


  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Arby's turkey bacon WRAP is AT LEAST 600 calories?????????? What the hell??? OMG. I am so freaking pissed. I guess NO WHERE has anything healthy. So what do you do? Decline all invites from family/friends when they wanna go out to eat?? What is wrong with all these fast food places?? And sit down restaurants are no better, probably are even worse. That's ridiculous. SCREW ARBY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you eat half it's only 300cals and 600 cals for a sandwich isn't all that much
    Yep. Portion control is where it's at. I ate at Red Lobster just yesterday for 800 calories. That includes the cheddar bay biscuits and salad even before the meal. It's possible!
  • Stephanie_Autry
    Stephanie_Autry Posts: 228 Member
    Arby's turkey bacon WRAP is AT LEAST 600 calories?????????? What the hell??? OMG. I am so freaking pissed. I guess NO WHERE has anything healthy. So what do you do? Decline all invites from family/friends when they wanna go out to eat?? What is wrong with all these fast food places?? And sit down restaurants are no better, probably are even worse. That's ridiculous. SCREW ARBY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you eat half it's only 300cals and 600 cals for a sandwich isn't all that much

    ^ Agreed. If you're working out, then it shouldn't be a big problem. I've had a salad with chicken and veggies- turned out to be around 900 calories not including the dressing! When I eat out now I look up the menu nutrition information and I don't use any dressings or condiments. If you know where you're going- track the calories before you inhale them.
  • Stephanie_Autry
    Stephanie_Autry Posts: 228 Member
    Arby's turkey bacon WRAP is AT LEAST 600 calories?????????? What the hell??? OMG. I am so freaking pissed. I guess NO WHERE has anything healthy. So what do you do? Decline all invites from family/friends when they wanna go out to eat?? What is wrong with all these fast food places?? And sit down restaurants are no better, probably are even worse. That's ridiculous. SCREW ARBY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you eat half it's only 300cals and 600 cals for a sandwich isn't all that much
    Yep. Portion control is where it's at. I ate at Red Lobster just yesterday for 800 calories. That includes the cheddar bay biscuits and salad even before the meal. It's possible!

    Oh man, I remember the day I ate over my calorie goal by like 3,000 calories. I went to Red Lobster had cheddar bay biscuits, salad, stuffed mushrooms, and a crab linguine pasta. I had NO idea that their would be that many cal's in their food. Never again will I go without tracking haha!
  • laurie571
    laurie571 Posts: 152 Member
    check out the series of books "Eat this not that". they are great and very informative.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Arby's turkey bacon WRAP is AT LEAST 600 calories?????????? What the hell??? OMG. I am so freaking pissed. I guess NO WHERE has anything healthy. So what do you do? Decline all invites from family/friends when they wanna go out to eat?? What is wrong with all these fast food places?? And sit down restaurants are no better, probably are even worse. That's ridiculous. SCREW ARBY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm really confused as to why you are upset with Arby's--they did nothing wrong. They are trying to turn a profit (capitalism and all), so why would they not load their food with things (cheese, for example) that would make it taste good? Either learn to make better choices when you go out, or suck it up and realize that it's one meal, not the end of the world (also, 600 for a sandwich? Not bad). The company's job is to turn a profit, and it's responsibility is to its shareholders, not your waistline. It seems ridiculous to get mad at a restaurant for doing their job. Do your homework next time, make a better decision, and enjoy what you are eating. If you're actually that upset, do a workout to cover the calories. One day isn't going to make a difference.
  • Raffley69
    Mainstream food manufacturers and restaurants are counting on you to NOT do your homework. They figure that if it looks and sounds healthy, you won't bother checking into the ton of carbs, sugar and fat that is in their crap. Even grilled chicken on salads is often brined in a salty sugary mess that piles on the calories and diminishes its health benefit.

    Stop trusting those who want your money in exchange for their yummy flavors. They can care less about your health and well being.

    Lol how many cals does brining add to chicken?

    Brining chicken/pork etc keeps it juicy and more flavorful, it's something home cooks should do more of

    Your kind of mean ... just sayin'
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i get plain grilled protein and plain veggies or a burger without the bun. pretty easy.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I'd be more concerned about the salt and cholesterol, tbh. :)
    same here. i can work the calories in, but not the sodium which i bet is somewhere in the 1500-2000 range.
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    In a pinch, we went shopping. Husband wanted Arby's. I wanted the chicken salad from Wendy's. He went next door to Wendy's, ordered a chicken salad and brought it to me in Arby's. How sweet! We were both happy and the folks at Arby's didn't say anything.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    For this wrap if you take off the sauce, it's only 440 cals. If you take off the bacon and sauce it's 350 cals. I just checked their website. You could even ask for the sauce on the side or to have half the bacon on it.

    Edit for typo.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I eat out, sometimes multiple times in a week. Most places (not all unfortunately) have their nutritional info online. I have also emailed a few places I frequent and asked questions and most of them do respond with either the stats on a particular food or they'll tell me what they put into say their sandwiches so I can calculate it.

    For fast food, I will get burger or chicken w/o the bun, or the sauce. I also get a box and divide the meal at the get go since many restaurants serve you 2-3 times the portion size we should be consuming.

    Also if you make a bad choice or come out over your allotted calorie/carb etc goal, do a bit of exercise to burn it off.

    It is doable, you just have to work at it and check menu beforehand.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I've learned to make it a habit to check out the menus & nutritional info of a restaurant before I go and I figured out a go-to item at a couple of fast food places that I'm likely to go to in a pinch. And if I decide to splurge that day then I'll make sure my dinner is light in calories and I get at least some sort of workout in. Its been working for me and I don't feel guilty at all.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    Oh and if I really want the french fries I've learned to snag a few off my BF's plate or if I'm there alone I order the child size, have 5-10 and then immediately toss the rest. I know its weird but it's prevented me from going crazy over french fries because they're a huge weakness for me!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Why do so many people equate "low in calories" with "healthy"?
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    Want to be REALLY pissed off? That'll happen when you realize that the published nutritional info isn't even accurate a lot of the time.

    Recent example... I ordered the premium grilled chicken classic sandwich at McDonalds. Listed calories are 350 per their website. Let me tell you.... there was at least 300 cals in mayo on that stupid sandwich! Whoever was working the assembly line GLOBBED the stuff on there. I scraped 75% of it off.

    Trust no one :-P

    i always get it without mayo because of that. they just squirt it on. they're not measuring. LOL surprisingly, it's not dry or bland that way. i like mayo myself, but i don't get it when we eat out because i'm not the one preparing the sandwich to know how much is going on it. :)

    I order without mayo, but ask for mustard packets. Or you can ask them to put mustard on it instead. McDonalds used to have honey mustart that came in a squirt packet, like ketchup, and it was low cal, and that's what I used when I worked there and ordered often. Now I think they only have the honey mustard in the dipping packet. I haven't checked out the nutrition facts on that one, so I don't know if it's any better than mayo.
  • kototo
    kototo Posts: 49 Member
    I guess it depends on what you set your mind to. You can budget your calories and fit in a 600 cal sandwich! Its your choice. IMHO I think there are better ways to spend 600 cals. thats almost half my food for the day! Its all in the way you look at it!
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    This is how I felt when I got the McDonald's "Heathy choice lunch" recently - the chicken wrap, which just had lettuce, grilled chicken & a bit of mayo on it was 380 cals!!! It would have been the white wrap & the mayo that did it. Worse part was, it tasted very bland indeed!!! All a learning curb - next time, because I rarely eat there anyway, I will go ahead & enjoy a Cheeseburger (270cals) & a salad (87 cals) & at least feel like I've had a treat rather than wasting calories on food with no flavor!!!
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    Here.... Check THIS page out and pick what fits your appetite from the list
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Maybe not the best choice but at least it's filling! I went to five guys for lunch today and ate probably 800 cals worth of food, but ended up under my calorie goal just because I wasn't hungry for most of the day after that.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Life doesn't stop just because one is counting calories, so make allowance for it. Work out more, eat less, bank calories, and go enjoy whatever you're having with friends and family, without guilt. Keep in mind that you can eat up to maintenance without gaining weight.

    I think that I've had at least one 1000+ calorie meal per weekend. That's huge since I eat something like 1400 a day, but completely manageable.