny little shapeless and dateless dork in gym class, hearing, "Lorina's up to bat...everyone move in." :blushing:

    Besides... 600 days in a row is a pretty decent milestone. I could have just posted a "NSV, I've logged in 600 days!" post, but I wanted to make it something special. I spent a few hours this morning writing this up, trying to put more than a year and a half of knowledge and experience into a humorous, educational and thought provoking post. I used some new photos that I took yesterday and the day before. Of course the basic story and before photos are going to be the same... if I could go back in time to change my past, I'd have never needed to join here in the first place! :laugh:
  • Casey45
    Casey45 Posts: 160 Member

    But now, I love my big thighs. They’re powerful. They can propel me up steep inclines when trail running. They can lift heavy things.

    I used to think dieting was temporary. Eat less, lose weight, then go back to “normal.” I was right about that. Dieting is temporary. And so are the results. Eating right and exercising is for life.

    Don’t starve yourself.

    Eat at an appropriate deficit for the amount you have to lose.

    If you’re using MFP to calculate your calorie goal, eat most of your exercise calories.

    Exercise regularly.

    Lift heavy things.

    Don’t stress over the scale.

    Take pictures.

    Love your body.

    Have patience.

    Love these. Thanks for the share. I especially love your endorsement of weight/resistance training. Gonna share with my daughter.
  • I don't know anything about how to lift weights, what weights to use or how to even operate them! How do you learn those things? I even joined a gym and they people that work there don't take the time to teach you. Suggestions?
  • NewBeginnings0148
    NewBeginnings0148 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm just wondering how heavy of weights do you lift? I just started working with free weights a couple of weeks ago. Using 2 lbs. to start with and then adding repetitions before I increase the weight. Trying to get my form correct first with light weights.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Soooooo refreshing and absolutely true. Great job!
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I don't know anything about how to lift weights, what weights to use or how to even operate them! How do you learn those things? I even joined a gym and they people that work there don't take the time to teach you. Suggestions?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Heavy is relative. I'm actually lifting less weight now that I'm doing at at home, because the machines made it easier. Plus, I don't have a squat rack, or a spotter, because my husband has a bulging disc in his neck and is on all kinds of restrictions, so I have to make sure I don't go too nutty.

    I'm bench pressing 50-60 pounds, deadlifting up to 80, leg extension and leg curl 50 (could go higher, but then my *kitten* hurts too much running the next day), barbell curl and overhead press are at 30 ... I could go up but I need more smaller plates. I can't make the jump from 30-50. And for squats, without a rack, I have to do front squats, and I'm only doing 30 pounds. Same as above... I could go higher, but I don't want to try to increase by 20 pounds.
  • xxpipsxx
    xxpipsxx Posts: 30 Member
    Wow! I really love it when someone shares their whole story like you have, it is so much more inspirational than just before and after weights and some photos, thank you so much for sharing. Reading this has really made me want to hit the gym and approach those weights I've been hiding from!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
  • clbowman11
    clbowman11 Posts: 117
    I love this story! And your transformation is awesome! And I also thought that a diet meant you had to eat tasteless awful food and not much of it and be hungry all the time. And I've discovered that is not true, as well (: Thanks for sharing your story & photos (:
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    So I think this may be the 3rd or 4th thread with pretty much this same pictures and same story, and thus the 3rd or 4th time that I've said way to go. I get wanting congratulations for your awesome work because you look great (and I myself will fish for compliments in a heartbeat), but why not just bump your original thread for that instead of making multiples? I always get on the success board to see people's success stories because it gives me hope and motivation and it's slightly frustrating to click a new thread and just have it be the same thing I've already seen 3 or 4 times.

    That being said, you have done great and you should be proud.

    I think it's very valuable to see what maintenance looks like long term and continually. Where you are both physically and mentally isn't static after you lose weight. You can either evolve or devolve. I think Lorina is a shining example of what life can be when you keep evolving. Confident, strong, sexy, and comfortable in your own skin. I could be biased though, I'm definitely a LorinaLynn groupie.
  • Love this post!!! You rock!
  • NeekoM03
    NeekoM03 Posts: 27

    I used to think of exercise as punishment for a slothful life. “Ugh… I gotta undo the damage I did! I hate my body! I have to get rid of this gut, these thighs, that *kitten*…”

    Now, it’s something I enjoy. I realize that it’s a gift I’m giving my body. Something I do because I love myself and want to feel strong and beautiful. Well, to be honest, I don’t always enjoy it. Sometimes it’s not fun. But I consider it just part of my basic maintenance and grooming, like washing my hair, flossing my teeth, shaving my legs. I wouldn’t say, “I just don’t have the motivation to shower anymore.” You do it because it’s your routine.

    All of your post is inspirational but especially this for me. I have just recently started exercising on a regular basis. For the first time ever. It's not always easy and I don't always (okay, almost never) want to but you are so right - it's got to be part of my "maintenance" routine!!

    Thank you for sharing your experience!
  • That was an awesome read! Thanks so much.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,301 Member
    As always, one of the best posts. Thanks for being so generous with yourself and your story. You are a true winner, the best of the best Success Stories.
  • NewBeginnings0148
    NewBeginnings0148 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing with us on what your routine is regarding the weight lifting part of your workout. I'm a long ways from what you are doing, but slow and steady wins the race. It was really important to me to be patient and start out with really light weights and get the form down first and then start increasing the weight. Thanks again!!! :flowerforyou:
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